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Realistic or Modern Summer Home (Two Years Later)

Suzumaki Arakai


A Strange Summer Home

Now: A Strange Turn of Events

This RP is only for those of us who took part in the RP, A Strange Summer Home.

Our IC RP posts will start and take place on the morning of April 11th, Saturday.


Adult - Teen


1.) Tagadashi Ishiki - @Wataru

2.) Haru Eichi - @Wataru

5.) Ace Wilson - @Kawaii

6.) Kanade Akihiro - @Kawaii

10.) Nariko Yukihara - @Corgi

8.) Suzumaki Arakai - @Suzumaki Arakai


Tagadashi Ishiki
x Maki Noriko

Vaughn Ritter
x Hanako Takigawa

Morizono Sho
x Haruna Usagi

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Beep, Beep, Beep, crash!

Ishiki's hand smacked down on the alarm clock that rested on his table side. This was a daily thing, even on weekends like today. Clothes, papers, books, manga drafts, and many different things decorated the man's room as though they were a part of it, call it a disaster. Pushing himself up with his arms, Ishiki stared down at the pillow for a second before situating himself once more to allow his feet to reach the floor, now sitting up right on the bed. A sigh escaped his lungs as a hand covered half of his face,
"Damn..." As the tall male stood up and stretched his arms into the air, a low grumbling sound came from his stomach, causing him to look down at it with a nonchalant expression. "Ah, that's right, I didn't eat yesterday." After escaping from the cozy room, Ishiki found himself in the kitchen, staring into the abyss of his empty fridge with a troubled sigh. A small scratch was sent to the back of his head as he decided to go lay back down and take a small five-minute nap before heading to work, which is rare for him to do. Ishiki's living room was also covered in work supplies, his laptop could be seen sitting on an entertainment center, normally where a TV would be.



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All that was felt was a small shake to the shoulder before Mamura opened his eyes, being blinded by the bright ceiling light, causing him to cover his face with the blanket. "Daiki...Oi, Daiki. Wake up, you gotta go to school." The voice was that of a child's, it was Mamura's little brother Daichi. Rolling over and onto his back, Mamura sat up and and scratched at the back of his head with a wide yawn before looking at his brother and ruffling his hair. "I get it, I get it." After his brother darted out of the room, the blonde teen grabbed his phone from underneath his pillow and checked the time, realized it was only around 6:30 in the morning. This caused his eyes to narrow, but might as well get up anyways. Sliding out of bed and stepping over into his walk-in closest, Mamura pulled out his school uniform and threw in over his shoulder before grabbing his usual hoodie off of the dresser beside his bed and escaping into the bathroom across from his bedroom. The boy stared at himself in the mirror while brushing his teeth, then decided on a few different hairstyles afterwards...but none of them seemed necessary so he just ruffled it back up without even combing. "Today's just a half day, why am I even going?" Mamura let out a sharp sigh before adorning his uniform, along with the hoodie underneath. It wasn't thick or anything, just a simple one that makes his uniform look cooler...all boys want that, their personality doesn't matter. After finally getting dressed, Mamura headed into his kitchen where Daichi and his father could be seen already eating breakfast, causing him to raise a brow as usual. "Why're you guys up so early?" He took a seat and grabbed three small sausages and began to eat them as his father stood up and rinsed off his plate, "I've got an important interview and I'd like to finish some things at the office before then, and Daichi just wanted to be up." A large grin grew on the younger one's face as he shoved an entire boiled egg in his mouth and shook his head, causing Mamura to sigh with a light smile. Once he was finished with his breakfast, the blonde, who looked almost identical to his dad, packed up a bento for lunch and headed out the door.



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Kanade Akihiro

Kanade woke up to the sound of an opening electric guitar. "You'll be the reason I'll be uneven..." Hm? She turned off her phone alarm. Kanade was a morning person all the way and loved to wake up to the sound of loud rock music. She was still in her makeshift pajamas consisting of only a band t-shirt as she energetically ran to her private bathroom. Let's just say...the reason why she likes waking up early is to have fun while getting ready. Luckily the bathroom was her own, her wealthy, yet loving parents would much prefer it that way as the loud music blasted from the room. Kanade sang along in a muffled voice while brushing her teeth at the same time. The loud singing wasn't horrible by any means, Kanade was a very talented singer, but that girl needed some chill sometimes. By the time she was done combing her hair, her melodic notes were reduced to a soft hum as her long black hair fell softly to the middle of her back. She didn't really care how her uniform looked as she skipped the blazer and tie and decided to go for a shorter skirt, thigh high socks with the button up tucked in. Kanade topped it off with her Minnie Mouse earphones (the same ones Haruna has, surprise surprise) and a worn out bag with symbols of bands and Disney characters. She basically looked like a 90s hipster, some people found that weird. Kanade didn't care, besides, she was used to being different.

As Kanade went down the stairs and walked to the kitchen, she saw a small series of notes on the dining table. Her parents were basically on tour or working all the time, but it didn't stop them from telling their daughter how much they loved her through leaving notes on the kitchen or through little texts.

Good morning Melody-chan~~ Mom and Dad have work ripe and early in the morning, so grab yourself something from the kitchen! We love you, hun-bun!


-Mun and Dun <3

Grabbing a small purple notepad from her bag (Melody-chan is a play on words for her name and for her musical abilities), she smiled and wrote back a response.

Be safe! I promise I won't sleep in class again.

-_- '', I love you guys~~

-Hun-bun <3

What goofballs, Kanade laughed to herself. "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, eh?" It was a half day, which meant no marching band practice or any sort of music rehearsal today and certainly no student council. True, Kanade could skip class, but in her mind, she couldn't disobey the honors of being Class President, could she? Whatever, at least I can buy some food. She sighed and half-bounced (to the music) and confidently strode out the door. Kanade didn't notice people on the sidewalk giving her strange glances as she was melodically sang along. Indeed, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree at all.

@everyone @don't worry hoeruna will make a post soon, this is getting too long xD



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It was early, like way too early for Maki to usually be up. However, he had a bakery to run, so he was already up and in the kitchen, still using his normal habit of whistling while he baked. He ran a hand through his hair, which was matted and sweaty from the constant running back and forth back and being touched by the fumes and heat from the ovens and other things that were cooking in the spaced kitchen. "Hina-chan~! How many more strawberry crepes are we going to need?" He called, peeking his head out of the door as he looked at his nonchalant brown-haired friend.

"Just one more batch, keep it up, though! You're doing great!" Hinata called back, who was tending to the few customers that had entered the bakery and had stopped by for coffee and a small and simple breakfast.

Maki gave his long time friend a happy smile before he finally finalized all the orders and batches for the morning. He gave a sigh of relief, joining his friend outside to help him by cleaning tables and such.
"Do I need to make any deliveries today?" The silver-haired boy asked, leaning against the counter.

"Just one, Maki-chan~" Hinata smiled, leaning over and snuggling into the smaller male's side. Everyone thought they were married, it was pretty hilarious as everyone came in and asked them how their relationship was going. Maki would just nervously laugh and correct them on their mistake.

"Okay, okay. Calm down."



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Haru only got up when he was oh-so gently shaken by his mother. Like always, he gave her a soft smile and got out of the bed going straight downstairs where breakfast was waiting. His mother was a housewife, but it made sense, especially since she had three other kids to take care of.

Haru was always nice to his mother, not like he wasn't nice to everyone. "Like always, this is great!" He smiled kindly up at his mother, and she ruffled his hair. This was their routine, he honestly complimented her food, and then she would ruffle his hair.

After he had gotten himself dressed and ready, he made his way out the door, waving goodbye to his busy family. He decided he was going to make a stop by the bakery to check up on Hinata and Maki, like he always did. The black-haired male made his way down the street casually, waving at people who he knew and anyone who just happened to wave at him. His bag was casually slung over his shoulder before he finally arrived at his destination. He walked inside the small shop, the bell on the door ringing to signal his arrival. "Ohayo, Maki-san, Hinata-san!" He called, waving at the two were standing at the counter.

