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Realistic or Modern Summer Vacation? More like Summer Disaster's CS!

Crimson Rose

Elder Member






How much were they looking forward to this trip?:

How are their survival skills?:





Name: Alina Tag

Nickname: Aly


Gender: Female

Appearance: cc37d2f2936b184134f1033a89830e9e.jpg

Personality: She's really sweet but really not that bright and most likely has the lowest IQ out of everyone in school. It's kinda shocking how she made it this far in school being in 11th grade without ever being held back for failing a class the teachers kind of gave up on her and just kept pushing her on without teaching her stuff as she rarely pays attention to anything in class. She is easily influenced/fooled by people one time someone told her New Zealand was just a makeshift believed island full of cotton candy and other stuff and she actually believed it for a bit. Is really bubbly, and highly loyal to her girlfriend.

Background: WIP(I'll work on my background once more characters are posted)

How much were they looking forward to this trip?: She was really excited to get to go on a boat even though she can't swim, especially with her girlfriend who she kept begging for her to go until she finally said yes.

How are their survival skills?: Terrible

Hobbies?: drawing, and making cookies.

Fears: Suddenly getting snapped at.

Likes: Fluffy animals, her girlfriend, art. WIP

Dislikes: Sour foods, the color yellow.

Other: WiP
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border-bottom: 1px solid white; font-weight: 400; font-size: 11px; line-height:17px; font-family:'Comfortaa', display; [/class] [class=nameword]display: inline-block; font-size:12px; font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase [/class] [class=text]height: 195px; width: 230px; padding: 5px; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; top: 48px; left: 0px [/class] [class=overfloow]height: 100%; width: 105%; padding-right: 40px; overflow: auto [/class] [class=box]height:15px;padding:1px 5px 2px 5px;display:inline-block;color: white;background: #F07A52;font-weight: 700 [/class] [div class=tcontain] [div class=timagecontain] [div class=timage][div class=timage2]
[/div][/div] [div class=miniwords]the one who reminds you to breathe [div class=miniwords2]is the one you should keep[/div][/div][/div] [div class=tabcontainer][div class=tabs][div class="first" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordi]posts[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="second" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordii]requisite[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="third" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiii]persona[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="fourth" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiiii]relations[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"] [div class=div style="overflow:hidden"][div class=overflow] [div class=posttitle][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]rancher21[/div] [div class=date]jan 2nd[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://i.imgur.com/gzF5E0H.jpg);background-size:110%; background-position:center"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=quote]just watched spongebob the musical. my mom kept saying i looked like karen??[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:280px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]rancher21[/div] [div class=date]jan 21st[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/142ae48f22ea3a5a0715748b5f4a1c6f/tumblr_pe3fxwy2EP1ujzgs5o1_500.jpg);background-size:135%;background-position:top"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=quote]happy 17th birthday to me and 3rd birthday to my sweetums X^D[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:555px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]rancher21[/div] [div class=date]jan 21st[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/d6c1bf19c7f3e8c99b8d0aa2d4e70b0b/tumblr_p2gxh1wEFo1r8jkpuo1_500.jpg);background-size:cover"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=quote]thanks so much tita [div class=username]@caitcakes[/div] i'll be eating this for breakfast, lunch and dinner X^T[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]saturn[/div]
the requisite[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]name !![/div] saturnina abaroa ii. it's either saturnina or saturn with her, because nina's her lola's nickname.

[div class=box]age !![/div] 17 years old.

[div class=box]d.o.b !![/div] january 21 - aquarius.

[div class=box]gender !![/div] cis-female.

[div class=box]sexuality !![/div] heterosexual.

[div class=box]face claim !![/div] stephanie hsu.

[div class=box]height!![/div] 5'0".

[div class=box]hair !![/div] dark brown and cut above her shoulders. she doesn't really take the time to brush it, so usually, she's got a messy bedhead that she ties into a lazy bun.

[div class=box]eyes !![/div] dark brown as well.

