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Fandom Super Hero Summer Camp

Heat rushed to Milan's face in a way that she was sure was unattractive. She didn't even think about how her brief work in advertising would affect the way people treated her. She'd only done it because her father said it would attract consumers looking for familial value. Don't panic, he was complimenting you! Play it cool! "Um, thanks." Milan found it difficult to meet his eyes, so she focused on looking around at the scenery instead. "My dad's fine, I guess. He's been working on new weaponry, as usual." Milan paused, a thought occurring to her. Perhaps he was one of those people who had an ulterior motive when talking to her? "Why do you ask?"
Ace turned his eyes toward her and studied her features. She is attractive. Just be casual. He nodded understanding why she would ask him why would he ask.

"No reason. Just heard so much about him. Now I'd like to know about Ms. Stark. Or would you like me to call you Milan?" he got up and stood next to her. He saw her get flustered and smiled slightly.

"Take after him? Like in his activities?" he said and turned and looked at Coulson. He'd probably wanted to judo flip Ace for barging in. But oh well.

"Have a suit of armor that shoots lasers?" he said jokingly and looked at her again. Hoping she would answerm
A blinding flash of light arced down from the sky engulfing a grassy section completely, roaring with pure energy. The bright flashing lights and colours drew more than enough attention from the surrounding people, being quiet unexpected. The beam lasted a few seconds before fading to reveal something really quite anticlimactic. Sophia stood in the centre of a circle of intricate Nordic runes which were quickly fading looking up at the sky with frustration painted clearly across her face.

"Damn it Heimdal! I just..." Sophia broke off realising she was the centre of attention, not her favourite place to be. With a groan she walked sourly over to a shield agent, taking a timetable and stormed away. She had been trying to sneak back into Asgard through one of her fathers shortcuts but Heimdal was there waiting for her. All she wanted was to find out more about her mother for Odin's sake! Sophia scolded herself for using the Asgardian term, they were becoming second nature to her after all her reading.

The last time she had been caught sneaking into Asgard Odin had degreed that she would have to attend some sort of summer camp, to keep her in one place. As much as she wanted to protest she was still trying convince the All-father she was a true Asgardian so decided for now it would be best to obey his wishes.
Dera took the schedule from the SHEILD agent with a shy smile and skimmed over it. The water sports and the stealth class looked fun. She made her way to a shady spot cast by a nearby tree. Maybe someone would come talk to her; she didn't feel like initiating anything at the moment. Conversations seemed to go better when someone else started them, anyways.
Ace looked over at the lights. Looks like Asgardians. The girl looks like a rebel. Intersting. Ace nodded and turned towards Milan. "We'll talk later if you want." He walked towards the asgardian.

"Before Mr. Agent over there gets to you. Let me introduce myself. I am Ace. And this is that camp you probably heard about. It'll be painless. And I hope it won't be." he put on his shades and walked back to his pole. He again waited for Milan or Coulson to tell them their first activity. He was getting restless.
Coulson went on the intercom once again. "If everyone could make their way to the training grounds. It's time for Arena 101." Agents herded the campers to a coliseum type building. Coulson hit a button on his data pad and the coliseum's doors slid open.
Finally. Felt like a meet and greet. Ace followed the SHIELD agents down to the arena and waited. He was tense. Wondered how this would play out. He didn't know how this would be organized.

"So this is where we train or fight each other?" he said quietly and cracked his knuckles quietly. He sized himself with the others. He felt himself strong but worried about the Asgardian and the boy with the power arm. But he wouldn't underestimate the others.

After he was in front he fell behind and waited for Coulson. Wonder what Mr. Agent has for us. He shook his head and turned his gaze to Stark again.
For some reason, instinct told Milan that she should be careful about guys like Ace. Sure, he had a pretty face, but there was something about his confidence that made Milan really nervous. Assuming, of course, it wasn't just because of her discomfort with socializing. Before she could answer however, they were interrupted by a gigantic beam of light smashing into the ground from the atmosphere. Milan's eyebrows shot up, knowing what it was immediately. Her father told her all the time about the Asgardians. "And I thought my dad liked dramatic entrances," she said to herself.

