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Realistic or Modern Summer Home (Two Years Later)

Akiyama Daisuke

How dare Komori Sensei interupt Daisuke's poetic genius. When the teacher called out to him he gave the man a snarl and set his pencil down. "Aight, aight...yo where we at again?" he asked, purposely to get on the teacher's nerves. Though he acted like a jackass, he wasn't a bad student. His grades in Japanese have been stellar for his entire life. The lowest grades he had weren't because he didn't understand the material, they were low because he didn't put much effort into those classes. And by low, I mean like C+'s.

Komori Sensei rolled his eyes and sighed with exasperation and opened his mouth to berate the boy, but as soon as his lips separated, Daisuke interrupted him.
"Oh, never mind, bruh. I found it." Komori twitched at Daisuke's utter lack of respect in addressing the man as "bruh." Before he began to read, he cleared his throat and said, "Yo, check it," to the amusement of his classmates.

"YO!, Long now, CALM DOWN

The last thrush is still, the last bat IS SO ILL

Now IT cruises in his sharp hieroglyphics. His wisdom IS MYSTIC

Is ancient AND HE WASTED too, -- someone gimme a beat-- and immense.



over the mountain. UNDER THA BRIDGE--"

Daisuke's improvisation of the reading material was interrupted by Komori Sensei, who had been making his way to the boy's seat as he got into his performance. Komori dropped the book on the boy's desk to get his attention. "Do you think this is funny?" Daisuke looked up at the man and laughed nervously.

"It ain't rhyme so I thought I'd--"

"You thought you'd what?! BUTCHER IT INTO NONSENSE!?"

"Bruh. Bruh bruh, it didn't make sense before I--"


"Aight aight, take it easy. I'll read it just like dude over there!" Daisuke pointed at Mamura and cleared his throat, mimicking Mamura's flat, and unapologetically disinterested tone.

"If there were no wind we might, we think, hear

The earth grind on its axis, or history

Drip in darkness like a leaking pipe in the cellar. There."

Komori Sensei knelt down next to the boy and got uncomfortably close to his face. "If you pull anything like that again, I will not hesitate to react appropriately." He stood up straight and tore Daisuke's beanie from his head and threw it on his desktop.

"You! Come-Lately-San number 1! You're up!" Komori Sensei pointed at Mairu.

@Suzumaki Arakai @TRASHLYN @ the class


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Haru waved back at Maki as he set off, and then he turned around, only to recognize a really tall guy with the same uniform on. Isn't that the guy who like...beat someone up or something. Eh, probably not. Before he could go over and say something, another super tall older guy ran in, jeez, what was with all of these tall men, and threw down a bunch of stuff as he bought some bread. "Ah, Hina-kun? This guy left his license," the black-haired male stated, look up at the brown-haired male.

"I'll check with Maki about it when he's back. Managers should make decisions together!" Hinata cheered, but then paused with a frown, turning back to Haru. "Maki's right though, you really need to get to school," he gave the other a condescending look, and Haru smiled back at him.

"Okay, okay. I'm outta here," Haru smiled, and gave a wave before he creeped up to the tall male, with a very, very flushed face. "Uh, excuse me, but I would just like to say that you're really tall, and it's kind of attractive." He avoided his eyes from the other before giving a nervous laugh and trying to walk away. However, he turned back around, face still flushed and added, "G-gomen'nasai!"



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He gave a small huff in frustration as the tall male told him to watch where he was going, and he picked up his boxes and continued on, his hair slightly ruffled. He quickly picked up his pace, now having to deliver faster since he had gotten knocked down and he didn't get helped up. He eventually made the delivery though, having a small conversation with the woman who had ordered them. She said it was for a coming home party, as her son was in the military and loved to eat sweets, so this would be great for him.

He told her a bit about the things he did, but he ultimately decided that her stories were much better than his. He bowed after his small visit with the customer, and he began his small stroll back. He had small talk with some customers on the way, people who asked him what he did, and other things. He had actually grown pretty well-known because of the shared ownership with Hinata.

He finally arrived back, Hinata giving him a worried look.
"Some crazy guy left his ID here along with his card, so I'm hoping we can reach him and give it back to him. He was in some real hurry to buy some bread," the brown-haired male said nonchalantly, holding up the card along with the ID.

"Well, we better call him then. We can't just keep his stuff. Here, you can attend to the counter, and I'll call him." The petite boy said, taking the two things from the boy and heading towards the phone. He dialed in the number, before someone finally picked up.


"Ah...I'm looking for a Tagadashi Ishiki..."

Oh my god. Was this the same Tagadashi Ishiki that he had know two years ago, the guy he had developed a huge crush on? Oh, no. Ohhh nooo. The same male who had kissed him in the hotel room, gave him a hickey, and left him to deal with the embarrassment.

@Suzumaki Arakai




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Mairu sat lifelessly in her chair. Could you blame her? She sprinted all the way to school in less than twenty minutes. I'm not too sure if she was still alive in her chair or just asleep. She heard the sounds of the other kids reading, but to be honest, she didn't really care all that much. I mean its just school.

Mairu turned her attention to Daisuke right after Komori Sensei fussed at him for reading the paragraph wrong. Well, I don't really see the difference in the paragraphs, I mean neither of them make sense.

As Daisuke made it a little ways into the paragraph, Mairu smirked and looked around at her class mates.

"Heh. The Earth grinds on its axis."

Just as she finished being at twelve year old, Komori sensei snapped over at Mairu and motioned for her to read the next paragraph. Mairu slouched down, widened her eyes, and puckered her lips. Oh god. What. Why. Oh no. Oh no. EVERYONE IS STARING AT ME. Literally no one is looking at you, Mairu. Mairu began to breathe heavily and realized. Oh no. I'm that kid! By that kid, she means, of course, that one guy who sits in the back of the classroom and has to ask every ten seconds 'So what page are we on?'

No. I won't be that guy! I can't throw away my pride yet! I'm too young! (Drama queen). Mairu looked like a psychopath muttering to herself in the back of the class. Mairu cleared her throat and swung her book open. You really would have thought she knew what she was doing. Komori Sensei's eyes glared down at her. THE PRESSURE IS GETTING TO ME. Flipping through the book, she cleared her throat once again. Why didn't you just ask the page number!? There's no going back now! DEATH IS STARING ME DOWN. IT'S THE END. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY.