[div class=box]skin !![/div] olive-skinned. although she has the occassional breakout thanks to her bad lifestyle habits and stress, she has her parents' genes to thank for an otherwise unblemished complexion.

[div class=box]clothing preference !![/div] she's doesn't know what exactly's in right now, only that she ain't it. nina's serious about that; she's knows her wardrobe's mostly pajamas, ankle-length skirts, and tees, just in different colors and patterns. she likes the comfort and freedom they give her; plus, the looseness and the textures of the fabrics aren't likely to irritate her sensitive skin and make her all itchy.

[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(https://i.imgur.com/NXcaXj7.jpg);background-size: cover; background-position: right"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]saturn[/div]
the persona[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]personality !![/div] tw: mention of an eating disorder
God has helped her be accepting, compassionate, forgiving, and helpful, but she often values His word too much at the detriment of her self-esteem. her self-perception runs along the lines of "everyone-but-me-is-a-good-person". she understands that no one is perfect, but she remains unreasonably focused on an ideal good and unfair with the standards she then sets for herself in line with that ideal.
the undue stress she puts herself through is too much for her to healthily handle. it is, in fact, one of the reasons why she developed a binge-eating disorder that was only diagnosed recently.

[div class=box]herstory !![/div] tw: mention of an eating disorder hi i suck at bios
• she was one helluva spoiled brat back then, and it brings her great shame just thinking about it. it certainly didn't help that she was being teased about her weight whenever she got into trouble, which, in turn, made her brattier. her parents were not only busy but inexperienced to dealing with her and her issues. so, just like with caelus, they called on for lola nina.
• her altruism was influenced by her lola, and while she had good intentions, she didn't always have the means.
• at the age of 14, her family was one person less. after coming back from a field trip, her parents informed her that caelus decided to leave for "awhile". at the time, she accepted it, but after 2 weeks without any word from them, she doubted that that was the case. eventually, her parents took her aside to talk about the situation with her sibling, that they decided to live independent from them. while she wasn't particularly close to her sibling, their leaving had hurt. she's tried to reach out to them on facebook, but outside of the ocassional responses that assured her that they were okay, the two haven't talked much.

• rlly admired her grand-aunt who knew what she wanted in life and had the means to get it but was also like super into charities and helping people what a role model and she honestly tried to emulate her
• back when she was a yesman, her only coping habit was to alternate between binge eating to straight up skipping meals. her meal schedule was super inconsistent. her saying yes to everything ended up very badly at one point tho and that just made her feel even worse. and her parents were fighting now. which meant even more binge eating sessions all of a sudden. this all ended up in a visit to the hospital after her stomach hurt way too much than normal. she thought she just needed a clinic visit and some white flower; turns out, she got an ulcer and a binge-eating disorder !! wow.
• currently on therapy for that. and for a while, her mom and dad were being helicopters on her.

[div class=box]excitement over the trip !![/div] whenever richkid offers something, saturn can't help the guilty feeling that hangs over her. she genuinely likes richkid, but that may just be what she's telling herself. what if she's just faking it for the benefits that come with their friendship? what if she's just using her? but still, she didn't want to stay at the house. both the silence and noise of her parents' arguments were equally stifling, so she agrees to join in. she'll just have to find a way to repay richkid back for this favor.

[div class=box]survival skills !![/div] calling her a wikipedia on survival skills would be a pretty good description for it. thanks to the constant paranoia of the world ending and the zombie apocalypse, (a trait she and her mother share,) she has a fair amount of knowledge on how to survive in the wilderness. emphasis on knowledge, by the way, because she has no solid experience or groundwork for that knowledge.

