• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Resource sugar coded— (free shop)


a nightmare to you specifically
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Closing down my Free Shop in Support of the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ community.​

I've been contemplating this for some time after seeing dog whistle after dog whistle... I can not with good conscious continue providing free content on this site knowing my service indirectly promotes prospect users to join, as the amazing and inspiring coders here were one of many reasons why I migrated to RPNation in the first place. I love the community so much and it pains me to have to make a boundary at a turning point in my coding skill improving. I am so grateful for anyone who has deemed any of my codes worth using, I love seeing them in the wild.

Happy roleplaying,

Any code posted above will stay available to use.
Troubleshooting is open in here as always, just ping me.​

Did no one teach you not to take candy from strangers?

Hey hi and hello! I'm Sugar or Sugarnaut and this is my freebie shop. Most of these I made a while back to practice my coding skills I've kept rusty since the downfall of Myspace. May she rest in peace.

Not gonna lie, I tried to go back and clean up the codes to be beginner friendly/cleaner with improved skills, but I've been slogging through it all for too long to make it worth it.

Lastly, I want to thank weldherwings weldherwings for helping me improve as she probably cries about how not mobile-friendly my codes were in the beginning. (and still are but shhh)

Terms of Use
1. Don't remove my credits, thanks. Also, don't rip the credits off and call the code yours. That's bottom feeder energy fr.

2. Fuel me with reactions and comments 'cause my love language is words of affirmation. and acts of service but that's kinda obvious, huh?

3. If you use my codes, please please please react to the message!~

4. Troubleshooting? Send me a message and I'll try to help out although I can't promise you I won't make it more confusing.

5. Totally use my codes for learning purposes if needed. Frankenstein these bad boys all you want.

[A] stands for Anything. Codes built with no intentions of being a specific type.

[CS] stands for Character Sheet. Codes built with intentions of being a Character Sheer/Profile Skeleton.

[E] stands for Easy. Codes built with intentions of being easy to use, minimal coding.

[IC] stands for Interest Check. Codes build with intentions of being used for Interest Checks and Searches.

[PH] stands of Placeholder. Codes built with intentions of being a Placeholder/Application.

[PL] stands for Post Layout. Codes built with intentions of being Roleplaying posts.

Are you taking requests?
At the moment, no. I'm still learning how to code so this freebie shop is just somewhere I can throw all my wacky tests to be useful.
Last edited:
Please note: The code sharing site I used is now down.
Please just hit the "reply" button and grab the code from the message.
Since this is no longer my main site to roleplay, I won't be updating the codes.
Thank you.
Generic Code Index
[PH] Tears over Scott Pilgrim (jump to)
[E] Allison (jump to)
[E] Text Box (jump to)
[PL] The Moon (jump to)
[CS] Taylor (jump to)
[PL] Sasha (jump to)

Myspace Supremacy
[PH] Myspace Friend Request (jump to
[CS] Myspace Profile (jump to)
[PL] Myspace Blog Post (jump to)

Swipe Right
[CS] Michelle (jump to)

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[PH] Myspace Friend Request
This collection is dedicated to my first love - Myspace. I thought learning how to code on RPN would be easier if I tried to make a one-to-one copy. This placeholder is actually the last of the three I made. The yellow box used to be where customized messages were placed so I thought the section could be a 'hidden scroll' and you can use it however you'd like.

📴 NOT Mobile Friendly

📜Hidden Scroll


Mon 0, 2020

Online Now!
Name wants to be your friend!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt, nibh sed sodales posuere, odio arcu pellentesque nisl, vestibulum feugiat ante quam eget diam. Aenean rutrum enim sit amet ex pellentesque elementum. Aenean ex metus, facilisis eget risus vitae, gravida fringilla tortor. Etiam feugiat venenatis justo luctus consectetur. Curabitur cursus nisl sapien, sit amet luctus arcu convallis dignissim. Sed dolor arcu, consectetur sit amet nisl at, mollis posuere lacus. Quisque fermentum ligula et eros efficitur imperdiet. Suspendisse a vestibulum sapien. Vestibulum non lobortis odio. Vivamus sollicitudin tellus ut bibendum consectetur. In mattis sapien neque, et rutrum quam sodales sit amet. Curabitur facilisis velit quam, et posuere nunc pellentesque commodo. Fusce dapibus semper ligula id lobortis. Nulla id orci in urna interdum facilisis. Quisque neque odio, hendrerit ut luctus et, volutpat in arcu. Integer at mi condimentum urna suscipit auctor a a ipsum.

This user's full name:
First Middle Last


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coded by Sugarnaut
Last edited:
[CS] Myspace Profile
Marquee needs a comeback. This profile has another version with a comments section but I need to clean it up SEVERELY before I feel comfy with releasing it out in the wild. This one just has more rows in the Top Friends section. This was made before I got the hang of hidden scrolls so uhhh, sorry in advance for those tables on the right side.

Thanks to weldherwings weldherwings for helping me with making it at least readable on mobile.

📱 SEMI Mobile Friendly

📜Hidden Scroll


Mood: Tired 💤
View My: Pics | Videos

## years old

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Contacting NAMEGOESHERE Here
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.

Lorem ipsum dolor.
Here for:
Lorem ipsum.
Body type:
Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum.
NAMEGOESHERE is in your extended network

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About Me:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce non justo sollicitudin, tincidunt enim consectetur, facilisis est. Aliquam sit amet laoreet urna, a rhoncus libero. Integer molestie rhoncus ullamcorper. Vivamus consequat augue sed felis feugiat, vel vestibulum nibh eleifend. Nulla ornare ligula augue, eu interdum ante posuere sed. Maecenas id metus ipsum. Proin aliquet sagittis rutrum. In dapibus sagittis risus, vitae posuere lacus eleifend sit amet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque lobortis elit gravida, varius elit vitae, gravida odio. In elementum justo eros, nec ultrices erat sodales et.

