• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern student applications


faerie sightings

realistic fc required

starting deadline: feb 14
















body mods


dominant hand



spoken languages

quirks (3+)

fears (3+)

skills (3+)

weaknesses (3+)

virtues (3+)

vices (3+)

likes (3+)

dislikes (3+)


moral alignment

temperament (1 of 4)

voice claim


describe them in one sentence

what do they carry with them

what are their daydreams

what are their nightmares

what is their theme song


biography (3+ paragraphs)


main - x

ooc - x

extra - x
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_______________ bakker triplets _______________
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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃           they call me homwrecker          ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃


v a n e s s a.                                 

▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ B A S I C S ▃▃

name: vanessa alison cooper

age: wip

birthday: february 20th

zodiac: piseces 

gender: cisgender female (she/her)

orientation: closeted bisexual

major: law

▃▃  A P P E A R A N C E  ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

height: 5'7''

weight: 123lbs

eyes: dark chocolate brown

hair: raven black

ethnicity: hispanic

tattoos: not applicable

body mods: ears pierced

birthmarks: a small blob on her right shoulder

dominant hand: ambidextrous

▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃  P E R S O N A  

religion: agnostic

spoken languages: fluent spanish

quirks: plays with her necklaces, fiddles with her pen/pencils/etc, bites her lip when flirty or focused.

fears: failing her parents, not living up to the 'cooper' name, dying alone.

skills: manipulation, arguing, baking

weaknesses: affectionate people, puppies, weak swimmer

virtues: romantic, intelligent, motherly

vices: manipulative, lustful, bitchy

likes: tea, one night stands, drinking, puppies

dislikes: hang overs, spiders, cheap outfits, the beach

mbti: wip

moral alignment: neutral

temperament: wip

voice claim: selena gomez

▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃   i'm only happy when i'm on the run    ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃


▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃   i break a million hearts just for fun    ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃           i'll admire your expensive taste          ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃


l e o n a r d o.                             

▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ B A S I C S ▃▃

name: leonardo 'leo' wanye harrison-andrews

age: wip

birthday: august 125th

zodiac: aries

gender: cisgender male (he/him)

orientation: panoromantic

major: computer science

▃▃  A P P E A R A N C E  ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

height: 5'9''

weight: 127lbs

eyes: dark chocolate brown

hair: dark brown

ethnicity: american/australian

tattoos: not applicable

body mods: not applicable

birthmarks: not applicable

dominant hand: left

▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃  P E R S O N A  

religion: agnostic

spoken languages: fluent japenese

quirks: chews his glasses when thinking, bounces his leg when he's focused, ruffles his hair.

fears: not standing up to his father's standards, not looking after his mother, heights

skills: computer hacking, coding, forgery

weaknesses: his mother crying, people trying to correct him, staying awake

virtues: romantic, intelligent, caring

vices: sarcastic, aggressive, blunt

likes: computers, late night runs to fast food joints, burritos, beanies

dislikes: the beach, daylight in general, his new step-father, brocolli

mbti: wip

moral alignment: wip

temperament: wip

voice claim: dylan o'brien

▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃   stop there and let me correct it    ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃


▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃   i wanna live life from a new perspective    ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
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quinn devan

- 5'5" of sass and sarcasm.

- t o t a l  s l u t.

- his sister is a model.

- crazy good with computers.

- probably doesn't like you.

- chews his glasses.

- winks a lot.

- licks his lips too much.

- sucker for romance.


jackson prescott

-is almost constantly glaring

-all his siblings are hella succesful

-he took a bag of salt to school in fifth grade and pretend it was drugs

-has an angry australian accent

-6'1 0f arrogance and anger

-daddy af


Valerie "Val" Jerome

> Don't touch her

> Most likely has already stole something from you

> Sailor mouth

> She has a heart I promise

> The previous statement is a lie

> Dr,Pepper is life

> Doesn't like shirts

> Shhh...her ears are sensitive


angelique harris-prescott

-what a PrincessTM

-loves glitter, jewerly and everything sparkly

-jackson's step sister

-she fucking hates him

-lil bit chubby

-thick thighs save lives

-is always so extra
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name; ezra gray

age; 19

birthday; june 30

gender; male

orientation; heterosexual

major;  parks, recreation and tourism management 


height; 5’10’’

weight; 195 lbs

eyes; dark brown

hair; dark brown

ethnicity; afrikaans/american

tattoos; none

body mods; none

birthmarks; none

dominant hand; right


religion; christian (he’s named ezra for a reason)

spoken languages; english, some arabic

quirks (3+); pulls his thick hair into a ponytail only to let it loose minutes later, says “fascinating” so many times it’s basically his catchphrase, quasi-omnipresent poker face, goes jogging every day

fears (3+); getting horribly injured to the point where he’s paralyzed or requires an amputation, widespread environmental degradation leading to drought/famine, cemeteries/anything to do with ghosts

skills (3+); building/fixing, sewing, gardening, managing finances, making food from the scratchy-est of scratch

