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Fantasy Pack V.S Clan


Boink Bean

Name :

Age :

Gender :

Group :

Rank :

Personality :

Appearance :

Kin :

Crush :

Offspring :

Additional Information :



Age : Five years

Gender : Male

Group : Pack

Rank : Leader

Punish is a hardheaded canine. Some believe he is a mutt between a wolf and possibly an american pit bull terrier due to his block-like-head. Yet his is quite large, a bit larger than an average wolf. He is stubborn and is a natural born leader. Toward his pack he can be calm, collected, gentle, yet stern. When it comes to traitors or rivals he can become murderous. Showing no mercy toward trespassers or any wolf he deems not worthy of his time or energy.

Punish was named so when he was a guard many years ago. He would capture trespassers, traitors, and rivals, then
punish them. He always obeyed his father, the former leader, and killing those who deserved death on his word. Punish never kills without reason, ad would never harm the innocent.

Punish became beta to the pack when the former beta died after a bear attack.

Punish then became Alpha when his father died during winter, after falling gravely ill.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/petra_by_kfcemployee-d8i79lp.jpg.b93ade50ffeca5384a9ab9d485150f48.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/petra_by_kfcemployee-d8i79lp.jpg.b93ade50ffeca5384a9ab9d485150f48.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kin : He had a younger sister, yet she died the winter they were birthed.

Crush : None

Offspring : None

Additional Information : He has four deep scars on his right side from a bear attack not too long ago. He Also has scars along hi muzzle, ears, and throat from former battles, training, and when he was a mischievous youngster.


Age : four year

Gender : male

Group : Pack

Rank : Lead Fighter

Fang was given his permanent name when he was about to turn two years old. He was the first born, and by far the largest out of the three pup litter. He was was given his name when he became a fighter, due to his elongated fangs. When his mouth is shut one can see about half an inch of his fangs. He is rather large and quite muscular. He can be tough on his apprentices, and trains them how he was trained. Ruthlessly. He can be quite cold and murderous toward those he dislikes. He never was a very friendly wolf, especially not after Punish had murdered his father. Granted Fang's father was attempting to put Punish's father out of his misery, yet Punish killed the wolf with such ease it made Fang turn cold in his blood. Now Fang has a deep rooted hatred for his leader.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/pp_cm___hitoso____kirasdarklight_by_nisesk-d6incqo.png.58f6983ac1aae3077ba4beb73df92b87.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/pp_cm___hitoso____kirasdarklight_by_nisesk-d6incqo.png.58f6983ac1aae3077ba4beb73df92b87.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kin : deceased

Crush : None

Offspring : Never

Additional Information :

Fang has a large scar crossing over his muzzle and toward his throat from a battle with a cougar when he was a yearling.


Age : Four years

Gender : female

Group : Pack

Rank : Guard

Winter is a tough she-wolf. She is slender, and has long legs that can bring her to incredible speeds. She has a soft voice that is sweet and smooth like honey. Her howl is like a song that even the birds cannot mimic. She is an incredibly agile she-wolf who isn't large body size wise. She dislikes useless fighting, yet will defend her pack and territory with her life. She is loyal to her pack and is an incredibly loving she-wolf. She was given her name when she turned a year old, as she was born into a litter of six, yet five died since they were born on one of the harshest winters in history for the pack. She was the only one who lived, hence her name.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/__winter___by_stripedwolf99-d75l5e3.jpg.123afaba400626f044a1da87b5c5b1e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74391" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/__winter___by_stripedwolf99-d75l5e3.jpg.123afaba400626f044a1da87b5c5b1e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kin : Deceased

Crush : None

Offspring : None

Additional Information : She is a flawless she-wolf,without a single scar on her beautiful white and brown pelt.


Age : three years

Gender : tom

Group : clan

Rank : Lead Guard

Ace is a fiercely loyal tom, he as tan fur with black spots and stripes due to him being a mix of a serval. He can be hot-headed, yet he can also he gentle and kind. He dislikes those who cause mindless drama, and he also strongly dislikes the canines that hare the land. He has a sister, yet she is merely a half sister, and lives along not too far off the territory that belongs to the clan.


Kin : Echo

Crush : None

Offspring : None

Additional Information :

He has a torn ear, due to a quarrel he had gotten in with Echo long ago. She was smaller than him, so he underestimated his sibling's strength. Yet her living along made her quite strong and quick, and she gave him a warning by cutting off the tip of his ear.


Age : Eight moons

Gender : she-cat

Group : clan

Rank : Apprentice

Sweet young Cinder. She is a rambunctious she-cat who often finds herself in trouble she cannot handle herself. She is agile and live hearted, always wanting to play, train, hunt, live in general. Due to her surprising energy, it's often hard for her to bed down, yet she i awake rather early nearly every day to join the older cats on patrols and hunting parties.