[div class=box]hobbies !![/div]
• saturn's a fan of night-swimming. it's one of the few healthy hobbies she has to cope with her difficulties. one of the things that she loves to do was angel-float and let the waves carry her along while she looks up at the often-cloudy sky.
• she used to do a lot of singing in the karaoke machine back at home. and she was pretty good at it, too. however, she doesn't feel like it'd be appropriate to use the karaoke machine, what with the troubles in their family, so the karaoke machine has, unfortunately, been gathering dust for the past few months.
• partivery

[div class=box]fears !![/div]
• revelations (and her mom, mostly her mom) got her spooked about the end of the world. that's why they built an underground bunker under their home, fully stocked with the essentials they'll need, should the worst come to pass.
• partivery
• partivery

[div class=box]likes !![/div]
• she loves music! but she can't really distinguish between the different genres. still, she loves music! she's always wanted to play an instrument, but she has clumsy fingers and has trouble reading music sheets.
• when she was much younger, she used to have a pet dog. and while it was a dear companion to her, she ended up mistreating it. years later, she still loves dogs, but she knows that she's never going to let herself get a pet ever again.
• in general, she just loves miniature versions of things. case in point, her miniature cooking set.

[div class=box]dislikes !![/div]
• partivery
• partivery
• partivery

[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(https://i.imgur.com/b0nkTa2.jpg);background-size: cover;background-position: left"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]saturn[/div]
the relationships[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]her parents !![/div] things have been a bit iffy wth her mom and dad. there's been a lot more shouting again with the two of them and it scares her that this might be it for their family. one night, her father had confessed to her that he wanted to stay strong and push through because she still hadn't even gotten a debut yet. that broke her heart and triggered a lot of bad thoughts in her head.

[div class=box]her grand-aunt !![/div] the og saturnina gaspar, or lola nina. unfortunately, lola nina is often travelling around the globe, which means that saturn doesn't get to hug her as often as she used to.

[div class=box]her older sibling !![/div] caelus abaroa ii, named after their great-grandfather. they're 6 years older than her, and is currently living a happy life with their lover back in the philippines. right now, their parents rarely, if ever, bring them up or talk about how they're doing when she asks, and much to her dismay, no one would explain to her why things're like this. not even caelus themself. although she's made numerous attempts to maintain contact with them, they usually stop replying to her messages at some point. nowadays, she mostly stalks his facebook page to check in on his statuses.

[div class=box]her cousin !![/div] crisostomo abaroa, her baby cousin. well, he isn't technically a baby, already at 6 years old, but to her, he'll always be her precious baby brother. any spare moment she has is spent on spoiling her baby brother. usually, she usually plays restaurant or tea party with the lad and is always the first to volunteer in babysitting him.


[div class=box]lukas redding !![/div] her bf occasionally someone would whisper behind her back about how she's a bit mismatched with him and yeah she agrees with that they likely wouldn't have ended up together if she met him later but thats precisely why she'll do her best to keep him :T

[div class=box]alina tag !![/div] her best friend since they were younger maybe part of her admires her easy and carefree attitude but she's long past jealousy with alina and they're as comfortable as can be

[div class=box]the perfectionist !![/div] she really tries to actively be nice to her, minus the occasional arguments about her treatment of alina and the oddball. but there's a small part of her that shrinks back against her, that feels inferior to her.

[div class=box]the blunt lesbian !![/div] she's... intense

[div class=box]the spoiled rich kid !![/div] really actually likes her tbh she may be obnoxious but like she's lovable obnoxious tbh the person she would consider herself closest to after alina and luke

[div class=box]the oddball !![/div] her go-to person when she wants to have fun

[div class=box]nicholas roumen !![/div] they don't actually talk too much when they're left on their own i think she doesn't know that he wants to act and sing yet only that he's holding back on something

[div class=box]the chaperone !![/div] surprisingly never talked to him outside of a few hellos mainly bc she crushed on him when she was much younger and she would just

[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [class=credit]height: 25px; width:500px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 10px; font-size: 9px; color: grey [/class] [div class=credit]code by @diaphanous[/div]
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Lucas ReddingWIP

  • 1552349693374.png
    Name: Lucas Redding

    Nickname: Luke(but only certain people can call him that)

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    How much were you looking forward to the trip?: Very much looking forward to it, especially to be with his girlfriend

    Survival Skills: Competent enough to survive a little while by himself. Keeping himself and others alive though? That's yet to be seen.