"We are chained in a cave facing the wall. We see images as shadows that parade in front of a fire behind us.

But what would occur if one of us were suddenly released and let out into the world and the light of the sun? Would we wish to return to the cave and our familiar dark existence, or would we, by the light of the sun, see the world as it truly is? Most likely if we returned to the cave to tell the others, the reality of the light would not be believed."
She said in her most dramatic voice ever.

NAILED IT. No you didn't you read the wrong thing.

Mairu leaned back in her chair, scoffed, and crossed her arms. Take that death.

The teacher squinted his eyes and chose to ignore the idiocy that just took place before him. Good choice, Komori Sensei.

"Anyways... Now to.. Late number two, Nariko. Read the next paragraph."




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Upon finally arriving at work, Ishiki's employees began to swarm around him, asking all kinds of different questions about what took him so long, how they should handle this next draft; he just kept swatting them away, "Bring it to my office later and I'll deal with it then." A long sigh escaped his lungs as he finally made his way over to a small coffee pot and poured a cup, blowing some steam from the rim as he headed to his office and took a seat in the large, comfy chair and instantly began piling out his paper work to sort through it all and make sure the page numbers were in order. There was a knock on his door, it was Hanasasami-san, the one who handles copies of manga volumes and different covers for magazines. With the wave of his hand, Ishiki motioned for the girl to enter, and when she did and small laugh shot through to him as she then covered her mouth. "Wow...Tagadashi-san, I've never seen this side of you before...Tsk, tsk, tsk. Did your girlfriend not want you to leave?" Hanasasami made her way over to his desk and laid out some files, each one contained the information of each worker in the building, causing Ishiki to sigh with frustration. "Shut it Sasami-san. What's this?" The girl continued to smile jokingly as she pointed to the picture of a man named Hyuuga Junpei. "Job applications, and I like this one." Ishiki's brow raised as he took a sip from his coffee, "Why?"

"Because he's cute."

The tall man wasn't surprised to hear these words from Sasami. She was always flirting with everyone in the workplace except Ishiki because he threatened to fire her once for being annoying. Before Ishiki could retort, Sasami stood up from sitting on Ishiki's desk and waved while leaving the room, "Just kidding...kind of. Read his application, it's not bad." It was then when a phone call came in and Ishiki hurried to answer, hearing a small voice on the other end of the line. "Ah...I'm looking for a Tagadashi Ishiki..." At these words, the man pulled out a pen and moved some scrap to find a clean sheet of paper, now leaning forward on his desk, resting his head in the hand in which the company phone could be seen being gripped tightly. "Yeah?...Ah, I...This is him...What is it?" He's not very polite if you think about it...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c421b0320_HanasasamiTsugimochi.jpg.962daf9cb93de5964f35f5a497322f5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70418" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c421b0320_HanasasamiTsugimochi.jpg.962daf9cb93de5964f35f5a497322f5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Zero Gravity



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(I'm taking this back to before class started. I forgot to introduce her!)

Yuyuka felt no need for an alarm, she woke up at about six o'clock every morning. She first woke up and stood up almost instantly while taking a deep breath. She lived in a small LDK apartment with her older sister. She shuffled her way up off of the couch, because that was where she almost always slept and walked towards their tiny bathroom to take a shower.

She didn't take long in the shower and her sister had already started on breakfast. Yuyuka had pretty ideal morning. Nothing ever seemed to be that bad in her life. She did her makeup and got completely ready for school. At this time it was only 7:27 A.M. and she was already prepared for school. So she decided to go out into her garden and tend to her flowers. To Yuyuka her flowers were the most important thing in the world. Something about them made herr feel so nostalgic. It's the most perfect life form.

After just a little while in the garden she made her way to school, by now it was still only 7:58 and as you know home room didn't start until 8:25. But there wasn't really anything wrong with being early.

Yuyuka made it to school at about 8:20, her usual time. It felt good to be early. Everything was great, except for one thing. Yuyuka was a total idiot. She could hardly spell her own name. That's the only thing Yuyuka despised about her life, no matter how much she committed though, she could never score above a 60 on any of her graded papers.

She changed her shoes at her locker and shuffled to homeroom. The homeroom teach really just talked about the rules of the school for about 5 minutes, and then it was time for class. Which Yuyuka was also early for. She sat up at the first row in the middle. She was so prepared for school, she needed to focus. Not that it'd help.

(And now skip up to where everyone else is. Yeesh this is so rushed.)



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Maki was still a bit nervous once he figured out who had lost his ID, that was so like him... "Ah, you left your ID at the bakery, Plentiful Pastries?" He chewed his lip nervously as he waited for a response. God, why was he so nervous? "I-I can come drop it off, or you can pick it up. We're open until ten, so..." He drawled on, wondering if he was going to come pick it up or he was going to have to go deliver it. He didn't have work at the restaurant today, which was great, but he didn't know how he could bear to see Ishiki's face again.

As happy as he was thinking about Ishiki, he realized that the taller male probably wouldn't recognize him, nor recognize his voice. It had deepened a little bit, and he had a different hair cut, a much sloppier hair cut, but cute nonetheless. He had the same face, and the same girly facial features, as well as the same build as a girl. But, Ishiki forgot about a lot of things, so there was no telling if he would remember or not.

He really considered saying his name or something, or hoped that the other would ask him his name for future reference. Gosh, he sounded like a clingy ex-girlfriend, but Ishiki and him never dated, so they had just been a summer romance, not-so forgotten among the two.
"Either one is fine with me, I'm closing up tonight. You can stop by for coffee or something if you're coming to pick it up."