Kin : None

Crush : None

Offspring : None

Additional Information : Nothing.


Age : two years

Gender : she-cat

Group : Rouge

Echo is Ace's half sister, as Ace's father was a clan cat, while his mother was a rouge like Echo. Ace's father died after a fight between the can and pack. Ace's mother then bred with an unknown tom, and that's when Echo was born. Their mother died many moons ago due to falling ill with Rabies, so Echo killed her. Echo can seem heartless, and even cold to some felines. Yet she merely masks her emotions, as she grew up alone and enjoys being alone. She finds peace in the quite way he isn't surrounded by many other felines, and enjoys being independent.


Kin : Ace

Crush : None

Offspring : None

Additional Information :

She has a scar coursing down the right side of her head, from the base of her ear toward her throat from when he mother attacked her after becoming infected with rabies.

Name : Ivy

Age : nine years

Gender : she-cat

Group : feline

Rank : Elder

Personality : Ivy is a strong-hearted she-cat who enjoys sleeping all day long and grooming. She can be quite a hot-head, due to her age and how tired she gets, sh is not one to be underestimated, as she can deliver a swift smack with her massive paws and perfectly sharpened and curled claws.

Appearance :


Kin : deceased

Crush : deceased

Offspring : none

Additional Information : She was the former medicine cat, until she was defending the nursery from a bear, and the massive beast swiped her, causing her to permanently be unable to use her hind left leg. At that point she decided to retire and make her former apprentice the lead healer.

Name : Sleet

Age : five years

Gender : tom

Group : feline

Rank : Leader

Personality : Strong-headed, brave, loyal, defensive, loving, gentle, yet can be cruel towards canines or traitors.

Appearance :


Kin : n/a

Crush : n/a

Offspring : n/a

Additional Information : He is covered in scars on his flanks, sides, underbelly, throat, muzzle, and ears.



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Age : 9 Moons

Gender : Male

Group : Pack

Rank : Apprentice

Breed: Maned Wolf

Personality : Hes a quiet, but that does not mean hes an introvert. When he warms to you, hes actually quite animated. He normally will smile through the day, happy thoughts going through his mind. When prompted to do something, he just does it without any questions. "I find that there are more ways to express yourself through actions." In the presence of others, hes quite often the one who listens and nods, letting others speak before him.

Kin : Rowan is his mother

Crush : PM / None

Offspring : None

Additional Information : N/A



Age : 4 Years

Gender : Female

Group : Clan

Rank : Deputy

Breed: Marbled Cat

Personality : She has a very keen sense of honor, punishing those she finds less than fit even with proper training. She is very watchful, and likes to enter flawlessly into conversations, then take the wheel. Thankfully, she is very respectful and won't just butt into conversations. She can be blunt, but with good intentions "Finding those worthy of praise is what I seek, and yet never find." She is very organized, and can be easily upset if she sees something wrong.

Kin : PM / None

Crush : PM / None

Offspring : PM / None

Additional Information : Her footfall is extremely light, making her name quite fitting as she is hard to detect.​
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Age : 3 ½years

Gender : Female

Group : Pack

Rank : Hunter

Amaya was born into the pack, but her parents just randomly disappeared one night when she was a yearling. Since then, she can never fit in easily, but once she sees someone she thinks is interesting or would be a good friend, she tries her hardest for them to be her friend, or to become close.. She is also easily jealous, and is very mean to he ones, she doesn't like.

Kin :None

Crush : None at the moment..(I'll go with what would be convenient...or just PM me)

Offspring :None

Additional Information : She is a little taller than other wolves, because of her long legs, and she has a very long tail, along with very silky and soft fur... She also has a very distinct scent, which smells like lunar flowers, and the forest on a rainy day...




Age : 3 years

Gender : Female

Group : Clan

Rank : Kit-Sitter

Personality : She is loyal to her clan, acts like a child when she watches kits, but is actually very mature... She also was raised in the clan since she was found and taken in by them when she was a newborn. She has no known Kin, and doesn't know her species, but that's not to important.

Appearance :

Kin : N/A

Crush : None yet (I'll go with what is convenient or just PM me)

Offspring : Nope

Additional Information :She has very silky fur, a silky voice, and she is friendly to only those whom interest her...
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Australian Shepherd, Boarder Collie mix


If there were any left Valiant would stand a little taller than knee height on a human. She isn't muscularly built, but her body is thin and lean from her daily cardio. Her fur is thick and soft, especially around her ears. Her teeth and claws are no larger than the average dog, as years of specific mating evolved her brain, not her body. Her eyes are an unnatural orange color, the only physical trait that displays her enhanced brain power.