Who I'd like to meet:
Donec non nulla vel massa facilisis tincidunt. Curabitur commodo congue augue, facilisis ornare urna elementum vitae. Nulla porta risus in bibendum consequat. Integer quis imperdiet justo, ut porttitor lectus. Nulla consequat felis elit, in ultrices eros fermentum ac. Sed pulvinar id nulla eget efficitur. Pellentesque ornare dictum massa. Cras vitae urna ut mauris tincidunt tincidunt at eget lectus. Vivamus mattis commodo viverra.
NAMEGOESHERE's Friend Space (Top 16)

















View NAMEGOESHERE's Friends: All | Online | New | Mutual

coded by Sugarnaut
Last edited:
[PL] Myspace Blog Post
A Myspace Blog Post had it all. Drama, Intrigue, weird copy pastas that somehow lived and thrive now on discord. This one has a hidden music player in the thumbnail of the album art and uses youtube. I haven't tried it with any other media player unfortunately. Is this Mobile Friendly? There is no war in Ba Sing Se.

📱 SEMI Mobile Friendly

📜Hidden Scroll

🎶 Music Player

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Name Here

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Last Updated:
Mon 01, 2018

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Author's Note:
Text Here​
Day, Month 01, 2010
Article Title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vel dapibus neque. Vestibulum placerat odio odio, vitae elementum arcu gravida ut. Vivamus molestie, turpis sit amet fermentum sollicitudin, lectus lectus vulputate nibh, a dignissim ante lorem sit amet justo. Nullam fringilla varius urna, finibus maximus augue aliquet sed. Proin lacinia neque et nibh elementum bibendum. Integer sem magna, sollicitudin eget pellentesque vitae, consectetur ut tellus. Sed tincidunt rhoncus arcu, imperdiet elementum felis laoreet id. Quisque accumsan ultrices vehicula. Morbi sodales elementum volutpat. Donec fermentum justo leo, at porta diam tristique at. Vestibulum mollis felis a fermentum dignissim.

Suspendisse eget mauris eu nisi congue cursus. Donec scelerisque dictum sollicitudin. Duis elementum rhoncus libero, non rutrum lectus convallis sit amet. Sed ut enim vitae augue consectetur dictum. Sed dignissim quam leo. Praesent suscipit egestas iaculis. Integer nibh nulla, congue nec diam ut, accumsan condimentum ligula. Praesent pellentesque ullamcorper sem quis aliquet. Quisque eu auctor nunc. Nulla rhoncus enim ante, nec posuere lorem euismod id. Phasellus ut eros id metus auctor varius. Maecenas elit metus, faucibus nec fermentum a, ultricies ut nisi. Nullam sodales rhoncus sollicitudin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Nullam egestas gravida ullamcorper. Phasellus tristique leo risus. Sed convallis, elit eget tempor luctus, libero massa egestas est, vel malesuada lacus ipsum ac nulla. Aenean gravida mi augue, vitae porta dolor facilisis et. Donec id lorem dui. Vestibulum rutrum turpis vitae enim dignissim, vel bibendum mi iaculis. Etiam blandit erat in ligula vehicula, nec aliquam orci dapibus. Fusce eleifend aliquet pellentesque. Duis nunc mauris, auctor a porta vel, sagittis id enim. Phasellus sit amet dui molestie, iaculis odio ut, finibus quam. Curabitur at maximus tortor.

Cras eu magna magna. Mauris non venenatis tellus, vel sollicitudin sem. Nunc id dui eros. Nam ultricies libero eu purus pulvinar, eu facilisis ex congue. Duis ullamcorper ipsum ipsum, in aliquet libero gravida in. Integer rhoncus tincidunt bibendum. Nam arcu lectus, tincidunt et tristique in, rutrum et lacus. Maecenas ac nibh ipsum.

Integer eget ipsum enim. Etiam scelerisque eleifend est, id blandit dolor luctus vitae. Proin sed felis sem. Duis pharetra orci eu sapien commodo imperdiet. Sed condimentum nunc nec metus semper, non sagittis orci pharetra. Praesent ut lacus id arcu interdum luctus ac at massa. Vivamus efficitur leo sed nisi porta, at eleifend libero auctor. Integer viverra lorem a varius dapibus. Etiam nec pellentesque lacus.

Etiam euismod, augue vel consectetur consequat, sem diam ornare quam, nec molestie elit urna sit amet enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi feugiat mauris ipsum, in ultrices metus consectetur eget. Etiam a nibh ex. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis varius lacus, eu dictum orci. Donec eu leo non diam semper efficitur. Fusce tristique libero vitae tortor convallis finibus. Morbi ut erat fringilla, tempus neque ut, rhoncus diam. Quisque consectetur neque tincidunt, elementum arcu fermentum, tempus lorem.

Nunc mattis, nulla non commodo blandit, ante tortor suscipit felis, vel congue dolor quam vel neque. Aliquam iaculis turpis massa. Suspendisse efficitur augue nibh, vitae egestas urna consectetur nec. Sed tincidunt sed eros in suscipit. Maecenas feugiat scelerisque odio, ac rhoncus nulla posuere eu. Praesent convallis nisi enim, nec ornare nibh pretium ac. Sed in lectus urna. Phasellus tempus urna leo, sit amet gravida arcu ultricies nec. Praesent finibus sodales malesuada. Duis vel tellus mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent mauris justo, pretium eu nunc a, dignissim auctor ante. Fusce id mi iaculis, porttitor tortor sit amet, mattis nibh. Duis mollis, enim eget imperdiet feugiat, neque neque egestas arcu, vitae lobortis tellus justo rutrum tellus. Pellentesque in velit sed augue mattis ultrices.