@Suzumaki Arakai



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Ishiki listened as the person on the other end of the line continued on about how he left his ID at the bakery, looking up at the door to his office with a confused expression, the man pondered, "Bakery? What bakery?...Oh! Shit!" Jumping up from his desk, he held the phone between his head and shoulder while digging around in his pocket for the dark leather wallet. One he finally managed to pull it out, flipping it open would reveal that his ID really was missing, causing the phone to fall from his ear to the ground, "Fuck!" Without even listening to the last few words spoken by the guy...or girl, you never know, on the phone, Ishiki darted out of his office and lifted a finger to his most trusted employee, Hachi Daikichi. "Dai! Take over for me! I'll be back...momentarily!" The green haired male just watched his boss as Hanasasami randomly appeared by his side, startling his lightly as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "He's always moving isn't he?" Glancing up at her then back to the door Ishiki had just ran out of, the male fixed his glasses and sighed before standing up, "Indeed. I respect him..." Dai glanced up and down Sasami's body, studying her clothes before situating his glasses again. "Unlike some." These words caused the girl to turn chibi as she then raised a fist at her co-worker and began following him as he made his way to Ishiki's office, "Hey! Is that how you're supposed to treat your ex!? Hey! Asshole! You listening to me!?" A smirk played on his face as he just ignored the girl, "Hai~ Hai~ Mochi-swan."

Meanwhile, Ishiki was one again racing down the street to catch his ID, you never know what could happen if it fell into the wrong hands. Today just seems like a shit day for the poor guy...he was late to work for the first time in two and a half years, bumped into a stranger who managed to get sweets on him, and now his ID was dropped in a fucking bakery. Although, you could say there was some luck too...he didn't get hit by that car at the crosswalk thanks to some random lady who looked to be about forty. Upon arriving at the story, Ishiki swung the door open so fast that the little bell didn't even have time to ring...don't ask how that's possible. Now bend over, leaning on his knees, Ishiki fought to catch his breath. Well then mister worry wart, just calm your shit there and take a moment to realize that no one is trying to steal your ID...it's just your ID!!! The tall man lifted a hand, one of his fingers standing up as he spoke in a hoarse voice, still facing the ground. "M-y....I...D....."

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Maki gave a soft sigh as the other hung up, or something like that. He was expecting the other to like, come over later or something, but, before he knew it, there was a panting man, bent over as he was out of breath. "M-y....I...D....." The silver-haired male raised, an eyebrow, trying not to freak out at the sight before him. He gulped down the lump in his throat before taking a deep breath, holding out the idea to the dark-haired male. "Here, you go~!" He chirped, a bright smile plastered onto his face.

"I was keeping it safe, no need to worry! I'm not the type of person who steals anyway," he gave a small laugh, a hand awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. Too bad Ishiki wouldn't know who he was. He looked too different for the other to notice. He also seemed to be in a rush, he seemed like maybe he was having a bad day or something or that sort. "Do you need some water or something? You look like you're about to die," Maki stated, chewing his lip as he looked at the other. He looked worn out, and it was probably weird coming from a "stranger," but even if they didn't know each other, he would do the same.

@Suzumaki Arakai




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When Maki walked over to hand Ishiki his ID, the man had not yet looked up from the ground until he finally managed to catch his breath. Lifting his head to see the small card within the person's frail hand, it looked like a woman's...and he thought it was upon grabbing it, but then he finally stood up straight and caught a glimpse of Maki's newly born face! flinching lightly. "Ah...No...thanks." The way this person acted reminded him of someone, causing nostalgia to grow inside. Ishiki's eyes remained glued to the person as he spoke and offered him some water...but it took a minute for him to catch up, almost dropping the card. "Oh!...Sure, thank you and...sorry." He still couldn't help but stare at Maki, "....What's with this person?" It was like...the manlier version of Maki, and in a way it gave Ishiki the urge to hug this person. Meanwhile, people back at Marukawa were scurrying around trying to get the new chapters for the manga "Yamada-kun and The Seven Witches."

@Zero Gravity



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Maki gave a nod as the taller male asked for a drink of water, and he smiled happily. "Hai~ I'll bring it right out!" He hummed softly as he went back into the kitchen, getting a glass and beginning to fill it with clean water from a bottle. He noticed how the other was just staring at him, and he wished that the male's eyes would travel a little bit downwards to see his name tag. I mean, it had his name on it and everything. Hinata had one just like it. Speaking of Hinata...

Hinata stared idly at the man who was standing at the counter. He looked transfixed on Maki, like he had seen him somewhere before. Maybe he was just a perv, but no matter what he was, the brown-haired male didn't like
anyone staring at Maki besides himself. He got jealous even when customers were ordering, not like they had any intentions of snatching Maki from him. By the look on...Tagaashi's face he looked like he was focusing all his attention on Maki. Hinata gave a small huff once more before he leaned back against the wall, waiting for the mysterious man to leave and Maki's attention to return to him.

"Here you are~! Anything else you want? I'll be glad to help!" He grinned, hands clasped behind his back as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. Ah, yes. Another old habit of the small male. That wasn't too hard to recognize, I mean, not a lot of people did that while they stood there waiting for someone to answer them. In fact, it was definitely one of his cuter habits according to, well, many people...

@Suzumaki Arakai
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Ishiki's eyes followed Maki as the smaller male disappeared momentarily before returning with a glass of water, he had completely forgotten why he was here in the first place, and that thee was work at Marukawa in dire need of being completed. When Maki returned, a slight smile played on Ishiki's lips as he then took the glass, sipping it lightly before eyeing the other up and down, taking notice of a small name tag decorating Maki's shirt. "....M..." Almost chocking on his drink, Ishiki reached down with one hand and grabbed hold of the boy's shirt, almost lifting him up off the ground to get a better look at the name engraved on the small pin. "M...." His gaze then wondered up and met Maki's, now staring intently as Ishiki's heart began to race. Once coming to the realization that it probably look like Maki was being bullied, Ishiki let him go and took a step back, placing a hand on the back of his neck but still keeping his eyes locked with Maki's. "Mak-...Eh!?" Suddenly, and somehow, one of Ishiki's employees suddenly appeared in the shop with a terrifying glare slapped across their face. "I~shi~ki~!!!" Jumping up and wrapping her arm around the tall male's neck, the pink haired girl jerked him down to her size and began her normal lecture. "What the hell do you think you're doing!? A choking noise could be heard echo from Ishiki's throat as he was then dragged out of the bakery and down the street. "U-Ueno...l-et go." The girl was utterly disappointed in the fact that the person who got to become the head of Sales instead of herself, had run late for work. And now! Now, "You're standing in some bakery! Flirting with the cutesy boy that always delivers sweets to my house! When you should be back at the office! Looking at applications! And finishing the rough draft that was assigned to you! We've only gotten a hundred copies finished so far! That took three days because of how backed up everything is! The due date is tomorrow! Ishiki!" Yep, Ueno calls Ishiki by his first name because she says, "I have absolutely zero respect for you! You don't deserve the shit you get!" This went on for the rest of the walk back to Marukawa, and she never once let go of Ishiki until they stepped through the automatic doors, in which the girl then launched a man half her size away and instructed him to go to his office and get his shit done. There were no complaints...Ishiki is intimidated by Ueno for some reason. Rubbing the back of his neck, Ishiki continued to think about Maki and how different he looked..."Was that really him?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c422a45e9_UenoKirisaki.png.8cc3d4f289a2b8c434bd70402b5085df.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c422a45e9_UenoKirisaki.png.8cc3d4f289a2b8c434bd70402b5085df.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

