**Summer in West Palm Beach**


I snuggled in close to him and placed my arm around his waist. I yawned a little, not realizing how tired I was until we actually laid down. "I love you too." I said, quietly. I looked up and placed a kiss on his jaw because that's all I could reach. "Sleep tight." I said.
Austin smiled and closed his eyes. It didn't take long for him to drift off into a light, happy sleep. He could feel Grayson in his arms, therefore she was in his dreams also. "I love you," he murmured in his sleep.

Seb woke up with a slight headache. The sunshine peered in through his window and he glanced at the clock. Surprisingly it was only 9:30. He smiled softly and glanced over at Heather, who was still lightly sleeping against him. He gently brushed some of her hair away from her face and slipped his arm around her, his fingers grazing her stomach where his shirt had rode up while she slept. He kissed her cheek softly and mumbled into her ear, "Goodmorning princess, wakey wakey."


Right before Grayson fell into a deep sleep, she heard Austin whisper, "I love you," softly. She could tell her was dreaming. Being a light sleeper herself, she was the first one to wake up in the morning. The sunlight crept in past her curtains and she shifted into the groggy state of being half-awake. She had dreamed she and Austin were back on the beach, only in the dream that had been alone the entire night, and had spent the night together in the water and laying down under the stars. It was a dream she hadn't wanted to wake up from, but turning over to see Austin's peaceful looking face next to her made her happy she did. She carefully removed Austin's arm from over her waist and sat up, stretching her arms up to the ceiling and arched her back to crack it.
Austin woke up when Grayson left the bed. Seeing the sun behind his eyelids, he scrunched them together an groaned. "Urgh what time is it?" he rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms, which were sore from being in the same position all night.

I groaned a little and blinked my eyes open. I smiled when I saw Seb, everything from the night before rushing back to me. I rolled over so that one of my legs was over both of his and my arm was around him. I buried my face in his neck and whispered, "Five more minutes."
Grayson crawled on top of Austin, strattling his waist and looking down at him. She kissed his nose and said softly, "Nine fourty five sunshine. Did you sleep well?" Her hair fell messily all around her, and she still looked a bit tired, but after two years, Grayson didn't particularly worry about how she looked to her boyfriend in the morning. She wasn't the type of girl who would wake up an hour early just to do her hair and put on makeup to look good for a guy as soon as she woke up. She trailed little kisses up Austin's shoulder and neck, then trailed them down his jawline to his lips, hoping I would wake him up a bit.


Seb laughed and said with a chuckle, "Okay, okay, five more minutes, and then if you aren't up I'm throwing your sleepy butt in the pool." He kissed her forehead and wrapped her up in his arms again. "By the way, I think I'll make chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast if you'd like, or my famous bell pepper omelettes, or waffles, whichever you prefer." He took the moment to enjoy having Heather curled up against him. As far as 'relations' with another girl, he was never this intimate with anyone before. In most cases, after a one or two night stand, he'd be the first to leave or she would leave a note, thanking him for the good time. He was loving the feeling of holding another person who he loved tightly, and generally loved just having Heather. He took a deep breath and played with her hair for a bit.

"Omelet!" I said, excitedly. I loved his breakfast...and I was in an egg kinda mood today. I closed my eyes and pretended to snore for a moment I only had five minutes and I intended to enjoy them. And I would not allow myself to get thrown in the pool, thank you very much. I felt him playing with my hair and sighed, smiling softly, my eyes still closed.
He lazily grinned at her and murmured in his morning voice, "You're sexy in the morning." He placed his hands on her hips and kissed her deeply.
Seb laughed and got out of bed slowly.

"I'll go start getting things set up in the kitchen. I'll see you soon."

He rubbed Heather's back gently and then headed out the room and into the kitchen. He grabbed a bell pepper, an onion, cheese, chives, and tomatos from the refrigerator and began cutting everything in to little chucks then tossed it into a skillet with a little olive oil and let that simmer while he mixed the eggs and cheese together in a bowl.


