Sunset Of Humanity


Junior Member
Theme: In the year 2267 Man became a god. He created the first of us. For years man toiled in creating life outside of their own body, something not human to carry on long after they were gone. in 2235 man started the age of robotics but they were not sentient. They were tools programed to follow command's and do household chores and needing to be built not born. As time went on man made these robots look more like them, with skin and hair and clothes but still slaves still needing commands still artificial in creation untill.......Today is May 2nd 2267 and man has made the first line of robots that can think and feel and learn just as incredible these androids are made with the nano technology to breed with one another and groe up and old like any normal creature of earth. When we became sentient we knew nothing like a child for man programmed us with nothing our prozatronic brains would learn by watching and listening to our human god's. in this city region known as New Serenity we will grow we will Love and one day soon we will learn the knowledge of good and evil. We are not robots like those before us because we have choice and we are not mere androids because we can make families. We are reploids and we are the new child of earth.

Storyline: Today is you're 2nd birthday and your body has just finished being built in the lab of your birth your doctor today is going to teach you the basics walking, talking, and normal behavior. You're doctor is like your parent and wants you to be healthy and happy. The corporation that had paid for your birth The Megalos Group want to see you succeed in human life so that you can make them million's. And humanity wants to embrace or shun you because are so much like them but so different. And you just need to live life learn what you like to do find out if you like to be good or evil and get along with the other robots. After you get the basics down you will enter the first school for Reploids and meet other Reploid's made from the other doctors labs. Go to school learn all you need and grow. Eventually you will graduate and get jobs and fall in love and marry just like humans will but you also have the capacity for jealousy, murder trickery and evil like humans.

Character's: You can make one Doctor who made your reploid and any number of reploid's of either sex from that point on those reploids will think of each other as family like brother's and sister's just so long as they are made by the same doctor. the story will be set inside the school and from a very brief period onward will these reploids act young and innocent they grow quicker mentally then human's do so once they start in the lab they are children and can visit other reploids in other labs and when they get all the basics down they go to school.In school they will start acting as teen's do and once they graduate as adult's they will say goodbye to thier doctors leave and live in the city. at that time charries can marry and start families is they so desire. The first Reploid's starting out must look adult. thats the story so have fun.

Rule's no god-modding that speaks for itself nobody can post about how godlike that charrie is and can't be stopped. No killing another charrie without permission. No specialized robots made for a certain purpose the reploids are made so they learn what they want to be on their own if your charrie is made looking like he has a cannon sticking out of it's chest everyone has an idea that the reploid was made for war don't do it. No short posting if you don't have anything to say don't say it. When you name Reploid's try to use an original name and human name's for the human's And of course have fun.

Charracter list



Age: only doctor's are changeable all newly made Reploids start at two

job: Reploid or doctor here


Height and weight: For Reploids only

Bio: only for doctor's here


Her below is my charrie's as a reference.

Name: Dr. John byteman

Age: 54

Job: Doctor of advanced robotics

Personality: Tired, friendly, naturally sick, cheerful, a caring parent.

Bio: Dr. Byteman and his fellow scientist's at the Megalos group headquarter's were celebrating when they finally tested the first prozatronic brain. They had started the new age and now the next step in the journey began. Since the scientists each had a different idea pn how the reploid should look each one agreed to make their own and john was fine with that. His wife died young and John was sterile so he knew that a family would never happen this boy this reploid child would be the closest thing to a son as he would get. Nearing the completion of his Reploid John get bad new's He learened he woul have only six months to live. He had contracted a rare blood diesease and would soon die. John knew that whatever happened he needed to see his soon make it before he died.


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Name: Axes Byteman

Gender: Male

Age: 2

Personality: Quiet, curious, always happy


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