@Zero Gravity



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Hiroshi kept his gaze away from the shorter male, hoping that some miracle may happen to where he wouldn't notice the giant of a guy. He tried just acting inconspicuous and just walked along, but he kenw that wouldn't work. He then tried to jsut kneel down and be the height of the others around him, hoping he'd blend in, but that obviously didn't work.

"Uh, excuse me, but I would just like to say that you're really tall, and it's kind of attractive."

When the boy spoke, his eyes widened slightly as he cleared his throat and scrambled up.

'Attractive? D-did he just... co-compliment me?'

Hiroshi felt his face becoming warm so he looked away and muttered a little thank you. He felt super embarrassed and didn't know what else to say. People don't just waltz up to him and compliment him- Especially ones from his school!

When the boy turned around to leave, his eyes followed him. Right when he realized what he was doing, he threw his hadn to his face and tried to cover his flushed face.

'I-I don't... What just...'

He was very confused, and what confused him more was the boy turning around to apologize.


Hiroshi dropped his hands quickly and looked over at the equally rosy boy.

"N-no need t-to ap-apologize. Y-you d-did nothing w-wrong!"

He didn't really understand what just happened but he hoped it made him feel better. He didn't want any other rumors happening that he made a boy sad or anything, plus, having someone sad because of him made him feel terrible. His reputation was bad enough anyways. It was awhile ago too, but everyone's still scared of him and avoids him, so he didn't want to lose this chance to cheer someone up.

Hiroshi rested his hand on his neck and looked away, introducing himself.

"I-I'm M-Mitsuo Hiroshi."

He held out his hand to shake the other one. He wasn't really sure how to formally introduce himself since he hasn't in awhile, so he just held out his hand.

@Zero Gravity




Nariko was leaning back in her chair, feet on the desk, book in her lap, and staring at the door. She was extremely bored. How was she suppose to get through school at a desk? She was itching to get up and run around. Suddenly, she was taken out of her small trance when she heard the devil of a teacher talking.

"Anyways... Now to.. Late number two, Nariko. Read the next paragraph."

She quickly stumbled to get up, tripping over the legs of her chair and slamming her hands on her desk.


She practically yelled, eyes widened. Public reading was something she wasn't able to comprehend. She didn't understand how someone did it. She could tell her own stories if she wanted to without a misworded phrase, but reading from a book it's self didn't work for her.

"Read the next paragraph."

Nariko gulped and cleared her throat.

"Hehe.. Yeah.... Okay."

She didn't know where she was suppose to start reading, but she hoped that the luck she still had would grant her the right place.

"From the lane- I-I mean plane of flight-light! Light to plane, wings dripping-I meant dipping through Geo.... Geometurs? Geometries and orchids that the sunset...."

She had already embarrassed herself. She was stumbling over her words and pronouncing most of them incorrectly. Just then, somebody else started reading for her and she quickly sat down and sighed, leaning back on her chair again and staring at the ceiling. Once the person finished, the teacher said, "Late number two, see me after class."

'Great. Just fantastic.'

She thought, becoming frusterated with her inability to do something so simple. She cheered herself up with what she thinks the principal will look like when he sees his office.

'Oh, it'll be priceless.'

@WhoeverReadForHer @Suzumaki Arakai ?




Ran was often tardy when it came to school, especially when she knew who the teacher was going to be. She could've been early sitting comfortably in her seat, but she was not the girl to do that. The brown haired girl saw a blonde girl doing a prank as she entered the school, laughing at it outcome. She loved pranks and seemed to like this girl to hang with she was bored. Of course, Jokes were a daily routine.

Ran had a little robot that she made in 8th grade with a miniature uniform as well as a bag, looking like a student robot. She had a control and led it to her classroom, programming it to say' hello'. She then led it to the classroom, it rolled next the teacher. The robot said
"Hello." It rolled next a desk, making many students laugh and giggle at it. The teacher was confused and a bit annoyed, curious who was doing that.

Ran took a step at the door, smiling as well as controlled the robot to say,
"Hello, My name is Ran Natsume." Very Classy, Ran. She said hello to Komori sensei giggling and laughing at his dumbfounded expression.

"What's up? I'm Ran Natsume."
She smirked at the class and sat her desk, closing her entrance by turning off the robot and putting it in a lion backpack, peace-signing at the class as well at the teacher. Komori sensei sighed as he continued to be boring to her. That's Ran Natsume, girl of robots.