"Ohayo, Haru-kun, today's your first day of school, right?" Hinata asked, head resting in his palm as he leaned against the counter.

"Yep, but I thought I'd make my way here first, you know how I love it here," Haru stated, a small tint to his cheeks as he looked away. Compliments were his thing, yet they still made his face go completely red.


@gonna go to sleep now :-)​



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Haruna Usagi

"Maybe it will all work out like in the movies

But I know Romeo must die before the ending

With a final poison kiss delivered gently

Because you don't get lucky twice, and that's the truth"


*4:00 A.M*

Another sleepless night. It wasn't because of classes, it was because of her invention, it was just the Usagi Satellites until she could come up with another name. A year of hard work had finally paid off for her and it had already been a month since she had been contacted by NASA and well...let's just say, she became famous all over the world. It was strange how as big as the world was, people all over the science community knew her name. This equaled to doing more and more research and associating herself with her cousin's company (that was supposed to be Haruna's but stuff happened), it was exhausting work.

Her hair was disheveled and she basically looked like a wreck, Haruna still didn't understand the concept of a sleep cycle yet. For some reason, she hated the taste of coffee so she just decided to take sips from a bright blue energy drink in a mug. Classy. Waking up at around four in the morning face down on her desk, she realized an envelope that was stuck under a stack of papers.
What's this? Haruna wasn't the most organized person, but at least in her office she knew where everything was. It certainly wasn't a business document, there was no company logo, name, or address of any sort. It was a crumpled, yet blank white envelope labeled "Haruna" right on the center. Handwritten too. Rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes, she slowly dragged her exhausted ass to her living room and set the envelope on the coffee table. I don't have time for this shit right now. Pulling a nearby blanket close to her body, she slept for a solid 7 hours.

*11:00 A.M*

Phew, okay. I feel better. Not bothering to brush her teeth or do any sort of grooming, she lied back on the couch and opened the long-forgotten letter. Haruna had a confused look on her face as she skipped to the bottom to check for a signature. It looked like a personal letter you would write to a friend or even a--


How long had it been? Why had I put this off for so long? How could I ever let myself forget? Her soft blue eyes widened at each and every word. To think that for the past year, that was exactly what she did. Forget about him. Sho practically declared his love for her, and she couldn't even bother to read it? Selfish. That's what I am. Haruna wiped away the little tears forming on her face. What a foreign feeling, to cry. She slowly got up and tried to brush her teeth and make herself look presentable. Bringing a pen along with the best paper she could find, Haruna wrote back as quickly as she could. Oh Haruna...you're going to fuck up so bad.


If this letter ever gets to you, I just want you to know I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry for making you hurt so much. At least you can be happy I've been able to forget. I don't know what I did to make you love me, but whatever I did, I'm extremely grateful. I wish I could have an excuse for not writing to you, I really do... but I don't have one. I just couldn't bear reading this letter until now.

I wish you knew how I felt about you earlier... but is it weird to say I loved you too? Would it be weirder to say that I still don't know if I've moved on? Jeez, I'm a horrible person, aren't I? Sho, I wish time wasn't such a bitch, but a lot of things have been going on in my life that sadly you were not there for. I'm getting closer to my dreams each and every day and I hope you have been happy and satisfied with your life. Your life without me.

I think you were the first person I could ever say "I love you" to and I would never laugh at you for feeling that, I think I am just as clueless as you. I didn't even get a chance to say those three words. I was naive, excitement driven, I didn't know what I was going to do with my life. I would't know love when if hit me in the face, and it did. You are not some random guy... you are so much more... and you deserve so much more...I wish I could fall in love with you over and over again, but it's just been so long since I've seen you...you've probably changed so much this past year, and I can honestly say that I have too. I don't know whether or not our paths will ever cross again yet, I don't regret anything that happened in my life, not the love, nor the fame. Absolutely nothing. I mean, I was one of the few lucky ones that got those "breathtaking love stories" and I wouldn't take it back for shit. Isn't it always the best love stories that are short-lived?

Out of all the years I've been studying I have learned about a specific theory, that the universe we live in isn't the only one. It wouldn't be beyond our understanding that somewhere outside our universe lies another... similar but different somehow. Maybe in that universe, we can be together. And maybe in another universe, we can be happy. I hope that thought comforts you as much as it does for me.

Thank you for supporting my dreams, and again, I'm so sorry,


Taking a deep breath, she ran over to the mail chute outside her door and dropped the letter down for delivery. To Haruna's dismay, she didn't write down any return address and wrote in the same format, which was his name on the center with the address to his apartment. After she had realized what she did... Haruna shut down. Slamming the door, she slumped against the wall and fell onto the cold floor. It had been such a long time that she had thought about anyone from the summer home, much less Sho. Tears were streaming down her face, tears that were long overdue. Haruna didn't know how long she had been on the floor and slowly held the year-old letter close to her chest as she plopped herself on the couch. Was...was this how breakups felt like? I...didn't know they could hurt so much.. Why did I even write that dumb letter in the first place? Now Haruna was suddenly feeling the burn of the situation at hand, she just wasn't thinking, it certainly didn't help that she was feeling too tired to get the letter back. Sho... I'm sorry.


Haruna got up from her bed before her alarm, like she had made the habit of doing. Lately, after all the fame, she became a bit desensitized time-wise and finally developed a sleep cycle. At least she was doing a lot better than that fateful day a year ago. If you're ever so curious, she put the letter in the depths of her bookshelf (along with Sho's book) and put the teddy bear from Nagashima in the very corner of her walk-in closet to be forgotten. Haruna grabbed her cell phone and responded to some calls from the representative of a random company. Whoever the company was, Haruna forgot, they all asked the same questions anyway. Started with a "M"? Oh well.

"Yup, I'm just getting ready for my interview, don't worry!" Haruna casually responded back in the form of voicemail. People that Haruna worked with were used to her casual and easygoing manner whenever they talked to her, besides, they were paying her anyways. Haruna didn't believe in "stress on the workplace", and it made her life a looot easier.

Getting ready for the day, she got dressed in casual clothing as she tried to clean up the apartment for her upcoming interview. Haruna took off the blankets from the couch, threw out clutter from random ass places and brought out the fancy candles, flowers and even ordered breakfast. She liked to make her apartment smell like a light, nostalgic vanilla with flowery hints. Even if it wasn't her intention, that was how the apartment smelled anyways, so why not own it? To pass the time before the interview, she decided to absentmindedly look out the window and listen to some sad rock music. Haruna checked the stars yesterday (and every day); the Pleiades would be surprisingly close to Venus tonight, the planet of love.
Hmph. Love my ass. Haruna, stop being so emo.

@YES YES YES @Wataru
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Vaughn Ritter

Another day. Vaughn's alarm rang and he began his usual morning routine. He rolled over on to the floor, hitting it face first. It was a surprising way to fully wake up, and erase all desires to sleep again. So at five o' clock on the dot, his face hit his floor and he was fully awake. "Mmph." he mumbled from the floor, before he began to do his morning push ups. Gyms are awkward, you'd be surprised what twenty push-ups every morning could do for your body. When he'd finished he looked his phone and checked the date. He hadn't smiled this wide in quite a while.

Turns out that today was not just
another day.

Today was the day he'd finally be reunited with one of the few friends he had left in Japan. Upon his realization of the date, he shot up and ran to the bathroom. He kept a relatively clean space, his work desk probably being the messiest spot in the apartment. Vaughn had taken special care to make sure the bathroom was sparkling, and he shocked even himself as he undressed and stepped inside of the shower. It was still relatively early, so there was no need to rush, but Vaughn's the type of dude to over prepare for things when he's excited. If he hadn't smoked himself silly last night, he probably never would've gotten to sleep.

Exiting the shower, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and gasped. Like most male hermits, Vaughn had developed a full, bushy beard.
"Oh, fuck no!" he said to himself as he studied his face, as if this was his first time noticing his facial hair. He wanted Hanako to remember him exactly as she had seen him last, and that meant a clean shaven face. Turning the faucet on, he jostled around in a cabinet under his sink, searching for shaving cream. "C'mon, c'mon..." he muttered to himself before finally finding a can. "Yay!" he said in a small voice before slathering his cheek and neck with the aromatic white cream. He ripped a couple of paper towels off to catch the hair and went to town on his face.

