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Realistic or Modern Supermodel Murders


HSS Fandom Rep/Pun Bun/A Friendly Face

Nica (rockabilly) and Lori (artsy and classic)-- @GhastlySquash

Kati (sportswear)-- @lonecoyote

Jas (casual, girl next door, prep)-- @dietjoke

Brenda (upper-class nd elegant)-- @2PM

Julia (girly and vintage wear)-- @NJN25

Ana (vibrant, exotic, and bohemian wear)-- @juniper ali

Tanya (cowgirl, tomboy, and country girl) -- @Psykofreac

Marion (lingerie, bikini, and skimpy clothes) and June (punk/goth/rocker)-- @FrankieLynn

Athena (business wear)-- @恍如隔世

Aria (romantic)-- NPC

Milo-- Me

For bios I require simply


Age (between 19 and 29 please):



Sexuality/Gender (if not straight/cis girl)

I'll write mine and the first post in the a.m. Gotta dash!

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((Alright so first I'm gonna do a profile for our NPC because someone needs to do it and she's my character's sister so it may as well be me.))

Name: Aria Carter

Age: Almost 22

Personality: Though beautiful and alluring, Aria was less suited to a life of modeling and more suited to a life in melodrama. She had a tendency to lead guys on in pursuit of "the one", which she claimed to have found every other week, and she constantly was found sobbing of a broken heart. She read a lot but was also very extroverted at parties and the like, only withdrawing from the company of her friends and lovers in times of heartbreak. She considered Lori, Jas, Brenda, and Julia her best friends; whether or not they felt the same was up for debate.

History: Aria moved to the U.S. from London against her parents wishes; despite being their obvious favorite child of the three and the oldest daughter, she felt stifled by her parents expectations that she take a sensible job in economics (like her older brother) or get married immediately (like her little sister) and up and left in the middle of the night. Her family, therefore, disowned her; she wasn't even invited to her little sister's wedding! Once in America, she was picked up by a small-time modeling company; her contract was quickly handed over to a larger company and so forth until a year and four months ago, when she joined the Pantheon. Though ridiculously rich and famous, she still wouldn't be happy until she found 'the one', like her sister had. She never got a chance, however; she was found dead with a twisted ankle and a twisted neck on one of the practice runways.

Name: Milo Carter

Age: 19, almost 20

Personality: Milo is sort of mousy. Like her older sister, she constantly has her head in a book; unlike her sister, she's kind of shy and keeps her emotions to herself. That is, unless she's pissed. It is not recommended you get her pissed. She doesn't believe in romantic love but has no problem with platonic love; and if someone expresses the desire to become her friend, she'll jump at the chance. She's constantly writing in her notebook, but never lets anyone read what she writes.

History: The youngest of the Carter children, she was all set to be married at 17 when her sister and chief confidant disappeared; in the following months of searching for Aria, Milo and her fiance's relationship dwindled and he began having an affair. She found out a week before the wedding and he agreed to call off the affair because he still loved her; however, after finding out his girlfriend was pregnant the night before the wedding, he abandoned Milo at the altar, leaving her heartbroken and jaded. Milo continued to search for her sister after her parents divorced and her mother died, but she never found Aria until she received a mysterious letter detailing her sister's death. She flew into the U.S. immediately to begin searching for her sister's killer; in order to do this, she proposes to her sister's Pantheon friends that she take Aria's place to lure out the killer. Unfortunately, she knows nothing about modeling.

Sexuality: Pansexual/doesn't care. But as mentioned above doesn't like people in a romantic sense any more.






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Name :

Julia Valentino

Age :


Personality :

Julia is a very bubbly, sweet, and polite young woman. Like the type of clothing she models, she is very girly and quite old-fashioned. Quite the loud and extroverted person, Julia will make friends with almost any person, never the one to be shy. Very sensitive and sassy, she's not always perfect. Still, she's very caring and optimistic.

History :

Born into a cheerful family like her, the Valentinos always seemed to have a genuine smile on their face. They never fought with neighbors or with themselves. Julia had three younger sisters and two younger brothers, whom she loved very much. Her parents and siblings just as cheerful as she was. Her parents were also old-fashioned, which is where she got it from. They firmly believed in no change and that they should stick to what they currently have. Because of that, Julia never really grew up around technology. She also was homeschooled. When she told her parents she wanted to model, they were very happy. They had always told her how beautiful she was and had always been so supportive of her. However, they told her she would never model anything too risqué or floozy. She agreed to that, since she would never want to do that thanks to how she was raised, and quickly became a model for girly and vintage wear.

Sexuality :

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-boys ? fuck yeah ! girls ? fuck yeah

-fc:alessia cara


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fc: Rita Ora 

name: Katriel Noble Vastos 


age: 23.5

personality: fierce, demanding, intelligent, sexy, yet humble.



some good things, some sad things. It's the journey and how she got to where she was and who she is. 


Sexuality :


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[COLOR= rgb(173, 216, 230)]ℭ [/COLOR]



  ( Goes by ' [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)][/COLOR]' )



An evil takes a human form in [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)][/COLOR], she seems to know everything about everyone. A woman of class, she doesn't seem to take orders from anyone, no matter who that person happened to be. [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]is not a woman you can easily manipulate, her tongue is probably the most tiring and scary thing that she holds, insult her and you'll never hear the end of it, become her enemy and the whole community will despise your very existence because of that silver tongue of hers. Because of her tongue, this young starlet has been nicknamed the 'Silver Tongue'  [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]can be easy to please and un-please. At times she can be very blunt stating her opinions as they are, it seems she has no brain to store her thoughts, instead she speaks them aloud for all to hear. At first glance, this female will radiate confidence and overall charm, [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]with every decision she takes it with confidence, even the way this lady speaks the definition of confidence.


This young princess was born in a life of riches and luxury every step of her life, the smallest of details her parents have been with her, her whole life. Chanel's father is a politician, not shortly after he was elected as president. Her mother was a famous model, known for elegance and class she soon retired and began pursuing her acting career which skyrocketed. Most say that she's in the position she is now because of her family, that is not true Chanel worked her whole lie to be in the place she is now.

Her modeling career isn't her only job, she's also a singer and actresses, she gains the most publicity because of her father all eyes seem to be on here waiting, watching for the starlet to make a mistake. You would think that Chanel would act like a proper lady and yet she shows her nature to all those who watch, a flower made of iron you could say. It was said that she was related to the British queen, having some royal blood in her perhaps.




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