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @Corgi @Leaf Fi @Zero Gravity

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Mamura was just chilling in his chair, leaning slightly forward onto the desk with none but a look of complete boredom. Whenever someone got ready to read, he would just zone everything out and think of the lyrics to the most recent song he just listened to. Looking up at the clock, the teen began to stare off into space, watching the minute hand move very slowly as though it wasn't moving at all. That's when someone behind him began reading...in a slightly loud and embarrassed manner, causing Mamura to flinch a bit. He didn't turn to see who it was though, instead, he tried to bear with it, but for some reason seeing all of the kids start snickering and holding back a laugh made him irritated. Looking down at the book, Mamura noticed that she wasn't even reading the correct story, just like Mairu. Without much sincerity, the boy flipped over two pages and found what Nariko was reading before standing up, causing the chair to screech a little from gliding across the floor. "From plane of light to plane, wings dipping through Geometries and orchids that the sunset builds, Out of the peak’s black angularity of shadow, riding The last tumultuous avalanche of Light above pines and the guttural gorge, The hawk comes." Once again, Mamura read the paragraph in a bland and nonchalant manner, not caring for some of the snickers being thrown towards him. Although, they still began to whisper about Nariko and how she couldn't do something so simple as to read a paragraph. This is the second time that this boy has started up some shit talk without even meaning to. "Late number two, see me after class." Looks like she got in trouble for Mamura's stunt. "And you two! Shut up and , you read!" First he pointed towards two girls in the front who were the main whisperers, then to a random kid directly in front of him.

@Kawaii @Wataru @Others​



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Maki squeaked as he was lifted up off the ground, and a heavy blush broke out onto his face once he figured out that the older male now knew, or supposedly knew, who he was. People in the bakery were rather confused as to why a super tall random guy was picking up one of the employees and holding him by the shirt. However, the moment was over all too soon as another chick came in, grabbing Ishiki by the neck and dragging him away as he made weird choking noises.

The red tint was still on his face as he was dropped, and he adjusted his shirt and his hair, chewing his lip with wide eyes. Hinata grabbed Maki by the back of his shirt, dragging him into the kitchen quickly,
"What the hell was that? More importantly, who the hell was that?" the brown-haired male frowned, eyes narrowed as he looked at the other.

Maki frowned at his friend, not liking the jealous tone in his voice. Of course, he loved Hinata, but in the friendly way. He just couldn't find a way to like the male like that.
"He's just an old friend, calm down, Hina-chan," the silver-haired male stated, raising an eyebrow. "It's not like you have complete control over me or anything," he rolled his eyes, arms folding over his chest.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.b75074153be9077388cec7e6c05961e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.b75074153be9077388cec7e6c05961e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Haru was still flustered as the other told him that there was nothing to apologize for, but he still felt weird about it. He is paced his hand in the taller male's, shaking it gently. "I-uh, I'm Haru Eichi. It's n-nice to meet you," he said softly, shooting a smile up at the other. Heh, they were both flustered, now that was something new. Haru was usually the only one flustered whenever he complimented people, and he usually didn't expect them to be flustered in return. He didn't even notice the commotion going on in the front of the bakery, as he was too focused on the newly-met person who happened to be very attractive and who went to his school as well, ah, this would be interesting.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi



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Ran glanced blankly at the boy, like if she did nothing. Ran was late but with an excuse. She always had excuse of why she was late, all of them sounding like real scenarios. Ran just simply had excuses from work, clinics and notes from her parents that excused her from being late. Of course, She wasn't always late, sometimes she was one of the first to arrive!

Ran walked to the boy and replied,
"My problem, Junon boy." She said, completely straight faced. She gave a note to Komori sensei and sat at her desk, glancing at everyone and then sitting at the back, raising her feet up on the desk and signaling the teacher to resume. Komori sensei sighed and rolled his eyes. She put her bag next to her. Ran, You're so dense.

@Suzumaki Arakai @Corgi

@Everyone who got the Junon refrence
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Once Mamura finished the paragraph that was supposed to be read by Nariko, he returned to his lazy and relaxed seated position, now staring off into space as Komori Sensei scolded two whisperers in the front then commanded someone else to read. This carried on for a couple more minutes until class began drawing to an end. A short woman with wavy, brown hair and glasses could be seen standing in the doorway with a stack of papers as Komori began gathering up his things. Once the old man noticed the other teacher, his face grew slightly red and he began adjusting his tie with a smile. "Oh, Michihara-san. You look stunning today." The woman smiled lightly as he approached her to leave the room. "Thank you Komori Sensei. Also..." Michihara stepped around the elder with a bow before holding up a finger, "You might want to consider wearing a looser tie. It could result in little blood flow to the brain." She was referring to how he adjusted his tie a moment ago. These words caused Komori Sensei's face to turn a bright red before he glance at the class and left in a flustered fit. Now standing at the little podium like thing, Michihara straightened up her stack of papers and cleared her throat with a smile, "Hello kids. Look at you all...so grown up. Now, I am Michihara Sensei, and I will be your teacher for Contemporary Society. Contemporary Society is a survey of contemporary national and international issues and problems, with an emphasis on politics, economics, and personal ethics." Upon hearing this, some kids sighed and others dropped their head onto their desks, dreading what was to come next. Meanwhile, Mamura was putting up his Japanese I notebook and pulling out a new one to write down the class subject on the cover with a small, black sharpie. Keep in mind that Michihara Sensei is a caring and generous teacher who seems to worry about the simplest of things. For example, a kid in the back of class was talking with his friend about some movie they watched the other day and how funny it was. One of them almost burst into laughter but tried holding it back, resulting in a coughing fit. Upon seeing this, Michihara Sensei dropped her pen, pulled a lozenge from his bag, and ran over to the boy to take his temperature with a hand to his forehead. Once he exclaimed that he was okay, she gave a sigh and smiled, "You little devil, don't scare me like that."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c426e6c4f_KomoriSensei.jpg.36f8dac22348c09feecaa0dcadfd28b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c426e6c4f_KomoriSensei.jpg.36f8dac22348c09feecaa0dcadfd28b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c427041fb_MichiharaSamuri.jpg.afed66497ccdc52562eb7a11fa273f80.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c427041fb_MichiharaSamuri.jpg.afed66497ccdc52562eb7a11fa273f80.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
@Wataru @Zero Gravity @theglassangel @everyone



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Kanade Akihiro AKA Trumpet Bitch

Hm? Kanade was almost snoozing on top of her notebook for the entirety of the lesson, relieved the teacher hadn't called on her all class. Japanese was the easiest subject by far, besides, language was one of a musician's best strengths. Also, it was an excuse since she wasn't too used to the school environment having been home-schooled until last year. At least to her it was.

