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Fandom Super Hero Summer Camp


A Sad Remnant of a Forgotten Time
The children of the world's heroes have been invited to a luxury summer camp funded by Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises. This is a chance for the next generation of heroes to hone their skills as well as get to know each other. The camp is full of fun and activity, though the possibility of danger is growing.
Buses and limousines alike began pulling up to camp. Various greeters were stationed at dropoff to help welcome the campers. The campers had likely driven for quite some time to get here, they don't call it remote for nothing. Agent Phil Coulson was managing the camp and so he made his way to the greeting area. Agent Coulson waited for each of the kids to get off the bus.

@CobaltThunder @kira blackthorn @wonderboy1234 @Pipa The Great @SummerFaerie @divergentgurl1 @sgt Rambo @E
Milan Stark was the first to flee from the bus, having been ready to get out of the teenager-congested monstrosity since her mother and father had first forced her into it. Her backpack was thrown over her shoulder in her haste to leave, so she took some time to carefully place her laptop back in as she waited for the rest of her luggage to be unloaded. It had been a totally noisy ride on the way to the camp. She knew she would hate this experience already, so she'd planned on plugging in some earphones and listening to some of her music the entire time. This whole trip is unnecessary and useless. From the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar Agent. Coulson? Surely he'll understand my distress. Maybe he'll even let me go home early. She wandered over, waving at the man. "Yo, if it isn't my favorite Fed. How are ya, old man?" She spoke as she got closer.
Elyssa Allen flung herself off of the bus, disregarding all other passengers, as she made her way into the camp. She had been looking forward to this moment for months. She had never really met any one else her age with special abilities and she was dying to meet someone who was not a speedster. Her family was full of them and she really wanted a change in atmosphere. Elyssa stood still for a moment, a rare moment, to take the camp in. It was everything she had hoped - open, free, and most importantly, a place where she could be herself. With her duffle bag in hand and a bag of snacks pulled over her shoulder, she ran towards the camp entrance. There were already a couple of people getting out of the buses and a few lucky ones getting out limousines. I can't wait to make more friends, she thought as she saw all of them. She ran up to the first person she saw and stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Ellie. It's nice to meet you. Isn't this place just awesome? I know that we are going to have lots of fun here" She said rather quickly with a large grin on her face.
Dera sat quietly in her window seat on the bus, attempting to stretch out the chapter of the book she was reading so that she'd be one of the last people off the bus. Yes, she'd be safe to get off then. She stifled a sigh as she read the last paragraph on the page. She was reading Hourglass, and she just couldn't put it down. But she knew her Mother wouldn't approve of her sitting in her cabin or bunk or whatever accommodations they were going to have and reading a book the whole time, so she bookmarked the page and slid the book back into her bag.

Dera darted her gaze over the passengers around her; still not enough people had gotten off the bus yet. Leaning back against the seat back, she unlocked her phone and switched to the next song, her turquoise blue earbuds beginning to play one of her favorite songs. She allowed her eyes to slide close as the familiar plucks of a six-string filled her ears. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
[QUOTE="Pipa The Great]Milan Stark was the first to flee from the bus, having been ready to get out of the teenager-congested monstrosity since her mother and father had first forced her into it. Her backpack was thrown over her shoulder in her haste to leave, so she took some time to carefully place her laptop back in as she waited for the rest of her luggage to be unloaded. It had been a totally noisy ride on the way to the camp. She knew she would hate this experience already, so she'd planned on plugging in some earphones and listening to some of her music the entire time. This whole trip is unnecessary and useless. From the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar Agent. Coulson? Surely he'll understand my distress. Maybe he'll even let me go home early. She wandered over, waving at the man. "Yo, if it isn't my favorite Fed. How are ya, old man?" She spoke as she got closer.

[/QUOTE] Coulson took out a piece of paper wih the SHIELD insignia and read from it.
"Hello, Milan, I think you'll enjoy your stay at camp. We have a multitude of activities tailored to

each of you. Now, feel free to mingle and such." Coulson took put his SHIELD communicator and pressed a button before tucking it back into his pocket. Nearby speakers boomed. "Welcome campers, we hope you enjoy your stay."
Oma Elsa followed a few of the others off the bus with relief. Being around so many new people was irritating. It made his skin ich and his heart speed up in panic. He hated large crowds!

