Supernatural Creature Discussion

Olive Tome

Junior Member

I’ve been browsing supernatural sites (vampires, werewolves, etc) lately and noticed hey are popular/over saturated. I want to know people’s opinions on these sites. When you look at these supernatural sites what are turn on’s/off’s? Will you not join a site unless they have certain creatures or settings? Is there anything you seen on a site that turned you away immediately? I’d like to know, and please, don’t name any sites that do or don’t do these. This isn’t meant to bash on the sites or give advertising to them. One thing I like is when they use a new setting. What I mean is not a commonly used city in roleplays such as New York, Florida or California. Doesn’t turn me away but I like new settings.

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I'm afraid I'm struggling to parse your meaning. Do you mean roleplaying sites dedicated to a specific kind of supernatural creature, supernatural stuff in general, or the Supernatural TV show? Or do you mean RPs here on RPN about those topics?

They're definitely quite saturated and homogeneous.
I assume OP means roleplay sites where the roleplay centers on supernatural creatures in general. There's a lot of them from proboards to jcink.

I used to be on supernatural sites a whole huge lot. For some reasons the inclusion of witches and generic magic usually was a turn off for me. Relatively early on I developed a were-fox character who came from a family of werewolves. Once my supernatural phase had cooled down, I mostly looked for sites that would actually allow such a character. Very few sites allowed werefoxes, no matter werefoxes born from werewolves (':3)

As time went on, I usually looked for something that was different or jumped out, something that broke the cliches I'd started to see. Once it was as simple as the people on the site seemed friendly and one of the IC areas was a carnival. Other times it was stuff like... oh once there was a site that had 'male only' and 'female only' species (the 'female only' where sirens, I think) and I joined pretty much so I could make a character that bent the 'female only' rule. (I PMed the mods and figured out that the species was determined by sex, not gender. Thus, transgender siren bending the rules).

I restrict my RPing to RPM these days, but before I restricted myself one of the huge things that would get me interested was if their stats/tallies (usually how many of which species, divided by gender) included nonbinary/genderqueer as well as man and woman.

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