Subject #020395


The one true mistake

Subject ID:



Alex Rene Sanchez



Biological Gender:



Pre: 5'8"

Post: 6'1"


Pre: 130

Post: 400

General Appearance:

 Subject #020395 current state is tall and lanky. Little to no muscle, seems to be subjected to a type of eating disorder possibly. Subject seems to be of Hispanic and Cuban descent, possibly Indian but given his last name we've ruled that out. Eyes are a dark brown, subject also has curly dark brown hair. Seems to be a mediocre Afro. Upon further inspection on his body, he's both legs and arms at least more than once. Also nice to note that he has three large gashes on his back, further examination shows that it was from a beast of some kind, bear most likely. Hard to believe that someone like this would be taking these kinds of beatings. No other contusions or medical issues. 

Experimentation Type:


Experiment Details:

If this was to see the light of day fifteen years ago, we would be considered monsters in the eyes of the public. The subject was injected with several doses of steroid to give him the muscle he needed in order to survive. After body was in peak physical condition we managed to even everything out on his body, we will need this one to reproduce after all. We've managed to merge the subjects cells with that of a diamond, seeing as us humans are too weak to face off the world naked. We need a better way to protect ourselves, Diamond is one of the hardest substances out there. And it just so happened that the subject merged well with the Diamond's cells. Although after a week of injections the diamonds began to form on his back, forming a small pile in the middle of his back pointing upwards. These diamonds grew quickly and are now a cluster of diamonds that we have to shave down with a saw. His weight due to diamonds mixing with his cells has shot up incredibly high. Cells have merged in perfectly with the Subject's skin and bones, making it nearly impenetrable by any means necessary. As much as this is good its proven difficult for us to inject dosages, we've had to use a razor sharp saw and even then we broke three blades. Thus finding the subject's breaking point for the skin. Its safe to say that the experiment was a complete success. 


- Incredible physical strength.

- Impenetrable Skin

- Nearly Unbreakable bones


- Has short bursts of quick stamina then has severe fatigue 

- Despite how light he is on his feet can easily crush something due to weight

- If cluster on back is not under control, will hurt him more when trying to shave. Recommend constant maintenance

Physiological Profile: 

He's optimistic and otherwise wishes the better for everyone and everything, even us the one's who made him a walking diamond. His optimism hides his depression, the depression comes from something that came from a traumatic experience that we'll cover in the background. He often seeks to hide behind a mask that also supports this claim. Seeks to protect everyone even if it could hurt himself in the process, thus the experiment will only support his belief. Although he does have a breaking point and will snap at people when he has been taunted enough by making enough points about how worthless he is.


Subject worked at a business agency, said that he "Hated every moment but the money was good." Subject has depression and anxiety when he was in a hostage situation, we couldn't get much out of him other than that. Because he lacked any type of physical strength he looked for a peaceful way to resolve situations. Subject was only came into the testing facility to "better the future of the people" clearly, a man of the people. Came from a small town and hasn't broken a law besides jay walking. This kid was raised right and will be perfect for the experiment. Obedient and quiet, although...I don't know how much longer it will last.
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Oh boy...

- Cut down on the height

- Pick one. Either diamond hard skin or being able to be control it. Physical or mental. Not both.

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