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Fandom Super Fandom Bros.

Soma Fel

Ohhhh Yeah!

Hero or villain:

OC or canon:

Universe from:





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Name: Pyro

Hero or villain: Villain (I guess, since they're a mercenary)

OC or canon: Canon

Universe from: Team Fortress 2

Team Color: Red

Personality: Cheerful, Sociable, Merciless

Bio: No one knows who Pyro is or where they are from. The one thing the other mercenaries know is that Pyro has a strange obsession with fire, and it can only be assumed that they are a pyromaniac, and possibly schizophrenic too. While dowsing people in rainbows (burning people alive) is fun, Pyro eventually grew bored of that. It was the same old playtime (fighting) with the same old friends (enemies), and Pyro wanted something new. Then they heard the mysterious message about the universe throwing a gigantic party (ending). Realizing they couldn't let this opportunity pass, they quickly called the number, and after some trouble explaining that they wanted in, Pyro was accepted.

Powers: Fire Resistance

Weapons: Flamethrower, Shotgun, Fire Axe


  • tumblr_inline_mmt9acPvmc1qz4rgp.jpg


    Alexia Rose Leone





    Hero or villain:


    OC or canon:


    Universe from:



    Lexi is a character who keeps herself to herself. She's usually got a smile on her face, and always looks on the bright side. She sees good in every person, especially after she was given the chance to be a hero instead of a villain. She's smart and friendly.


    Lexi's unsure of her origins. All she can remember is waking up one day at the age of 4 in a care home. Not too long later she was adopted. Her adoptive parents took care of her and treated her as if she were their own. In her home, there was a boy her age - her adoptive brother. Lexi grew up under the sheltered care of her parents and with the protection of her brother. As nobody knew Lexi's actual birth date, she celebrated it with her brother, Reece.

    Lexi's parents always knew about her differences - they saw it in her eyes when they adopted her. They weren't afraid when Lexi started to exhibit her powers in the home. Instead, they helped her control them and improve them. Her brother wasn't afraid either.


    -Shadow Manipulation

    (She can't create her own darkness but can manipulate the darkness around her)


    (She can teleport through shadows, only short distances)



    -Shadow arrows



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Name: Alex Mercer

Hero or villain: doesn't pick a side

OC or canon: canon

Universe from: [PROTROTYPE]

Personality: Wise a**, hate everyone

Bio: Alex mercer woke up in a morge with no memories. He escaped the building only to find that he has been infected if a virus know as Blacklight It gave incredible powers but also turned manhattan in to a infected hell zone. With his powers he found out who he was and why he was here.

Powers: Shape shifting, Healing, super speed, super strength, run fast, jump high, can turn in to who ever he killed and absorbs (its called consuming)

and turns in to them gaining their memories and voice.

Weapons: fist (when he shipshape his hands) claws ,blade, hammers and whips

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Godless555 said:
Name: Alex Mercer
Hero or villain: doesn't pick a side

OC or canon: canon

Universe from: [PROTROTYPE]

Personality: Wise a**, hate everyone

Bio: Alex mercer woke up in a morge with no memories. He escaped the building only to find that he has been infected if a virus know as Blacklight It gave incredible powers but also turned manhattan in to a infected hell zone. With his powers he found out who he was and why he was here.

Powers: Shape shifting, Healing, super speed, super strength, run fast jump high, can turn in to how ever he killed and absorbs (its called consuming)

and turns in to them gaining their memories and voice.

Weapons: fist (when he shipshape his hands) claws ,blade, hammers and whips

Name: Rusty Dagger

Hero or villain: Villian

OC or canon: OC

Universe from: Marvel

Personality: Rusty may be a naive guy, but really he is just someone who was mistunderstood. He enjoys working with animals and people, though he is short tempered. He is a softy when it comes to children, but would get attached to some things that people would find strange.

