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Supernatural RP w/ clary

Astatine shook his head "no this will be the first tattoo I've ever gotten ,and the angel ones I think it'll suit me better and how I look if anyone ever see's this "looking over the tattoo guy he sighs hoping it doesn't hurt as bad as people say getting a tattoo feels like "hopefully it doesn't hurt that bad when you start "
"Don't worry about anything," he replied," Ink got you, okay?" Christopher put a hand on his own chest giving him a nod," now if you just lay on your stomach so I trace the design on your back." He feels a little bad though, of course tattoos hurt; but that will discourage him from the bet. He will tell him when its too late.
Astatine sighed laying on his stomach waiting for his tattoo to begin ,"I hope this this turns out good "he said to Christopher as he looked up at them
Christopher smiles lightly looking down at his pale skin then press the paper on his back and starts to trace it. "I've been drawing for years," he told him to make sure he's not gonna fuck him up," They don't call me Ink for nothing, ya know?" He sounded he was boasting a bit but it didn't really matter all that much. You would want to hear that from a guy that is about to draw on your skin that will last forever, right?

He cleans the person's skin then firmly presses on the blueprint where he wants it to be, after that he sets up his needles and such. He start it up and hovers over Astatine's back," Oh by the way, it might hurt if you don't have a good pain tolerance Mr. First Time." Then he press the small inked needle on his skin, the needle pricking at the surface repeatedly.
Asrating groaned with pain but handles it ,he wasn't used to the pricling feelings against his skin but soon it stopped bothering him .he looked at the mirror which was reflecting inks face and upper body he was admiring it as he focused on drawing it out in ink with the needles he was barely paying attention to the pain as he looked at him he thought he was sexy and mysterious
Chris hair framed his face as his head was tilted to the side working hard on the wings. Occasionally he would straighten up to wipe off the ink with a wipe. Half way through his slips curse to a small curve," Almost done, you're doing well," he encourage his customer for dealing with the pain. He patted the other softly on his shoulder before working on the piece again.

He notice how soft the man's skin is and how pale it is. His chest starts to tighten up a bit and his eyes furrow down to concentrate on his work, but his mind drifts off thinking about how nice looking he is. But something feels just a little off, he notice that he was very pale and cold..
Astatine doesn't notice that he does ,he always tried to Kew himself normal as he can be as he was living a long life .he was thinking about hopefully as he works no one will ask him why he won't be doing as well because of the pain ,he didn't want to tell he lost but then again did it really matter ?."how's it turning out ?"he asked ink
"Just a few more strokes and it will be finished," he answer keeping his eyes on his back watching what he's doing very closely. He was doing the finishing touches and this isn't the time to fuck anything up. After a few minutes, he set down the needle with a satisfied smile. He moved away stretching, his stomaching showing from his shirt being lifted up as his arm does. You can see that not only was his arm full of ink but the front of him as well.

He reach over for a camera and took a picture so that his customer can see what it looks like. He hand over the digital device over to Astatine to look at the angle wings on his back. "How does it look?"
Astatine looked at the camera and was amazed "wow that's amazing ,you're like amazing ,I'd get more tattoos by you if I could "sighing at the numb feeling in his back and looked ink over without knowing before looking around the room "you're pretty tatted yourself I see "he pointed out hoping ink didn't see him checking him out
Christopher started to clean up smiling, glad that he could satisfy another costumer. After he was done, he picked up a business card and handed it over to him adding his personal cell on the back," you are always welcomed back here for another tattoo when you can." He gesture to his self," Maybe one day you'll be as cool as me~"

"You're a lazy bum is what you are," Korben butted in shaking his head," and stop flirting with our costumers, Ink." Korben made a hand signal for Astatine to come forward to pay for his new back tat. Ink crossed his arms and leaned on the paying desk," You're not the boss of me Korben," he said playfully.