For the whole period, she had a sparkly non-threatening notebook she liked to sketch and take notes in, not necessarily at the same time. Half of the notebook was full of sketches of piano notes, the lines on the notebook being used as bars like a fragmented piece of sheet music. And Japanese characters. That too. She even tapped her feet to the rhythm not so subtly, garnering whispers from the people near her.
"Damn, what a weird girl. At least she's cute..." They snickered amongst themselves. The classmates gossiping were normally the types of people that were all talk, so they didn't really do her any harm. Kanade loved art of any kind, music, dancing, visual arts, anything she could successfully put her emotions into. What she lacked in technique, she could make up with emotion and natural talent. Other than singing, arguably Kanade could be called "sloppy" or "unorganized" but there were two certain words that she always went over in her mind as a result. Who. Cares.

Thank god for sitting in the back, and for being small and unnoticeable. Kanade looked around the row she was sitting in and saw the empty seat Mamura had left behind, she then looked left and right with a devious smirk on her face.
I could work with this... She quietly grabbed the unoccupied chair along with her own and made a makeshift "bed" with the two chairs. Topping off the obnoxious action, she winked at the blonde haired boy next to her, as if thanking him for the empty chair. Kanade leaned back on the chair to the left; her right hand was acting as a substitute for a pillow with her left hand jotting down notes. At around the same time the poor student had the coughing fit, she sneaked a yawn and closed her eyes. In fact, a couple of minutes must have passed by as she unintentionally leaned a bit too much into Daisuke's "personal space". Oh well, he won't mind. Praying the teacher wouldn't interfere, Kanade continued with her peaceful slumber.

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @uhhh should I get her in trouble?? @hmmm
Akiyama Daisuke AKA DICE

To those who aren't in the know, high school boys often find themselves in heated debates with each other about which teachers they would and would not bang. Daisuke took this topic very,
very seriously. He could debate about how attractive female (and male but that wouldn't be very gangsta now would it?) teachers are like a CNN correspondent could debate climate change. He could debate how bangable a teacher is like a tumblrina can debate the existence and validity of otherkin folk.

The dice man thought Michihara was hot in a milfy type of way. She was sweet, compassionate, and basically the polar opposite of Komori. She didn't deserve Daisuke's usual antics, you wouldn't catch him rapping whatever passage Michihara told him to read. Besides, this was more of a subject that was up his alley. After all, he could use the knowledge gained from his Contemporary Society class to make pseudo political references in his raps. What rapper didn't want that? So unlike Komori, Michihara had captured his full attention. He sat with his head in his hand, passionately following the teacher with his eyes. Not like he needed to write another rap, "Eat Shit and Die" was gold, he figured you gotta give the money making machine that was his brain a break.

Luck would have it that in the class he'd decided to focus in, Trumpet Bitch got a bright idea. Slowly but surely, her head had grown closer and closer to his lap. Daisuke hadn't even noticed until her head was she was touching his thigh.
"What the ffuhh..." he jumped a bit with the words but silenced himself to keep from making too much noise. She'd snapped him out of the mesmerizing Michihara, so he was just now realizin Kanade had made a makeshift bed of the empty seat next to her.

About a quarter of his being was pissed that Kanade had interrupted his focus, but the other 75% was marveling at how gangsta Kanade was for making a bed out of desks and falling asleep right in the middle of class.
God damn, even I wouldn't pull that shit, yo the boy thought to himself. And now, he found himself in a dilemma. He enjoyed Michihara's class, but enjoying class wasn't nearly as swaggy as the shit Kanade was pulling. Daisuke decided to qualify both options: wake up Trumpet Bitch and look like a square, or let her sleep, much to his amusement and anyone who noticed until Michihara saw her.

It was hardly even a debate. He let Trumpet Bitch sleep. Though at best, her head was inching on his thigh, this was the closet a female's head had been to his crotch. And that was
very gangsta. So he set down his pen and leaned back with a smug smile, folding his arms in the coolest pose he could manage.

@theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai @ high school kids @ yes I purposefully ended Soji and Daisuke's post with them folding their arms.

Shimazaki Otani

Earlier than usual, music flooded the room, which meant it was already time to rise and shine. It was a blessing for Otani not to be woken up by his sister shaking him vigorously for once, but there was no time for thinking about anything that morning, every minute was going to be precious. Already jumping of his bed, he turned off the alarm from his phone, and rushed to the bathroom, where he took a extremely fast shower before running to the kitchen. The house usually loud and busy house was strangely calm, after all, the sun had barely rose outside, but the sleepy boy had no time to waste, he picked up his bento and some cereal bars to eat on his way to the photoshoot, and rushed back to his bedroom. After packing up his school bag adorned with way too many goodies and wearing the brand new uniform he was still unfamiliar with, Otani left the two-story house heading to the metro station.

Listening to some catchy idol tunes, the light haired boy was amazed by how everything seemed so quiet in the early morning, the usual crowds at the streets were nowhere to be seen, and besides him, only very few workers were up. But what really caught his attention were the blooming sakura trees along the way, the pink petals flowing through the wind were, without any doubt, a delightful sight, which caused Otani to slow down his pace and admire the surroundings for a bit. And before he could notice, the boy was already at the metro station.

He wanted to sue the one who had the absolutely amazing of doing a shoot right before school, as if waking up at 7:00 wasn't tiring enough; Otani was most definitely in a grumpy mood, and thinking that it was Saturday just made things worse, he was supposed to be sleeping until late in the morning and then doing whatever he wanted; But no, he was going to do some modeling for a new magazine then go to school, how could anything be better than that? Spending most of the time just jamming to some good old Kyary, the model tried to distract himself from the fact that the day would be a long one; at least there wasn't club activity after class today, but knowing him, he would probably spend that time sleeping

Today definitely wasn't Otani's day. Photoshoots in general happened with very little to no complications, there was no denial that he was indeed a good model, but today's staff just did not know what they wanted. "Smile! W-wait, do a serious face... That's not it all" Everyone seemed so inexperienced to a point it bothered the guy, that was taking way more time than planned. After 2 hours of random poses and facial expressions, the one who was actually in charge finally arrived. To conclude the shoot after that was very easy, since the editor knew exactly what he wanted and Otani executed it impeccably. In the span of half an hour the shoot was finished, and to be honest, in the end it was quite enjoyable, but the boy was already terribly late to school. Luckily, he was losing the Japanese class, the subject wasn't hard in any way and the teacher already despised him after only four days, which probably was a record, even for Otani.