weaknesses (3+); becomes fidgety if kept inside for longer than four hours (he’s counted), has trouble respecting authority figures other than his parents or those he doesn’t value in some regard, brown eyes (he finds them incredibly attractive), good food, practically blind without glasses, but hates using them

virtues (3+); proficient and willing to help/tutor others, intuitive, adaptable, great leadership potential

vices (3+); cynical when it comes to forming intimate relationships, hesitates to ask for help, unwilling to accept favors without feeling obligated to return them, is horrible at encouraging or consoling people 

likes (3+); various outdoor activities (sports, hiking/mountain climbing), superhero comics (especially Batman and especially Black Bat), art and architecture, hoodies, green tea, fried fish and pap (porridge)

dislikes (3+); cramped spaces, getting lost, litter, people touching him/his hair, feeling bored, people who are clingy or overly-dependent, people with no motivation/passion for anything, suits/formal occasion that require dressing up

mbti; ISTP

moral alignment; chaotic good

temperament (1 of 4); melancholic

voice claim; john dumelo


describe them in one sentence; "life is either a great adventure, or nothing"
what do they carry with them; a backpack that contains a Swiss army knife, bandaids, work gloves, a water canister, LED flashlight, a hair pick, jerky and/or trail mix, a pen and notebook
what are their daydreams; travelling the world, climbing mount everest, taking up art/photography to make a documentary
what are their nightmares; settling for an unsatisfactory 9 to 5 office job the rest of his life, becoming overly reliant on "creature comforts" to the point where he loses his sense of agency, basically Wall-E/The Lorax becoming a reality
what is their theme song; soulchef - sunset
biography (3+ paragraphs); Ezra Grey was born to a doctor, Jonathan Gray, and a humanitarian/entrepreneur, Aalia Abal. A first-generation immigrant, Jonathan was raised in Colorado and worked his way to establish a successful hospital in the Denver area. Pleased with his success, he returned to his home of Morocco to extend his practice, where he would meet his would-be wife. While her husband-to-be was building new hospitals near her hometown, Aalia was preoccupied with her own interests. Employed in the argan oil production business, Aalia recognized not only the importance of the fruit-bearing argan trees, but of nature as a whole. As such, she strove to find ways to protect the environment while also benefiting her community. Eventually, their paths intertwined as they worked together to make both of their dreams a reality. The two went on to wed, and not longer after that, Ezra was born.


Given his parents’ professions, Ezra enjoyed a rather comfortable and engaging childhood. He was enrolled in several prestigious clubs and was a heavily decorated scout. His involvement in these organizations led to a passion for outdoor activities as well as an independent nature. As he grew older, Ezra traveled extensively across the globe, concentrating mostly on adventurous escapades in Morocco, his parents’ country of origin, as well as Ghana, Zambia and Australia.



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Denzel Carrington 







26th June








Art studies








Dark brown


Jet black


Hispanic from his mother's side, however quarter African from his father's.



body mods

Nose ring


A strip of dark skin along his left jawline

dominant hand






spoken languages

Spanish & Swahili (his Grandfather taught him), but English being his main

quirks (3+)

Clicks tongue against cheek when nervous, rubs his temples when stressed or thinking, rubs is nose ring in thought.

fears (3+)

Leaving home, being out of his comfort zone, unfamiliar danger

skills (3+)

Arts and crafts, cooking, engineering

weaknesses (3+)

Climbing, sports, girls

virtues (3+)

Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive

vices (3+)

Moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, insecure

likes (3+)

Art, home-based hobbies, relaxing near or in water, helping loved ones, a good meal with friends

dislikes (3+)

Critism of family, strangers, revealing of personal life



moral alignment

Lawful Neutral

temperament (1 of 4)


voice claim

Tyler Posey



describe them in one sentence

Where there's no comfort, stabability or familiarity I'll be on the other side of the world.

what do they carry with them

An artbrush and a necklace from his Grandfather.

what are their daydreams

To be world reknowned from his art and to make a secure family of is own.

what are their nightmares

To be betrayed by a close friend or relative, to have everything he has disappear

what is their theme song

Lo-Fi Sky - Ursa Major



biography (3+ paragraphs)

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NAME iris 'davin' santos.

AGE nineteen.

BIRTHDAY february 21st, 1997.

ZODIAC pisces.

GENDER cis. female.


MAJOR fine arts.



HEIGHT 5'2 / 157 cm.

WEIGHT 120 lbs / 54 kg.

EYES naturally brown but is always wears contacts.

HAIR naturally dark brown but currently has dyed it blue.

ETHNICITY multiethnic.


BODY MODS once had a nose ring.


DOMINANT HAND right hand.




RELIGION athiest.



FEARS tba.




VICES tba.

LIKES tba.


MBTI tba.