Newly 3




The Pack




Valiant is one of the softer members of the Pack. She dislikes violence in and out of the pack and tries her best to break up any fights, even if it she knows she'll get hurt in the process. Valiant doesn't even enjoy hunting or watching others hunt, which is why she's so familiar with herbs. She doesn't have to look far to find the light in the world, and she tries her best to show how sweet life is to others. Valiant lives to help those in need and would gladly go against her pacifist ways to protect the helpless. As her name says, Valiant is both brave and determined. She's humble and encouraging, but is known to be quite stern when it comes to her duty. She's typically quiet, but that's only because she's usually by herself. She spends most of her free time restocking herbs or caring for everyday injuries. Valiant shows kindness and trusting to anyone she meets, a gullible act on her part, but a betrayal of her trust will never be forgotten. She enjoys a nice chat and will always stop what she's doing (unless someone really needs her help) to give advice or lend a shoulder to cry on. However, Valiant is an omnivert, and will only share her problems with you if she feels that they important enough. She isn't used to attention and her bashful nature will take hold when a spotlight is pointed onto her. While most animals have bred and evolved into war machines, her bloodline was bred with the smartest canines, allowing for overall enhanced brain function. She's a quick thinker and deals well under pressure, two aspects that make her a supreme Healer. She has a photographic memory, another factor that helps her be the best Healer she can be. She's not very skilled in fighting, but she's quick on her feet and can jump very high.



(If anyone wants to be related to Valiant, just ask me and I'll probably say yes!)


She has an interest in Fang @Cyber Wolf



Additional Information:

Valiant has taught herself how to climb trees to an extent.

More Below


Asian Golden Cat


He is abnormally large due to a years of a strong line of genetics. His body is built up with muscle and thick skin. His paws are large and powerful, and his talons are curved and sharpened into perfect eye-gouging weapons. His left ear is shrivel and hard after a blood vessel burst, and he has puncture mark scars on both of his hind legs. His eyes are a dark golden color and face decorated with natural markings.






The Clan




Mathias is the stereotypical strong and silent type. He comes off as rather intimidating, especially with his large size and captivating eyes. He is obedient to those above him but would have no problem taking control of a situation if a member of authority wasn't present or couldn't handle the pressure. He has a knack for being creepily observant but tends to keep his findings to himself. Although he is a fierce warrior with a reputation for being mysterious, Mathias is actually quite friendly. He doesn't go out of his way to make others fear him, and often helps elders or nursing mothers whenever he can. He isn't bothered with whether he is spoken to or not, so he never begins a conversation. It may take a while but after pestering him enough he will grow to trust you. After finally opening him up, it seems as if he becomes a whole new person. His silence is replaced with friendly banter and playful teases, his harsh eyes shine with genuine happiness, and his large size becomes more of a security blanket. Mathias is loyal to those that worked their way into his circle of friends. He would take their place in any harsh punishments and will stick by their side at the worst of times.



(Again, just ask me)


None, yet



Additional Information:

Mathias' claws are so large than even when retracted they stick out a bit.

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Still a progress at work, have to add one more character and may add one more after that.

Name :


Age :

5 years

Gender :


Group :


Rank :


Personality :

Somewhat drawn back into his position Bones has a tendency to give off the appearance of being a harsh and methodical rule enforcer with little tolerance for nonsense interfering with his duties, when behind his working demeanor he's actually a laid back and easygoing individual that just struggles with a strong urge to protect the pack and a fear of letting his mistakes effect the lives of others. Bones's extremely loyal; sometimes dangerously so, as he can become blinded from the truth in attempt to justify the actions of his close friends and superior Punish, this behaviour combined with his protective nature can also lead to to misunderstandings between himself and others during heated conversations when the beta takes something said or done too seriously and forgets to just let it go and move on.

However despite his flaws in traditional verbal discussions, Bones's perhaps more excepting of others faults; he's willing to invite rogues and loners into the pack and encourages the belief that everyone deserves a second chance to correct their mistakes, especially those denied a chance at redemption or trial before their exile and the beta often takes a personal interest in their rehabilitation into pack life. As always Bones's dedicated completely to any task he takes on and refuses to let a job go unfinished or half-assed under his watch, even if it must be completed by himself or he needs to volunteer his time and services to have it completed; this wolf makes sure to provide whatevers needed to get it done.

Appearance :

Bred for war this is a quite massive creature with a powerful physique and a surrounding air of authority; Bones is a dark canine covered with medium length bluish black and dark grey fur, with a streak of orange in his tail and strange markings on the left of his face. The body of this canine is muscular and fit from training, and generations of carefully planned breeding give Bones the trademark qualities of his lineage; including the notable size of his fangs and paws. However despite having been bred for war and subjected to the many horrors of the battles between the pack and the clan, Bones' emerald eyes still glow with an inner mirth that has a tendancy to reveal itself at strange times.