The metro ride to school was also abnormally tranquil, the usual fuss was already gone, and having the train just for himself was very pleasing. Hopefully the social studies teacher wouldn't be like Komori-sensei, who would probably eat him alive if he arrived that late; What could go wrong from now on? When he was just one stop away from school, a bunch of noisy, obnoxious girls arrived, they had barely entered the wagon and the boy was already bothered by them. Even on the maximum volume, he could still hear them perfectly well and the boy couldn't be more disinterested about some stranger's love life. "Could you please do me a favor? Shut. Up." he exclaimed bluntly, not caring about the angry looks on their faces afterwards. Shortly, he was already at school, a quite big building, which looked like a fucking labyrinth on the inside. Finding his classroom among an infinity of identical rooms was going to be a hard task, but the boy would find a way.

"Sorry for the delay Michihara-sensei, please forgive me. My compromise ended up taking more time than expected, but my parents sent a note the school to warn them about it." Otani said politely, when he finally found the right room. Many people were staring him and whispering "Is it really him?";"Oh my god! " But he didn't seem to mind, neither care about it, if you loved him to death or wanted him dead, it made no difference for Otani. Walking slowly to his seat at the back of the place, he faced a sleeping girl occupying, both, her seat and the one which was probably his. The guy didn't know what exactly to do in a situation like that, it was just weird but at the same time brilliant? But he still needed to sit and get his stuff done,and there was no option besides waking her up, so after placing his bag on the top of the desk he kneeled and shook the girl lightly, trying not to draw much attention "Hey. Hey. Get up. Come on, get up. The teacher will end up seeing you, and you don't want that, do you?"
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Kanade Akihiro AKA Trumpet Bitch

Kanade's nap was quite short-lived as the trumpet player was woken up by yet another blonde haired boy. She didn't really recognize him, Kanade wasn't really into the whole "male model" scene. "Hmm?" In a one eye after the other sort of way, she slowly gained her consciousness as Kanade tried to pull herself up. Of course, Kanade was feeling a bit groggy, having been woken up abruptly in the middle of class. Tiredly, she rubbed her eyes and leaned back to stretch as she finally realized her head was touching something...

Is this...Poser's thigh? How do you even-- Don't scream, don't scream, don't scream....
Kanade put a hand to her mouth as she simply stood still there in shock, looking up at him. Although, she was prone to be quite a heavy sleeper, and quite a strange one in fact, never has this happened to her. Kanade had never been so up close to someone's face before, the fact her head was on his lap was another matter entirely. She could see his expressions, the dark blue color of his eyes...or eye? Kanade wondered why he was wearing an eye patch, did he get into an accident of some sort? Oh well, it wouldn't be very considerate to ask. At least looks-wise, he wasn't half bad, and from Kanade's peripheral vision, it was like that blazer was never there.

In a quick motion, Kanade kicked her chair back to offer it to the person to the right of her and out of nervousness, she somehow moved so far out of her own original seat that she was sitting right on the floor. At least it was less awkward than lying on the chair. Weirdly enough, Kanade's head remained on his thigh as they proceeded with the awkward eye contact.
How is no one seeing this... The violet eyed girl had a look on her face that said "I am totally going to scream." as her breathing became increasingly shallower. "W-what....i-i-is..." Kanade mustered, not wanting to make a noise, at least not until her suspicions have been confirmed.


Akiyama Daisuke AKA DICE

Everything was going fine and dandy, what with Daisuke and Kanade sitting in the back row, Kanade's nap went unnoticed by most of the class. Anyone behind them didn't seem to care much. Then it happened. Otani caught Daisuke's attention because Otani caught Michihara's attention. Not to mention the squealing girls of the class nearly lost their shit when he entered. Much like the short girl resting on his lap, Daisuke wasn't too into the male model scene. I mean, whenever he'd see a male model in a magazine or on an internet ad or what have you, it would always make him feel weird and tingly. So in truth, he was not only not into the scene, he avoided it like a fat man avoids the gym.

So when Otani came through the door, he assumed that girls were squealing because the guy was highly attractive.
"Pfft...he ain't all that yo..." he muttered under his breath. His sentiment was half jealousy, due to the fact that no one fan girls when he enters a room. Tall dudes get all the hoes, he clicked his teeth and thought to himself with disdain.

The second half of his sentiment was denial. He could totally tell why the girls were squealing. Otani's hot. And even though it's normal for one man to recognize that another man is good looking, Daisuke would never comment on another man's looks unless he was making fun of them. He still felt the need to conceal
that part of his identity...it just wasn't gangsta. Therefore, highly attractive men make the dice man uncomfortable.

He already hated Otani, and the guy hadn't said a word to him yet. But then, oh man, what does this guy do? He rolls on over and tries to wake up Trumpet Bitch. As Otani spoke, Daisuke tried to gesture to the boy to cease and desist. He shook his head and waved one hand over another, trying to subtly keep from attracting Michihara's attention while still capturing Otani's. Of course, he failed, and Otani successfully awakened Kanade. Daisuke threw his hands up in the air and clicked his teeth in disappointment.
"Tch, man!" he whispered in a low voice. He hated the guy even more now.

What happened next was a series of very unfortunate events. Kanade's eyes fluttered open, and she kicked a chair over to Otani, only to fall out of her own. And so began a period of extended eye contact. Daisuke held his fingers up to his lips, bouncing it up and down. He couldn't help but grin wildly at Kanade's priceless expression. It almost made the possibility of getting caught worth it.
"Yo, yo!" he whispered in as low a voice as he could possibly manage. "Bruh Shh bruh SHH!" he put his hand over the girl's mouth and stifled his laughter. "It's called 'coffee' muhfucka." he continued to whisper and looked up at Michihara hoping she wouldn't notice. He removed his hand from her face and smirked as he focused on his notebook and attempted to act as normal as possible.



@Suzumaki Arakai I'll leave it up to u whether or not Michihara discovers the jackassery going on in the back of the class.



