• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Strings of Fate


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot

For your character, just list off the following things. Age doesn't matter, my character will have been protecting her since she was born. She won't really know of his existence until she's about...18 or 19, we'll say for the sake of romantic integrity.

  • Name
  • Appearance pic (of what she looks like at 18 or whatever. Her "adult" look. And yes I prefer a picture, but if you really can't find anything like what you're looking for, then a description will do I suppose.)
  • Personality (try and get a solid paragraph. Helps me get a good idea of what she's like so I can plan accordingly)
  • Backstory (Just a summary of major events in her childhood and teen years that helped shape who she is as a person)
  • Powers (Can be expansive and can encompass multiple possibilities, I mean these guys ARE archons of all reality. But the general concept should be unique and creative; not just what she can do, because most Conduits share a lot power-wise, but also the WAY that she uses her powers should be unique.)
  • Misc (Just because it's nice for characters to have flavor. A theme song would be awesome to include here.)

  • Royce/"Ringbearer"


    : Ageless, but appears to be right around his prime, early twenties or so.

    : Human, at least the version of humans from his universe.

    Personality: Royce appears solemn and business-like on the outside, and takes his duties as a Conduit seriously, but behind his productive and stern appearance there lies the soul of a man who enjoys life and wishes to experience as much adventure and excitement as the Multiverse can offer him. He revels in the thrill of battle and wields his Conduit powers with incredible skill, dispatching any Nightmares that he may come across in his journeys.

    He regards others with mild smugness, as if anticipating them to say something entertaining, and prefers to listen first, then speak. Royce is skilled in analyzing the qualities of a person and ascertaining the hidden motives behind what they do, as well as how their actions reveal the inner workings of their mind. He often acts as a sort of counselor to other Conduits that have lost their way or require guidance.

    Independent, bold, and attentive to detail, Royce took it upon himself to spearhead the Conduit resistance against the growing Nightmare horde, but as it became more difficult to defend against multiple fronts, he set out on his own to track down the Conduit that was fated to turn the tide of the fight.

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Ilyrana / Lyra / "Spirit Bringer"













-Bitter or sour things


-Water (Essentially, drowning)

Destined Fear::

Being completely alone even though she's surrounded by people. (I can change this if it needs to be something more physical?)

From the files:

Lyra is a fairly happy girl, always has been. She's always looking for that silver lining in even the darkest clouds. Some could go as far as calling her a modern Robin Hood. If a person believes in that kind of thing. She cares a lot for her fellow beings, and becomes upset when someone tries to take advantage of lesser folk.

Lyra's powers are still blooming, and not much is known to herself. She recalls instances where she was standing one place and then after blinking, she was standing in a new place. Things moving merely on a whim, though not consciously. She always knew when danger was afoot, and could always find the best hiding places. Her folks thought it weird that she spoke with the animals like they were intelligent beasts, but of course, they didn't know any better.

-Will eventually be able to take on different animal spirits that partially alter her appearance and grant her special abilities akin to those animals.

My past? Well' date=' that's a funny story for ya right there. [i']Lyra smiles warmly at the memories.[/i] I was born on a warm summer's eve. Solstice, if I remember correctly. Far as I recall, I was healthy babe, with no problems or mishaps. Raised by my folks until strange things started occurring. I couldn't explain it even if I tried. I was just old enough to be able to care for myself when my mum died, and Da went to the bottle. He got real testy after it happened. Mum had gotten sick. Her expression falls slightly, and she lets out a soft sigh. But no matter, We're talking about me, huh? She smiles again, pressing the horrible memory from her mind. Anyway, it was neigh on a year later when Da got real under, and he got angry. Blamed me for mum's death. Chased me from home. Good riddance if ya ask me. Then I was on my own. That's about all I got for ya, lass. That's all I know for the moment. But 'eh, life don't end there. I'm still breathing. I'm still adventuring, and discovering myself. She grins and grows silent.

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It was raining, of course.