Kin : Feather (Mate-- Deceased), Boulder (father-- Deceased), Heart (Mother-- Elder) Talon (brother--Guard), Frost (sister--Guard).

Crush : N/A

Offspring : Thorn (Son-- Guard apprentice).

Additional Information :

Bones howl is a sound rarely produced and reminiscent of of wind rasping through the stoney mountain reaches; it is a cold and ethereal sound of warning.

The rope and feathers are a gift from his friend and traveling companion Raven, who is indeed a bird; he also helps report any news worthy events that require the beta to handle or report to Punish.

Name :

Kelitha, aka Ghost

Age :

6 years

Gender :

(haven't decided yet)

Group :

Rogue (Originates from the far northern reaches.)

Rank :

N/A, trained in the arts of healing.

Personality :


Appearance :

A tall, regal creature with a lithe physique and a graceful form; Kelitha is covered with short-to-medium white fur with black streaking through the rump and tail and a massive dark mane covering the front of its neck, back and torso. The body of this canine is quite elongated with very long limbs and claws that appear more like the talons of a bird than the claws of a dog and its head is long and narrow with a slightly triangular sculpt, topped by two massive pointed ears and black circle on its forehead.


Kin : Morganna (Sister--unkknown) and Endemine (Sister--Unkown).

Crush : N/A

Offspring : N/A

Additional Information :

Kelitha's howl is a haunting sound capable of peircing through the worst of snowstorms; this combined with the canines inherent ability to travel unheard and tendency to flee before being seen as more than a flash of white or a shadow on the ground have earned it the nick-name 'Ghost', for lack of a better explenation.​
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Name: Kiva

Age: 4 years

Gender: Female

Group: Pack

Rank: Healer

Personality: Kiva used to be a cold blooded killer, a guard and occasional hunter, before she had Chronos. After his birth, she became more gentile and nurturing, and switched from guard to healer. She quite likes the pups, not strange considering she has one of her own, and enjoys caring for them in her off time. She doesn't speak very much, but when she does, her voice is soft and lilting.

Appearance: (Ignore blue) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d15bf81742874fcf6375acfa357736c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74476" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d15bf81742874fcf6375acfa357736c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kin: PM/N/A

Crush: PM/N/A

Offspring: Chronos

Additional Information: Mate is deceased.



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Name: Chronos

Age: 3 months

Gender: Male

Group: Pack

Rank: Pup

Personality: Chronos, simply put, is extremely timid and fearful. He is shy, and even though he is now three months old, still prefers the company of his mother to others. He has been deemed by others more feminine than a male wolf should be. He is strangely motherly, and helps his mother with the wounded. He cares for all living things, and hates watching hunts, or anything being killed. He doesn't tend to play with any of the other pups, and shys from any possible danger.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.badb86e0ebc0a7504206bebcb47f340e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.badb86e0ebc0a7504206bebcb47f340e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kin: Mother, Kiva, other, N/A/PM

Crush: N/A

Offspring: N/A

Additional Information: None, yet



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Name : Eyes

Age : 44 moons (roughly 3 1/2 years)

Gender : Male

Group : Pack

Rank : Lead Hunter

Personality : Eyes is a bright soul, optimistic and happy, but when he is working he gets very focused and can be a bit of a perfectionist. He's also very good with pups, and spends a great deal of his free time watching them play.

Appearance : Eyes has a pelt with shades of brown and some taan. He's a wolf, purer than most, with a lean build and long legs.

http://blog.oregonlive.com/opinion_impact/2009/05/large_Wolf Trapped.jpg

(I can't get the image to work with Safari sorry)

Kin : none (Just ask)

Crush : Valiant (@RowdyPotato)

Offspring : none (just ask)

Additional Information :


Age: 11 moons

Gender: Female

Group: Clan

Rank: Apprentice

Personality: Yarrow is a very close-hearted she-cat, and has been since both of her littermates and her best friend died within days of each other, the littermates of an illness contracted from a bad bird and the friend of infection after she had broken two of her legs badly after having fallen off a ledge into a ravine. She's very cynical for a youngster.

Appearance: Norweigan forest cat, mostly. A lot of black fur with a white underbelly and yellow eyes.


Kin: Two dead littermates, Rosehips and Dandelion.