Bio: Rusty was born and was given away by his biological parents, into a foster home. He has been living there with his step sister and brother, to who like to play pranks on him a lot. When he was 8, he found out that he was adopted so on the night of his 9th birthday he runs away with a backpack of things he would need and left to go find them. Along the way he had been robbing stores, and food markets just to survive living on his own. He has no job, no home, no education but he vowed to himself he would find his parents and to find out why they wanted to give him up

Powers: Wallcrawling, enhanced agility, nightvision

Weapons: A dagger and an axe


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DemonGirl27 said:
Name: Rusty Dagger
Hero or villain: Villian

OC or canon: OC

Universe from: Marvel

Personality: Rusty may be a naive guy, but really he is just someone who was mistunderstood. He enjoys working with animals and people, though he is short tempered. He is a softy when it comes to children, but would get attached to some things that people would find strange.

Bio: Rusty was born and was given away by his biological parents, into a foster home. He has been living there with his step sister and brother, to who like to play pranks on him a lot. When he was 8, he found out that he was adopted so on the night of his 9th birthday he runs away with a backpack of things he would need and left to go find them. Along the way he had been robbing stores, and food markets just to survive living on his own. He has no job, no home, no education but he vowed to himself he would find his parents and to find out why they wanted to give him up

Powers: Wallcrawling, enhanced agility, nightvision

Weapons: A dagger and an axe


Name: Aurora Silver

Hero or villain: Hero

OC or canon: Oc

Universe from: Marvel

Personality: Aurora is silent, anti-social, she is curious about a lot of things. She is smart, very indepent, caring, sympathetic, a tech wizard when it comes to hacking and finding out classified information. Aurora usually pushes herself to the limit a lot, so she barely sleeps. And if she does, it would only be 2-4 minutes of sleep.

Bio: Since Aurora has amnesia, she doesn't remember anything about her past. But she is mute, so she would write her thoughts on paper or use sign language

Powers: Sonic Scream, Aura manipulation, Animal morphing, Illusion Manipulation

Weapons: Sniper and throwing knives


DemonGirl27 said:
Name: Aurora Silver
Hero or villain: Hero

OC or canon: Oc

Universe from: Marvel

Personality: Aurora is silent, anti-social, she is curious about a lot of things. She is smart, very indepent, caring, sympathetic, a tech wizard when it comes to hacking and finding out classified information. Aurora usually pushes herself to the limit a lot, so she barely sleeps. And if she does, it would only be 2-4 minutes of sleep.

Bio: Since Aurora has amnesia, she doesn't remember anything about her past. But she is mute, so she would write her thoughts on paper or use sign language

Powers: Sonic Scream, Aura manipulation, Animal morphing, Illusion Manipulation

Weapons: Sniper and throwing knives


Name: Orion Seeker (Caller I.D)

Hero or villain: Hero

OC or canon: OC

Universe from: Marvel

Personality: Orion had been assigned to answer the calls after the heros, villians, neutral people get the number. Her father was Vision, so she learned how to do her job through him. He was very understanding as well as passionate, to which she did her job like how she was trained to do it. Orion knew at times she could have done things on her own, but he would always be there to help out

Bio: Orion was born from a creation like her father, but she looked more human than a.i and robot. Her creator, was Tony Stark before he decided he was done. Vision decided to take her under his teachings, and since then she had been his daughter

Powers: She has the same abilities like her dad, but after a while she inherited his mind stone since he was strong enough without it.

Weapons: The mind stone

DemonGirl27 said:
Name: Orion Seeker (Caller I.D)
Hero or villain: Hero

OC or canon: OC

Universe from: Marvel

Personality: Orion had been assigned to answer the calls after the heros, villians, neutral people get the number. Her father was Vision, so she learned how to do her job through him. He was very understanding as well as passionate, to which she did her job like how she was trained to do it. Orion knew at times she could have done things on her own, but he would always be there to help out

Bio: Orion was born from a creation like her father, but she looked more human than a.i and robot. Her creator, was Tony Stark before he decided he was done. Vision decided to take her under his teachings, and since then she had been his daughter

Powers: She has the same abilities like her dad, but after a while she inherited his mind stone since he was strong enough without it.

Weapons: The mind stone

Name: Darth Sidious, or Sheev Palpatine.

