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Realistic or Modern Superpower school

Genna spent the rest of class doodling and not paying attention. As class ended she felt the urge to talk to the girl that had thrown paper at her. She grabbed her books as fast as she could and walked up to her before she had a chance to get away. "Hey! I'm unsure why we are being so silly. We would obviously be a great duo with our powers right. I guess I mean I'm sorry." Hoping the girl would accept her apology and forget the whole thing. After all Genna wasn't sure she wanted an enemy like Kriss against her. "I could help you. You should come by for a girls night sometime. I have my own penthouse in the city, it would be fun." Genna flashed a smile and crossed her fingers hoping it would work. She could use her powers but she wanted to make friends without forcing them to put up with her.
Kriss was confused. One second this girl was getting some guy to throw paper at her. Now she wanted to be her friend? She didn't even know much about her... "Well I don't know about the friend thing yet... But the girl night thing I can't do. Those come with makeovers and that would go against the rules..."

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"Look I know it's weird but I don't have any friends and I want to change that." Explained genna. " We don't have to do the girls thing. We can do whatever you want." Genna could tell by the look on her face she wasn't fond of the idea becoming friends but she wasn't gonna give up. Genna came to this school a few years ago to find a place to fit in and all she's achieved since was making enemies and she wanted to change it. "It will be fun!" Genna flashed a friendly smile hoping to crack this girl.
Kriss looked at Genna she wasn't sure what to say... "Listen I-"


Someone shouted from the hallway. It was a little blonde kid.

"Rai?" Kriss asked, "What are you doing on the third floor?"

"It's my sister! " He sounded a little hysterical, "The teacher was out so they were running errands around the school and she went missing!"

"Rai it's only been one period, she's probably just in the bathroom."

"No she was suppose to meet me after my first class so she could check up on me but she didn't!"

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"What do you think could have happened to her?!?" Genna asked butting into the twos conversation. "I mean we're inside a super hero school" she continued.
"But there are villains here!" Rai exclaimed jumping to the worst conclusion," They might have kidnapped her!"

Kriss thought this was highly unlikely. Even though Tara was a prophet she was one of the most useless. Her power was her dreams and there was no telling who or what they might focus on and it was especially hard to decipher them since they were so vague. If they were going to steal a psychic they would probably pick a better one than Tara. "Stop jumping to conclusions Rai!" Kriss nagged, "Why don't you check the library and me and her will go look in the girls bathrooms ok?"
As they walked away to check the bathrooms Genna had to ask "so... do you think someone kidnapped her?" She felt uneasy about the whole situation. As she held the bathroom door open for Kriss she continuedoesn't " maybe we should let the principal know?" Genna didn't really know this girl but helping out seemed like the best option here.
Kriss walked past the bathroom and motioned for Genna to follow, "No. To both of those questions. Tara has never liked school all that much so she skips on occasion. And Rai is known to over react when something happens. My best guess is that She fell asleep somewhere." Kriss led her up the stairs." Probably the roof or the library. I didn't want to tell Rai we were going to the roof or he might want to come. Technically only Heroes are allowed up there... But Tara is the only exception since you choose your faction in the middle of junior year."

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Genna let the bathroom close and caught up with Kriss feeling a little silly. "Ohhhh" Genna let out with a slight giggle. After a sigh of relief she added "good cause I'm not sure I'm ready for doing this whole hero thing yet. I'm not sure I even want to be a hero...." the last part slipped through Genna lips on accident. She had never told anyone that before. She looked at Kriss real fast with a look of shock that she let that slip. "I mean you know, we get to choose and all. That's all I meant" Genna stumbled over words as she tried to set everything straight.
"To be honest I'm not sure I want to be one either. I know I Don't want to be a villain but... Saying I'm a hero feels like I'm committing to something that I'm not entirely behind... I dunno I'll probably end up picking hero to mess with my family and go into freelance stuff after I'm done with school..." She shrugged like she was unsure after creating that plan on the spot. "But hey I never got your name, I'm Kriss by the way!"
Genna smiled. It was good to hear someone else feels just as confused ad her. Caught off guard Genna stuttered "umm Gen well Genna. Either or I mean whatever you feel like saying. I remember your name from a few years ago. I hope that's not creepy..." she kinda laughed as she said it. They reached the roof and started looking around for the girl.
Kriss shook her head they had only made it to the top of the stairs. she climbed up the ladder that was off to the side and pulled off a padlock that was on a hatch to the roof. It looked like it was locked since after all it was suppose to be somewhat of a secret even though the only people who didn't know the Hero's base was on the roof and the villain's was in the basement were the freshman. She opened the hatch and climbed up onto the roof.