Of course, with so much excite, and the fact that this was maybe his third or fourth time shaving over the course of his entire live, he nicked his cheek and seethed. He put a small band-aid on it and marveled at his freshly shaved face in the mirror.

"That's more like it," he said triumphantly as he headed back to his room to make his bed. Vaughn's apartment was a one bedroom studio deal. His living room had a couch that could transform into a futon and he had planned on sleeping there and giving Hanako his bed. So he moved what little he had in the bedroom out so that Hanako could make the space feel more homey, with the exception of his dresser. There was a closet by the door that he had planned to keep his clothes in, but he got too high last night to finish moving them. He decided to do the deed after he got dressed.




Once he'd finished moving his clothes to the closet, he took a deep breath as he plopped down on the couch. Time for his morning meditation. He folded his legs on the couch and put his hands on his knees, and stayed like that for a good thirty minutes. When he'd finished, he reached under his coffee table and began to roll a couple joints for himself while he waited. Glancing at the clock, he grumbled the time out loud to himself,
"8 o' clock."

Akiyama Daisuke (aka DICE)

Oh morning time. How Daisuke hates you. His phone began to play "Dark Fantasy" by Kanye West. As the chorus of voices that made up the intro reverberated in his bedroom, he angrily took his phone and rolled his thumb across the snooze button while grumbling, "Shut the fuck up," before rolling over. Five minutes later, the song began again, and Daisuke repeated the process. This continued until about 7:30 as the boy finally decided, he could no longer afford to sleep in.

Rolling out of his king-sized bed, he placed his feet on the ground and headed for the washroom. After a quick shower and the standard brushing of the grill, he headed back to his room to put on his self proclaimed "whack ass uniform." The uniform's only saving grace was the blazer, which he ritually turned inside out like Will Smith on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Taking a look at himself in the mirror, he nodded in approval.

"Lookin' raw, lookin' sick," he assured himself as he put on a black eye patch and a beanie.



He headed downstairs for a continental breakfast. "Whaddup Ken-San," he greeted the family chef as he sat down at the counter. The chef glared at the annoying child. "Your favorite, sir. Waffles, bacon, eggs, and assorted fruit." The cook slid a plate over to him as he began to clean the kitchen.

"Oh heeeeell to the fuck yeah, you're the man, Ken." Daisuke said before rubbing his hands and digging into his food like a typical shounen protagonist.

"Indeed I am...'the man'" the cook said in a sarcastic tone. "Your lunch is in the fridge sir." Daisuke ignored the man as he chowed down on his breakfast. Ken didn't particularly mind, in fact he preferred that he and the boy communicate as little as possible. When Daisuke finished, he went to fridge and shoved his bento box inside of his backpack.

"Aight, peace out, yo," he said to the cook and beat his chest before heading for the door. The cook rolled his eyes and contemplated the events in his life that had lead him to the Akiyama mansion, forced to serve their growing (not) boy for what seemed like eternity. At least he didn't have to come back to the house again until dinner.

Daisuke put on his oversized Beats by Dre headphones as he walked to school, with the volume raised as high as possible, blasting his favorite rapper: 50 Cent, "21 Questions"

@Kawaii @Wataru @Corgi @Zero Gravity @TRASHLYN
Hanako Takigawa


"Are you sure you'll be okay from here, Hana-chan? I could always walk you there..." Francis murmured softly as he glanced towards the tan girl currently tapping at the mobile in her hands. "I don't mind running a little late." He added softly. Finally replacing her phone back in her pocket, Hanako shook her now freed hand with a soft smile. "That isn't needed, but thank you for the offer. I'll phone you later once I've settled."

Confused? No need! To simply put the situation, Hanako was moving home. To be honest, she never thought that she'd ever see her friends from that Summer two years ago, but you never know what life can throw at you, hmm? Who knew that she was finally going to be reunited with one of her dearest friends at the time, even living with him? Ah, it would be just like the good old times... A soft hum passed her lips as she released her seat belt. "Thanks once again for the lift. I really appreciate it. How much do I owe you?" Francis smirked, leaning over to the woman. "No money, all I desire is a sweet kiss, ma cherie~" He cooed softly with puckered lips. A laugh emitted from the other and she gently shoved his face backwards. "Uh-huh, sure. You'll get one in your dreams." Hanako giggled before exiting the vehicle. Typical interaction between the two, but it was completely playful. For whatever the reason, she found his flirty advances rather endearing and funny. Probably due to the fact the Frenchman tried to hit on anything with a working pulse, but now we're getting off topic.

After retrieving her suitcase and gift bag, she turned around to the car and sent a wave. "I'll see you later! Take care!" The wave was reciprocated, and a playful kiss was blown her way before the man drove away. The amber eyed woman laughed softly before turning her attention to the apartment complex. The place was huge... Thank goodness she wasn't the same girl as before; you'd probably hear a delighted squeal and laughter over the building for miles. "... Here goes nothing..." All tension left with a sigh as she began the journey to her new home. On arrival, she sent a gentle knock to the door with her knuckles before taking an anxious step backwards. Oh dear... What if he was still sleeping...? It was only eight in the morning, after all... Her bottom lip was nibbled upon nervously as she waited for the door to open.


Azami Yagura


Finishing off her tea with a wince, Azami rose from her seat with narrowed eyes. Cold tea was always horrible to finish... It would've been completely discarded down the sink if her father wasn't watching her with beady eyes. He hated things going to waste and would've treated the action as if she had murdered her first born. Completely idiotic, but no point in getting in an argument this early in the morning. It would only ruin the rest of the day

"I'm going to be late. See you later." The brunette announced before leaving the home. A bit blunt, don't you think? Meh, your dad didn't stop ya, so I guess he doesn't care too much... 'Jackass...' Azami sighed as she combed her fingers through her hair before flipping it over her shoulder. Wow, how lovely. You really do give out the nicest nicknames. The slight heel to her shoes clicked against the sidewalk as she travelled, arms crossed under her chest with a signature sour pout on her lips. Someone wasn't in a good mood, it seemed... But Azami never seemed to be happy; she just looked disinterested and pissed off a lot of the time. No wonder why you don't really have any friends... Not that you really care anyways. School is just an inconvenience for Miss Azami.​

Nariko Yukihara

Nariko shot up when they rhythmic beat of the alarm clock sang, slamming her hand down on it and tumbling out of bed, landing on her butt with a thud before scrambling up and taking a deep breathe before smiling her usual grin.

Today was the 4th day of school... Want to know why that's so important? That's the day she's going to do her stunt and succeed. She took the first three scouting out the perfect place, and she finally learned where to do it and got the materials to do so.

Nariko ran over to her large wardrobe and pulled out her pants and shirts, attempting to throw them on as she stumbled across the slick wooden floor.

"Is everything alri-"

She slowly turned her head to see the maid that usually cleans her room, staring at the girl that had only half of her shirt on and her pants to her knees.

Being the shameless Nariko she is, she simple smiled wider and waved,
"Take a picture, it'll last longer!" She joked, laughing afterwards.

Currently, Nariko looked like she had been drunk the night before and did some crazy things. Her hair was a rats nest, her face had a bit of dried drool and crusties on it, and her pants sagging as well as her shirt being buttoned up unevenly.

"Mistress, you look like a mess." The woman spoke, enter the room and walking over to her, fixing her up.

Once she was done, she looked presentable.

Of course, she rushed over to the mirror, she looked like a... girl. With a terrified scream, she messed up her hair a bit and threw a red cap on, sending out a breathe of relief.
"Please, I beg of you, never do that again." She pleaded, quickly running out of the room to leave the maid confused. She jumped down most of the stairs, failing the landing, but not caring since she was in too good of a mood to give any fucks.

She quickly got her shoes on, and exited the mansion, skateboard and backpack in hand.