"But I am, Christopher," the other replied back smirking because he knows Ink hates it when they use his full name. "Oh god, I'm quitting today," he cringe," I can't stand this abuse." They both know he was lying about it. One day, just not today.
As astatine took out his wallet he took out some money "how much for the tattoo ?"he asked him he didn't bother putting the shirt back on .he was slightly stiff moving from the giant tattoo written into his skin he sighed hoping it wasn't as much because he wanted to get something after this ,after receiving it
"For a tattoo like that it will be around fort-" Korben was interrupted by Christopher," twenty. It will just be that much." Korben looked at him with a bewildered look," what the fuck," he hissed lowly. Chris just smirked and put a hand on his shoulder," don't curse around the customers, dear." Ink made Astatine pay for half the price, for no good reason. He just feels like he couldn't pay that much for a losing bet.
Astating was surprised about the price being so low ,he took out forty anyways ,he thought the tattoo was worth it even though ."you have amazing talent so you deserve the price it's at anyway ,keep doing what you're doing "flashing a smile towards ink he thought he was so attractive biting his bottom lip to supress anything else to say to the hot male
Wow, he is so nice. Nobody has compliment him like that in a long time, it kind of touched his undead heart. If he had actual warm blood that could rise up to his cheeks, he would be blushing right now. The guy has such a cute smile too- he wonders if he's going to come back. Return back to the shop and give more nice things to say. " Oh, wow- Wow, thanks," he stuttered lightly trying to keep his cool and be chill. Korben happily put the money into the cash register chuckling about how the lady killer is stammering around in front of a boy. Christopher cocked his head to side and smirk," What's your name? -before you go.. I was want to know, just curious is all." He's totally losing his cool right now.
Astatine was shocked at first but clearly got with it "my names astatine "he smiled at ink ,he could blush he would be red as tomato all signs pointing to him that he's clearly interested,justin was behind texting as he looked up and looked at his watch "hey bro we need to go remember we have to be home before dinner you know how my mom is ,I'll wait for you "patting his chest before heading outside
Ink gave him a small wave," You should get going then. See you, Astatine." He slowly gets off the paying desk where Korben follows. His boss gives him this knowing look in which Chris looks at him "don't say it."

"I'm going to say it~ You look like you got a little crush there Playboy," His friend teases enjoying this so much. "You was totally losing your cool. I never seen you act that way."

"Oh my god, please stop," Ink cowards into his hands, he doesn't even know what to say about it. He never even seen his self like this either. He was just so cute- like he seen really nice looking people before but Astatine.. He was a little bit different.
Astatine and Justin went into the car they didnt say anything much about anything as they drive back home ,astatine put his shirt back on before anyone could see it "I hate that you made me do this .I can't believe it dude "justin laughed "you seemed interested in the guy so .."he gulped wonderING what he meant by that .but didn't have the courage to say anything about the until they got to justin house .
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After a few hours of working on a few people, the sun was starting to rise and it was about time that the shop was closing up. Chris quickly cleaned up and was the first to leave.

(I'm on mobile so I have no idea how long my response is)
(Alright lol)

Astatine was up ready for work this morning he was working in the hostipal ,helping patients and nuses as he fixed up injured people here and there ,he had the phone number to ink and didn't know if calling him would make him look weird or desperate looking ,but he was on break and no one was around ,so he pulled out the card and dialed his number quickly ,putting his phone near his ear as it started to ring .he didn't know why he was calling what he asked something dumb ,what would he say ?.he hoped it didn't go so bad .
Christopher made it home safe and sound in his tiny little apartment. It was just the right size for a single guy like him. He only has his old coffin in his tiny room even though it's super old fashion. He wonders if he should get rid of it but for some reason he can't get his self to do it. He has nothing in his fridge but it's about time he gone out to get some food. Not just food from the store either.

He made an exhausted sigh and lay down for the rest of the day but then was woken up by a call. Everyone knows not to call him till night- he looked at the caller ID but it was not on his contact. He answered it anyways.

"Hello," he question softly into the phone in a groggy voice.
When astatine heard his voice he didn't know what to say ,he sounded tired and maybe it wasn't the right time to call him ."uh ,hey ..it's me astatine "he was chewing on his nails as if maybe he forgot who he was and didn't bother to care "it seems like a bad time to call you so I'll just go.."sighing away from his cell so he won't hear him.
Chris popped up at the sound of his name, he actually called?! He didn't think that he would actually do it. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't hopeful that he give him a call.

"no, no. It's okay," his voice was raspy was from just waking up giving him that 'morning' voice even tho it was around evening. "I was gonna have to wake up anyways- uh, what are you up to Astatine?"
" at the hospital ,I'm on break right now ..,"astatine seemed to not have upset him so he was pretty happy about that bit still nervous on what to say to him ."I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie I asked justin but he didn't seem like going so maybe you'd like to do if you don't have work that is " 'if he says no I won't even go to this movie tonight ' astatine thought to himself as he played with his cup
He works at the hospital, that's very interesting. He must be very smart since the medical field is pretty tough.

When he was invited to the movie Chris went completely silent, he didn't know how to respond. Of course he wanted to go but he was feeling a little flustered when through he was the second person to be chosen. "Sure, it will be fun," he said smoothly combing his hand through the his hair. "What time is the movie?"
Astatine was glad he would come "10 ish if that's okay with you ,and maybe after ..some dinner ?"oh shot he was sounding like it was a date he quickly recovered "I mean depends if you're hungry or not "he stated again as he looked at the clock it was almost time before he had to get back to work

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