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Fandom Superheros and Villains

“It will still be better for you two to blend more” he replied before his apprentice came in with clothes for them “I tried to get clothes that could fit you, but I didn’t know your sizes” the girl replied as Ben and Fate could see the dragon tail behind her
Fate wasnt bothered by seeing the dragon tail. She was use to seeing different kinds of people. She took the clothes. "Well I'm sure they will fit just fine. Can you please tell me where we are trying to blend into. It wouldnt be the first time me and Indy have had to blend in " she then realized her usual companion wasnt with her. A rarity really. She remembered she left the cat at the hero league. "Never mind Indigo is back home "
"Ah well hurry up then. Police is coming" she said
After Edpool struggled to open the door for a second, Spectre walked through the wall and a second later the vault opened, revealing hundreds of machines.
"Thanks." Ben said taking some of the clothes.

Fate wasnt bothered by seeing the dragon tail. She was use to seeing different kinds of people. She took the clothes. "Well I'm sure they will fit just fine. Can you please tell me where we are trying to blend into. It wouldnt be the first time me and Indy have had to blend in " she then realized her usual companion wasnt with her. A rarity really. She remembered she left the cat at the hero league. "Never mind Indigo is back home "

“Let me be the first to welcome you to Camelot” Merlin replied “my name is Merlin, which you already know, and this young girl is my apprentice Cinder, and we summoned you here to help us in our fight against Morgana” he replied
“Let me be the first to welcome you to Camelot” Merlin replied “my name is Merlin, which you already know, and this young girl is my apprentice Cinder, and we summoned you here to help us in our fight against Morgana” he replied
Ben looked at Cinder with recognition in his eyes.
“Let me be the first to welcome you to Camelot” Merlin replied “my name is Merlin, which you already know, and this young girl is my apprentice Cinder, and we summoned you here to help us in our fight against Morgana” he replied

Ben looked at Cinder with recognition in his eyes.
"Wait..Cinder? You wouldnt be the same Cinder who helped us fight Legion? Or is the cinder we know like another universe version?" She asked
"Wait..Cinder? You wouldnt be the same Cinder who helped us fight Legion? Or is the cinder we know like another universe version?" She asked

(Well she’s close, guess she doesn’t realize she’s in the past yet)

“Probably not, fore I have no idea who you are or whatever you area talking about” she replied
Loren finally finds himself at his doorstep. He proceeds to pull the door key out of his wallet. He never thought about getting a key ring or bothered learning how to even attach keys on it. Loren unlocked the door and entered his apartment.
Loren cleaned and applied ointment to his wound. At least the wound has stop bleeding and it doesn't seem to be infected. Before long, Loren was laying on his bed. He had many things going through his mind but he decides to ponder about that tomorrow. Eventually Loren drifted away to sleep.
(Well she’s close, guess she doesn’t realize she’s in the past yet)

“Probably not, fore I have no idea who you are or whatever you area talking about” she replied

"Fate. Careful what you say. We're in the past. She doesn't know us yet." Ben said.
Fate looked at Ben. "Hey I'm more likely to think of other versions of the people we know then time travel. I've done more traveling the multiverse than time travel " she said and looked at Cinder. "Ah ok."
(Well she’s close, guess she doesn’t realize she’s in the past yet)

“Probably not, fore I have no idea who you are or whatever you area talking about” she replied

Fate looked at Ben. "Hey I'm more likely to think of other versions of the people we know then time travel. I've done more traveling the multiverse than time travel " she said and looked at Cinder. "Ah ok."
"So what did you call us for?" Ben asked.
Musicnotes Musicnotes

“Well if you aren’t willing to destroy your moon, then you won’t destroy me” the voice stated

Wisp looked at Oz “so where on earth are we?” She asked

James stuck with Livia while she was being controlled by Marina

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Cthulhu and sans rested at the hotel for the time being


Cinder looked at both of them “yes, we do need help against Morgana, the prince can give you more details, once you’ve changed you can follow me to the castle” she added
Musicnotes Musicnotes

“Well if you aren’t willing to destroy your moon, then you won’t destroy me” the voice stated

Wisp looked at Oz “so where on earth are we?” She asked

James stuck with Livia while she was being controlled by Marina

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Cthulhu and sans rested at the hotel for the time being


Cinder looked at both of them “yes, we do need help against Morgana, the prince can give you more details, once you’ve changed you can follow me to the castle” she added
"Morgana the witch... Great. I love fighting magic bad guys." Ben said.
Musicnotes Musicnotes

“Well if you aren’t willing to destroy your moon, then you won’t destroy me” the voice stated

Wisp looked at Oz “so where on earth are we?” She asked

James stuck with Livia while she was being controlled by Marina

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Cthulhu and sans rested at the hotel for the time being


Cinder looked at both of them “yes, we do need help against Morgana, the prince can give you more details, once you’ve changed you can follow me to the castle” she added
"Theres more than one way to destroy you. If you are just some sort of program or AI I could just delete you" Allyson said

"Not earth the moon." He answered

Marina looked around. "It really has changed alot..." sera spoke. "The church is still the same. "
Musicnotes Musicnotes

“Well if you aren’t willing to destroy your moon, then you won’t destroy me” the voice stated

Wisp looked at Oz “so where on earth are we?” She asked

James stuck with Livia while she was being controlled by Marina

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Cthulhu and sans rested at the hotel for the time being


Cinder looked at both of them “yes, we do need help against Morgana, the prince can give you more details, once you’ve changed you can follow me to the castle” she added
"Prince? Like King Arthur?" Fate asked.
Musicnotes Musicnotes

“Well if you aren’t willing to destroy your moon, then you won’t destroy me” the voice stated

Wisp looked at Oz “so where on earth are we?” She asked

James stuck with Livia while she was being controlled by Marina

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Cthulhu and sans rested at the hotel for the time being


Cinder looked at both of them “yes, we do need help against Morgana, the prince can give you more details, once you’ve changed you can follow me to the castle” she added
Once morning came around they went back to the shrine

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