With one swift motion, she dropped her skateboard and jumped ontop of it, racing down the long driveway with a large grin on her face.

As she was doing so, she started to 'beautifully' sing and rap at the top of her lungs, enjoying every strange look she got on the street.


Hiroshi Mitsuo

Hiroshi's purple eyes fluttered open to the sound of the screaming alarm. With an annoyed groan and grabbed his pillow and put it ontop of his head, trying to block out the noise. When that failed, her tossed the pillow to the side and pressed the button the cease the screeching. Happy that the noise had stopped, he sat up, running his fingers through his brown hair before throw the covers off of himself and standing, stretching a bit and letting out a tired yawn as he dragged him self over to the decrepit wardrobe and pulling out the school uniform. It wasn't something that he would ordinarily wear, but it wasn't really his choice unless he wanted to be sent home. He gradually slid on the clothing, forcing himself to stay awake no matter how tired he was. He had to go to school, even if he was frightening everyone by his pressence.

He stumbled into the bathroom and did what he needed to before entering the hallway and sliding his shoes on, grabbing his backpack, and leaving without one word.

He made his way down the street towards the pastrie shop. He always stopped there in the morning to get coffee, which was exactly what he was going to do today. He had his normal facial expression on his face. It looked like he was tired and pissed, which only one of those was right. He was actually quite happy, or was going to be once he got his coffee.

Hiroshi quietly walked into the pastrie shop and got out the correct amount for black coffee. They should know him enough to know that what he wants, since he's been here many, many times before. Right when he entered, his eyes were drawn to a boy with the same uniform on.

'My lucky day.' He thought, averting his attention and trying his best not to be seen... Which is pretty hard for a male who's 6'1".

@Zero Gravity
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Somewhere along the lines of crossing the street, Mamura had placed his headphone on and turned on his music, carrying a nonchalant expression that says, "I don't care." His hands rested in his pockets as a black bag could be seen hanging from his shoulder, bouncing with every taken step. Looking up, he could see people entering a small bakery, but didn't note the name of it. "Is that the place?" A lot of people have been talking about the store for a while now, it was the newest one on the block, but sweets aren't really his thing. There were many people crowing the streets by now, that's to be expected in the city though, people have work to get to. Eventually, after growing lost in his thoughts, Mamura arrived at Kobe High and made his way onto school grounds, staring blankly at the ground in front of him. His favorite Flumpool song was playing on max as he entered the school and began making his way up the annoying flight of stairs meant to lead one to the second floor of the massive building. People began waving at Mamura, even girls, but he brushed them off. One boy approached him and began walking in sync as he threw an arm around Mamura's shoulder, smiling like an idiot and sliding his headphones down off of his head. "To think we was almost in the same class! Shit sucks man." Mamura wasn't phased, he just kept walking and shrugged, "Yeah, but whatever happens, happens." The other guys just clicked his tongue and smacked Mamura on the back before running off to his own class. After returning his headphone over his ears, the blonde eventually arrived at his new classroom and entered with a sharp sigh, searching around for which seat would be his. The second row up from the back, and the second one to the left from the door. It didn't strike him at all that soon he'd have girls sitting all around him. There were already a few people in the room who were looking at him, some guys waved and called out his name but he couldn't hear them, and instead just nodded bluntly before sitting down and allowing his legs to rest in a lazy manner before turning his head and staring out the window that seemed oh so far away. "...I've gotta turn in my club form today."

@Wataru @Kawaii @Others

((I'm making Ishiki late for work so I'm not going to post on him yet.))​



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Azami Yagura


Before turning into the school building like a good student, Azami had taken a slight detour to get a box of pocky to nibble on. After all, a mug of tea in the morning really didn't fill you. A lone piece stuck out of her mouth as she continued to walk, expression significantly less sour and bitter now. Instead, she was a lot more calm and gentle- well, as gentle as a fiery girl can get- with her eyes a little wider than their usual narrowed position. Believe it or not, this vixen of a girl was a little nervous and, dare I say it, scared. Due to the horrid split her parents had, Azami just... Gave up with school. As a result of skipping, not paying attention and just being an overall brat, she now has to retake the year without knowing anyone. And, well, she was dreading it. Not that the brunette would dare admit such a thing; she'd sooner die than utter her thoughts at that particular moment.

Finishing off the chocolate stick in her mouth, Azami's eyes narrowed as soon as the building and various students came into gaze. 'With this shit again... Fuckin' fantastic.' She clicked her tongue in irritation before bringing another pocky stick to her lips and began the journey inside the building. No one dared speak to the girl- she gave off a pissy vibe that just screamed for people to back off- and she made the familiar journey to the second floor of the school, easily finding the classroom. Azami entered with a click of her tongue, olive green eyes flickering around the fairly noisy room to find a seat. Back row? Definitely. No one else there? Check. How perfect. Causally, she strolled into the room and made her way to the back of the room, throwing her book bag down at the side of the table before plopping into the chair. She immediately leaned forward, resting both elbows against the surface of the wooden table before cupping her face in her palms. This was going to suck.

@Wataru @Kawaii
Vaughn Jitters

At the sound of a knock Vaughn fell out of the couch trying to get up to answer the door. Even weed couldn't quell his excitement. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." He uttered to himself as he tried to get his shit together. But there was just so many shits that needed to be unified. Had he properly unified them all? He made a quick dash to the sink to make sure there were no dirty dishes. There were none. He made a dash to the bedroom to make sure it was empty and ready for Hanako to move into it. And it was. And then a quick dash to the bathroom. Was it spotless? It was. "Ok, ok. Good shit, good shit," he said to himself regaining his composure.

As he reentered the living room to open the door for Hanako, he spotted the still burning joint on the coffee table. He smirked and thought to himself that that was the one thing that she wouldn't care about and would probably expect of him anyway. With that, he took a deep breath and opened the door...

It was impossible to contain his huge goofy grin as he locked eyes with the girl. Butterflies raced from both ends of his stomach rapidly and his brain became alive with confusion and fireworks. Knowing not what to do, the marijuana took full effect. He opened his arms for a hug and simply said,

Akiyama Daisuke AKA DICE

Yo, check it. It's ya boi DICE. And this walk to school, bruh? Bruh.

Bruh bruh.

It's a pain in my motherfuckin' asshole. Not just my ass. My whole asshole. But yo, NO HOMO. Anywayz, it's a boring ass walk from the crib to the skoo and shit, so how much detail you really want about me putting one mothafuckin' foot in front of the other mothafuckin' foot? Huh? Do wanna hear about what a great morning it is? How high the mothafuckin' sun is? Bitch, please. You know what morning looks like. Use your mothafuckin' imagination.

Took forever to get there but I finally did it. To be quite honest, I hate walking to school, and I wish I could get a ride every day, but I can't tell the other scrubs at school that shit. It just wouldn't be very gangster, nah'msayin? I mean like, Eminem walked eight miles that one time and he ain't complain about it right?! At least I think he walked eight miles. Why else would they call the movie
8 Mile if homie didn't walk eight miles? Maybe he wrote eight miles worth of raps, in which case, I hella did one time. So that basically means I'm as good as Eminem. Where my feature film at? Come to think of it, how long is a mile anyway? Whack ass Japan uses the metric system like every other boosie ass country in the world.

Whatever, so check it, I walk up in this bitch, and errrrrrrrrrrrrrrbody lookin' at me all types of cray cray. They be like...
Is this fool really wearing his jacket inside out!? And I just give 'em this look like, Hell yeah I'm wearing my jacket inside out and Imma fuck yo bitch later, homie.

Yeah I get a lot of attention up in this bitch. As long as one of those freakishly tall assholes doesn't come prancing around, it's all eyez on me like my homie Tupac, R.I.P.

So I get to class and shit, and I take my seat in the back cause you know, can't nobody tell what I be doin' in the back. I could be taking notes like a good little bitch. Or I could just be writing some dope ass bars. Shit, I could be jackin' off, ain't nobody gonna notice! So I turn my swag on and I pimp walk over to my seat like a real G would. When I lower my headphones, everybody can hear the shit I was bumpin'. Notorious B.I.G. - Kick In The Door, a song fit for the king of the class. I take my seat, don't even bother to turn off the tunez, and fold my arms like WHAT.