Crush none

Offspring: none

Additional info:
Name: Arrow

Age: 4 months

Gender: Male

Group: Clan

Rank: Kit

Personality: Although Arrow might be tiny, he defiantly makes up for it with spunk, and a tad of playful viciousness. Though not allowed to hunt, he still does, killing all things smaller then him, that is, so long as it isn't another kitten. Although his parents abandoned him at an extremely young age, he doesn't remember them, and so treats Azalia as a mother of sorts.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.fb1924d0c6e314823573424f29cacb25.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74505" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.fb1924d0c6e314823573424f29cacb25.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kin: PM/NA

Crush: PM/NA

Offspring: NA

Additional Information: None



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Age : two years

Gender : she-cat

Group : Clan

Rank : Lead Fighter


Harsh, straight forward and pretty cruel, Sin has gained a name for herself. She tends to not take jokes, doesn't like fooling around, and her one true pleasure is feeling a beating heart stop. Most the clan doesn't trust her and for good reason. They fear that one day she will turn on them just for the fun of it. Sin can be brutal and has been known to hurt others with her sharp tongue, claws and fangs. She has caused permanent injury to her own clan-mates and even killed her own mother and sibling. Sin has a hard time communicating with others and only knows physical violence as a means to get through.

Sin isn't as bad as she seems though. It is true that she loves to play rough and tends to not know how to have "nice" fun, but she does have a soft spot. It has only ever been shown to a kitten that she found near the pack territory and is probably the only reason the clan doesn't try and push her out. That and the fact that she has threatened to kill half of them before she falls to her death if they try.



Kin : All deceased, except father who does not claim as such so ignores her.

Crush : None. They are all spineless

Offspring : Mist (Adopted)

Additional Information :

Sin was born to a rather sweet she-cat by the name of Honey that was once the lead hunter though retired to focus on her kits. Her father was second to the lead fighter and was never ambitious so remained in his station. They were very loving and dreamed of raising their kits to be well loved in the clan like they were. When honey went into labor there were complications and the two kits didn't seem like they would make it. One kit came, but was only partially formed as it seemed like the other kit had taken its siblings life. There was too much blood lose and Honey died, but there remained a rather healthy she-cat that yawned showing tiny fangs. Her father blamed the deaths on the tiny kit and named her Sin.

Sin grew up with very little love and affection since she was born feared. Because of this, she did not know how to play or show love herself and tend to be too rough. The other kits in the den had all been harmed by Sin and her cruel way of playing and she was forced to sleep with the apprentices at a young age. Sin had to learn to eat fresh-kill fast since all the queens had refused to continue nursing what they called a monster.

As an apprentice, she was trained in harsh way. Her mentor pit her against full grown cats and left her with many scars. Sin soon learned to love the feel of fighting and claws against her flesh. Being the most powerful fighter, even if feared, Sin became lead fighter. Her cruelty and lack of care for her own well being made her dangerous. Sin was still hated though and the cats only listed to her out of fear. Sin soon became disgusted with her own clan that she had more than once protected with her life. Still determined to protect them no matter what, Sin stopped caring about their views on her and spent most her free time training.

It was about six moons ago that she found mist. The kitten was in wolf territory and looked wide eyed in fear. Sin saved the kit and brought it back with her telling that exact story though some don't believe her. She asked to keep the kit herself whom had found Sin as his mother and did not desire to leave her side. Others were shocked by this. Sin even bathed the young kit and never showed her claws or fangs.

Sin adores Mist, but most think he is too weak to be a clan cat. Sin has more than once threatened to kill half of them before they brought her down if they dared lay a paw on mist. Most leave her alone and since Mist is so friendly, they just go with it.



Age : 6 moons

Gender : Tom

Group : Clan

Rank : Apprentice

Personality :

Mist is a very sweet and playful tom. He is very well loved by Sin and somewhat spoiled. Mist tends to explore and wander and always gets hurt. He is more clumsy than the other apprentices and is more of a hassle when training. Mist is very bright though and is aware of everything around him. He has a very positive outlook and trains by himself or with Sin when he gets the chance. He has to work much harder and at times he seems to care more about exploring than his duties, but he is a good cat.

No one really hates the tom, but they do see him as a hassle. They stay away from him because of Sin. Other than that, Mist can be easily loved since he has such an open personality.

Appearance :


Kin : Sin (Adopted Mother)

Crush : None

Offspring : None

Additional Information :

Mist doesn't say anything about before he came to the clans. Either he isn't aware or just rather pretend he isn't. Sin saved him and loved him like her own so he has grown very attached to her. He knows what others say about her, but believes in her all the same. He gives Sin a hard time since he wanders off and gets in trouble all the time, but she never raises her tone with him.

Mist knows others don't really care for him, but he is kind to them anyway. He still doesn't listen very well, though.

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DemonKitten Both accepted. ALSO, I ship Ace and Sin so hard.Especially since in that photo the feline getting scratched looks like Ace. I ship them so so so hard.
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(ooh~ an rp I'll be comfortable with xD , I wasn't sure if rpnation had any animal rps)


Age : One year and a moon

Gender : Tom

Group : Clan

Rank : Healer

Personality : Cecil is generally cheerful and caring, if he is in any other mood it is easy to read him as he has trouble masking his emotions. He is usually quite laid back and always has something witty to say but when caring for the injured he becomes serious and strict, even lashing out at anyone who bothers him. He often acts as if he knows best or is the superior intellect, but in truth he has confidence issues, mainly arising from the fact he is still fairly inexperienced at his job.. although he knows everything a healer should know he has never treated any close to mortal wounds... besides that one incident. He is comfortable with social interactions, but has trouble talking about his own fears or insecurities. He is also hopelessly incompetent at hunting, he can't walk quietly and hates hurting things anyway.