It seemed it rained every time there was a new One. Not that Royce really minded, he had always liked the rain. It was just a curious coincidence. Or was it? Maybe it was supposed to happen so there was never doubt about whether the child was really one of them or not.

Either way, Royce had been sure about this one for a long time. Under his guidance, maybe they stood a chance against what awaited them. But she would have her own to deal with as well first. He dropped down from the slick rooftop and stood in the rain, far enough from the window that he would not be seen, but close enough that he could see them. The mother was almost done, sweating and panting and occasionally wincing in pain. There was a fierce determination in her eyes that defied her current state of weakness, however. She was obviously a woman of powerful will. There was a final cry of pain, and the midwife leaning down, and the first wailing of a child could be heard.

She certainly looked lively, at least to Royce. Large, deep eyes searched the room around her as her mother held her in her arms, whispering to her.

"So, it begins."


It did not take long at all for Royce to be fully convinced. The child grew up possessing an understanding of the world around her that clearly went beyond what she could observe with her senses. There was something more, the unexplainable connection every Conduit felt to the Multiverse.

He had been watching the girl when the mother became ill. She died from the disease before anything could be done, and Royce doubted he'd have been able to do much to save her from her fate. Destiny is a stubborn bastard, after all. All he could do was look after the girl and make sure she was ready when the time came for her to learn of her true calling. He got his work cut out for him when the father kicked her out; lonely Conduits are irresistible to a stray Nightmare, and with her immense potential, walking around alone basically painted a giant target on her. Finally the day came when she appeared to be ready; the day when her powers first manifested.


May 6th

3:34 pm

"Tough one, but I'd have preferred more of a challenge at this time of the day. You should have dropped by in the morning."

Royce chuckled and popped his neck, his fists still glowing with heat as he kneeled over the crumpled Nightmare. His rings twinkled brightly on his fingers, the hums of power slowly dying down as the Nightmare dispersed into nothingness. Its body flaked apart like paper scraps in the wind, rising out of the alley and vanishing into the sky.

"Now...where did she run off to?" the Conduit pondered, sidestepping trash cans and strolling out onto the street, donning a classy suit and slacks. Royce liked this look, and used it whenever he was in public, but his traditional garb offered more freedom of movement for combat. He had to admit, though, this world had some style.

He rounded a corner, passing a couple of bums and some department stores. He crossed the street, ignored the honking of an idiotic taxi driver, and headed toward her apartment. He could sense her energy calm and peaceful, so she wasn't in danger. No need to hurry then.

"Be a shame to be rushing anywhere on a day as beautiful as this," Royce thought aloud to himself.
Lyra shifted, adjusting the way her hips were turned, laying there on the hand-me-down couch she had purchased from a thrift shop. Life was difficult, but she was making it by, and today was her first relaxing day in a long while. It was always nice for a day off, even if that put a dent in her paycheck. She mumbled softly in her sleep, her imagination running rampant in her dreamworld. If anyone were to look in on her, she'd look peaceful, and serene. Her skirt lay loose around her hips, her boots still on her feet, her hair still styled up as she always had it. It made her look only slightly childish, but she didn't care. She liked the way she dressed. Her eyes darted from side to side beneath her lids, and a small groan slipped from her lips. She shifted again, rolling fully over so she was curled into the pillowy backing of her couch, hands curled against her chest. Her mind swirled with color, and her dream came to life in her mind.

At first, it was dark with thousands of tiny lights twinkling here and there. Like the night sky, only more vast than she'd ever seen it. Swirls of purple and white lights mixed with the dream stars, and she felt as though she were looking at the galaxy. Her dream self gasped at the beauty before her, then things melded, like a giant melting pot of light. Grass came to be under feet, which she now noticed were bare. Her toes tickled by the blades of green, she looked up. A beautiful blue sky above, and all around her were dark, beautiful trees. Reaching for the clouds beyond was a great mountain. She started walking, towards that mountain, and a soft breeze blew through the trees.