@Wataru @Kawaii @Corgi @Zero Gravity @be prepared for 1st person daisuke when i feel like i need to spice up a post.

Kanade Akihiro

The music in her ears quickly from rock to some good old 90s pop. Still striding to class, accepting high fives from friends in other classes. It was strange, how she was eccentric and loud, yet she still ended up popular. I guess you could say she was comfortable in her own skin as she could get. At least it wasn't a rainy first day of school., she would hate for her earphones to get ruined.

"Oi, president!"

"Wassup trumpet-chan?"

"Don't forget to text me, okay?"

Not paying attention to the comments in the hallway, her heart was focused on the rhythm as she walked into her classroom. Skimming over the seating chart, her heart sank.
Oh no...Glockenspiel-san's in my class..and he's sitting next to me... Glockenspiel-san was the nickname given to poor poser Daisuke Akiyama. He had gotten kicked out of orchestra and had to join marching band...for some reason. Kanade found this to be an inconvenience since he couldn't even blow a single note on any brass instrument they had on hand. The closest instrument he could play was the glockenspiel, and he had to complain, calling the uniforms "whack" whatever that meant, and wouldn't stop whining about the harnesses. It honestly irked Kanade to the point of just giving him the instrument with the uniform. "You're weak, Glockenspiel-san!" was all she said as she told him to get out. The only reason she didn't kick him out was because of her appreciation for music, maybe Kanade could teach him to play with a bit more emotion. Not that it would happen, she scoffed at the thought. Kanade rubbed her temples in annoyance at the thought of him.

Looking around the classroom with her flickering violet eyes, she sat down on her assigned seat next to a blonde boy. Kanade didn't recognize him as she wasn't paying attention to any other names on the chart. Excluding the rest of the classroom, barely anyone was here.
Consequences of an early bird, I suppose. Oh...shit..it's poser-san... Another one of Kanade's secret nicknames for the boy. He was already here, with his blazer inside out? Oh well, someone like Kanade can't really judge style considering her worn out bag looked like a hipster's paradise. "Morning." Kanade said nonchalantly to anyone who would answer, hopefully it wasn't Daisuke. Sighing, her hand was on her chin as she moved the other hand along to the rhythm, she couldn't be bothered with his shit right now. Her legs didn't even touch the floor as she started to sway them left and right out of boredom. School was back again...

@Wataru @Kawaii @Corgi @Zero Gravity @TRASHLYN


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Mairu was no morning person. I mean who was, but this morning seemed unusually delightful. Softly, Mairu lifted her thin, noodle like, body off of her bed and stretched her arms.

"Wow. I must be a morning person now."

Doubt it. This is the first day in your entire life in which you have ever woken up happy. Mairu shuffled off of her bed and looked around her messy room. Now, by messy I mean messy. Clothes were everywhere, dishes, shoes, paper. I'm pretty sure the Atlantic City was hidden under all that mess somewhere. Her feet crunched on a bag of chips as she stood up. Some lifestyle.

Mairu glanced all over her room looking for her alarm clock, which was no where to be found. She squinted her eyes suspiciously as if something strange was going on here. She exhaled and walked over to her bedroom door. She had to pry it open with all of her strength because she was just too lazy to move the shoe that was stuffed in the hinge of the door. The door flung open, or should I say off with a loud popping noise.

Before she knew it she was sitting on the floor with a door pressed down on her body.

"What the hell."
Like she had no idea what happened. Mairu flung the door off of the top of her body and grew oddly offended.


She stared down at the door, now standing up all the way. Was it the door's fault? Mairu shook her head side to side and stared disappointedly down at the white door that was on the ground before stomping down her messy hall. Mairu lived alone, well officially she had a mother who lived with her, but she was never actually home. Well, I don't really know where she always is. Anyways, she sent money so it was alright. If you really think about it, Mairu had a great life. No one ever told her what to do, or how to do it.

Mairu pranced down the hall completely forgetting about the broken door and arrived in the kitchen that was almost a hundred times worse than her room. She barely noticed though. She grabbed a dirty bowl from the sink and started washing it without a care in the world. Today was probably the hundredth day in a row in which she had eaten fruit loops.

Just as she finished washing her bowl she heard a familiar noise.

"My alarm? Did I wake up earlier than my alarm?"

The students of her school were to be in home room by 8:35, Mairu's alarm was always set for 7 A.M. So that she had enough time to get ready. She wasn't very girly, but she was still a girl. Now for her to turn her alarm off.

Making it back into her room, she rummaged through the piles on her floor. More like landmines. She finally found her alarm clock and stared at the blinking red, digital numbers. Every time they flashed, she blinked.


She stayed completely calm and just stared at the alarm as it read 8:34. Her eyes were glued to the screen, she slowly stood up and walked over to her closet.


Not a morning person.​



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Mamura had closed his eyes at one point in time, still listening to his music on full blast. His head was still facing in the direction of the window to his right as he could be seen leaning forward onto the deck with his head in his hand. The boy didn't notice that someone had taken a seat until his eyes flickered open, taking notice of the...girl...Without saying anything or really reacting, Mamura turned and was now facing the direction in which another desk could be seen beside him. No one had taken it yet... "Maybe I should take it." But then it would seem intentional if he just randomly looked at the girl, got up, and moved further away...oh well, he doesn't care. Reaching down and grabbing his bag, Mamura stood up and moved over to the desk to his right and was now sitting in a "door" seat. Some girls could be seen whispering to each other now about how he just "totally got up and avoided that girl." Mentions about her probably stinking could be heard as well, probably much to the other's embarrassment...unless she's got an iron heart or something. Of course, Mamura couldn't hear all of this shit talk because of his tendency to drown out the world and it's retarded nonsense with his headphones. "...." Looking around, Mamura came to the realization that he didn't really know anyone in his new class. "No one...they should've just left the class charts alone." He complained in thought, but it actually sounded like he didn't really care that much because, as Mamura said earlier, "Whatever happens, happens."

@Kawaii @Wataru @Zero Gravity



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Akiyama Daisuke AKA DICE

Yo whaddup dude. It's ya boi DICE. Aight so I roll up in the class and I take my seat, still jammin' to my mans Biggie, and you'll never guess who comes up in here.

Mothafuckin' Trumpet Bitch.


Bruh bruh.

I can't even begin to describe how annoying this lil' ass hoe is. Lemme start at the beginning. So ya boi been playin' violin like since forever, right? So throughout my entire career in school, I been in Orchestra. Naturally, ya boi joined Orchestra Club in High School, like ain't no question 'bout that, right? I'm a real violin wiz, I can do some shit on a violin that'll blow. Yo. Mothafuckin'. MIND. Like jizz would be seepin' outcha ears if you heard me play. So I roll up into Orchestra Club, first day of school, I tell the prez,
Yo what's good, I'm tryna join the orchestra how I do that. And he all cheezin' and shit in my face like a, like a, like a, thirsty ass hoe, right? He was like, Aw shit, cool dog cool, well ya know, you gotta go cop a club form and turn it in tomorrow to ride with us and shit. So I'm like Aight, cool bruh. First thing that pissed me off about dude? He act like he ain't never seen a fist bump before. I put my fist out and this asshat lookin' at me like I got two mothafuckin' headz. Now Imma real ass dude and you ain't gon' leave me hangin' like that so I punched that pussy in the shoulder. And he was all like, Damn why you do that, and I'm all like, Cause you left me hangin' bitch and now he's gettin' all volatile and shit talkin' 'bout You can't join orchestra with that attitude so I just said, Oh yeah? We'll see about that, BITCH! and I threw up the deuces and I peaced out that muhfucka.

