Striving For Perfection


Senior Member
Hello guys.

When you have been accepted you will be put into a dorm


Dorm 1A - AAron Bradbury

Dorm 2A -

Dorm 3A -


Dorm 1B - Elana Ross

Dorm 2B -

Dorm 3B -

Here you can submit you characters. Please fill out AT LEAST the following information:

Picture//Face-claim (include if your character transform in any way):




Supernatural specie:


Weaknesses (at least 3):


Backstory (this is the interesting one, so please include):

Accepted Characters:


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FC: Cameron Monaghan || 18 || Homosexual




| Abilities |

Strength & Agility - Due to being a werewolf, Aaron excels in the strength category. He has broken his fair share of doors and refrigerator handles, to say the least. He is also rather agile and fast- your natural predator.

Enhanced Sight & Smell - Other werewolf traits given to him at birth. He has excellent eyesight that surpasses most. You could say he was at a bit of an advantage when he was younger playing hide-n-go seek in the dark. He can also smell fairly well, sort of like a bloodhound, to be honest. He could easily tell you what the neighbors’ three houses down are having for supper.

Having elongated, sharp fangs and claws - In his “wolf form” Aaron has elongated fangs and claws that are sharp to a point. The better to rip your heart out, my dear. In his wolf form his eyes also glow a yellow color.

Healing - He is a fairly fast healer when it comes to minor damages.

| Weaknesses |

Silver - A werewolf's only known weakness is their vulnerability to silver, as they can be killed with a silver knife or bullet to the head or heart. Contact with silver will hurt him like any other werewolf.

Severe Dismemberment - Let's face it, you cut off his arm or head it ain't attaching back to his body. He'd probably die of blood loss.

Wolfsbane - That stuff is practically toxic to him. If he touches it then he is getting burned and trust me, it ain't pleasant.

Morals - The only true thing that's stopping him from being a cold-blooded killer.

| Personality |

Stubborn is the best word you could ever use to describe Aaron Bradbury. He's strong willed, he won't give up until he get's his way which often get's him into more trouble than he can handle. He's small for his age but don't let his appearance fool you. This kid, as you may call him, is good with his fists. Although he may seem like all talk, and most of the time he is, you would have to be a complete idiot to not see him as somewhat of a threat.

He's more than just a collection of facts, and he will do anything to prove that to you. He knows he may look weak now, still being young and all, but he's working as hard as he can to get better and he won't give up any time soon. Aaron is protective and extremely loyal to the ones that he cares for deeply, even if the feeling is never mutual, which in most situations it isn't. He is also, believe it or not, goofy. To those he deems friends and to those he is close to, Aaron is like, well, he’s like a puppy. He likes to crack jokes and make others laugh, though his jokes are corny and the type you find on the back of a Laffy Taffy wrapper. He’s also a softie when children and pets are involved among other things. Give him the “puppy dog eyes” and he’s done for.

| Backstory |

Aaron James Bradbury III was born into the life of being a werewolf; he’s a pureblood, meaning he can shift just about whenever he wants to, having to on the full moon, and can, for the most part, remember what he does. Aaron has never actually met his birth parents. He was raised by his Aunt & Uncle, Gwen and James Bradbury, since about nine months of age. For a long time he thought his Aunt & Uncle were his actual parents, that is until the age of thirteen when the bomb was dropped on him- not quite literally. His Aunt & Uncle told him the story of his parents, how they were well-respected people of the community and well-respected in their pack. They also told him the story of their demise. To make the long story short, Aaron’s parents were viciously murdered by hunters. They were not simply shot in the head with a silver bullet or dismembered. They were tortured for many terribly long days before finally being killed. Or so Aaron was told.