She'd had this dream before, but she had never been able to reach the mountain. No matter how long she would walk. Yet, this dream felt different. Something had changed. The mountain began to loom closer, closer than ever before. Then her surroundings melted again, and she stood somewhere on that mountain, below her, a vast sea of greenery. Around her, rocks and shrubs fighting for survival atop this large jagged piece of earth. She blinked, and began to walk again, as though something called out to her. Something familiar, yet strange at the same time. She kept walking, and walking. Up this mountain she went. She jumped, her head snapping up toward the sky as a loud screech met her dream being's ears.

There, in the sky, circled an eagle. A great eagle with massive, and powerful wings. She pressed on, her eyes locked on this bird of wisdom and teaching. Her surroundings melted again, and she stood on a cliff face, somewhere near the top of this mountain. Sticks poked the bottoms of her feet, and she looked, discovering she was standing amidst a great nest. She looked upward, and there it was. The eagle, circling, and coming to land. It perched on the far edge of the nest, bending it's beautiful head down to preen a few loose feathers in one wing. Then it straightened, eyeing her with a knowledge that told her this was the being that had called to her. She gave it a friendly smile, "Eagle. I have not seen you in my dream before. What's going on?" she asked the bird, curious if it would respond. Which it didn't, it was silent, and merely watched her with an understanding that made her feel as though she knew this bird. As though they had known each other before. So much, it was nearly uncomfortable.

Lyra's eyes snapped open and she sat up suddenly, looking around her apartment, and at her feet. She still wore boots, and she was still at home. That had been a vivid dream. "That was weird. I've never dreamed like that before." she muttered to herself, confused. She stood from the couch, and put a hand to her head, rubbing her temples. "Man, I must have slept funny. Killer headache." she muttered, and walked to her bathroom. She fetched some asprin, and yawned, using the small cup she kept by the sink to get some water to wash the pills down. She set it back, and looked at herself in the mirror, "What?" she gasped softly, and reached to her head. She plucked a long brown feather from her hair, and looked at it with curiosity. "This isn't real." she shook her head and dropped the feather on the sink counter. "If I don't think about it, it didn't happen." she told herself, turning from the bathroom and moving to her small kitchen to locate something to eat.
Royce smirked from his perch on the opposite side of the street, peering in through the girl's open apartment window. He thought briefly for a moment how his actions would seem from a normal person's perspective, but it didn't matter. If he wasn't there watching over her, she'd have been Nightmare bait many years ago.

She was growing into quite a beautiful young woman, he couldn't help but notice. Her long, wavy crimson hair, her smooth skin, those inquisitive, curious eyes, always yearning to understand, her lithe body, long legs...

He shook his head and regained his composure. After so many eons alone, even the most enlightened Conduit couldn't help but yearn for attractive company. But that would have to wait until she wasn't in mortal danger. Noticing her fitful motions, it was obvious that she was dreaming. Of what? Royce wondered. Of course, there was only one way to find out. He was usually against this kind of intrusion of privacy, but her time was growing short. Maybe her dreams would reveal whether she was ready or not.

The cyan Ring of Soul on his left pinky glowed, and his spirit left his body crouched on the rooftop, soaring into Lyra's apartment and diving into her subconscious. Once she awoke, he returned to his body and sat there on the rooftop, catching his breath.

The spirits. Of course. They had gone unheralded since the beginning of time, and now their ambassador was finally ready to realize her destiny. No wonder the Nightmares were so many in number, the spirits were unimaginably powerful. If this girl was their champion, she would possess the potential to surpass almost any Conduit alive.

He'd have to catch her alone somewhere and explain everything. But how to do it without scaring her off? Her trust was the first huge step on the staircase to restoring balance. He didn't come this far defending her from countless Nightmares to let her turn away from her destiny.

Perhaps she would venture outside as she was prone to do, and he might catch a moment with her in the park or in the coffee shop. Royce had grown fond of this world's fascinating beverage options, and indulged himself in coffee anytime he could find an excuse.