Breaking away from the others once he cleared the last step he headed to a nearby tree. The sun beat down on him making him drowsy. His boa Cora was already sound asleep hidden under his hoodie. Yawning he climbed the tree and settled down on the highest branch. Arms tucked under his head one of his legs bent and the other swaying off the side he watched the bright blue sky as the blue jays played and slowly began to fall asleep. He stayed up just long enough to hear Coulsons message.
Milan's greeting smile slowly faded. Feel free to mingle? Enjoy camp? Well obviously, he wasn't even going to consider humoring her. She raked a hand through her hair and walked around him, heaving a sigh. She noticed some limos dropping off children and her jaw dropped. Dad told her that limos weren't allowed! You'll be fine, she remembered him saying. Taking the bus will give you the full experience of summer camp! C'mon, I never got to do it when I was a kid. You're lucky. "Full experience, huh?" she whispered to herself. When she'd told her friends she was going to be gone for summer camp, they'd all said the same thing her father did, that she was lucky. It seemed that even her friends had enjoyed summer camps of their own, before Milan had met them. Hm, I wonder if they have technology-based activities. It was a camp sponsored by superheroes, of course it did. Milan started to wander around, seeing a boy fast asleep in a tree. Yeah, superheroes indeed.

Suddenly, a girl came up to Milan and introduced herself as Ellie, following it with several bouts about how much fun they might have. She was rather excited to be at camp, thought Milan. "Stark," Milan replied warily. "My name's Milan Stark. Have you been here before, Ellie?"
Alex arrived at the camp in a yellow bus. The entire ride he'd been working on his arm, making modifications. Alex wondered who he would meet, if this really was about honing the powers of 'the heroes of tomorrow' surely he'd at least get to see his arm fare in combat. Alex finally stepped off the bus still tinkering. He wondered over to the small gathering of Ellie and Milan. Alex glanced up and said "Hey, I'm Alex. You guys are?" He looked back down to his arm and kept working.

His arm:

Ace was actually walking along. And actually saw the buses with teens on it. Getting the feeling it was the campers he walked and followed. He was wearing a leather jacket like his father's. Even though he never met him. He wore jeans and a black v neck with shades and scanned the area. Popped in headphones and listened to metal and rock while looking around for an entrance. He saw kids walk and saw a woman talk to a guy in a suit. He sighed and shook his head. Its always guys in suits.

Ace walked close to the bus and saw Coulson and looked at him. He never was good at talking. So he decided to wait and leaned against a pole, he watched the two girls interact and he recognized one of them from tv commercials. Was her name.. Stark?

The daughter of Iron Man. He thought and he smirked. This just got more interesting. The girl next to her was someone he didn't recognize. Time to find out soon enough.
Dera glanced around one last time before deciding that the bus was empty enough. She stood and slung her duffel bag over her shoulder and quickly hopped out of the bus. She saw a crowd of kids. She didn't recognize anyone, "Well, crap." She thought to herself. She smiled slightly at the sight of the kid in the tree. Heh, exactly what she wanted to do.
Ace stood there watching all the kids come out. Its interesting to sew. Espcially the kid with the cyber arm. His hands felt strange but he leaned still waiting. He noticed a girl staring at him. He nodded and looked onward studying them all.

Wonder which ones are crazy. Hell we are all crazy. He chuckled at the thought and changed the music. He wasn't ready to talk yet. Coulson could order people on him. He wasn't worried about him getting injured. He just didn't want to start a scene.
Ellie shook her head at Milan. "Nope, but my dad told me all about this place and how kids like us from all over the world are going to be here. It's just so exciting to finally see others!" As she rambled on, she didn't notice another person walk up to them until he was standing in their little group. "Oh hullo! I'm Ellie and this is Milan!" As she reached out to shake his hand, she saw his arm and let out a squeal of delight. "Can I look at your arm, please please please?!" She begged. "That's so cool! Can it shoot lasers? What is it made of? What type of compound is is created out of?" She asked without any regard to personal space. Elyssa was a bit of a nerd when it came to science and she had her fair share of experience when it came to robotics. She knew she had been right about coming to this camp, it was going to be incredible.
Alex looked surprised at Ellie. He said "It runs on an arc reactor and is made out of a titanium adamantium alloy. I made it myself, glad you like it." Alex pushed a button on the device as energy claws extended from the fingertips then retracted again Alex then noticed Milan. He continued "Oh, Stark right? I spent a semester interning at Stark Tower""
Milan took a tiny, but wary step back from Ellie, now well-aware of her high-spiritedness. Okay, there are people talking to you now. Just say hi, you'll be fine. She could feel a headache starting to develop in her temples due to her anxiety (not that she would admit she had any), but it might've also had to do with the fact that she was hungry. A shine in her eye drew her attention to the boy who'd introduced himself as Alex. That's when she'd noticed his arm. Her eyes widened a fraction and she had to restrain herself from seeming too surprised with his arm. "Adamantium, you said?" She cleared her throat, unsure of how to react now. "Pretty nifty, erm, Alex." Truth was, she'd seen some of the kid's work before. Her dad mentioned his mods before, but she'd remembered him because he said the kid had a cybernetic arm. Her fingers itched to get inventing, as well.
((Everyone else has 12 hours to post if they haven't posted yet. If you post after that, you will post as if you already arrived.))
Elizabeth got out of the bus and sighned. Being there was the last thing she wanted to do since she missed her home and wanted to be with her brother who was still in that stupid coma. She wished she knew her mother so she could learn how to control her powers without going to the camp but it was useless. Elizabeth saw a few people gathered around and decided it was better to make friends than being alone. She approached the others and a fake smile appeared in her face.