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[The Jock]

Name: Nicholas Roumen

Nickname: Nick

Age: 18




[Yes! Finally got a good one.]

Personality: He may seem obnoxious and anti-social and first, but once he's out of his shell, he can be a loyal and good friend, and will always try to help you as much as he can.

Background: He was forced into doing sports from an early age. His parents are rather conservative, and think that an ideal son should just be good in sports and studies. Since he is their only child, there is a lot of pressure on him to be their perfect, ideal son.

How much were they looking forward to this trip?: Even though he didn't seem too enthusiastic, he was really excited to go on this trip with his friends.

How are their survival skills?: Moderately good.

Hobbies?: Singing and drama.

Fears: Seeing his friends in trouble, scorpions.

Likes: Singing, electronic/rock music.

Dislikes: Sports to some extent. (This is mostly because he was forced to do it.) Revealing too much of himself to a person he isn't too close with.

Other: WIP

[Still in progress]
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Name: Nicholas Roumen

Nickname: Nick

Age: 18


Appearance(realistic): [Kinda lost here. Suggestions anyone?]

Personality: He may seem obnoxious and anti-social and first, but once he's out of his shell, he can be a loyal and good friend, and will always try to help you as much as he can.

Background: WIP

How much were they looking forward to this trip?: Even though he didn't seem too enthusiastic, he was really excited to go on this trip with his friends.

How are their survival skills?: Moderately good.

Hobbies?: Singing and drama.

Fears: Seeing his friends in trouble, scorpions.

Likes: Singing, electronic/rock music.

Dislikes: Sports to some extent. (This is mostly because he was forced to do it.) Revealing too much of himself to a person he isn't too close with.

Other: WIP

[Still in progress]

Perhaps look up some 18 year old dudes that seem sporty on images then pick a few that you like then choose one?
Did my face claim thing. I put it as a link since attachment didn't work.
The face isn't too bad either.
If anyone wants to discuss their relationship with Lucas feel free to PM me!

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any physical activity /// insects /// being looked down upon /// sweating


watching movies, traveling,

being alone /// the dark (losing signt) ///

[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBACKSTORY"][div class=tabb][div style="padding:8px;"][div style="border:1px solid lightgray;height:10px;width:100%;"]
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[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentOTHER"][div class=tabb][div style="padding:8px;"][div style="border:1px solid lightgray;height:10px;width:100%;"]
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How much were they looking forward to this trip?
it was enough to bug her parents to let her use the family's personal yacht

How are their survival skills?
next to nonexistant. however, she's not completely out of hope.


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Stella King

Pathetic, Naive, like small noisy tantrums.

Age: 16 years old.

Gender: Female.



How much were they looking forward to this trip?: Pretty much since she was told about it. A yacht and being in the water, count her in.

How are their survival skills: Stella has been camping before, so she has some skills in lighting fires, and exploring if needed. But she is selfish and will act like she knows nothing. Just so she doesn't have to help.

Hobbies: Annoying people, being too sarcastic, swimming, being with her best friend Lily, Youtuber (vlogs), drawing in the comfort of her home, volunteering (nobody knows)

Fears: Insects, especially spiders, the dark, death, blood, being alone.

Likes: Belonging, playing with her dog, best friend Lily, being selfish, knowing it all, sleeping, eating, being on her mac-book, reading, taking photos, selfies, Instagram, Netflix, movies, cooking, jewelry, working out, skin care, fashion, water, and music.

Dislikes: Being dirty, being questioned, homework, school in general, having to think, loud noises, weapons, alcohol, cigarette smoke, uncomfortable silence, heights, people, and getting lost.