So the very next day, after school, I go up in that shit with my application and he's like
Oh you back? and I'm like, Hell yeah I'm back, the fuck you think this was homie? You think I just go up to random clubs talkin' 'bout let me join? I came here to play violin bruh bruh what's good. And he starts givin' ya boi DICE a sour ass look and he's like, Whatever, man take a seat and tune up. So I'm like, Aight, cool bruh. I sit with the rest of the violins and this fool starts talkin' 'bout, Aight y'all lets run through our major scales so I call this dude out like, Yo give us some sheet music or something, fuck we runnin' through scales and shit for And he's all like, Akiyama-San so I tell this fool Pause. I clearly put "Refer to me as DICE on that application, did I not? and he's lookin' at me hella sour again not sayin' shit so I repeat the question, Did I not put on my mothafuckin' application to refer to me as mothafuckin' DICE. Am I mistaken?? I know I'm not mistaken. I'm askin' this pussy ass dude a rhetorical question. So he start lookin' at the teacher, who's standing up and shit talkin' 'bout Now now so now I'm standin' up. I was all like Nah homie don't play me like that gettin' the teacher involved and shit I oughta beat yo ass right here right now settin' my violin down cause I don't wanna hurt my baby. Then this fool says You know what, Akiyama-San!? Application rejected homie, get the fuck out or something like that, I'm paraphrasing.

So I pick up baby and I put her back in my case and shit and I tell this dude,
Aight fine, I don't wanna be in yo boosie ass Orchestra ANYWAY homie. And if I see you after school bruh you better be prepared to catch my fade, bruh bruh And he lookin' at me askin' dumb questions like Is that a threat? and before I peace out that bitch, I tell dude, The fuck you think it is, BITCH? And then I'm out that mothafucka.

The next day I'm going through the other clubs this whack ass high school has, and the only one I feel like would suit me was lame ass marching band. So I roll up in there after school, and so begins the Legend of Trumpet Bitch. Soon as I get in there she grillin' me 'bout what instrument I play and shit, and I tell her I play piano and violin, and I'm startin' to realize, bruh, you can't march with those shits. But what am I supposed to do, join badminton club like a bitch? So mothafuckin' Trumpet Bitch is all like
That's it, that's all you play bruh? and I'm super offended at this point. Like what the fuck how many instruments am I supposed to play? Like five? Six? Seven? What the fuck I play two instruments very well bitch, don't roll up on me like that. That's some amazing ass shit.

This bitch is like
Well the closest thing we got for yo weak ass is glockenspiel and I'm like, Fuck is that I mean I heard dudes talk about glocks in rap and stuff but I'm pretty sure she wasn't talking about the piece. I mean if she was, marching bands WAY doper than I expected. But she brings out this gay ass tiny xylophone and says This the closest shit we go to piano and I'm like Damn this shit is whack as fuck though bruh but she doesn't give a flying floating fuck. She starts throwing a uniform and a gay ass harness at me and shit and I'm like Bruh. Bruh bruh. Bruh bruh BRUH. What the fuck is all this shit?! She starts calling me Glockenspiel-San and shit and I'm like All this shit is whack bruh. This instrument is whack. This uniform is whack. This harness is whack. You're whack. This whole club is whack but before I peace out of there I'm thinking to myself like...I gotta be in some kind of club so I guess I better play nice. For whatever reason Trumpet Bitch has more heart than Orchestra Hoe-Boy so she lets me stay.

Which brings us to now. Trumpet Bitch rolls up in this bitch pretending like she don't fuckin' see me talkin' 'bout Morning and shit so I wave my hand in front of her face. "Whaddup prez!! Don't act you ain't see ya boi, yo." Funny thing is, some blonde kid moved away from her when she sat down. That was the funniest shit ever. I tried to conceal my laughter and shit, cause it was like, Bruh my thoughts exactly. I feel you on that one bruh. But then some lil' boosie ass bitches up front started whispering shit about how she smells and shit I'm like, bruh...I'm in her club, if rumor goes around that this bitch smells bad, people gonna think the whole marching band smells bad. So I throw my entire mothafuckin' notebook at those hoes.

"She smell fine, y'all the ones that smell like yo mama's nasty ass fish pussy ewwwwwwwwwww I smell y'all all the way from over here!" I played it up, wavin' my hand in front of my nose and shit, truth is, I couldn't smell shit, but Trumpet Bitch's rep affected my rep, and the entire marching band, yo. If she went down, we all went down. I still hate that hoe though.

@theglassangel @Suzumaki Arakai


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"No time to get ready. No time to get ready. No time. No time."

Mairu ran all over her room getting dressed and eating fruit loops. Why did you still make the fruit loops? By now it was about 8:40 and she was pretty much ready to go. Some start of the new semester, huh.

With her shoes in hand, she sprung out the front door wearing only socks and her uniform. She'd have to change her shoes once she got to school anyways. Mairu sprinted down the street trying to get to school before nine. Maybe if her life was a little more organized she wouldn't be in this mess. She lived pretty close to the school, but no matter how you look at it, she was late.

Arriving at school by 9:17 wasn't the greatest accomplishment ever, but it seems like that at the time. The lobby of the school was empty and silent. Mairu jumped over to her locker and hurriedly grabbed her shoes. She didn't put them on but darted straight for her home room.

"Hurry. Hurry. Hurry."

She ran straight past her classroom and reached the end of the hall once before finally making it.

She swung the door open with all of her might and let out a hoarse exhale. Lifting her arms triumphantly, shoes still in hand, she shouted.


She through herself into the closest chair and slumped down.

"I think I'm gonna throw up."



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Hanako Takigawa

Nervously switching her gaze from the floor to the door every so often, Hanako's hand slowly creeped upwards so her knuckles were lightly pressing against her lips. It really did seem like there was no one home, and she had no way of getting in without a key... Perhaps she had misheard the time to arrive at? It was the most probable scenario at hand... With a frown, amber eyes flickered back down the hallway she had previously walked. However, as soon as the action was done, the door in front of her could be heard opening, and, quickly, Hanako's head whipped back and the two gazes immediately interlocked. The same excited, bubbly and delighted feeling that used to be so familiar two years ago returned for the first time in, well, what felt like forever. Her cheeks stung a little from when her hair- both in her signature twin tailed fashion with red ribbons holding them together- slapped against them, but the pain was easy to ignore.

No sooner had the single sentence dropped from his mouth and his arms opened, a delighted squeal was released and the grin on Vaughn's face was easily reciprocated. Completely abandoning her bags, Hanako took a good two strides before pouncing onto the dark skinned male, pulling herself as close as humanly possible to the other. "I've missed you so, so much..." She breathed softly, squeezing her eyes shut as she nuzzled into his neck. Man, did it feel nice... After a good minute or two of them just hugging each other, Hanako pulled back a little so she could inspect the familiar face before her, reopening her teary eyes. "Uwaaaa! You didn't tell me you gotten cuter, Vaughn-kun!~ How mean!" With a playful giggle, the dark haired girl shifted a little in the others arms to lean upwards, the arms around his neck moving so her elbows rested against his collarbone as she pushed his cheeks together. "So cute!"

@SirBlazeALot @Y'all who wanna see some shippy stuff @Azami can wait a mo lol @We have a ship here
Kanade Akihiro

She definitely couldn't take his shit right now. Kanade was used to people being weirded out by her presence to the point where whenever it happened to her, she shrugged nonchalantly and continued to rock out. She had simply grown a thick skin over him, Kanade knew she wasn't ugly or anything, quite the opposite according to boys in the school. She was still rocking out...until, goddammit poser-san. Kanade was doing what you would call a facepalm. Why the fuck is this idiot drawing even more attention to me? Abort mission, abort mission! Kanade thought as an urgent look crossed her face, more people were staring at her.