Appearance : Like the picture down below but he usually has slight green stains on his paws and/or mouth from grinding herbs a lot (they're messy!). Physically wise he is a little short and well fed, but built as he must often climb or walk a good distance to find certain herbs for remedies. Also, although you cannot physically see it he is deaf in his right ear, likely due to radiation exposure before he was born.


(haha ignore collar sorry)

Kin : He had a mother, now it is only him

Crush : He thinks Yarrow is pretty.. but they've barely even talked

Offspring : None

Additional Information : His mother's name was Sage, and she was a healer as well, teaching him everything. She had always been sickly (ironically as she was a healer) and on one of the coldest winter days passed away. He was an adolescent at the time, and felt horrible he couldn't heal her. It was after then that he became more closed off, and an adult.

(Okay.. that's it for now ^w^, may make a pack character later but I'll have to think that one through first)
[QUOTE="Glass Jellyfish](ooh~ an rp I'll be comfortable with xD , I wasn't sure if rpnation had any animal rps)


Age : One year and a moon

Gender : Tom

Group : Clan

Rank : Healer

Personality : Cecil is generally cheerful and caring, if he is in any other mood it is easy to read him as he has trouble masking his emotions. He is usually quite laid back and always has something witty to say but when caring for the injured he becomes serious and strict, even lashing out at anyone who bothers him. He often acts as if he knows best or is the superior intellect, but in truth he has confidence issues, mainly arising from the fact he is still fairly inexperienced at his job.. although he knows everything a healer should know he has never treated any close to mortal wounds... besides that one incident. He is comfortable with social interactions, but has trouble talking about his own fears or insecurities. He is also hopelessly incompetent at hunting, he can't walk quietly and hates hurting things anyway.

Appearance : Like the picture down below but he usually has slight green stains on his paws and/or mouth from grinding herbs a lot (they're messy!). Physically wise he is a little short and well fed, but built as he must often climb or walk a good distance to find certain herbs for remedies. Also, although you cannot physically see it he is deaf in his right ear, likely due to radiation exposure before he was born.


(haha ignore collar sorry)

Kin : He had a mother, now it is only him

Crush : He thinks Yarrow is pretty.. but they've barely even talked

Offspring : None

Additional Information : His mother's name was Sage, and she was a healer as well, teaching him everything. She had always been sickly (ironically as she was a healer) and on one of the coldest winter days passed away. He was an adolescent at the time, and felt horrible he couldn't heal her. It was after then that he became more closed off, and an adult.

(Okay.. that's it for now ^w^, may make a pack character later but I'll have to think that one through first)

You may begin role-playing.


Age : 2 years

Gender : female

Group : Pack

Rank : Fighter

Personality : Rowan is a complete trickster. She can't take anything serious, not even fighting. She treats her battles like a game, taunting her enemy always acting like she is in control. She is highly likely to trick other pack members for fun so she has gained a reputation for lying. At the same time she has a strong tie to her pack, she will protect it against anything, but do it her style. She doesn't hesitate to poke fun at pack mates though, even sometimes the alpha. A smooth talking foxy fae with a penchant for mischief.

Appearance :

long and lanky, she has a few battle scars but besides that looks healthy, at some point in her family tree there was likely a fox, hence the strange appearance

Kin : She hasn't really kept in touch with her family which are loners but at the time she had a mother, father, and a few younger siblings from a different litter.

Crush : none at the moment

Offspring : (edited)Bandit

Additional Information : She has been with the pack for awhile, and was carrying Bandit when she first joined. Bandit was born into the pack a few months later. Father is unknown, but can be edited for drama later if needed

(okay here is a pack character ^^ that's all i'll be making for now)
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Name : Peony

Age : 11

Gender : Female

Group : None

Rank : None

Personality : She's very quiet, and shy. She (at the moment) is extremely scared of everything she sees, especially no humans are around to guide her.

Appearance :


Kin : None

Crush : None

Offspring : None

Additional Information : She is the only human to survive the radioactivity attack. She very scared of the animals, because now they look so different.