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Mamura was paying literally NO attention to anyone who entered the class by now. Instead, he was focused more on taking pointless notes that wouldn't be needed for anything within the school year. Just as he finished writing down a few short memos, some blonde boy with looks somewhat similar to his own, entered the room and began bugging the girl a seat away from him who was sleeping on the lap of a kid named Daisuke. He has his reasons for knowing him. Daisuke is the short "thug" who caused a big commotion in one of the club rooms. Which one? Mamura can't remember, but he knows that he wears an eye-patch, so who else could it be? Michihara had begun her lesson a minute or two after Otani entered, capturing Mamura's attention once more. That is...until suddenly Kanade flew from her seat in a fit of I don't even know what. Michihara turned around in a swift motion before running down the "aisle" and kneeling down beside the girl with a hand on her forehead. "My goodness. Are you alright? Must you go to the infirmary?" As she helped the girl up, Michihara looked at Daisuke who had, just a split second ago, his hand cupped over Kanade's mouth. A small grin appeared on the woman's face as she then turned away; stars could be seen floating around her. "He probably confessed his love for her."


Michihara was now at the front of the class, writing down two names on a slip of paper along with her signature. A moment or two later, she pointed towards Daisuke and frowned, "You! Take her to the infirmary and make sure she gets some rest..." The woman could be seen snickering to herself, covering her mouth as her ears grew red. "This way, they can talk it out." Two arms wrapped around Michihara's waist, they were her own, before the teacher began twisting back and forth as hearts popped out around her. "It's....LOVE!" It was then when one of the children raised his hand, catching to woman's attention and causing her to blush. "Michihara Sensei, the lesson..."

"Eh!? Ah...right!"

Then she continued with the lesson.

@SirBlazeALot @theglassangel @Corgi

((It's a little lazy :c sorry))​



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Kanade Akihiro AKA Trumpet Bitch

If anyone asked, Kanade was not scared... just very very surprised and confused. Many questions were going on in her head that she did not want to find answers to. She was about to go off on the short boy until Daisuke put a hand over her mouth and grinned widely. How can he act so casual in a situation like this? Maybe this was fate's way of telling her to study or pay attention in class more. Regardless, Kanade was annoyed at his obnoxious behavior and did not need Michihara-sensei to help her, although the violet eyed girl complied and stood up. "Sensei, I'm fine! Fine! I don't need to go to the infirmary, dammit!" Her face became a bright scarlet. She felt a bit bad for sleeping in the woman's class now, Michihara seemed like such a kind teacher. Now the eyes of every classmate around them were on her, fueling the awkward situation. Around the classroom, whispers about the two musicians confessing their love could be heard around the room. Kanade could feel her face burning up in response as the tiny girl put two hands over her tomato-coloured cheeks. This fucking kid... "Ugh. Fine."

The trumpet player ended up going to the infirmary, out of frustration, boredom of being in class, and not wanting to piss off the teacher. Besides, it was already more than enough that she decided to sleep in class, which did start the whole series of events to begin with.
Jesus, I really need to rock out. During the whole walk, the girl's arms were crossed, and her gaze away from the boy. Now would probably be a good time for Daisuke to be completely mindblown with how short and petite the trumpet girl was, during the club room commotion, Kanade wasn't close enough for him to fully realize how short she was.

Usually the infirmary was empty, mostly because the infirmary was a place you simply didn't want to be in. Even nurses rarely frequented the room unless absolutely necessary. The room they had entered was just like a regular infirmary, white and expressionless. At least the semi-pleasant paintings and flowers on the wall made the vibe better, though not by much. The raven haired girl plopped onto the white bed and glared at him with an annoyed stare on her face
. "Why didn't you wake me up or something? Psh..poser." Kanade rolled her eyes. She didn't necessarily hate the whole situation, but it was awkward, for sure. This was probably the opposite of what Michihara-sensei was thinking, but hey, they were skipping class.

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Akiyama Daisuke AKA ya boi DICE

Unlike Komori, who probably would've blown a gasket and murdered the two kids, Michihara seemed to be...uhh...a little bit too happy about Kanasuke's antics. Yeah I used the ship name whatcha gonna do about it? Daisuke was a fan of sticking it to the system, or at least, that's the vibe he wants to give off. Even though he actually enjoys Michihara's class, he'd never admit that or want anyone to think that he does. And so, instead of respectfully complying with Michihara and silently leaving the class to avoid any further disruptions, he stood up and said, "Aight sensei," and then mimicked the sound of a turn table and pantomimed a DJ scratching a vinyl disk before saying in a low voice through his hands, "It's goin' down in the infirmary!" before breaking into a loud beat box as he lead Kanade out of the door.

In the hallway she was oddly silent as she walked by his side. He straightened his blazer and studied her for a moment. She was short, which in Daisuke's book, was a plus. Tall women like the tardy Froot Loop amazon make him feel emasculated. And she was pretty cute too! Only thing was Daisuke thought she was kind of a bitch. She seemed intent on not making eye contact, so the entire time they were in the hallway, Daisuke made stupid faces at her to entertain himself. He thought the whole situation was pretty gangsta. He got to leave class with a girl, which made him literally look too cool for school. He hoped that a rumor about the two of them making out in the infirmary would spread around.

When they finally arrived at the desolate room, he dragged a chair from the front of the room to the bed and sat down. The boy leaned back in his seat and lifted his legs so that he could rest his feet on the bed near Kanade. He folded his legs and put his hands behind his back.
"Tch, why you think?" he said and closed his uh...eye(s) with a triumphant little smile on his lips. "If I woke yo ass up, you wouldn't have fucked up an' fallen outcho seat, yo. Then we wouldn't be skippin' class right now, shawty." He opened his eye with a little proud sigh. "I know, I know...I'm a fuckin' genius cuh." Of course, there's no way Daisuke could've anticipated the end result of their shenanigans, but implying that he planned the whole thing seemed like a cool idea, fitting of the next big name in hip hop music. "Not like yo ass wanted to be there anyhow."

@Suzumaki Arakai @all students who got a taste of the dice man's beat boxing skills and @theglassangel

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