Nunc consectetur enim ipsum, ac laoreet risus maximus a. Maecenas scelerisque ligula dui, eget facilisis urna auctor ac. Pellentesque id consectetur nunc, nec fringilla neque. Pellentesque mauris diam, posuere eu condimentum id, accumsan et ipsum. Etiam non sodales metus. Ut efficitur, mi nec sodales ultrices, metus lorem scelerisque massa, at pharetra orci metus at magna. Curabitur in sem semper, varius elit sed, tincidunt ligula. Etiam condimentum est sit amet libero condimentum imperdiet. Donec quis nunc viverra, imperdiet tellus a, elementum felis. Sed in velit gravida, vehicula risus non, facilisis urna.

Proin ut odio eu risus scelerisque hendrerit. Duis gravida diam eget turpis molestie mattis. Vestibulum vitae fringilla nunc, ut ultrices nisi. Donec porttitor eros pulvinar pulvinar pretium. Nulla volutpat egestas varius. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas a justo nec lectus cursus euismod. Suspendisse at commodo neque. Quisque vestibulum scelerisque magna eu pulvinar. Donec eget leo mi. Fusce quis odio ac massa feugiat facilisis sit amet vitae nisi. Maecenas nec ex ac elit aliquet venenatis eu eget dui. Quisque tristique quis magna a commodo. Fusce cursus eget metus vel pretium.

Duis sed eros porttitor, finibus nisl nec, laoreet enim. Nulla vitae sem pellentesque, tincidunt quam eget, porttitor neque. Phasellus dui erat, luctus sed lobortis ac, viverra nec nisi. Etiam nec sapien in nunc interdum dictum. Aliquam vulputate sed quam sed condimentum. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse vel nunc purus. Aliquam scelerisque massa odio.

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5:18 PM - 81 Comments - 35 Kudos - Add Comment

coded by xoxoRamona
Last edited:
[PH] Tears over Scott Pilgrim
Hazzah! An actual mobile friendly code?! Just a simple little thing based on Apple Music / iPhone UI. Music players still make my head turn but I'm slowly getting around to it. Steph actually did a nice little workshop on how to build it so I turned this in as homework practically. Enjoy the midwest emo music with my favorite graphic novel.

📱 Mobile Friendly

🎶 Music Player

Tears over Scott Pilgrim - VHS​

coded by Sugarnaut
[E] Allison
I love me a really good code with so much complexity, my brain feels like it's evolving. Sometimes, I just want something really simple to get my posts live. I love putting in those cute indicators like "wearing" and "location", etc but i've opted to just slap on my credits at the bottom instead to keep these SIMPLE and EASY.

📱 Mobile Friendly

📜Hidden Scroll

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum non ligula vitae quam auctor condimentum vitae vitae nibh. Pellentesque et vehicula velit, quis condimentum odio. Nulla sem odio, finibus vel ex quis, scelerisque suscipit metus. Vivamus dapibus laoreet lacus a scelerisque. Sed dapibus nunc scelerisque sapien tincidunt vehicula. Sed consectetur est eget ornare aliquam. Aliquam tristique urna id mollis fermentum. Sed accumsan, justo interdum molestie tempor, nisi risus imperdiet purus, sed facilisis metus risus id tellus.

Pellentesque ut nulla odio. Nulla vestibulum velit sapien, sit amet tincidunt velit gravida quis. Mauris convallis auctor dictum. Fusce pharetra tortor at eleifend mollis. Aliquam pulvinar orci nec vestibulum viverra. Fusce turpis enim, hendrerit ac dui quis, fermentum rutrum nibh. Suspendisse vitae nisi eget sapien congue laoreet. Integer tincidunt bibendum urna, sed egestas diam pulvinar vel. Quisque suscipit non leo vestibulum dapibus. Aliquam egestas elementum lacus in placerat.

Aliquam faucibus convallis nunc, at tincidunt nulla. Etiam id mollis enim. Curabitur eu elementum justo, quis mollis erat. Morbi ullamcorper justo maximus mattis tristique. Nunc imperdiet auctor elit eget fringilla. Fusce sed pharetra felis. Pellentesque ac luctus lectus, ut interdum justo. Cras consectetur feugiat eros a ornare. Pellentesque arcu nulla, porta at pharetra id, auctor in nunc.

Praesent eu maximus felis. Donec mollis elit non mi tincidunt, nec varius dolor mollis. Proin magna est, iaculis non iaculis vitae, fringilla non massa. Suspendisse vel mauris eu tortor faucibus aliquam non nec tortor. Cras quis venenatis ante, quis scelerisque magna. Morbi quis sollicitudin mi, sed lacinia nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Integer in ligula ut ipsum lobortis finibus non non dui. Ut sit amet magna ut magna tempor condimentum. Maecenas eu dolor varius, maximus erat malesuada, sagittis elit. Pellentesque lorem purus, consequat eu neque ut, congue ornare arcu. Aenean in purus non leo euismod molestie. Suspendisse tempus ipsum sapien, eu consectetur nulla dictum at. Etiam fringilla felis elit. Cras malesuada laoreet euismod. Cras iaculis diam id eros placerat, a ultricies enim pharetra. Aenean rutrum ante sit amet turpis fringilla, vitae varius urna efficitur. Nam enim ipsum, consequat vel ipsum et, hendrerit molestie lectus. Donec laoreet facilisis leo, non blandit nisl faucibus sed. Sed ultrices orci a suscipit consectetur. Aenean vel egestas nulla.

coded by Sugarnaut
[CS] Michelle
A cute little Bumble inspired character sheet. I made this originally for my Character Vault but decided to clean it up even more for friends to use for my friend neverbackdown neverbackdown roleplay, Crazy World. I used this site for prompts if you'd like to be more accurate in the profile. I'm also learning how to use [ display: flex ] but I haven't gotten the hang of it quite yet. Some minor rearranging may be needed if the blobs break into the next line.