There was a woosh and a light breeze, and the rooftop became vacant.
Lyra stared at the fairly empty refrigerator, a frown on her face making her forehead crease ever so slightly. She sighed loudly and straightened herself, nearly slamming the door closed. "Nothing! Why is there never anything good to eat here?" she asked in complaint and then glanced around her apartment. She laughed, and shook her head, "I really shouldn't be talking to myself. It's not healthy." she told herself, and then walked out of the kitchen. She stretched, her arms reaching toward the ceiling, and groaned audibly as a few of her joints made audible popping sounds. She sighed, and grabbed her apartment keys off the small card table she called her dining table. "Looks like it's out again. Maybe I should nab a second job or something so I have more grocery money?" she mused as she headed for the door of her apartment. She sighed, "I can barely work this job, let alone a second. I'll figure something out." she shrugged and took one last look at her apartment, a strange feeling in stomach for whatever reason. She locked her door and closed it behind her.

She left her apartment complex, smiling as normal. She moved straight to the bike rack next to the walk way that contained hers, and a few other tenants, bikes. She unlocked her own, and pulled it from the rack, circling the chain lock around the main body so she wouldn't lose it. "Let's see. Where to?" she muttered to herself, thinking of where she'd like to grab a bite to eat. She checked the small purse she carried to be sure she had her wallet, dropping her keys into it as well. "I haven't been out much this week, so I could probably splurge a little with no problem." she thought, staring at the contents of her purse. Wallet, keys, chap stick, a few extra hair ties, and a bunch of receipts from other places she had been.

She sighed and zipped up her purse, and piled onto her bike after making sure the strap of her purse went across her chest to be sure it wouldn't fall. "The coffee shop it is. I don't get to enjoy good coffee often." she decided, grinning as she set her feet on the pedals of her bike and off she went. It wasn't that far to the coffee shop, just a few blocks down the street and then left for another few blocks. Lyra smiled as she stopped outside of the neighborhood coffee shop, and climbed from her bike, hooking it up to the small bike rack at the side of the building. After making sure it was locked up good, she stood and headed inside. She smiled as she opened the door and went inside, taking a deep breath of the wonderful aroma that filled the air.

She went over to the counter, and smiled, "Morning." she chimed happily to the employee as her eyes grazed over the menu. "Large caramel mocha iced coffee please." she said lightly, nodding to herself. "Isn't that what you always get, Lyra?" the girl behind the counter asked with a small giggle as she started to prepare the coffee. Lyra smiled, and shrugged, "Stick with what you know, ya know?" she laughed, "I really like the stuff, so don't rag on me." she smiled and stuck her tongue out at the girl, who responded in the like. They had a nice rapport together, as Lyra came here more often than she cared to admit, as much of her diet consisted of coffee and a muffin for breakfast and even lunch in most cases. Once Lyra had her coffee, and her normal blueberry muffin, and had paid for the items, she moved out of the coffee shop and to the small patio section outside. It was a beautiful day, and she didn't feel like being cooped up inside. Not to mention the patio was clear of anyone else enjoying a nice coffee outside. She sat down near the back, since the patio was surrounded on three sides by buildings, and something about putting her back to the street made Lyra feel uneasy.
(Back at my computer, so I can finally post Royce's Appearance picture xD I'll have it up in a bit so stay tuned)

Awkwardness: 15

Creepiness: 10

Subtlety: 2

Desire to bail and try again later: 20

Good Acting: 17

Bad Acting: 18

Anticipation of incoming hostility: 35

Wishful Thinking: 24

Royce sat a couple tables away, sipping patiently on a spiced hot chocolate while glancing at Lyra every so often. It seemed as if they were alone. There weren't many customers inside, and the streets were mostly empty at this time in the morning, save for a few cars going by. He decided it was good enough of an opportunity.

Standing up, he strolled over to her table and sat across from her, his snow white locks fluttering in the morning breeze. It was silent for a moment, and then he spoke.

"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice something...different about you. Have we met before?"

Royce did his best to sound sincere and courteous. He surmised the worst case scenario was that the conversation ended with a bottle of mace in his eyes. Not even Conduits are immune to the ungodly burning fire of pepper spray to the face.
(Awesome. What's that at the side of your post?)