Grayson kissed him back passionately and pulled her fingers through his hair. "Mhhh, I think you're sexier in the morning," she whispered against his lips.

She didn't want to stop kissing him, but she was in some serious need of breakfast. She hesitantly pulled back a little, her lips still hovering over his by only an inch. She felt him squeeze her hips and she gave a slight moan before saying softly, "Are you hungry baby?"

I pouted when he got up...even if it was to make me food. I sat up too and rubbed my eyes before jumping out of bed and walking to his kitchen. I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "The five more minutes was for you too." I informed him with a smile.
Austin was about to answer when his stomach began growling. Laughing, he answered "Apparently, yes."
((You guys, it started pouring rain as I was going get lunch on campus. I'm wearing a white shirt....fml.))

Grayson smiled and got off of Austin then hopped up out of bed. "What would you like for breakfast baby?" She asked sweetly. She flipped her head upside down and tossed her hair into a pony tail on top of her head. "We have pancake mix, bacon and eggs, toast, muffins, I can make some french toast?"


Seb was about to pour the first mix of eggs into the skillet when Heather wrapped her arms around him. He smiled and lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. "Sorry babe, you know once I'm up, I'm up. Besides, I'm halfway finished breakfast so you won't have to wait as long." He quickly poured the eggs into the hot skillet, and then put the other egg mixture into the skillet that had been used to sautee the peppers, onions, and tomatoes. He worked quickly and efficiently. Cooking was a skill he had picked up from his mother. She loved cooking and he just had the knack for it. He flipped both of the omelettes and let them cook for a moment as he filled them and seasoned them with salt and pepper.

I smiled as he got the breakfast ready. I grabbed a couple plates and forks and set the table. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed when I found it knotted. My makeup was probably smeared all over my face too. I subtly tried to rub under my eyes to get rid of the smudges. I'd never been self conscience around him before...now I was worried about my makeup and hair?

((That sucks! Steal someones jacket!))
Austin thought for a moment and grinned up at her. "All of the above?" They hadn't eaten last night, so Austin was starving. "I'll help," he told her, realizing how much food he'd just asked for.
Seb walked over to the table and slid each omelette into a plate, then he fixed two glasses of orange juice and set them on the table. He then walked over to turn the stove off and quickly cleaned up the area around the stove then took a seat at the table. He noticed Heather desperately trying to rub some of her mascara that had smeared under her eyes and he said sweetly, "Babe you don't have to worry about it, you look beautiful to me. Come eat before it gets cold. I slaved over these omelettes you know?"

He took and bite of his and savored it. "Definitely worth the slaving though," he said.


Grayson smiled and kissed Austin's forehead. "Okie dokie," Grayson said. She spun on her heels and walked off into the kitchen. She could tell the Ryker had already been in the kitchen. She found his half eaten bowl of cereal on the table and droplets of milk on the counter. She sighed and quickly cleaned up after her brother, then looked out the window to see if he was still home. He wasn't.

She walked into the pantry and took out pancake mix and blue berry muffin mix, then took eggs and bacon out of the fridge. She cracked the eggs and mixed them in a bowl with some salt and pepper, and placed some bacon strips on a paper towel to pop in the microwave after she was almost done cooking everything else. She took out two more bowls for the pancake and muffin mix.
Austin lay in bed for a minute after Grayson left. Finally, he heaved himself out of bed. Glancing in the mirror, he noticed his hair sticking up at odd angles. He spent twenty seconds trying to pat it down, then gave up. He made his way towards the kitchen. When he saw Gray standing there, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Yummy."

I smiled and sat down. I took one more swipe underneath my eyes because even if he thought I was pretty, I still didn't want black smudges. I grabbed my fork and took a bite. I moaned a little. "These are soooo good!" I said, with my mouth full.
"What?" Grayson said, turning her head to kiss Austin's cheek. "Me or the blueberry muffins in the oven?"