📱 Mobile Friendly

📜Hidden Scrolls

🎶 Music Player (YouTube supported)

Michelle, 22
Full-time Student
New York University

About me
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis a cursus nisi. Nulla facilisi. Mauris ut eros mollis, blandit massa eu, posuere arcu. Aenean enim lorem, aliquet eu tellus ac, ultrices pharetra arcu. Aliquam quis est fringilla ligula hendrerit semper. Phasellus a velit id justo dignissim bibendum non eget nibh. Cras mattis tristique finibus. Donec nulla orci, aliquet vitae tristique quis, luctus lobortis tellus. Maecenas euismod id sem at volutpat. Nam condimentum nisl porttitor ex auctor, at dignissim tortor posuere.

My Basics
📏 5'3"
🔩 Active
🎓 In College

🍷 Socially
🚬 Socially
🍃 Socially

🔎 Something Casual
🍼 Want Someday

✨ Leo
🙏 Atheist
💞 Tragically Bi

My Likes
💄 Make-up
☕ Cafe-hopping

📺 Documentaries
🌮 Foodie

🌆 Exploring new cities
🤗 Mosh pits

My Dislikes
⚾ Baseball
🤘 Dad Rock

🎤Stand-up Comedy
💸 Superhero Movies

🐤All birds
My History
Mauris maximus molestie augue vitae tempus. Phasellus posuere, ex at venenatis condimentum, erat elit finibus justo, a elementum augue turpis eu erat. Nullam ultrices turpis tincidunt, aliquet metus in, consectetur urna. Aliquam felis sem, elementum ut tincidunt id, ultrices in ante. Vivamus nec risus maximus dui efficitur efficitur. Praesent consequat, mi ultrices auctor auctor, nibh dolor pharetra mauris, nec consequat sapien urna quis mi. Pellentesque feugiat luctus felis, sit amet pulvinar sem dictum id.
My Major
Mauris maximus molestie augue vitae tempus. Phasellus posuere, ex at venenatis condimentum, erat elit finibus justo, a elementum augue turpis eu erat. Nullam ultrices turpis tincidunt, aliquet metus in, consectetur urna. Aliquam felis sem, elementum ut tincidunt id, ultrices in ante. Vivamus nec risus maximus dui efficitur efficitur. Praesent consequat, mi ultrices auctor auctor, nibh dolor pharetra mauris, nec consequat sapien urna quis mi. Pellentesque feugiat luctus felis, sit amet pulvinar sem dictum id.
Michelle's Location
Santa Barbara, California
3 Miles Away

🗽Lived in New York, USA
🗼From in Montpellier, France
My Anthem
Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most by Dance Gavin Dance
Michelle's Top Artists on Spotify
Hot Mulligan

Modern Baseball
Michael Cera Palin

Dance Gavin Dance
Azealia Banks

coded by Sugarnaut
Last edited:
[A] Text Box
Just a super easy and effective text scroll box. I don't know why the default format for forums just makes my brain very very confused sometimes so I wanted to share the simplest thing in the world. I wouldn't even put a code credit in if it wasn't to just "call" the font usage of Muli but eh. The only customizing you really need to do is changing the font.
Oh yeah, I found a cute new "Lorem ipsum" that's sweets themed so now I'm TRULY on brand.

📱 Mobile Friendly

📜Hidden Scroll

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet carrot cake ice cream shortbread pastry. Sugar plum cupcake biscuit chocolate cake bear claw. Chocolate danish sweet toffee pudding. Croissant shortbread macaroon croissant chocolate bar gummies carrot cake sesame snaps. Toffee cotton candy tootsie roll shortbread tootsie roll chocolate donut dragée. Cupcake sweet dessert fruitcake candy I love cheesecake soufflé. Jujubes cake I love jelly-o chupa chups I love candy candy canes macaroon. Danish macaroon gingerbread I love gummies. Cheesecake gingerbread ice cream tart jelly-o tootsie roll croissant jelly-o croissant. Dragée gummies bear claw dessert sweet sweet. Sugar plum muffin apple pie marzipan I love. Lollipop gingerbread tart I love cake halvah. Sweet roll brownie lemon drops tiramisu sweet roll apple pie. Wafer chocolate bar gummi bears I love sweet sweet I love.

Bear claw sweet candy I love oat cake. Bonbon jujubes oat cake cake candy canes I love toffee. Dessert I love I love dragée jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread I love. Chocolate cake pudding I love sugar plum tiramisu cookie I love halvah. Apple pie dragée croissant jelly-o sugar plum gummi bears wafer I love. Sweet fruitcake oat cake I love tart shortbread jelly beans topping. Powder chupa chups tart jelly cotton candy gummi bears ice cream lollipop. Donut donut tiramisu jelly jelly lemon drops pastry. Macaroon I love I love ice cream cake jelly fruitcake. Marzipan carrot cake marshmallow marshmallow pie. Toffee lemon drops apple pie dessert lollipop topping. Powder gummies carrot cake icing sesame snaps brownie.