For a long time after he was told of his parents, Aaron was simply violent. He lashed out at everyone and everything. His shifting was to the point of uncontrollable and all the furniture in his room was completely destroyed. Hey, what would you do if you were told practically everything you knew up to that point was a lie? At the age of fifteen Aaron fled from the comfort of his Aunt & Uncle's safe haven of a home, swearing to “avenge his parents’ death.” In his eighteen years of life, Aaron has killed one human. It was, truthfully, by accident. He came across a hunter fighting another werewolf. Without thinking, he charged into the fight to help. The hunter was a woman of fragile frame and in his haste to rip her from his fellow werewolf. . . He broke her neck. The realization of this had stunned him at the age of fifteen and he vowed to never kill a human being again.

Not long after that, Aaron joined a small werewolf pack. It was nice to be in a “family” again and he felt like he belonged somewhere. It did not last too many years. The pack he joined was really into hunting hunters and killing them to eat their hearts. Aaron went on one particular hunt because he was pressured into doing so, and it did not end too nicely. A small child, a girl, was involved. She was the daughter of a hunter and one of his fellow pack-mates had her cornered, growling unnecessary words in her ears. He told her how he was going to kill her parents and have her watch him eat their hearts. This was too much for Aaron to bear.

It ended with him attacking his fellow pack-mate and almost beating him to death. However, the rest of the pack pulled him off in time. It’s easy to say he was kicked from the pack.

Now, at the age of eighteen, Aaron moved back in with his Aunt & Uncle but only to be sent a letter, days later, about an Academy he had been firmly invited too which his Aunt & Uncle had decided for him while he was away. Given no choice but to move out again, Aaron was on his way to Silentium Academy where he was supposed to rebuild the world with others to make it perfect.

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Name: Elana Ross

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight

Supernatural specie: Demon

Abilities:Blood Bending and can read minds

Weaknesses (at least 3): Crosses Mirrors and fire

Personality: Quiet Secretive but loyal gets nicer once you get to know her

Backstory When she was little she was abused by her dad when she grew older she became "dangerous" she was stealing and become abusive herself one dad she killed her dad when she was running away from the crime crime scene she got hit by a car and dyed instantly but she was brought back to life because the devil was fond of her her skills making her a demon
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-24_17-47-43.jpeg.53b4cc8e4f2a8a137938884a00dbc44b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-24_17-47-43.jpeg.53b4cc8e4f2a8a137938884a00dbc44b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(siren form)


Anna Weltzer





Supernatural species:



charm, charm-speak, and breathing underwater


Silver, fire and arrows- only things that can kill her


She is a generally nice girl, but don't get on her bad side. She keeps things to herself and is unnaturally smart. She is sneaky and sly, and despises humans.


She lived a peaceful life of a siren in the Atlantic ocean. Her family drowned any humans in their territory to protect themselves. She tells no one what happened to her family, but she came to the surface when an oppurtunity came to kill humans off arose.



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Name: Caroline Hawk

Age: 126

Sexuality: Straight


Supernatural specie: Vampire

Abilities: Hypnosis; Supernatural charm and attraction; and other basic vampire abilities


  • Burns up when exposed to sunlight
  • Silver slows her healing process down
  • Decapitation, of course, would end up killing her

Personality: Even before she was turned, Caroline had been quite rebellious. She goes on her own way, not caring whether she breaks some kind of rules or not. She hates feeling controlled. Most times, she'd even do things to irritate someone on purpose. Trust is something she would never offer to anyone, not even her creator.

Compared to other vampires, Caroline is still considered young/new at the age of 126. She was seventeen when her creator found her lying on the streets after being raped and beaten to the brink of death by a group of drunken men. He transformed her into a vampire and since then, she'd had no choice but to follow him everywhere he went. The creator took care of her, taught her stuff about being a vampire, and trained her to hunt. He'd been like a father to her, but like everyone else, she treated him coldly.

To feed, she goes out in the middle of the night, sitting in the darkness as she waits for a victim which is usually a man. When she finds one, she'd come out of the darkness and hypnotize them, leading him to a safer place where she'd devour his blood. She does this every night, although she doesn't necessarily get thirsty that often. She could even survive weeks without blood. She does this to avenge her "death" which she never was able to let go of. This had been her routine for so long until she found out about Silentium Academy. Caroline saw this as an opportunity to finally escape her creator and so she signed up, not even bothering to let him know.

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