"Hey, I'm Lizzy "
SHIELD agents began handing out schedules to everyone. This is what was on them.


Arena 101- Try your skills against fellow campers in a safe environment. Who will come out on top?

Water Sports- Like skiing, boating, fishing, kayaking, well, have fun doing that!~ Taught by Namor Mckenzie


Technology Workshop- Build and modify intricate machinery~ Taught by Dr. Fox

Art of Stealth- Learn how to remain undetected, watch out for snakes.~ Taught by Oliver Queen


Free Period

Ace saw SHIELD agents hand out the schedules and he walked forward to Coulson and he looked at the others. He then looked at Coulson.

"Look I wasn't on the bus. And don't sick your agents on me. All I want is to be here." Ace looked at Coulson body slowly tenseing up. He wasn't worried about the agents. The only one that looked kind of troublesome is the kid with the arm.

He didn't show his claws. He kind of wanted to save them for a surprise. He didn't want everyone to know who he was yet.
Coulson looked to Ace and said "SHIELD has taken every precaution. We knew who you were before you were 500 miles out. I recommend keeping that to yourself from now on, Ace." Coulson continued giving out schedules and greeting campers.
Ace smirked. Paranoia at its finest. Can't blame him though. He simply nodded and looked around then back to Coulson.

"So tell me agent, am I in? You didn't give me a yes or a no." He said calmly eyeing the schedules in his hand. "Since you saw me 500 miles away. You should know I'm not a threat." he said sarcastically. If Coulson is as tough and as blunt as he acts then he should know him. Ace acknowledged Coulson and commends him for being blunt in front of everyone. That's why he'll be nice. Coulson is also the type of guy who could request the big man to hunt Ace down.

And he rather not be wanted for causing a scene at the high campaigned camp for super powered teens. That is the last thing I need.
"In the short of it, yes. But you wouldn't be here if there if you didn't have the potential to be a threat, so try not to get into any trouble, okay?" Said Coulson. He really didn't want Director Fury knowing of an "extra camper". Coulson continued "Now, we'll be starting our first activity soon so go introduce yourself."
Ace nodded and turned towards the group. Looking away from Coulson. "Thanks bub. I'll be good." He walked toward the group and studied them. Stark, hard not to know her. She was on tv, another girl. Very friendly. Another one who stood back, another who introduced herself as Lizzy, and the boy with the arm. He wasn't high tech inclined but he did know that looked like the bright light from Iron Man's chest.

Ace walked to the group. "You didn't see me on the bus so don't freak out. But I am going to be here. My name is Ace." He leaned against another pole and waited for Coulson to lead the group to the first class.
Milan looked up at the girl, Lizzie, who'd come over to the little group and introduced herself. The last thing Milan had expected was for people to talk to her, since usually, her strangeness had a tendency to scare people away. I guess that's one cool thing about this place. Nobody here expects you to be normal. Milan found this somewhat comforting, but she didn't like being wrong about her assumptions. It made her feel vulnerable, like she'd made a wrong move while people were watching to make sure she turned out just like her dad: sharp intellect, charming confidence, unquestionable superhero qualities. To be honest, she didn't know if she had what it took to be like him, but she would damn sure try. Goodness knows she's got the talent for machinery.

She straightened her posture, a different kind of excitement coursing through her veins. "Milan Stark," she replied to Lizzie. "Nice to meet you." Hey, that's the spirit! She accepted one of the fliers being handed out by the SHIELD agents and quickly scanned over it, her photographic memory kicking in. Maybe this camp isn't so bad, after all, she thought as her eyes caught the words 'Technology Workshop."

Another voice broke through her thoughts, and once again Milan caught herself ready to greet another stranger. Definitely a first. The guy, Ace, was casually leaning up against a post. "Milan," she replied briefly, suddenly curious about his strange greeting.
Ace chuckled. "I know you. Seen you on tv. Very photogenic on tv." He said and took off his shades showing dark ocean blue eyes.

"So how is your dad?" he said and looked at her. He didn't want to say his name. Even though all these people probably know him. Ace felt more relaxed and at ease. But he kept an eye on Coulson. He chose to be friends with Stark. She looks nice enough to trust. And help him through tech stuff. Interesting stuff. Wonder if she has a suit. He smirked at the thought.

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