Other: Wears a 14k gold medical bracelet because she is diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. (Takes pills)

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Name: Ben (Benjamin) Carter

Age: 16
Gender: Male


Personality: Ben is described by most as very peculiar in action and appearance. He often times talks in third person and he is that kind of guy that will randomly appear out of nowhere when you least expect him or when you least need him. He's flirtatious to everyone with two legs, but unfortunately he has never successfully got a date to this day. He might be weird, annoying, and often times gets caught in his own world causing people to ignore him or plainly run away, but at the end of the day he is sweet in his own way and loyal to all of his friends.

Background: WIP

How much were they looking forward to this trip?: He has mixed feelings about it because at the same time this is a chance to hang out with his friends all summer, but is bummed out because he’ll missed out on going to his annual summer camp.

How are their survival skills?: Pretty good technically, as he has been training for this moment for six years in the summer camp that he goes to.

Hobbies?: Camping, Reading… Comic Books, Coin Collecting, Making Origami, and Judo.

Fears: Thunder and Lightning and Being Alone

Likes: A Date (lol), The Rich Spoiled Kid, Camping

Dislikes: Odd Numbers and Jellyfish
Hey, i'm down.

Name: Saverr Lynch

Age: 17

Appearence(realistic) I don't have a face claim, but he's tan, with black, poofy, messy hair and a small goatee. He's fit and well built, and 5,11.

Personality: Saverr is loyal to those he does trust, but he has a very hard time trusting people. He is energetic, and loves to climb things. If you asked anybody in the school about him, they'd say he's probably dead at this point. He is bad at relationships, since he never had anyone at all to teach him to socialize, thus giving him social issues, but he's a big softie underneath his tough exterior.

Background: When Saverr was young, his mither and father were gunned down in a gang shootout, before he managed to run away. He's lived his life stealing to survive, and using school to pas the long hours of the dangerous streets. He's lived in abandoned buildings his whole life and never uses electronics. Often getting in trouble, he fights his way out of things.

Hiw much were they looking frward to this trip?: As long as he's fed and has a roof over his head, he'd murder to be there.

How are their survival skills?: Best in the class by far, and excellent at keeping himself alive. Better than Bear Grills.

Hobbies?: Can't afford a hobby, although freerunning and climbing would count.

Fears: Police, Dehydration.

Likes: The outdoors, himself, Abandoned places

Dislikes: Police, Work, Populated places.

Hope it's good!
Hey, i'm down.

Name: Saverr Lynch

Age: 17

Appearence(realistic) I don't have a face claim, but he's tan, with black, poofy, messy hair and a small goatee. He's fit and well built, and 5,11.

Personality: Saverr is loyal to those he does trust, but he has a very hard time trusting people. He is energetic, and loves to climb things. If you asked anybody in the school about him, they'd say he's probably dead at this point. He is bad at relationships, since he never had anyone at all to teach him to socialize, thus giving him social issues, but he's a big softie underneath his tough exterior.

Background: When Saverr was young, his mither and father were gunned down in a gang shootout, before he managed to run away. He's lived his life stealing to survive, and using school to pas the long hours of the dangerous streets. He's lived in abandoned buildings his whole life and never uses electronics. Often getting in trouble, he fights his way out of things.

Hiw much were they looking frward to this trip?: As long as he's fed and has a roof over his head, he'd murder to be there.

How are their survival skills?: Best in the class by far, and excellent at keeping himself alive. Better than Bear Grills.

Hobbies?: Can't afford a hobby, although freerunning and climbing would count.

Fears: Police, Dehydration.

Likes: The outdoors, himself, Abandoned places

Dislikes: Police, Work, Populated places.

Hope it's good!

This was suppose to be a rp with set roles, but seeing you went and made a character we can squeeze you in ^^ perhaps your character is kinda new to the friend group?
This was suppose to be a rp with set roles, but seeing you went and made a character we can squeeze you in ^^ perhaps your character is kinda new to the friend group?
Sure. I actually had no idea that there were set roles..

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