
One Time Luck



Birth Place:

Current Residence:




Name: Sage Whitecloud

Age: 18

ACE: Naturalist.

Birth Place: Anchor Island.

Current Residence: Anchor Island.

Height: 5'6"

Eye/Hair Color: Honey colored Golden Eyes/Black

Appearance: Sage isn't complete without his brown hat. All great adventurers wore hats right? That coupled with a brown leather jacket. The jacket is almost always left opened leaving his torso underneath bare. For as much of a slacker Sage is it looks like he at least takes his workouts seriously. The eighteen year old is slender but tone and cut with growing muscle mass. His honey colored eyes are one of his most noticeable features and are often commented on. Sage has a big round yellow belt buckle that simply has two small black dots for eyes and a big white grin. His bottoms change between casual jeans to workout sweats to hiking shorts to anything in between. It all depends on what Sage plans on doing that particular day. Last but not least the boy has high light brown boots that seem to be made with the same material as his hat. They have small heels on each of the soles and are always neatly laced up.

History: Sage was born on Anchor Island, a poor dying nation just off the coast of the Bronze Continent. Anchor Island was once the Silver Continent but the once prosperous continent took severe damage during the Conquest War four hundred years ago. Soon after the nation began sinking into the sea. Over the course of four centuries half the island had sunk into the ocean. Sage was born into one of the poorest districts because of which his mother was not able to get proper medical attention during his birth. This resulted in her death. His father took care him from there. Sage's old man was a kind man with not much of a backbone. Sage can remember clearly all the times he had to stand up for his father. On one occasion he stood up to the wrong person, Sage was too young to know who the warden of the island was. Sage endured his first punishment that day. He was to hang on a pole without any food or water for three days. By the second day it felt like he was going to die. That was until a boy around his age visited the administration building. The boy saw Sage hanging off the wooden pole in the courtyard. The boy immediately ordered for Sage to be cut down and invited him to his manor as a guest for a meal. That was the first time Sage met Ryo Swann. From that day on the boys remained friends even though they would go months at a time without seeing each other. A peasant like Sage and the heir of the richest family of the country made for an odd pair. Still that only seemed to make their unlikely friendship stronger. As time when on not much seemed to change until Ryo's father passed away. After that Sage started being invited to the manor more and more. Eventually Ryo offered to fund Sage's adventuring. Sage refused for the first few weeks but eventually caved. It was his dream after all. At the age of fifteen Sage began his work as an adventurer. After a while he started making a name for himself well... Not in a good way. He rarely completed a job and if he did it came with all kinds of hassles. Still Ryo continued to fund his friend happily. That much always made Sage guilty. But he would prove his worth! He was setting his sights on the grand treasure of the world famous adventurer, Hans Indiana! 

Name: Ryo Swann

Age: 18

ACE: Blunt. (None.)

Birth Place: Anchor Island.

Current Residence: Anchor Island.

Height: 6'0"

Eye/Hair color: Emerald (They are always shut though)/ Black.

Appearance: Ryo is a tall boy with an average build. He almost always is in his formal attire, he hardly gets a chance to wear anything else. A sleek black suit is his usual go to. Ryo has neatly groomed black hair to go along with his paler skin complexion.White gloves are present on both of his hands at most times. A very noticeable feature would be his squinty eyes that are almost never opened fully.

History: Ryo Swann's story is a strange one. He was born into the most wealthy family on Anchor Island. Ryo had no idea how lucky he was to be so privileged, he didn't have to endure the hardships many others had. The Warden of Anchor was cruel man indeed, set in place to prevent any revolts against the Gold and Bronze continent. The last war was four hundred years ago, there were revolts here or there but nothing major. A whole nation under dictatorship was a little extreme yet the two continents weren't taking any chances. After all Anchor Island was once the great Silver Continent. As cruel as the Warden was he didn't dare touch the noble families of Anchor Island. For that reason Ryo was ignorant to the crimes happening in his country. That was until the day he met a boy named Sage who was hanging from a wooden pole.
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Name: Kara Elmbrer

Age: 21

ACE: Materialist

Birth Place: The Accursed Isles

Current Residence: Anchor Island

Height: 5'9"

History: Kara was born on The Accursed Isles and lived there for only a few years of her young life. She heard stories about it from her mother and older brother but she never really believed the tales that they told. She and her family lived on the Bronze Continent for most of her life. It was a pretty average childhood and Kara was mostly at peace. Her brother left home when she was still young and a few years later her mother and father stopped talking about him. Kara was confused but she thought, once she was old enough, that something had happened and they didn't want to protect her.

The development of Kara's ACE was a happy event and soon after Kara would start making things, messing around with it. But as she got older she felt that she wanted something more than the quiet life that she was living and deep down wanting to know what happened to her brother. She only came to Anchor Island recently.


Name: Nivinya "Niv" Carroll

Age: 16

ACE: Morpher

Birth Place: Green Continent

Current Residence: Anchor Island

Height: 5'2"

History: Niv was born as the youngest of a pair of twins. As children they were near inseparable, but this changed as they aged. When Niv discovered she was a Morpher her family wanted for her brother, Kal-el to develop an ACE himself but it never happened. Kal-el was distraught and it caused a rift between the siblings. Niv decided to spend her time now on learning her ACE. She spent a lot of time outside and in the nearby woods playing with animals and generally messing around. She came to prefer the company of animals to people. At the age of thirteen though she got into a huge fight with her brother and hurt him badly. Upset at what she did, she ran away. She used her abilities to disguise herself as an older woman and eventually found her way to Anchor Island. She spends most of her time alone, hidden away, but has made a few friends.


Will finish soon
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I'd like to get my foot in the door and request a Divergent (as I am quite confident in my writing abilities) and a Tranquil sibling for her. And a talking hummingbird named Illauriel.

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