She had already put the muffins in the oven and had heated up two skillets, one for scrambled eggs and other for pancakes.

She turned in Austin's arms and smiled at his hair, which was sticking up all over. She thought it was rather cute.


"Thank you," Seb said lightly and took another bite of his own omelette. He swallowed and smiled at Heather, "You make cute faces when you eat."

He drank all his juice and realizing how thirsty he was, got another glass. He had agree this was probably one of the best breakfasts he'd made in a while.

He finished off his food quickly and leaned back in his chair. "If you stick around, you'll be getting breakfast like this for the rest of your life," he said with a grin.

I laughed a little and purposely made a silly face. I took the napkin and wiped my face and hands.

When he mentioned about making breakfast for the rest of my life I hesitated just a bit. If you stick around that long. I thought. I immediately thought badly of myself for thinking it. I don't know why I was so unable or unwilling to trust that I wasn't just a fling for him...but I just couldn't. If there was one thing I always knew about Seb, it was that he always left. There was always a new girl. I quickly put a smile on my face and got up, putting my empty dish in the sink. "Well I can't wait!" I said, a little too enthusiastically.
Grayson gave a little moan and bit Austin's lip playfully, before realizing she needed to be paying attention to the food on the stove.

"Shit," she mumbled, turning back around and quickly flipping the two pancakes and taking the eggs off the heat. "You keep distracting me like that and next time I'll forget what I'm supposed to be doing completely," she said smiling and plating up Austin a large heaping of eggs, a pancake, a fresh muffin and some bacon out of the microwave. She carried the plate to the table and set it down, and then went back to fix herself some food.


Seb smiled and took his plate to the sink as well, rinsed them off and stuck them in the dish washer. He then scooped Heather up in his arms and spun her around once, because he knew too much would not only make him dizzy, but would probably also make him nauseous after eating too much. He cradled her and carried her to the living room, kissing her forehead before setting her down. He looked into her eyes and found a bit of doubt in them. "You don't believe me do you?" he asked cautiously.

I turned my head to look at the TV. It wasn't on...but it was something to look at other than him. "I really want to..." I mumbled. I didn't know how to explain it. I didn't even know if it was explainable.
"I know," Sebastian said, turning Heather's head back to look her in the eyes. "I know it's hard as f*ck to believe a guy like me. I have a shitty past with girls. But like I tried telling you, those girl weren't special. You don't have to believe me now." He cupped her face in his hands and looked directly at her, "But I'm going to prove it to you that you're my girl, you're special and I'm going to do everything I can to make you feel appreciated and beautiful and happy and I'll do it until the day I die, and it's going to be flipping awesome!" He gave her a big smile. "I don't expect you to believe me completely right now, but just have some faith in me okay H?"

He leaned in and kissed her cheek then wrapped her up into a big hug.

I hugged him back just as hard and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I trust you Seb." I told him. I pulled away enough to look at him and ran my hand through his hair. "But you have to promise me something." I told him. I took a deep breath. "If this doesn't work...I need to still be your friend." I said. I knew this wasn't the type of this he could really promise...but I needed to hear the words. "Because I can't be without you. Whether you're my friend or more."
"You've got yourself a deal lovely. No matter what, you'll always be my best friend." Seb laughed picked Heather up, wrapped her legs around his waist. He spun her around and then looked up into her eyes. "Should I go to your house and get you some more clothes? I think today would be a great day to go out to lunch, and then maybe come back and go swimming?" Seb set her down on the couch and ran a hand through his hair, waiting for her answer.

(( [MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION]))

"You've got yourself a deal lovely. No matter what, you'll always be my best friend." Seb laughed picked Heather up, wrapped her legs around his waist. He spun her around and then looked up into her eyes. "Should I go to your house and get you some more clothes? I think today would be a great day to go out to lunch, and then maybe come back and go swimming?" Seb set her down on the couch and ran a hand through his hair, waiting for her answer.

(( [MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION]))

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