STUDENT Verona Malthan


Shadow Cursed
Name: Verona Malthan

*Nickname: Vera

*Age: 26 days (26 Earth Years)

*Gender: Female

Species: Necrofen


Liliana.jpg  Lilliana.jpg

Standing in at 5'7" tall Verona isn't much different looking than an average human woman. That is excluding the natural markings covering her body and her gaunt weight of 138 pounds, despite looking fully developed.

Personality: Verona is very much a high witch form Zeldos. She believes that women are superior to men and the only being superior to her would be the empress herself. She acts like a queen and expects to be respected as such. She has a fiery temper and tends to lash out with her abilities. However, so long as you show her respect, Verona is friendly and often willing to help with any projects or aspirations that one may have. Her love of music extends to even her actually having learned a bit how to play and she seems to turn into an ordinary human girl when she starts to talk about orchestral music and concerts.

Backstory: Born to a "witchless" or powerless mother, Verona was expected to become either one of two things. She would either awaken to a great deal of necrofen abilities or have none whatsoever. So when she turned ten days old and she rose an entire army around her to fend off against another witch that feared what she would become, it was obvious what she would become.

Verona was then taken from her mother to be raised by an elder witch. With her powers naturally so overwhelming, it took Elder Nalana to raise Verona. Very much stuck in the ways of the past, Nalana taught Verona how to be a true ruler over the Necrofens. If one questioned what you said, you smote them. If they disrespected you, you enslaved their people until they submitted. It was with this ruthless mentality, that Verona eventually came to learn and respect the ruler of the Galaxions. The empress may have been younger than her, but it was still a matter of fact, that the woman was worthy of praise.

Verona didn't agree with Nalana's view on the arts though. When they traveled to one of the planets they ruled over, the Serak's homeworld to be precise, she heard the wonders of music. They played instruments of varying degree and rather than make her zombies played, the girl wanted to learn it herself. She took up a home there and began to learn to play the piano. It was the first instrument that she fell in love with. It was also then that she learned of helping other species, because if she helped the Serak, then they could create more music.

Now that a new planet that also creates music has been discovered, Verona has volunteered to be the representative of the Necrofen for this program. It gives her the opportunity to experience a new world and start a new reputation for the Necrofen. Before her time is up she wants to change the universe's opinion on her people and maybe even sway her people into a new belief.

Items & Personal Belongings: Her piano, a group of about thirty mindless zombie slaves that can vanish or appear at her command, and her clothing.

Favorite Things:

Music, Art, Food and beautiful women.

Pet Peeves:

Disrespect, Ignorance, Resistance, and misogynists.


Playing the Piano and learning the violin.

Fun Facts:

Verona has a massive crush on the empress. 

Verona actually calls her enslaved members by name rather than minion.

Verona doesn't like to wear shoes in private.


You MEN need to learn your place.

Fool, if I didn't respect your species for its creations, I would end you all and enslave you.

The sound of a piano is purity in and of itself.

Music is one of my most favorite things to hear. Second only to Empress Exie's voice.

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