Student: Jasper Ride




You hear that? Yeah; that's the sound of how much fucks I give

Given Name:  Kathryn Merial Dalca

Chosen Name:  Jasper Ride; changed on her 12th birthday

Nicknames: Ride | Jas

Sex: Female

Gender Identity: Neutral | Agender

Sexual Orientation:  Heteroflexible

Age: 17

Year: 2-2

Dorm Room Number: 2436

Room Mate(s): Angelique Monzarios

Crush: TBD

Best Friend: TBD

Ex:  I wouldn't exactly call him an ex

Soul-Mate: Will be assigned

Clubs & Activities

  • Judo
  • Chess Club
  • Senior Girls Basketball Team


  • Auto-Shop
  • Basketball
  • Drinking with her friends
  • Boys clothes
  • Ice Tea & Vodka
  • Strawberries


  • Judgy people
  • Awkward silence
  • People who can't take a joke
  • People touching her stuff
  • Pineapples on pizza Seriously, who does that!?
  • Mornings


  • Staying up late and sleeping in; often causes her to miss first period
  • Tapping her food when anxious or thinking
  • Chewing on ice cubes


  • Being found by the men who murdered her father

Personality Traits

  • Uncaring
  • Apathetic
  • Unfriendly
  • Lonesome
  • Realistic

Personality: When asked how to describe Jasper Ride, most kids will question who that is, or say that she's always in the autoshop working on something.  She doesn't often socialize with others freely, simply seeing it as a waste of her time when she could be doing something that will actually gain her something. Friendship has also never meant much to her, having grown up believing that you always had to fight for yourself, that she couldn't trust anyone else to look after her. She's a solitary kind of person, but isn't totally against hanging out and just being one of the guys - girls are just way hard to deal with for her. She's tomboy-ish, crude and not above swearing every other word. What? Did you expect some girly pansy?


It was twelve years where nothing happened; twelve years of  calm, fun summers, school years, working on cars and watching her father race. She was the only one who never saw anything coming. Even as a child she didn't have many friends, not after she realized that the other kids thought she was weird for liking racing. 

Blood spattered against the porcelain sink, an uneven spray from an uneven slice. The small girl trembled behind her fathers back, clinging to the back of his shirt. She couldn't see the attacker, only the shine of the knife and the splatter of blood along the walls. A knife verses a hand was normally not the best option, but the man was putting up a good fight. Her father won out in the end, but didn't kill his attacker; police were on the way. They were going to be alright, weren't they? As the police arrived on scene, the little girl helping her father limp towards the door, another man showed himself. He had been in the living room, listening to the fight and waiting for the outcome. "Damn, you beat the Hammer. You must be better than they say." The strange man looked at her with ruby red eyes, a smirk on his lips. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion as he raised his hand, the gun apparent in it. At first, she thought he was going to shoot her father; finish what the other guy couldn't do, but then the barrel ended pointing at her. The muffle flash was blinding, the heat so intense she thought she was on fire. In truth, when the little girl opened her eyes, her father leaned over her, blood dripping from his mouth, blood covering the front of his shirt. He'd saved her life. 

Five years later, the girl was Jasper Ride, newly moved to Montana from across the ocean, looking for yet another new start. He had been in the witness protection program since the day her father was murdered, but she's still doing her own running and hiding. She just happened to land here next. 


Fucking ask; a damn piece of paper doesn't count.
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