Hero or Villain: Villain

Canon or OC: Canon

Universe from: Star Wars

Personality: To be frank, Palpatine is one of the many examples of Evil Incarnate. Though he doesn't consider himself evil. Finding himself to be above the concepts of morality. He is calm, and a master of deception and manipulation despite the power he holds. He also has a deep anger, which can some times bypass his calm side. He is also arrogant. With good reason of course.

Bio: Born on the planet Naboo Sheev was the eldest son of house Palpatine. As an adolescent. He caught the eye of a Muun named Hego Demask. Also known as Darth Plagueis. After the eventually murder of his family (At his own hands.) Palpatine became the Sith Lords apprentice. Studying under him and learning the Sith teachings before murdering his master. From there he manipulated the Republic senate, slowly rising until he became the Supreme Chancellor. From there he secretly started the Clone Wars as a way to deal with the Jedi. A successful plan. Near the end of the war after a failed attempt to arrest him by the Jedi he declared himself Emperor, and turned the Republic into the Galactic Empire which he would rule over for many years. Until one day on the second Death Star he lost his life...For the first time, at the hands of his apprentice Darth Vader. He would manage to bring himself back to life later. Far more powrful than before. But after many deaths he would remain dead permanently.

Weapons: Various Lightsabers.

Powers: Sheev was a Master of the Dark Side of the force, even knowing some light side abilities.


Ashman74 said:
Name: Darth Sidious, or Sheev Palpatine.
Hero or Villain: Villain

Canon or OC: Canon

Universe from: Star Wars

Personality: To be frank, Palpatine is one of the many examples of Evil Incarnate. Though he doesn't consider himself evil. Finding himself to be above the concepts of morality. He is calm, and a master of deception and manipulation despite the power he holds. He also has a deep anger, which can some times bypass his calm side. He is also arrogant. With good reason of course.

Bio: Born on the planet Naboo Sheev was the eldest son of house Palpatine. As an adolescent. He caught the eye of a Muun named Hego Demask. Also known as Darth Plagueis. After the eventually murder of his family (At his own hands.) Palpatine became the Sith Lords apprentice. Studying under him and learning the Sith teachings before murdering his master. From there he manipulated the Republic senate, slowly rising until he became the Supreme Chancellor. From there he secretly started the Clone Wars as a way to deal with the Jedi. A successful plan. Near the end of the war after a failed attempt to arrest him by the Jedi he declared himself Emperor, and turned the Republic into the Galactic Empire which he would rule over for many years. Until one day on the second Death Star he lost his life...For the first time, at the hands of his apprentice Darth Vader. He would manage to bring himself back to life later. Far more powrful than before. But after many deaths he would remain dead permanently.

Weapons: Various Lightsabers.

Powers: Sheev was a Master of the Dark Side of the force, even knowing some light side abilities.


Name: Link, AKA the Hero of Time

Hero of Villain: Hero

Canon or OC: Canon

Universe from: The Legend of Zelda

Personality: Link doesn't have much of a personality. He's your typical silent protagonist. Though he's quite courageous for his age, and has an unbreakable will. He also appears to be a little bit lazy as well.

Bio:Links past is shrouded in mystery. He doesn't know much about his parents. Only that his mother was fatally wounded trying to keep him save from the Hyrulean civil war. He was raised in Kokiri village under the watch of the great Deku Tree. One day the Deku tree sent the fairy Navi to get him. After getting a sword and shield he arrived, only to learn the Ganondorf had cursed the tree. After slaying the beast inside of it the tree died. Link would leave the village to meet princess Zelda, and afterwards would go on to collect two stones. When he returned to Hyrule castle the princess was fleeing the pursuit of Ganondorf. He found the Ocarina of time in the mote around it. He went to the temple of time. After claiming the Master Sword he was forced to rest for seven years before he was old enough to wield it. After awakening all the sages he assaulted the castle of Ganondorf, and after two fierce battles defeated him. After this he was sent back in time by Zelda, to live his childhood years. He warned her of what would come before leaving Hyrule all together in search of an old friend. It was then he'd encounter Skull Kid, who'd steal his horse and Ocarina. He would later learn that the child was being used by Majora to bring Termanias moon down upon it. After awakening four giants he defeated Majora, and then departed from Termania.

