Subject Spark


Laugh Like You've Won Always
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Subject Spark


A boy with slightly tanned skin, hazel eyes, and brown hair that's always sticking up due to static. His fingertips and lips are covered in small burns. He wears plain white shorts and a white shirt. He typically does not wear any shoes, only thin socks if necessary.


Joshua Devon





Incident Location:

New York


Electrical Field


The subject's body generates an abnormally high amount of electrical energy and the releases the built up energy in the form of static into whatever, or whoever, he comes into contact with. Not releasing the built up electrical energy frequently can cause it to reach more dangerous levels, causing harm to the subject or another when the energy is finally allowed to escape. In tests the built up charge was enough to kill insects and even a small lizard. It is expected that if electrical discharge did not occur the subject's own built up energy would reach fatal levels inside his own body and kill him.




Danger Level: 



Ward of Pandora Pennsylvania Location


Joshua is high-energy, pun intended, and often seen with a playful smile across his face. He enjoys being the center of attention and being around as many people as he can. He intentionally touches others frequently to discharge built up electricity, which often comes as a surprise to them. He may simply do it to keep from building up more dangerous charges, or he may simply enjoy shocking others to get a reaction out of them. When he thinks he's genuinely hurt someone he immediately drops his joking demeanor and apologizes sincerely. 


Joshua's family had just recently moved into New York before Omega first appeared. They didn't decide to move back out of the city quick enough, only a year later Omega appeared in New York and brought destruction there as well. They were out shopping when Omega appeared, and Joshua was one of the lucky, or unlucky, few who survived. The recovery team pulled him from the wreckage of the shop with some difficulty - the first one who tried to move him suffered electrical burns and refused to try again after that - and brought him to Pandora, where he's lived for the past year. Of all of the subjects at this facility, the subject seems to be among those most easily adapting to his new life.

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