"Glockenspiel, I swear I'll--" Kanade let out a frustrated sigh, and then realized it was pointless to complain now as her grimace turned into a smirk, acknowledging his unintentional humor. She was interested in how he would react to a simple smile, not like anyone would bother anyways... she was Trumpet-san and she had wayyy too much heart. Besides, she thought he was funny, or... interesting to say the least. Her wide purple eyes were watering as she wiped some tears from her eyes. Unlike Daisuke, she saw no need to conceal her laughter. "See you in practice... Oh god..." Kanade was still grinning at the way he dealt with those "hoes" as she had just witnessed the boy throw a whole notebook at those poor girls. A innocent look crossed her face as she walked over to the gossiping girls and grabbed his notebook back, flipping her long dark hair in the process. I don't smell, dammit! She didn't care about her reputation either way, she was the prez of two clubs. "You're such a poser, glockenspiel..." Kanade muttered under her breath.

@SirBlazeALot @everyone

•M I K A Z U K I•


Shigeru woke up to the sound of her alarm on her phone, blasting electronica in the morning. Great music for waking up, by the way. He hair was done in a ponytail and she was wearing a black shirt with gray shorts. She was excited for today's meeting becuase of an new case like in the dramas was stirring and was broadcasted on television. She honestly was happy about it and thought it was super cool to do the case. She went to her bathroom to freshen up, doing her normal routine and putting on makeup to make her look fabulous in the cameras today. She grabbed her purse and headed out the door, going to her favorite cafè for some coffee before anything else happened.


Vaughn Missedher

It was a strange feeling really. Being locked in a hug with Hanako made the crazy ex in New York, dodging landlords in California, being homeless in Hawaii, and getting crucified by the internet worth it. To have gone so far, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and then to come back to a place that felt like home. Strange how a person could feel like home. Hanako overwhelmed him with a tsunami of nostalgia, almost to the point of tears. Out of all of the thoughts racing in his head, the most prominent was I wish that summer had never ended. The very sentiment made his heart heavy, but Hanako had single-handedly given him a piece of himself back. For a minute there, he couldn't even believe that she was really there. Yet here she was, in the flesh.

Feeling more complete as a person when they finally pulled away from their hug, he listened to Hanako. Words couldn't even begin to describe how much he'd missed her. Sure, he'd missed everyone, even Ishiki who left without warning, but he'd be lying if he pretended like Hanako wasn't his favorite person from the old summer house. Electricity erupted in his veins at the sound of her voice; he just couldn't stop smiling. It was like his first time being high. Yeah he smoked before this, but after a few years of stoning, marijuana had become more of a "Yeah I guess I'll smoke it, whatever," as opposed to a definite "I'm gettin' lit today, heck yea man." Its effects had worn off to the point where he smoked more out of habit and less because he wanted to. As a result, he wasn't getting very high these days.

Hanako showing up was the highest he'd felt since Hawaii. He let her play with his face as much as she wanted. Looking into her glazed eyes almost brought him to tears as well. He wasn't sure why he was supressing them, I guess it was more of a reflex than an intentional action. Finally he said the first thing that came to mind, still smiling like an idiot despite Hanako fucking around with his cheeks, "Well what did you expect, I'm a fine wine," he joked about, wrapping his arms around her waist and bringing her in for a tight hug. "I could say the same thing about you, look at you all grown up!" he said with a sigh before releasing the woman and picking up her bags for her. "Get your ass in here, dude!" he said through grinning teeth as he set her bags down in the living room.

"Home sweet home!" he opened his arms triumphantly and spun around in the tiny apartment.

@Leaf Fi @ pictures of the apartment coming soon.

Akiyama Daisuke AKA DICE

Yo wha-- jk this one's gonna be in third person. Sorry. Daisuke had considered his actions to be quite chivalrous. Defense of a maiden's honor and all that nonsense. Probably could've just rolled up a paper ball, but Daisuke always had to make things bigger, better, and flashier. A triumphant grin sat upon his face as Kanade returned his notebook to him. Inside his head, several air horns and "Yeeeeeeee booooooooooiiiiiis" were resounding in his head. "Don't fuck with the marching band, bitcheeeeez," he leaned in on his desk as he taunted the girls.

He'd mistaken Kanade's laughter for approval of his actions. Maybe, just maybe, she'd stop calling him glockenspiel now. After all, the last audible phrase he'd heard from her was something about practice. He had completely missed what she muttered to herself, knowing her it was probably some kind of song lyric. Leaning back and balancing his chair on its hind legs, he waited for class to begin, still semi upset that he was going to have to deal with Trumpet-Bitch's shit for the entire school day, and after school in that whack ass uniform. Then he remembered today was Saturday, and he wouldn't have to don the humiliating apparel or play the glockenspiel today. Before class started, he said quite audibly to himself,
"Hell to the mothafuckin yeah."

By the time Mairu had come in, they'd already had their five minutes of homeroom, which Daisuke considered to be a mostly pointless and sadistic method of extending the school day, and Japanese had begun. Daisuke had a pretty firm understanding of the Japanese language, among others, so he'd spent the last few days of this class writing raps in his notebook. What's the song of the day?

Eat Shit & Die - DICE

I hate these bitches, all y'all on my hit-list

I'm giving Orchestra hoe-boy a bullet in the head for christmas

I chew motherfuckers up and spit em out like Chiclets

Forget this. I don't need school to get rich bitch

When I'm spittin', you better listen. Why?

Cause if you don't I'll shit in your mouth and make you cry.

Eat Shit and die, bitch, eat shit and die.

Eat shit and die, bitch, eat. shit. and DIE.


@theglassangel @TRASHLYN @ i guess all of class.




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All the while a bunch of random ruckus was going on in the classroom (Not knowing he caused some of it), Mamura's head stayed turned in the direction of the wall until he caught sight of their new Homeroom teacher entering, this resulting in Mamura removing his headphones and allowing them to rest around his neck, now leaning forward to stare at the creature. The man's mouth was moving but the words went in one ear and out the other, leaving Mamura clueless about what the hell he was talking about by the end of the 5-minute period. When the bell rang, everyone remained seated...because that's a Japanese high school so, you get it. After a second, everyone talked and carried on but grew quiet once again after they realized who their teacher was..."Ahh....shit. Komori Sensei." Keep in mind that "Komori" is a guy, and a dickish one at that too. Only students who went to Kobe Junior High will know Komori; whenever students raise their hands to go to the bathroom, he almost never allows it, and if you get something wrong, he automatically assumes you're not paying attention (Like most teachers). "Alright kids you shits. You should all know what class you're in right now, considering that fact that I'm your teacher." Everyone just remained quiet. "Ahem, fuckers this is Japanese I. Japanese I provides continued practice in reading contemporary literature and composition. You'll also study some classical Japanese and Chinese literature, as well as archaic language and literary forms." Without really listening, once again, Mamura reached down into his bag and pulled out a purple notebook along with a black, gel pen to write with. The boy began jotting down notes, well, everything that Komori Sensei had already written down...pointlessly. The same girls from earlier who had been whispering about Kanade were now talking about how "bitchy" it was for Daisuke to act that way, then they moved on to how cool it was that there were so many hotties in class. (Like Mamura). "Tch, annoying." Without thinking, Mamura's thoughts rang aloud, catching the teachers attention as the man then smiled, "Something wrong Mamura-san?" Mamura just blinked as though he didn't know what the teacher was talking about, looking around a little before pointing behind him with his thumb and averting his gaze to the wall beside him. "Back there, not me." By that, he means that someone else spoke up rather than himself, but of course, Komori wasn't convinced. The elder male decided not to pry further, it's finally his chance to teach at this shitty high school. I feel bad for whoever had to put up with him during the mix up with class numbers. It didn't take long for a bit of class to fly right by, it might have flew by even more until suddenly some really tall chick practically exploded into the room, bringing the smell of fruit loops with her. Komori Sensei stared at her as though she just broke something extremely valuable, putting down his chalk and stepping up to the little post thing that gave students a jittery feeling when they stood behind it. (Like sitting in the teachers chair when they're gone.) "Ahem, Kinoshita-san. Because of this, being late, I'm signing you down for clean-up duty after school, understood?" Better hope no one else is running late in this class...the homeroom teacher is the one who takes role, but they leave the paper sitting on the post. (And how he knows these kid's names...just leave it alone xD )

@Kawaii @Corgi @Everyone and Everything Blaze Said



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By the time Ishiki finally woke up from his "nap" he knew without having to look at the clock that he was...very late. Jumping up out of bed, still on an empty stomach, he darted to his closet and grabbed some random clothes before throwing them on in the process of scrambling to the bathroom in order to brush his teeth. Now with a brush protruding from his mouth, he hopped into the living room while trying to button his pants, and began looking at the jumbles mess. "Fuck...which one...?" He's normally never like this... One of these rough drafts were the one that he was working on the night before...but somehow it seemed like little smurfs had come along and stacked everything on top of it. After digging through the mess, Ishiki found his paper work and ripped it up off the table like a(n)...example. Once he was half-way decently dressed and ready to head out the door, Ishiki took a moment to put on his shoes before standing up and grabbing his jacket that could be seen hanging from the wall before you leave the apartment. And with that, the man was well on his way to work, practically running down the street with a case full of paper work bouncing around his side.