Lyra looked up from her muffin as she heard someone sit down across from her. "Ah, since when did..." she started to retort, but something about the person sitting across from her made her words die in her throat. She blinked, rather frozen as she looked at this man, or boy, or whoever it was, that sat before her now. His white hair fluttering in the light breeze was certainly uncanny, but it wasn't like she hadn't ever seen anyone with such odd hair color. She cleared her throat after he had spoken, adjusting her slightly slouching position and crossing one leg over the other. She was clearly nervous that someone was speaking to her, as she wasn't used to having a friend of even being bothered by her coworkers. She had always been a loner, as far as she knew. She blinked a few more times before she was finally able to find her voice once again.

"Uhm. I-I don't think so." she started, tripping over her words at first. She blushed, slightly embarrassed, and cleared her throat once more. She took a drink of her iced coffee, "I think I'd remember someone with white hair like that. Is it a synthetic dye?" she asked, though something in the back of her mind said it wasn't. How did she know that? She mentally shook herself and looked at this man again. "Is there something I can help you with?" she asked nervously.
("Side" BBCode. Usually used for Dice roleplay to list character statistics. Did you see the pic I posted finally?)

Royce chuckled to himself. Maybe this would be easier than he thought.

"No, actually, it's natural. I don't know if you could help me, but you can help yourself by humoring me on this truly beautiful morning. I have a story to tell, if you're willing to listen, and I think you'll find it insightful at the very least. You look to me like you could use some direction in life."

He rested his elbows on the table and leaned forward, giving her an innocent smirk. She certainly wouldn't be able to fight her curiosity. Royce was too interesting, too innocent and charming to be resisted. He fingered his rings and awaited an answer.
(Yes, I saw the image. It's cool :D I've seen that symbol somewhere though, but my brain isn't cooperating and letting me remember where. xD and As for the BBcode, I know it. I've used it before, but I wasn't sure what the information was for)

Lyra blinked at the man, something in the way he talked was certainly interesting and very intriguing. Her curiosity often got the better of her and she always tended to end up in horrid situations because of it, but it just wasn't something she was accustomed to not indulging on. She smiled sweetly at him, and shrugged, "Why not? It is a beautiful day, and I don't have to work. Besides, I like stories." she said warmly, popping another bite of blueberry muffin into her mouth. She eyed him carefully, he looked to be a decent guy, although oddly innocent from someone about her same age. Maybe that was just the baby face? She mentally shook herself, no time to dwell on what he looked like! She couldn't let her guard down around a total stranger. She blinked again, swallowing her bite of food. "I'm Lyra, by the way. If we're gonna sit and chat, might as well know each other's names, hmm?" she offered, smiling.
(I was just using it for comedic purposes xD )

"You can call me Royce. Pleasure to meet you Lyra."

He gazed off into the distance, breaking eye contact before he lost his train of thought.

Those eyes...ahem, right, the story.

"Our story begins somewhere out in the endless expanse of the Multiverse, where a war between forces of balance and chaos was slowly growing. The forces of balance, known as Conduits, were staunch-hearted defenders of the whole of reality, upholding the balance of the Multiverse with their incredible gifts of unthinkable power that mortals could only dream of. Their foes, the vicious Nightmares, were growing in numbers at an unprecedented rate. Usually they were spread out enough to deal with, but something, like a beacon or signal, had called them together in a certain stretch of the Multiverse. There they congregated and swelled in numbers, spreading their black influence slowly across the many realms of reality. The Conduits were doing their best to fend them off, but all they seemed to be able to accomplish was slowing them down.