Age : 1 1/2 years

Gender : Female

Group : Pack

Rank : Fighter (Aspiring Leader)

Personality : Song tends to be snarky, but determined. She strives for top in the pack and will do what ever it takes to get there, even dirtying her pretty paws. She is easily enraged and does not like failure. Sometimes she does not always listen since she is an alpha like dog that sees herself as a leader. She does respect her higher ups and knows that she must stay on their good side if she is to rise in the ranks. Song is very cunning and a swift dog. She seems to master everything, but her greatest skill is her ability to outwit her enemies and packmates. Song does not care for pups since she does not have any skills with them and she does not appreciate being gawked at. She may be pretty, but she is not a dog to be coddled.

She is keen and aware of all that is around her. She has a plan to reach the top no matter what. Just don't say she's pretty.


Kin : Rose (Mother unknown location)

Crush : None since she sees pups as an unnecessary problem

Offspring : Nope

Additional Information : Song was not born as one of the pack. She abandoned her frivolous mother in the winter that she turned six months. She always hated her mothers ways. Rose was a dog that survived by her looks. When the humans vanished, all her looks gave her was a littler of puppies that she did not care about. Song's other siblings were sickly and her mother abandoned them without thought. She would always praise song for her beautiful coat and eyes and tell her how she would make a lovely show dog, but Song was disgusted with her. Rose had lost her mind and Song was not going down with her.

Determined to survive, Song sneaked away from her mother and found the packs who took her in. Sadly, her looks still remained a root of her problems as it seemed like the pack did not take her seriously. Even with blood on her fur and dripping from her fangs, they still saw her best suited to giving birth to pups. Song is determined to out rank them all and prove she is more than a trophy mutt.

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Name: Zeta

Age: 8 seasons and 4 moons (2 years and 4 months)

Gender: tom

Group: Clan

Rank: Hunter

Personality: Unlike his sister, Zeta is not a very loud or outgoing cat. He will definitely talk to others and make friends (and he can be quite the talkative guy when you get him going, which Coyote naturally finds a little annoying since she is his sister), but he prefers to keep to himself and be alone. That's one reason why he's such a good hunter, because he doesn't need another cat around to babysit him or help him. Zeta enjoys being out their alone to do the work he is good at, and the drive and intensity of the hunt draws his curiosity greatly. He is nowhere near the best hunter in the clan, but is definitely a skilled one, and can take down many a prey with how crafty and quiet he is (kinda like his sister). The clan relies on him a lot to gather as much freshkill as they need.

Even though Zeta prefers to still to himself, he is still a very nice and friendly tom, as well as caring. He shows it better than his sister does, and has a feeling of being more genuine than his sister's caring side. In fact, he almost considered being a medicine cat with how much he likes to help others with things. But, in the end, he chose to have the job of hunter, as it fit his mindset better. Zeta will also not hesitate to fight to defend his clanmates, for he is fiercely protected of those close to him and of his home.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/AthensCat_013.jpg.73231133fc98caff7ed79f0c6dd7c3c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76272" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/AthensCat_013.jpg.73231133fc98caff7ed79f0c6dd7c3c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/ea2476ab9878cd4d4c9ed9751fc3052d-d7lirvv.png.368e7fcde4a52144224e6692984eb990.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/ea2476ab9878cd4d4c9ed9751fc3052d-d7lirvv.png.368e7fcde4a52144224e6692984eb990.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4b70e062_2015-09-1707.34.00.png.bba40e2dd4c55a62bacadd1bf240515f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4b70e062_2015-09-1707.34.00.png.bba40e2dd4c55a62bacadd1bf240515f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zeta is a very tall, long, and slender tom cat with pitch black, slightly shiny fur. In all reality, he isn't that much taller than most other toms. But his long and lean legs and body gives him the illusion that he is way taller. His fur itself is the regular short length, and since it isn't too thick, it lays flat against his body rather than standing up more. Despite his lean build, he still has a very masculine look instead of a feminine look, and he looks rather regal and pretty. His face is also angular and defined.

Now, to his eyes. That's the weird part. They are like a fiery color, looking like a combination of red, orange, and yellow all at the same time. Although, they normally look more of a red-orange than anything. Either way, they are very vibrant, and they are often the characteristic that other cats see first with him. His odd colored eyes make him look like an evil bastard, but the feeling that comes off of them is not an unsettling feeling. Instead, they feel calm and happy, peaceful rather than evil.

Kin: Coyote (sister, littermate)

Opal (mother, deceased)

Ditch (father, deceased)

Crush: None at the moment.

Offspring: Again, none at the moment.

Additional Information: (May add more, may not. I dunno.)