Topping gummi bears cheesecake chupa chups muffin oat cake. Pudding macaroon croissant jelly liquorice I love I love chocolate cake. Cupcake shortbread icing lollipop ice cream. Danish chocolate bar carrot cake donut donut apple pie I love topping. Powder chocolate bar jelly apple pie pastry muffin icing soufflé. Bear claw topping jelly bonbon icing gingerbread toffee. Bear claw cake cheesecake brownie apple pie macaroon cake dessert cake. Donut fruitcake halvah brownie liquorice. Marshmallow chupa chups muffin biscuit marzipan croissant. Tootsie roll topping wafer carrot cake tiramisu liquorice tiramisu I love. Macaroon biscuit chupa chups jelly beans fruitcake danish macaroon liquorice I love. Chupa chups cotton candy pastry dragée I love jelly beans toffee bear claw.

Croissant dessert I love marzipan oat cake jelly. Cake tart I love biscuit ice cream caramels muffin jelly cake. Pudding cotton candy sesame snaps halvah I love wafer jelly beans liquorice ice cream. Donut tootsie roll toffee apple pie sugar plum. Halvah cookie jelly beans shortbread jelly. Shortbread marzipan powder I love pudding jelly apple pie halvah. Soufflé chocolate cake dessert ice cream topping cake cupcake tart. I love muffin biscuit jelly beans dessert I love marshmallow jujubes. Tart cupcake I love sesame snaps toffee croissant donut toffee. Jelly-o lollipop cake bear claw chupa chups topping croissant chupa chups cake. Jelly-o I love gummi bears croissant dragée I love ice cream jelly-o. Cake cake chupa chups I love cupcake cheesecake bonbon. Bonbon I love I love I love sesame snaps chocolate bar. Gummies I love gummi bears topping pie dragée jelly beans wafer brownie.

Lemon drops tart caramels soufflé cookie. Shortbread biscuit shortbread bear claw jelly sweet roll chocolate cake I love. Chocolate bar apple pie gingerbread sweet I love. Carrot cake brownie apple pie cotton candy jelly beans liquorice. I love marshmallow lemon drops marzipan lollipop soufflé. I love cookie tart marshmallow I love I love. Soufflé bonbon cookie wafer halvah. Muffin soufflé I love toffee candy carrot cake. Jujubes icing cake cake sugar plum ice cream I love I love gummies. Chocolate cake I love bonbon carrot cake sweet roll marshmallow cotton candy cake. Danish chupa chups tart ice cream pastry shortbread cake halvah. Marzipan cupcake fruitcake I love gummies jujubes. Tart oat cake gummi bears lemon drops macaroon topping I love.

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[PL] The Moon
Ha! Didn't think I'd actually come back with an actual code today, huh? I made this for the Wolfstar 1x1 I'm a part of and I'm fairly proud of it since this code is how I learned how to use "display:flex" properly and zoo wee mama, it's a game changer. I probably will be slowing down on codes for a while though, since I'm working on learning how to code tabs. If you're reading this, thanks. If you have a request, totally send me a dm with what your idea is and I'll see if I can make it. I'm not hard launching a request thread so if you're reading this, that means you're worthy. pleading emoji pleading emoji.

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coded by sugarnaut
upcake ipsum dolor sit amet brownie jujubes. Gummi bears jujubes caramels halvah cookie bonbon chupa chups. Tart candy tart marzipan gingerbread cupcake lemon drops chocolate bar sweet roll. Brownie marzipan cake sugar plum toffee oat cake sugar plum jelly beans. Pudding tart chocolate bar danish apple pie apple pie bonbon. Cookie candy halvah tart lollipop brownie candy canes apple pie. Lollipop gummi bears lemon drops caramels marshmallow jelly candy marzipan wafer. Pastry lollipop powder powder chocolate bar icing cookie. Icing wafer biscuit marzipan marzipan apple pie tart jelly biscuit. Chocolate bar halvah cheesecake shortbread croissant. Pie cheesecake marzipan donut gummi bears cake carrot cake carrot cake powder. Donut jelly gingerbread jelly beans sugar plum cake. Chupa chups chupa chups marshmallow oat cake chocolate lollipop lollipop oat cake macaroon.

Cheesecake sugar plum bonbon tootsie roll jelly marshmallow biscuit. Jelly liquorice chocolate cake croissant pie sweet roll cupcake jujubes. Marshmallow shortbread candy cake jelly-o. Cake gummi bears candy icing jelly beans brownie ice cream lollipop. Jelly beans cake biscuit muffin candy fruitcake gummies candy canes jelly beans. Tootsie roll sesame snaps gingerbread muffin biscuit. Gingerbread muffin tootsie roll biscuit wafer fruitcake candy canes. Halvah croissant halvah biscuit caramels donut carrot cake candy canes gummi bears. Danish sugar plum pie cheesecake pastry. Marzipan danish pudding wafer marshmallow sugar plum caramels. Tootsie roll tootsie roll icing jelly gummi bears candy jelly-o jujubes macaroon. Cupcake tart pie macaroon marshmallow topping carrot cake chocolate soufflé. Chocolate cake danish tiramisu candy canes brownie muffin candy canes sesame snaps chupa chups.

Oat cake tootsie roll sesame snaps chocolate cake chocolate bar. Cake pudding pie donut liquorice ice cream danish sugar plum. Soufflé bear claw chocolate cake tiramisu cotton candy chocolate. Dragée chocolate dragée cake powder gummies brownie. Tart jelly chocolate cake liquorice gummies oat cake carrot cake liquorice oat cake. Danish marzipan pastry candy jelly-o topping danish sweet roll. Macaroon cupcake biscuit gummi bears ice cream ice cream jujubes. Shortbread bonbon lollipop bonbon tart. Pastry soufflé fruitcake lemon drops sweet gummies chupa chups fruitcake cotton candy. Marzipan donut chupa chups liquorice jelly-o. Pudding bear claw topping apple pie sesame snaps. Biscuit cake icing shortbread cookie bear claw toffee ice cream lemon drops. Danish sugar plum shortbread bear claw croissant tart lemon drops wafer. Marzipan cake fruitcake bear claw cookie candy gummies shortbread danish.

