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Fantasy Summoned:Ya get what ya get CS


Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
Where you are from:
When you are from:
Power(Leave blank I will pm you your power):
Name: Zack Ryder
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Where you are from: Los Angeles, California USA
When you are from: Modern Day
Personality: Zack is a calm guy, most would say. A bit cynical, he often looks at the worst of the situation before the good. A glass half full? It's a glass half empty. There are teammates with me? Hopefully they aren't incompetent. Sadly, with how the world worked for him his predictions came true, and that reinforced his pessimism. However, the sight of those fulfilling their dreams and being happy would still make him smile. Don't think he's a downer about everything! He can keep silent about his thoughts quite often, but when he speaks, he'll say what's on his mind.
Bio: Zack had lived in Los Angeles with his parents, often staying inside despite the good and warm weather. While his studies went spectacularly well, his social skills were his shortcomings, being alone quite often. He did have friends though, how few they were. His skills in academics lead to his having an easy breeze through college, a surprise considering he thought it was going to be harder. One day while going out to treat himself to something good to eat, he was hit by a car and died.
Power: Holy Fire Breath the power is increased depending on how "evil" the person you're using it on is.
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Name: juniper Amory

Age: 17

Gender: female

Where you are from: limerick, Ireland

When you are from: modern day

Personality: very blunt and coldhearted at first she will most likely be very sarcastic and be a woman of few words though once she is more comfortable around a person or group of people, she will open up more.

Juniper was raised with two moms, who unfortunately, both abused and tormented her, this caused the female to be very withdrawn and distant, at the age of nine, one of her mothers' pushed her down the stairs, cutting her head on a broken bottle, which now has scarred. Though, her friends were slightly better than her parents, she hung around with mostly older lads by the time she was 14, and by the time she was 17, would be a pass around for anyone of them to please. Her treatment hasn't caused any different outlook on life, her original outlook was 'you either kill yourself, or get killed'. And, seeing as she was extremely depressed, that outlook led her down a rough path she soon began obsessing over serial killers and people like that and one day in gym she had an athsma attack, which she luckilly survived but the torment from her mothers got worse and worse until she commited suicide -sucsessfully i might add- and now shes here...wherever here is exactly

Power(Leave blank I will pm you your power):
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Name: Yumeko Junpei
Where do you come from: The countryside of Japan
When do you come from: Modern
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personality: Her whole life Yumeko has been incredible bored with her everyday life. As such she lust after anything that she thinks could be fun or exciting. She lives for thrills and getting her blood pumping. Which can lead her to rush into moments without thinking of the effects her actions could have on others or herself. She is by no means a hero and would only do good for others if she thought it’d be fun to do so. In fact some would have the right to worry that if she ever got bored of being a good guy she could very well switch sides at the drop of a hat. Her view on those around her is the very same as how she thinks about life. She will ignore anyone she thinks is boring but hang around anyone she thinks is exciting. Of course once again if her opinions change so does her attitude someone she once hung out with like a best friend could be a simple nobody the very next second.
Yumeko is to a degree very simple to understand fun things good, boring things bad. Yet Yumeko would argue she is much more complex than that and say something along the lines of “Aren’t all humans meant to search out a greater enjoyment in life?” Or some other philosophical crap to try and confuse the other person.
Backstory: Growing up Yumeko was forced to repeat the same routine day in and day out. Wake up, eat, go to school, learn, go home, eat, go to sleep, repeat. Of course Yumeko was bored but more so she was confused she couldn’t figure out how she seemed to be the only one who even felt this way. As everyone else in town seemed to just accept this lifestyle sure some complained here and there but nowhere near as much as she did. She was quickly labeled as a lazy no good slacker simply because she hated life in the countryside. Which wasn’t the truth at all Yumeko wasn’t lazy not even a little bit she was just simply bored out of her mind. Everyday she wished for something exciting to happen she didn’t even care what it was it just had to be exciting. Sadly while messing around the cliff near her home Yumeko fell to her death...and now she had found her wish granted.
Power: (Will be revealed in rp)
Name: Mavndrus Favhari the III
Gender: Male
Where you are from: Sparta
When you are from: 414 B.C.
Personality: Like every Spartan hes very proud. Strong since of patriotism and loyalty. He lives and breathes to fight. A companion everyone wishes to have on the battlefield and as a husband.
Bio: He lived a simple life, raised by his country to fight and fight he did. An elite among the ranks of the Spartans. Trusted to fight besides the king in every battle. He died happy, a warriors death on the battlefield, spear through his neck and sword to his skull. (Sorry if my character sheet is kind of basic, thought an old school badass would spice things up especially being around all the modern characters.}
Power(Leave blank I will pm you your power):

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