Name: Coyote

Age: 8 seasons and 4 moons (2 years and 4 months)

Gender: she-cat

Group: Clan

Rank: Fighter

Personality: Coyote was originally given her name due to the color of her fur, but she turned out to have more attributes that are similar to a coyote than originally anticipated. She is small and lean, as well as quick and sneaky. She can also be very clever, curious, and attentive. Of course, she uses those parts of her primarily to have fun and mess with people, feeling good about herself when she plays harmless jokes on those cats that accept her childish ways (lots of cats have learned to deal with her bullshittery). But they are also very useful when it comes to battles or gathering information, for she is very good about traveling and following instructions like that in a quiet manner. Because of that and the fact that she knows very well when it is time to be quiet and serious, she is often used on scouting and battling missions. She is also a deadly fighter because of how agile and quick thinking she is. Coyote can be a pretty mischievous and naughty girl. But, otherwise, she is actually very caring and nice when she knows that she needs to be. Especially around those she cares about. That is mainly shown around her brother. Because they may be different in personalities and do bicker sometimes, but they still have a bond like most other littermates have.

The most prominent feature about Coyote, though, is her fierceness in battle. She may look small, but she's like a deadly, quick little dagger, fighting as well as most other toms. She knows how to fight well, and her claws and teeth are very deadly. She is always one to volunteer to fight if the need arises. When she was younger, the higher ups didn't want to rely on her much due to her size and age. But she has definitely proved herself, and they don't usually hesitate and tell her no. They know that she can hold her own, and most trust her to get the job done.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Front_Range_Ivy_Kitten_Photo_4X6.jpg.3770b733c6ca75f91e97c8651f395af8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76269" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Front_Range_Ivy_Kitten_Photo_4X6.jpg.3770b733c6ca75f91e97c8651f395af8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Originally named for the color of her fur, Coyote is a slender she-cat with rich red-brown fur and some tabby markings on her head, as well as a white chin. Her fur is thick and a little puffy or fuzzy, but it really isn't that long. The longest part of her fur is on her tail, which displays a thick, feathery plume of tan fur tinged with creamy tanish-white color. Her eyes are similar in color to her fur, but they have a yellow and green hue to them as well. She always has a happy look on her face, with her eyes sparkling in a happy and mischievous way. Almost like she is always in a good mood, but mainly because she is conetmplating fun ways to harmlessly mess with those around her. Except for if she is mad, because then her eyes burn with a crackling anger that seems to center in her eyes and face. It is a startling look.

Altogether, Coyote is a rather lean and small she-cat. Whereas her brother is a lot larger and taller, she is shorter. She also looks younger than her brother, like they were both born in different litters that were kitted moons apart. But no, she is the same age, just smaller and petite. But what she lacks in her size she makes up for in her claws and teeth, both of which are very sharp and deadly. She doesn't use them unless she has to, but they are there and they should be feared.

Kin: Zeta (brother, littermate)

Opal (mother, deceased)

Ditch (father, deceased)

Crush: None at the moment, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't pay attention to the toms around.

Offspring: None, and she's not really interested in having any unless she meets the right tom.

Additional Information: (May add more, may not. I dunno.)

Name: Neshoba

Age: 16 seasons and 1 moon (4 years and 1 month)

Gender: Female

Group: Pack

Rank: Guard

Personality: Neshoba is a very calm and chill canine. She doesn't usually get very loud and excessive, unless it involves guarding her home or when someone truly gets on her nerves. Or when she's in a good mood. Otherwise, she is nice and respectful to everyone around her who deserve it, and only becomes stern with her pack members if she needs to so she can get her point across.

Neshoba is a very caring and protective dog, and will always step up to make someone feel better and protect someone that needs it. That is the main time she really gets a little crazy and overzealous.

But, actually, if you get Neshoba in a good, playful mood, she will be so excited and dorky, and her goofiness makes quite a few others laugh. These are somewhat rare occasions, because she is very driven to her work will assigned to something (whether it be guarding, hunting, or fighting, wherever she is needed) and will hardly step from her work away while doing so, but those excited moments do happen and they make her express true joy and happiness.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4b6ef4c8_NOV_TGday(116).jpeg.73ce7e94df26cbbde80abed173ee74a8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4b6ef4c8_NOV_TGday(116).jpeg.73ce7e94df26cbbde80abed173ee74a8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Even though Neshoba does have wild Timber Wolf in her, she is mainly a mutt between a Malamute and Border Collie. She takes after the wolf and Malamute in her size, and her Border Collie side because of her more shaggy fur trims, as well as her kinda noticeable slightly darker blanket focused more on her back and neck and her slightly noticeable white markings on her face and legs (with her most prominent white marking being in the middle of her forehead). And all of the breeds contribute to her lean and agile but strong build, which makes her both look elegant and deadly. She is both odd and beautiful to look at with her markings the way they are. But she is all wild, and her line hasn't been touched by humans for at least two generations.

Kin: Chi-Chi (mother, deceased)

Hawk (father, deceased)

Two male pups that would be her littermates and brothers if they had not been stillborns, unnamed

Crush: She doesn't have any males in her sights, but if one comes along that suits her and has interest in her, she'll think about it.

Offspring: None yet.

Additional Information: (Same as the previous two.)



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