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"my eyes will mint gold in the m i d s tof my wealth"

n a m e .: lucas dean blackwood


  • bleh.png
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tumblr_o1tyazEXgj1uqyluho4_500.jpgimages (34).jpgtumblr_oh4cp1kCBt1vl1d8go1_500.jpg

name: Tatiana Kingston

age:  20 years old

birthday: May 20th

zodiac: Taurus

gender: Female

orientation: Bisexual

major: Digital Photography

  5'5 :height

120lbs :weight

Dark Brown :eyes

 Naturally a light brown. But she dyes her hair anytime she can. :hair

Her mother is from the UK and her father is from Scotland.:ethnicity

 She has some sleeve tattoos on both arms.:tattoos

She has a piercing on the top of her lip. And she has her ears pierced :body mods

None :birthmarks

Right:dominant hand

religion: Atheist 

spoken languages: Spanish, little bit of Italian

quirks (3+): Biting her lip, pinching her wrist, rubbing her temples

fears (3+): being alone, death, the unknown, falling in love

skills (3+): taking beautiful pictures, drawing, writing

weaknesses (3+): falls in love to easily, can be very sensitive, people saying that her art is no good

virtues (3+): Intelligent, Independent, Friendly

vices (3+): she won't eat like she's supposed to, stubborn, can be brutally honest

likes (3+): the dark, taking pictures, drawing, reading

dislikes (3+) negativity towards her art, conceited people, rude people, loud noises

mbti: Advocate

moral alignment: neutral

temperament (1 of 4): melancholic

voice claim: Not her name, but social media username I guess??? FallenMoon13

 They call it a crush for a reason :describe them in one sentence

Camera, sketch pad, pencil, phone, sometimes a book:what do they carry with them

Usually her daydreams always consist of floating or flying :what are their daydreams

Being crushed (she thinks it resembles the aftermath of falling in love).:what are their nightmares

Terrible things-Mayday Parade:what is their theme song

WIP :biography (3+ paragraphs)
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WIP(Finishing after the update)

name: Kasper Lorentzen

age: 20

birthday: February 6

zodiac: Aquarius

gender: Male

orientation: Bisexual

major: Biomedical Engineering

height: 190cm(6'3feet)

weight: 70kg(154lbs)

eyes: Light brown

hair: Black, slightly curly when not straightened

ethnicity:Half-German, Half-Chinese


body mods: None

birthmarks: None

dominant hand: Ambidexterous

religion: Pantheism

spoken languages: German(first language), Chinese(second language), English(third language)

quirks (3+) Prone to spacing out, making up words that don't really exist, singing to himself quietly

fears (3+): Trains, insects, car accidents

skills (3+): Amazing sense of smell, business-related knowledge, fashion skills, dancing

weaknesses (3+): Panic-attacks, impatience, gullible

virtues (3+): Get's along well with people, good at public speakings, motivated, hard-working, 

vices (3+) Insensibility, rashness, slowness

likes (3+) Waking up early, rain storms, dancing, new friends, nature, animals

dislikes (3+) Sweet things, people who don't take responsibility for what they do, skinship, greenhouse gases

mbti: ENTP

moral alignment Chaotic Neutral

temperament (1 of 4): Sanguine

voice claim MIKA(Michael Holbrook Penniman)

describe them in one sentence: ""

what do they carry with them:

Clothes - Black hoodie, black sweatpants/looks like a living dumpster

Backpack - Tablet, jounral, water

what are their daydreams: Taking over his father's company

what are their nightmares: A world where the nature has been destroyed by mankind, in the end destroying themselves.

what is their theme song: AURORA - Conqeuror

biography (3+ paragraphs):

Kasper was born in to a rich family living in Germany. His father owned a huge manufacturing company that was branched out all over the world. Kasper's mother was German and father Chinese. Their marriage too was simply a business deal, not a single drop of love being involved. When Kasper was only 3 years old, his father moved away to China, meanwhile the son was left with his mother back in Germany. He spent very little time with his parents, but his mother was the most important person to him.

Even as a young child, Kasper already got scouted by many modelling companies. His mother gladly accepted all the offers, since he'd get good publicity for when he'd inherit his father's company. Kasper ended school early - at around fourteen years old. Since he was home tutored, he didn't get to spend a lot of time with other kids his age, forcing him to grow up early. He continued his modelling career for several years. A few years later the only person he had, died. His mother was in a tragic car accident where both the driver and her ended up with too severe injuries. After that Kasper was sent to China to study business management alongside his father.

Being a huge lover of nature, Kasper realized that his father was producing a lot of greenhouse gases and polluting the environment. He was sure as soon as he'd inherit the company, he'd make major changes to it. 

Kasper was really struggling with comprehending things at work. He was somehow able to stir up a lot of trouble. He got in a fight with his father. "All you have is good looks. Modelling made you stupid, child." His father said that Kasper would in no way be able to graduate from an university with a brain like his. Kasper argued back. In the end his father said he'd not give the company to his son if he'd not go study something useful. Kasper accepted just to prove his father wrong. After all, he'd have to inherit the company to make his plans real.  

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