She'd watched as Ace walked over to the girl who seemed to have just teleported. Aha, isn't that fascinating? When he returned to stand next to her, she smiled genuinely. "You like the suits my dad makes?" She clicked her tongue. "Hate to break it to ya, Ace, but suits are more my dad's thing." She felt confident about the subject they were on now, having always been proud about her ability. "It's just too... Tony Stark." She laughed softly. "But I do like to specialize in cars and other recreational vehicles." She'd even worked with Dr. Fox for a few years and added her own unique functions to the Batmobile Mark 2, a privilege allowed to her after she helped to design the framework for the Batpod. Coulson's announcement cut through her thoughts, and she decided to make her way to the designated area. Wait, an arena? She would have to physically brawl with other people? The hidden computer box strapped to her hip suddenly felt one hundred times heavier.
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Sophia rolled her eyes at Ace's words. Of course it would be painful! Having to spend time with this spoilt preppy super teens! Oh well, Odin had spoken, she thought drearily as the anouncement rang out across the groups of milling people. An arena? As in actual combat? Sophia smiled for the first time since ariving, her hand lingering on the handle of Dainsleif. Combat was something she could do, especially against these mortal Midgardians, she thought smugly. Though no blood relation existed, she definately had adopted her uncles bravado from somewhere.
Ace smiled genuinely. He got Milan in her comfort zone. He didn't mean harm or evil intentions. "So you design veichles? Sounds interesting." He turned and saw the Asgardian put her hand close to her sword.

"Bloodthristy." Ace chuckled and he saw Milan tense up. Anxious as well. It shouldn't be that difficult. He sighed and nodded at Milan. Ace had a feeling Milan had a suit somewhere but he didn't want to face her. He liked her style and didn't want to hurt her. If anything he wanted to face the Asgardian. She just stormed in and acted all pissy. He sighed and looked over at her.

"Don't hold back Asgardian if we get paired up to fight. I want to see if you can keep up." He chuckled and went back to Milan who still looked surprised.

"You'll be fine. I'm sure you're dad taught you a little on how to fight. Or else he wouldn't be confident. I'm sure you'll do great." he said quietly. He stood back and waited.
Sophia shrugged at the boys comments, she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of a response. This kid was way to confident for his own good, she thought, strolling through the coliseum doors. But if he wanted a fight he would be more than happy to cut him down to size. Over the last year she had travelled both earth and the other eight realms, bringing peace where she could and seeking answers. She was confident in her own abilities, besides it always helped to have her seemingly harmless appearance, ignoring the large hand and a half broad sword strapped to her back. With nothing else to do and certainly no one to talk to she found a seat and put in her head phones, smiling briefly as the roaring sound of Steel panther assaulted her eardrums.
When the kids made it to the collision they would see a huge screen and in front of it was two helmets. Could in went over the intercom "Welcome to the training grounds. If two volunteers could put on the helmets. Your avatar will be projected into your helmets no onto the screen. Best of luck." The screen switched on, it looked like a barren desert with a few scattered rocks.
It was true, Milan's father did teach her how to defend herself, but she'd never engaged in actual combat before. She thought that working behind the scenes was more her style, so she never really practiced her skills in fighting. Now she was feeling the negative consequences to her decisions and wished she hadn't been so lazy. Then Coulson announced the need for two volunteers, and Milan breathed a sigh of relief. No way am I volunteering. Nevertheless, she was grateful for Ace's attempt to calm her down. "Thanks Ace, but uh, I think I'll sit this one out." Judging by the way he'd so fearlessly challenged the female Asgardian, she assumed he would volunteer. "Good luck though, if you do end up facing that girl. See ya later?" She gave him an encouraging punch on the arm, then went off to go find a seat somewhere.
An arena, Elyssa thought, does that mean we finally get to show what we are capable of? Upon getting closer up, she noticed the two helmets. It looked like most of the people were avoiding the opportunity to volunteer. She didn't want to go first either. Her family always had the trouble of going into situations without thinking, but this time, she wanted to see some action first. Ellie knew how to fight. Most people were shocked by her skill set. She had been trained by the best speedsters, from the future and present, and besides, she had some help from some others in the Justice League. The seats in the arena were filling up. Better find a seat, she thought, before zipping to the closest chair.

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Ace nodded. "Right." he watched Milan go. He walked towards the machine and sat down. And put on the helmet. He felt his mind drift and all of sudden he appeared in a desert.

"Hmm. Interesting." It felt real. The air and the desert. He quickly adapted and took off his leather jacket revealing a black sleeveless shirt and two tattoos on his forearm. He flexed and waited. "Come on bub. Don't keep me waiting."

(Sorry turkey eating and shopping night.)
Sophia had removed her headphones just in time to hear the announcement and after hearing it through screwed up her face in a mixed expression of confusion and disappointment.

"So we don't even get to really fight?!" She spoke to no one in particular. Though she often took the peaceful path where possible combat was one of the very few things in life she was half good at but she took pride in those things.