@Zero Gravity



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Nariko Yukihara

Nariko halted at the front gate, kicking the skateboard up and grabbing it like a boss. She felt great! The short girl skipped through the crowd and to the side of the school where, surprisingly, no one was. She hid her skateboard in the bush and drug out a large trash bag, placing it infront of her and opening it. Inside were many, many, many cans of all kinds. Beer, soda, you name it, it's most likely in there.

She had spent the whole week searching streets, trash cans, drinking some herself, just trying to gather them all up. Now that she's successfully done so,it was time to do her starting prank.

Nariko waited outside for several minutes until the bell rang and took action. She slung the trashbag over her shoulder and walked to the side enterance, entering, and going into stealth mode. She stook the the wall and started mumbling the 'Mission Impossible' theme song.

"Dun, dun, dun, dun dun dun. Dun, dun, dun, dun dun dun. DUNUNUNUUUUUH. DUNUNUNUUUUUUH...." She ran from wall to wall, locker to locker, making sure there were no witnesses.

When she finally arrived at the office, she smirked and placed her hand on the door handle and slowly turned it, hearing the click and swung it open and awkwardly tumbling in and looking around, dropping the trashbag, and making a fake gun with her hands and looking around the room.

"CLEAR!" She whisper yelled loudly, laughing slightly before standing and dumping all of the cans in one area, starting to scatter them all over the floor so that whoever walks in, would step on a pile of metal, but that wasn't the height of it yet, not even close.

When Nariko finished, she left the room and mission impossibled (crawled on the ground) to the bathroom where she had a bucket filled with water. She struggled to pick it up, but managed. Thankfully, while crossing the battle field (hall) she didn't get shot (caught) by the enemies (teacher/principal).

The short girl reached the room and opened the door slightly again before staring up at the top of the door. How the hell was she going to put the bucket up there? She looked around, now humming the mission impossible song again and placing her foot on the door handl and somehow was able to place the bucket ontop of the door.

Nariko then left the door open slightly, stepped back, and rubbed her hands together, starting to laugh evily as she walked to her classroom.

Once she stopped at the door to the classroom, she started to giggle lightly before swinging the door open.


"You're late."
The teacher glared holes into her head which made her pout playfully.

"Sorry, ma'dam person thing, but I was-"

"No excuses, you're with Amazon on cleaning duty after school."

"Hah... Yeah... Sir yes ma'am!"

"Take a seat."

Nariko saluted and sauntered to her seat, obviously trying to give the annoyed teacher a hard time, which was working, but she just ended up being ignored.

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As Komori Sensei continued to write things down on the board, calling out other students to read a small story from the book each, Mamura just continued to take note, looking back and forth between the book they had been handed upon hearing the bell ring. Just like one student, the really tall girl, someone else just so happened to be running late, entering the room in a manner that said, "All eyes on me." Mamura's gaze just flickered over to her as she then traveled down the 'aisle' and took a seat directly behind him. She really drew some attention to herself, huh? Komori had assigned the girl clean-up duty along with Mairu who had made it to class just before the other, causing some giggles and snickers to sound throughout the room, but Komori Sensei shushed them and called upon Mamura to read his story, much to his displeasure. With a sigh, the boy stood up, holding the book in one hand as the other rested in his pocket. "Uh, From plane of light to plane, wings dipping through Geometries and orchids that the sunset builds, Out of the peak’s black angularity of shadow, riding The last tumultuous avalanche of Light above pines and the guttural gorge, The hawk comes. His wing Scythes down another day, his motion Is that of the honed steel-edge, we hear The crashless fall of stalks of Time. The head of each stalk is heavy with the gold of our error. Look! Look! he is climbing the last light Who knows neither Time nor error, and under Whose eye, unforgiving, the world, unforgiven, swings Into shadow." There was literally no enthusiasm in Mamura's voice as he read the creative writing on contemporary literature and composition. Some people giggled because of how nonchalant he sounded, but luckily his voice didn't quiver or anything like the last guys. Mamura isn't really afraid to stand up and talk in front of the class, he's actually fairly outgoing, until you bring a woman around, then he'll just stay quiet. The next person to be called upon was some guy a seat of two down from him, beside the girl Mamura had moved away from. "You, read." Komori Sensei shot a finger towards Daisuke, the short thug boy with an inside out blazer. (I accidentally typed balzer at first.)

@Kawaii @Wataru @Everyone @Zero Gravity



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Maki then looked back to Hinata and Haru, who were still casually talking. "Haru-kun, you're gonna be late if you don't get to school nowwwww~" He sang, giving a sly smile to the other. He then grabbed a couple of packages including sweets and other desserts, and loaded them into his arms. "I'm going to go ahead and make that delivery. It'll be busy later today, so I might as well do it now," the petite boy stated, using one arm to give them a small salute before he was out the door, the familiar chime dinging in his ears. He began to walk, not really looking where he was going. After all, the day was nice and he was getting distracted by all the different types of people and the sights. He was pretty zoned out before he finally smacked straight into someone, hard. "G-gomen'nasai!" He squeaked, now on his butt from how hard he hit the other. He wasn't even looking up, just looking down in embarrassment. "I-I wasn't looking where I was going, sir. Gomen'nasai!" He stated again, finally taking a peek upward. It was a tall guy, hopefully he wouldn't beat him up. He couldn't really see his face though...

@Suzumaki Arakai



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Ishiki was running so fast that he almost didn't stop before crossing the road, his hair blowing to the side as a woman grabbed hold of his arm, stopping him right as a car drove by. Looking down at her, Ishiki blinked a couple of times as she stared up at him like she had just seen a ghost. "Sir, you should be more careful." Then right as the little hand on the sign turned green, the tall male nodded with the wave of his hand, "Ah, sorry." before running back off. Apparently he hadn't learned his lesson from that small experience because the man was once again in a quick run, just a tad slower than last time. I didn't take very long past a corner for Ishiki to run into some high school kid who was carrying a bunch of pastries. Glancing down at the small scuff of...some substance on his clothing, Ishiki did a pivot on his foot and twirled around the kid with the click of his tongue. "Dammit, watch where you're going." And with that, he was gone...and he's huge! "Shit...just my luck. I'm almost there." Without paying attention, Ishiki somehow found himself standing in front of the counter to a small bakery, and after coming to this realization, he flinched lightly and covered his face with his hand. "Gaah! What the hell am I doing!?" He's so used to stopping somewhere before heading into work that he did it unconsciously, forgetting how late he is. Ishiki is supposed to be in work by 7:30...and it's 9:00+. Besides, this place is a bakery, they don't sell coffee! Ishiki sighed with frustration before glancing over to a stand and grabbing a thing of bread so as not to be rude by entering and just leaving, they could probably take that as, "not good enough". Still feeling rushed, the tall male threw the bread down on the counter in front of some brown-haired kid who looked like he should be in school already, just like the person from before. "Here." Within the blink of an eye, Ishiki ripped his wallet from his pocket and threw some money down, as well as his ID, which was completely unintentional. Before anyone had a chance to tell him, Ishiki ran off and eventually arrived at work, leaving his card with "Haru-kun".

@Zero Gravity



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