Weapons: He wields a Glided sword, mirror shield, several masks, a bow, a hookshot, boomerang , bombs, deku nuts, deku sticks, fire, ice and light arrows, Bombcho's, and god knows what else.

Powers: Aside from the Triforce of Courage he has a bit of magic given to him by the Great Faries. He also wields the spells, Dins Fire, Farores wind, and Nayru's love.


Ashman74 said:
Name: Link, AKA the Hero of Time
Hero of Villain: Hero

Canon or OC: Canon

Universe from: The Legend of Zelda

Personality: Link doesn't have much of a personality. He's your typical silent protagonist. Though he's quite courageous for his age, and has an unbreakable will. He also appears to be a little bit lazy as well.

Bio:Links past is shrouded in mystery. He doesn't know much about his parents. Only that his mother was fatally wounded trying to keep him save from the Hyrulean civil war. He was raised in Kokiri village under the watch of the great Deku Tree. One day the Deku tree sent the fairy Navi to get him. After getting a sword and shield he arrived, only to learn the Ganondorf had cursed the tree. After slaying the beast inside of it the tree died. Link would leave the village to meet princess Zelda, and afterwards would go on to collect two stones. When he returned to Hyrule castle the princess was fleeing the pursuit of Ganondorf. He found the Ocarina of time in the mote around it. He went to the temple of time. After claiming the Master Sword he was forced to rest for seven years before he was old enough to wield it. After awakening all the sages he assaulted the castle of Ganondorf, and after two fierce battles defeated him. After this he was sent back in time by Zelda, to live his childhood years. He warned her of what would come before leaving Hyrule all together in search of an old friend. It was then he'd encounter Skull Kid, who'd steal his horse and Ocarina. He would later learn that the child was being used by Majora to bring Termanias moon down upon it. After awakening four giants he defeated Majora, and then departed from Termania.

Weapons: He wields a Glided sword, mirror shield, several masks, a bow, a hookshot, boomerang , bombs, deku nuts, deku sticks, fire, ice and light arrows, Bombcho's, and god knows what else.

Powers: Aside from the Triforce of Courage he has a bit of magic given to him by the Great Faries. He also wields the spells, Dins Fire, Farores wind, and Nayru's love.


Name: Vergil

Hero or villain: Unknown

OC or canon: Canon

Universe from: Devil may cry

Personality: Silent type, short temper, Is never in ' the mood'

Bio: Reveal through story,maybe

Powers:devil trigger, extreme speed.

Weapons: A katana called Yamato.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c90d1a59a_VERGILTHEBEST-DevilMayCry3Photo(10609694)-Fanpop.jpg.ea794b0390ebae2dadd76956ca2ea1fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117511" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c90d1a59a_VERGILTHEBEST-DevilMayCry3Photo(10609694)-Fanpop.jpg.ea794b0390ebae2dadd76956ca2ea1fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • VERGIL THE BEST - Devil May Cry 3 Photo (10609694) - Fanpop.jpg
    VERGIL THE BEST - Devil May Cry 3 Photo (10609694) - Fanpop.jpg
    67.5 KB · Views: 43
SomaFel said:
Name: Vergil
Hero or villain: Unknown

OC or canon: Canon

Universe from: Devil may cry

Personality: Silent type, short temper, Is never in ' the mood'

Bio: Reveal through story,maybe

Powers:devil trigger, extreme speed.

Weapons: A katana called Yamato.

Appearance:View attachment 261762
(It would be funny if you accepted your self )
SomaFel said:
Name: Vergil
Hero or villain: Unknown

OC or canon: Canon

Universe from: Devil may cry

Personality: Silent type, short temper, Is never in ' the mood'

Bio: Reveal through story,maybe

Powers:devil trigger, extreme speed.

Weapons: A katana called Yamato.

Appearance:View attachment 261762
I don't know if I should accept you...but ok your accepted.

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