She watched as Ace walked over to the device, brimming with confidence and issuing a direct challenge. To who Sophia wasn't sure but she was never one to back down. Pushing past the few people in her way She sat down in the other chair and placed the helmet over his head, confident that even virtually she could still put up quite the fight.

Appearing in the desert Sophia spun around to see Ace standing thirty or so feet away. Sophia smiled and drew Dainsleif before beginning to walk slowly in a circle around him, exceedingly casual. She stared avidly at the sword and the Nordic runes which ran along its length. She touched the point gently with her forefinger before turning to look at Ace, still walking.

"Since I'm just a tiny little girl, do you think it would be fair to tell me what I should be expecting?" She said sweetly opening her eyes wide.
Ace watched her walk sword drawn. He chuckled and started doing a circle with her. "Nice eyes. But you have a sword out." His muscles tensed up and lifted a small rock with his mind and held it while cracking his knuckles. He didn't want the urge to pull out claws to come out yet. He also threw up his pscychic blocks and threw the rock casually.

"You have a sword. Tell me are you like Thor? Do you shoot lightning?" he smirked and got closer. He was ready and his urge to lunge was getting stronger.
The telekinesis didn't bother Sophia so much, it was the mental blocks that worried her, she detected them almost immediately, she wouldn't be able to create the illusions that often gave her the easy win.

"Oh this?" Sophia said with a shocked tone, glancing at the sword in her hands as if she had only just seen it. "It was forged by Dwarven kings within the deep caves of Nidavellir, enchanted by the Llight Elves of Alfheim and famously wielded by the great Nordic king Hogni. Did your mortal brain catch any of that?" She pouted. "And no, I'm much worse than my uncle, he shows mercy." She smiled, enjoying the build up. There was more than one way of getting into your opponents mind after all.
((Okay,I want a good fight. No Godmodding, but don't be a doormat either and everyone else, just because you're not brawling doesn't mean you can't cheer or whatnot.))
All that Ace caught was enchanted by elves, dwarves and Nordic Kings. Played too much Skyrim. He chuckled and cracked his shoulders. Its been a while. "I caught it Asgardian. So Thor is your uncle? Did he ever tell you about the Wolverine?" He slowly had his bone claws and his demeaner became more serious. Ace even though this is a simulation wasn't planning to hold back.

"Ladies first." he chuckled and braced himself. He didn't expect her to give mercy. He wasn't planning on it either.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-28_10-19-18.jpeg.c77acc8dec42c99ab69df08693ec157c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-28_10-19-18.jpeg.c77acc8dec42c99ab69df08693ec157c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Milan's eyes dawned with recognition. Wolverine? He was a descendant of The Wolverine? Milan was quite aware of who Thor was too, and to think that the female challenger was far less merciful... Milan felt a chill go down her spine, and she felt even more inclined to refrain from volunteering at all while they were at camp. At least, not when the Asgardian or Ace acted as the opponent. Funny, I still don't know her name, Milan thought. She hadn't introduced herself yet, after all.

That being said, Milan always loved action movies, and since the huge display before her seemed like nothing less than that, she decided to cheer. "Let's go, Ace!" She placed two fingers in her mouth and blew a loud whistle.
Sophia let out a melodious laugh.

"No, only in passing conversation, and I didn't really care enough to ask after rodents." She smirked. As big as she talked she was well aware of who the Wolverine was so quickly tried to come up with a plan of attack. She knew he probably had an accelerated healing rate, claws too. A smug thought passed across her mind, with Dainsleif's enchantments thee was no way he could heal from an attack.. Sophia curtsied gracefully.

"If you insist." She murmured. It was usually her custom to wait for an attack but she was confident this wouldn't last long.

Sophia knew he had mental blocks but hoped that she could over come them, opening by launching an attack on his mind, hoping to create two decoys attacking from the either side of Ace. Simultaneously she sprinted forward with surprising swiftness, Dainsleif cutting clean through the sand at her side, swiping the blade upwards as she drew within a few feet of the boy.
Ace felt her trying get in his mind. He saw another one come from the right and he attempted to block. At the last second he turned and saw the sword and he jumped back the sword clipping his thigh. As he landed he felt the warmth of blood. It stung. More than expected.

"Not bad princess." he said through gritted teeth as the wound slowly healed. He got up and shook off the presence of her in his mind. "I know you're in my mind." His claws shot out and he used a little psychic power to give himself more of a faster lung. As he lunged giving into his fury. He did a feint and threw a wild left swipe with lunging with his right.

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