There were a few people up there. One of them stepped forward as Kriss finished pulling herself out of the hatch.

"Kriss... What are you doing up here? This place is only for declared Hero's. you know that." He was tall and big with dark skin and short black hair his words were backed with power even though he was only chastising her a little. He was the current leader of the Hero's. they had a council but if the council couldn't decide then decisions went to him.

Kris's smiled, "don't worry Zachary we are only looking for Tara,"

"We?" He looked down the hatch at Genna.

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Genna pulled herself up through the hatch. "Oh! Um hi!" She said smiling and surprised. She had obviously never been there. She had seen this guy but never talked to him. She looked over at Kriss not sure if she had told the guy what was going on. She decided in her head not to voice the problem at hand and decided to just wait and let Kriss do all the explaining. After all she seemed to know the guy.
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Kriss shook her head. One second the girl is too friendly then she turns timid! "Listen Zachary is Tara hiding up here for any reason? Cuz If she is her brother is worrying about her," Kriss said it loud enough that the whole roof could her.

"Kriss. Even if I didn't owe Tara I would still tell you if she was up here, which she is not. So you and your cute friend have to leave.

Kriss Huffed, "Fine. Lets go Gen." and she turned to climb down the hatch.

Raiden ran through the library. He looked under desks and behind shelves to no avail. he almost got kicked out he was causing such a disturbance.
"Okay" Genna said waiting for Kriss to get on the ladder first as she waited, she eyed the guy and gave a cute smile. Her mind began to drift as she waited. If Tara wasn't on the roof, then they only had one more place to check. Genna felt a little uneasy again.
The bell rang and the hall emptied as students all rushed to their next class. After a few seconds there was only one person left in the halls.

Tara stumbled down the empty hall and fell to her knees. She couldn't believe what just happened. Rai was gonna kill her... but... but... She couldn't believe what had happened.

Kriss was rushing down the stairs, how could the time between classes be so short? didn't teachers realize how much could go wrong during the day? They needed this time! She was only scanning the floors as she made her way down to the first floor and to the library. She could only hope the librarian would be distracted and she would have enough time to search the place before she was kicked out and sent to class... The school needed to stop employing mind readers. She ran past the second floor and was halfway to the first before she stopped short. did she see someone in the hall there?

((sorry been super busy and stressful the past week))
I heard some one running so i turned around and saw her run by. I shrugged and tried to remember where the gym was.
Min recklessly rushing down the empty halls knew this would happen. With her mothers new promotion she would have to attend school fort the first time since Mrs. Hindsight's 1st grade class. Not only was she under prepared, overwhelmed and scared out of her mind. She was also late for class. Min worriedly was rushing up and down the halls trying to find the gym.
Ari was off to gym now. Utterly confused, she wandered around and eventually bumped into a man much taller than her.
Tara saw the girl Min coming down the hall but didn't really want to move from her position on the floor... Maybe the girl would pretend she was invisible like most of the other students did...

Kriss went back up the stairs to the second floor and saw a guy and girl standing there. She figured she should ask some people if they have seen Tara.
Not noticing the girl Tara. Min noticed this and stood behind a locker afraid of what the tall man would do to this girl who is a lot shorter than her. Should I do something? She thought unknowing what the natural protocol was when someone bumps into another.
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Genna was falling behind kriss when she got to the top of the stairs, she ended up bumping into kriss. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Genna was startled. She looked up and noticed kriss looking at two people in the hallway. " do you know them?" She asked curious why they were just standing there.

(ive been super busy too!)
Min tuns around startled to see two girls behind her conversing. There are more people over there what should I do? Who do I talk to? Do I even talk to anyone? Cornered between two social interactions Min had no idea how to start she turned to the girls and waved awkwardly.
Kriss looked at the girl Min, "no I don't know them... lets go talk to one of them!" figuring that if she should start asking this girl wasn't a bad place to start. She started forward. Only to trip over the girl sprawled on the floor... Sometimes wearing a mask means you lose some of your vision. In Kriss' case she can't see down very well.

"Ow!" Tara exclaimed when she was stepped on. THEN someone fell ontop of her! "Agh!"

"Wait."said Kriss,"Tara?"she looked down at the pouting face of the person below her,"it is you!" And she hugged her much to the annoyance of Tara, "Agh!" she exclaimed again.
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