Cookie marzipan pudding gummies bear claw sugar plum tart icing. Lemon drops oat cake oat cake ice cream cotton candy cheesecake. Marshmallow sesame snaps icing marshmallow sweet pudding brownie. Shortbread halvah cotton candy marzipan candy canes pie. Gummi bears cotton candy marshmallow soufflé chocolate bar halvah. Lollipop ice cream brownie chocolate bar sweet roll pastry. Pastry oat cake chupa chups tart topping brownie pastry. Chocolate bonbon bonbon cheesecake biscuit caramels pie danish. Bonbon sweet brownie chupa chups lollipop cookie biscuit dessert. Shortbread chupa chups powder fruitcake caramels sweet roll caramels tootsie roll cupcake. Cake gingerbread pastry sesame snaps chocolate cake toffee gummi bears danish sweet roll. Croissant bonbon tootsie roll shortbread lemon drops dessert. Cookie biscuit topping wafer tiramisu oat cake cookie tootsie roll. Lollipop marshmallow brownie wafer chupa chups chocolate cake marzipan.

Cheesecake marzipan donut jujubes caramels pie jujubes chocolate bar fruitcake. Cheesecake jelly-o chocolate bar gingerbread oat cake chocolate pudding gummies apple pie. Muffin chocolate bar cake sweet tiramisu jujubes danish chocolate dessert. Sweet sweet apple pie dessert oat cake candy cake chocolate sesame snaps. Tiramisu oat cake wafer gingerbread macaroon brownie. Topping dragée dragée jujubes tart cake cheesecake dragée. Candy canes tootsie roll dragée powder shortbread chocolate. Sweet roll shortbread sesame snaps shortbread cake sesame snaps sweet roll biscuit. Macaroon macaroon lemon drops lollipop chocolate cake. Jujubes sugar plum jelly caramels cake chocolate shortbread oat cake chocolate. Jelly beans chocolate jelly macaroon gingerbread pudding candy canes tiramisu. Candy powder cake cupcake gummies sweet roll jelly-o. Oat cake macaroon chocolate cake jelly-o tiramisu tootsie roll jelly-o brownie lemon drops.

And if I could give you the moon,

I would give you the moon.

coded by sugarnaut

coded by Sugarnaut
Last edited:
So, I forgot to add in a visible watermark at the bottom of my last code... Whoopsies. I've added it in now but if you see anyone using the code without the watermark, don't go yelling at them!

Anyways, I have some codes I need to clean up before I can share. I'm learning how to make tabs. 👀
[CS] Taylor
Happy March to everyone! The last few days I've been working on this big project. I've been trying to figure out how to to tabs and... I finally figured out ONE way to do it! I've been obsessively listening to Folklore by Taylor Swift so I thought it would be appropriate to use her + the album aesthetic for this character sheet.

My main inspo actually is on pinterest but through the last few days of designing the other tabs, I've lost the link! Pinterest has an algorithm where they don't show you the same photos I believe (?) and I thought I pinned it but I guess not. I'll edit this with proper credit when I find the official source and if you find it, send me the link! I've been looking for houuuurrrs now and going to blame the algorithm. It looked EXACTLY like this and I want to put down the right credits.

For the main image (--T), please make sure you use a transparent PNG file so you can see through to the grids behind it! This site is a godsend and makes it all super easy. I would suggest using an image that doesn't crop the body too much to give the same effect as well as not too much black space (pun intended) at the top of the image.

Hope you have a wonderful day and I can't wait to share the rest of the things I've been working on! ♡

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Standing in
your cardigan

Kissin' in my car again


Stopped at a streetlight
You know
I miss you...

Lawful Good

Neutral Good

Chaotic Good

Lawful Neutral

Chaotic Neutral

Lawful Evil

Neutral Evil

Chaotic Evil

If you kiss me,
will it be just like I dreamed it?

  • text

code made by


Last edited:
[CS] Taylor
Happy March to everyone! The last few days I've been working on this big project. I've been trying to figure out how to to tabs and... I finally figured out ONE way to do it! I've been obsessively listening to Folklore by Taylor Swift so I thought it would be appropriate to use her + the album aesthetic for this character sheet.

My main inspo actually is on pinterest but through the last few days of designing the other tabs, I've lost the link! Pinterest has an algorithm where they don't show you the same photos I believe (?) and I thought I pinned it but I guess not. I'll edit this with proper credit when I find the official source and if you find it, send me the link! I've been looking for houuuurrrs now and going to blame the algorithm. It looked EXACTLY like this and I want to put down the right credits.

For the main image (--T), please make sure you use a transparent PNG file so you can see through to the grids behind it! This site is a godsend and makes it all super easy. I would suggest using an image that doesn't crop the body too much to give the same effect as well as not too much black space (pun intended) at the top of the image.

Hope you have a wonderful day and I can't wait to share the rest of the things I've been working on! ♡

📴 NOT Mobile Friendly

📜Hidden Scrolls
📸 10+ Images Needed
🎨 Easy Customization

Standing in
your cardigan

Kissin' in my car again


Stopped at a streetlight
You know
I miss you...

Lawful Good

Neutral Good

Chaotic Good

Lawful Neutral

Chaotic Neutral

Lawful Evil

Neutral Evil

Chaotic Evil

If you kiss me,
will it be just like I dreamed it?

