Sunada Sawa (Accepted)


Junior Member
Name: Sunada Sawa


Gender: Female

Age: 15

Species: Fawn

Romantic preference: Panromantic

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 5'5

Weight: 103 pounds

Class Color: Blue

Personality: Sunada considers herself to be an intellectual, before anything else, surrounding herself with people she deems to be clever. To be frank, she is not the best of friends to have, but puts up a very kind (yet deceitful) front. It isn’t until she is alone, with other people, that she will spill her true feelings about you and how you upset her in that last conversation. As far as romance goes, she values physical beauty before anything else and changes between lovers; as their status amongst the group changes. She is the quintessence of drama, and most would find it better to avoid her.

History: Sunada’s family is from the City of Issho, a mountainous city primarily populated by Foxes, Inu and Neko. The longstanding Sawa family specializes in the production of clothing, which they have used to build a name for themselves. They don’t mass produce clothing, however, instead utilizing family Chi techniques to create special pieces for royalty. From just looking at Sunada, most would not realize her origin, yet the mention of the “Alavard Line” is a common for any fashion enthusiast. Sunada, while in a school dedicated to protecting humans, simply wishes to give her family’s business a new platform. 

Preferred Chi: Wind Chi

Preferred Weapon: Throwing Knives

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