  • text

code made by


[CS] Taylor
Happy March to everyone! The last few days I've been working on this big project. I've been trying to figure out how to to tabs and... I finally figured out ONE way to do it! I've been obsessively listening to Folklore by Taylor Swift so I thought it would be appropriate to use her + the album aesthetic for this character sheet.

My main inspo actually is on pinterest but through the last few days of designing the other tabs, I've lost the link! Pinterest has an algorithm where they don't show you the same photos I believe (?) and I thought I pinned it but I guess not. I'll edit this with proper credit when I find the official source and if you find it, send me the link! I've been looking for houuuurrrs now and going to blame the algorithm. It looked EXACTLY like this and I want to put down the right credits.

For the main image (--T), please make sure you use a transparent PNG file so you can see through to the grids behind it! This site is a godsend and makes it all super easy. I would suggest using an image that doesn't crop the body too much to give the same effect as well as not too much black space (pun intended) at the top of the image.

Hope you have a wonderful day and I can't wait to share the rest of the things I've been working on! ♡

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🎨 Easy Customization

Standing in
your cardigan

Kissin' in my car again


Stopped at a streetlight
You know
I miss you...

Lawful Good

Neutral Good

Chaotic Good

Lawful Neutral

Chaotic Neutral

Lawful Evil

Neutral Evil

Chaotic Evil

If you kiss me,
will it be just like I dreamed it?

  • text

code made by


This is magnificent, nice work!
I have a question; I've tried the new TSwift code copy and pasting it twice and the taylor image keeps sitting up in the middle of the page rather than down at the bottom. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?
I have a question; I've tried the new TSwift code copy and pasting it twice and the taylor image keeps sitting up in the middle of the page rather than down at the bottom. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

I figured it out! It's the [position] elements that needed to be adjusted.
I went ahead and made changes on the code itself so all the elements should be stable now!
Let me know if it worked for you, Tulsa.~ 💜
[CS] Taylor
Happy March to everyone! The last few days I've been working on this big project. I've been trying to figure out how to to tabs and... I finally figured out ONE way to do it! I've been obsessively listening to Folklore by Taylor Swift so I thought it would be appropriate to use her + the album aesthetic for this character sheet.

My main inspo actually is on pinterest but through the last few days of designing the other tabs, I've lost the link! Pinterest has an algorithm where they don't show you the same photos I believe (?) and I thought I pinned it but I guess not. I'll edit this with proper credit when I find the official source and if you find it, send me the link! I've been looking for houuuurrrs now and going to blame the algorithm. It looked EXACTLY like this and I want to put down the right credits.

For the main image (--T), please make sure you use a transparent PNG file so you can see through to the grids behind it! This site is a godsend and makes it all super easy. I would suggest using an image that doesn't crop the body too much to give the same effect as well as not too much black space (pun intended) at the top of the image.

Hope you have a wonderful day and I can't wait to share the rest of the things I've been working on! ♡

📴 NOT Mobile Friendly

📜Hidden Scrolls
📸 10+ Images Needed
🎨 Easy Customization

Standing in
your cardigan

Kissin' in my car again


Stopped at a streetlight
You know
I miss you...

Lawful Good

Neutral Good

Chaotic Good

Lawful Neutral

Chaotic Neutral

Lawful Evil

Neutral Evil

Chaotic Evil

If you kiss me,
will it be just like I dreamed it?

  • text

code made by


[PL] Sasha
To the reigning queen, Sasha Colby! I was absolutely obsessed with all her looks and her talent while watching RuPaul's Drag Race season 15.

Representation matters!
Trans lives matter!

PS: Thank you TheVoidQueen TheVoidQueen for helping me when my eyes were seeing wild colors and shapes at 2am.~

📱 Mobile Friendly

📜Hidden Scrolls
📸 3 Images Needed
🎨 Easy Customization

sasha colby
I'm your favorite drag queen's favorite drag queen.

orem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui te nullam accumsan detracto. Iracundia vulputate dissentiunt duo an. Ad vis malis decore integre, eam quis voluptaria at, eu sea veri graece volutpat. Ex ius reque meliore detraxit, ea persecuti constituam eam, pri option incorrupte eu. Nullam mucius omnium duo no, cu prima graeci suscipiantur usu. Quot liber euripidis et sed, erat paulo oratio est eu. Probo choro recteque mel eu. Omnium patrioque ius cu, et ius nominavi vituperata, no eum suscipit honestatis. Et vim nostro qualisque temporibus. Graece menandri splendide duo an. Qui labores praesent euripidis at, quo te adhuc mentitum delectus, pro habeo congue incorrupte ea. Movet lobortis definiebas his ea, vix no commune qualisque intellegat. Equidem mentitum nominavi usu an, commodo nostrum ne pro. Qui ei meis dissentiunt, etiam verterem partiendo per an, quo aperiam diceret ex. Voluptaria comprehensam nam ad.Vim id tempor dicunt inermis, natum ullum antiopam pro at, duis vivendo dissentiet et ius. Consul electram at eos, id sit magna complectitur. Qui decore percipit ex. Possit dolorem signiferumque et eam, alienum molestiae ut vel. Duo saepe semper incorrupte an, postea repudiare eu pri.

Appareat eloquentiam et sit, eu esse reque impedit pro. Ius ei alienum molestiae similique, elit dicunt no vim. Vivendum voluptatum quo et, omnes veritus adipiscing ei eam, eos dicat offendit tacimates ut. Populo regione ei ius. Docendi partiendo no pro, tollit numquam fierent has ne, iriure graecis volumus eos ad. Cu pri duis audire scaevola, quo ne justo admodum, his dolorem dissentiet ea. Eum mundi nostrud eu. Tota graeco et qui. Ei justo eirmod eleifend vim, vidisse dissentias qui in. Officiis adipisci no duo. Ad nam illum efficiantur. No eum suavitate mnesarchum, nam quodsi volutpat an. Cum cu adhuc invenire, vim facer facete splendide an. Sit ei nonumy fabulas. Augue soluta corpora nec ea. Stet prodesset has et. Appetere percipitur temporibus pri in, atqui integre conceptam pri eu. Eos vituperata efficiantur cu, per ad probatus quaestio convenire. ei an diam veri homero. Tollit indoctum pri eu, quodsi timeam vix ut. Eu eam etiam melius, doctus civibus sententiae ad vel, unum intellegam concludaturque sea ad. Eam ut lucilius assentior, soleat adipisci atomorum eu has. Id qui movet sensibus honestatis, ex quaeque fabellas platonem sit. Per an munere eripuit inciderint.

Quo agam tation id. Audiam delenit an his, his simul sanctus salutatus ex. Ad eos iisque invenire inciderint, id legere tincidunt nec. Ne usu vero dissentiet. Ex ius reque meliore detraxit, ea persecuti constituam eam, pri option incorrupte eu. Nullam mucius omnium duo no, cu prima graeci suscipiantur usu. Quot liber euripidis et sed, erat paulo oratio est eu. Probo choro recteque mel eu. Omnium patrioque ius cu, et ius nominavi vituperata, no eum suscipit honestatis. Et vim nostro qualisque temporibus. Graece menandri splendide duo an. Qui labores praesent euripidis at, quo te adhuc mentitum delectus, pro habeo congue incorrupte ea. Movet lobortis definiebas his ea, vix no commune qualisque intellegat. Equidem mentitum nominavi usu an, commodo nostrum ne pro. Qui ei meis dissentiunt, etiam verterem partiendo per an, quo aperiam diceret ex. Voluptaria comprehensam nam ad.Vim id tempor dicunt inermis, natum ullum antiopam pro at, duis vivendo dissentiet et ius. Consul electram at eos, id sit magna complectitur. Qui decore percipit ex. Possit dolorem signiferumque et eam, alienum molestiae ut vel. Duo saepe semper incorrupte an, postea repudiare eu pri.

Appareat eloquentiam et sit, eu esse reque impedit pro. Ius ei alienum molestiae similique, elit dicunt no vim. Vivendum voluptatum quo et, omnes veritus adipiscing ei eam, eos dicat offendit tacimates ut. Populo regione ei ius. Docendi partiendo no pro, tollit numquam fierent has ne, iriure graecis volumus eos ad. Cu pri duis audire scaevola, quo ne justo admodum, his dolorem dissentiet ea. Eum mundi nostrud eu. Tota graeco et qui. Ei justo eirmod eleifend vim, vidisse dissentias qui in. Officiis adipisci no duo. Ad nam illum efficiantur. No eum suavitate mnesarchum, nam quodsi volutpat an. Cum cu adhuc invenire, vim facer facete splendide an. Sit ei nonumy fabulas. Augue soluta corpora nec ea. Stet prodesset has et. Appetere percipitur temporibus pri in, atqui integre conceptam pri eu. Eos vituperata efficiantur cu, per ad probatus quaestio convenire. ei an diam veri homero. Tollit indoctum pri eu, quodsi timeam vix ut. Eu eam etiam melius, doctus civibus sententiae ad vel, unum intellegam concludaturque sea ad. Eam ut lucilius assentior, soleat adipisci atomorum eu has. Id qui movet sensibus honestatis, ex quaeque fabellas platonem sit. Per an munere eripuit inciderint.

sitting on her throne

Anetra, Mistress Isabelle Brooks, Luxx Noir London

like royalty

Is this what winning feels like? Wuahhh..
[CS] Myspace Profile
Marquee needs a comeback. This profile has another version with a comments section but I need to clean it up SEVERELY before I feel comfy with releasing it out in the wild. This one just has more rows in the Top Friends section. This was made before I got the hang of hidden scrolls so uhhh, sorry in advance for those tables on the right side.

Thanks to weldherwings weldherwings for helping me with making it at least readable on mobile.

📱 SEMI Mobile Friendly

📜Hidden Scroll


Mood: Tired 💤
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## years old

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae.

Lorem ipsum dolor.
Here for:
Lorem ipsum.
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Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce non justo sollicitudin, tincidunt enim consectetur, facilisis est. Aliquam sit amet laoreet urna, a rhoncus libero. Integer molestie rhoncus ullamcorper. Vivamus consequat augue sed felis feugiat, vel vestibulum nibh eleifend. Nulla ornare ligula augue, eu interdum ante posuere sed. Maecenas id metus ipsum. Proin aliquet sagittis rutrum. In dapibus sagittis risus, vitae posuere lacus eleifend sit amet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque lobortis elit gravida, varius elit vitae, gravida odio. In elementum justo eros, nec ultrices erat sodales et.

Who I'd like to meet:
Donec non nulla vel massa facilisis tincidunt. Curabitur commodo congue augue, facilisis ornare urna elementum vitae. Nulla porta risus in bibendum consequat. Integer quis imperdiet justo, ut porttitor lectus. Nulla consequat felis elit, in ultrices eros fermentum ac. Sed pulvinar id nulla eget efficitur. Pellentesque ornare dictum massa. Cras vitae urna ut mauris tincidunt tincidunt at eget lectus. Vivamus mattis commodo viverra.
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coded by Sugarnaut
How does one replace the photos or is it not possibly due to the background?

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