There was an ancient legend across all the planes of reality, encrypted in riddles and texts, that one day a Conduit of nearly limitless power would awake to drive back forces of darkness. One Conduit, an experienced fighter, concluded that balance was the reason for the swelling of Nightmares: an act of extreme positivity could only be balanced by one of horrible evil. It just so happened that the evil got to reality first. Regardless of time or space, acts of chaos are always balanced out in time by those of order. So this warrior set out to search for the one that was destined to save everything in existence. The chosen one turned out to be female, and she wasn't hard to find at all. Her presence in the Multiverse caused huge ripples in time and space which the Conduit used to track her down to a small world where he witnessed her birth. However, being a creature of raw potential and influence, her presence also acted as a beacon for the Nightmares to flock to. The Conduit knew this, and he spent many years watching over the girl as she grew, and protecting her from the Nightmares that found their way into that little plane of reality.

She was obviously different from the others that populated her little world. She was unquenchably curious, and was connected to the world around her in a way that none of her peers could ever understand. And as the girl grew older into a young woman, the day she would come to realize her destiny came closer and closer, until one day her guardian finally decided she was ready. He revealed himself to her, after staying hidden her whole life, and introduced himself as a humble gentleman, offering her a gripping story in exchange for her time. The woman's curiosity kept her fixated on this man, until she saw fit to introduce herself. 'I'm Lyra, by the way,' said the young woman.

'You can call me Royce,' replied the Conduit."

Royce leaned back in his chair, waiting for her to take it all in as he took another sip of his steaming beverage.

"And here we are."
Lyra finished her muffin as the story came to a conclusion, and her eyes snapped to Royce's face at the last little bit. She gaped at him, and after a moment started to laugh, though there was a hint of nervousness to it. He had talked about her curiosity, and there was even a hint at her feeling of distance from those around her, but how would he know about that? She lifted her coffee and took a long drink as she let her mind race with thoughts. It was a lucky guess. Maybe he's one of those behavior analysis guys? There had to have been something rational to it. She shook her head, "Great story, but that's a bit hard to believe." she scoffed, laughing.

"The multiverse? Conduits and Nightmares? Honestly. That sounds like some made up story to scare small children." she sighed, leaning back in her chair. She frowned, watching the man. Somehow she couldn't shake the feeling that his words were true. Why did she always have this uncanny ability to tell between lies and truth? It never did her any good except get her hurt by people she wanted to consider friends, not to even speak of her father when she was younger. She sighed, and stood, picking up her trash. "Thanks for the story." she said, and moved away from the table to toss her trash into a trash can before continuing over to her bike.
Royce had nothing. He'd said everything there was to say. He was never very good at convincing people, and the only thing left he could think of was to use his powers and show her straight up. But what if they were attacked? He had to keep all his rings primed in case of-

Shit. Speak of the devil.

Coming this way...big one...no, wait...TWO!?

Moving fast...not good.

"Lyra, I need you to get under a table and take cover. This might get nasty."

The dark presence approaching was unmistakable, no doubt that Lyra would be able to feel them as well.


Royce focused his mind as the first one grew near. It had black skin and no eyes, crouching low to the ground like a predatory cat and using its multiple arms to move. It seemed to sniff the air, catching their scent, and growled low as it approached. Its foul tongue snaked out of its mouth, sliding between its rows of yellow teeth. The smell of its breath was like a rotting corpse that had been left out in the sun for days.


The air shifted slightly, and everything around them seemed to pause. "I've taken the liberty of dragging all of us into a different dimension, albeit a very nearby one, so that we aren't seen by onlookers and also so that we avoid collateral damage. These bastards aren't going down easy. Stay hidden and don't come out until I tell you it's safe."

The second Nightmare then arrived, stalking slowly towards them on its spindly legs. It wore ragged vestments of tattered black cloth, and a mane of equally ragged feathers encircled its head, the only feature of which was its two glowing, soulless eyes that glared right at them. It pointed a wickedly clawed finger at them and let out a terrible screech, which would have undoubtedly shattered the coffee shop windows if they were still in the same dimension.

Both beasts lunged simultaneously, and Royce closed his eyes as his rings began to glow.

Swords + Light = Radiant Edge


A gleaming, radiant sword materialized in his right hand, shining so bright that it was impossible to look at directly. Royce gripped it tightly in his fist, yelled a mighty battle cry, and leapt into the air towards the beasts. There was a moment where the Nightmares and Royce were airborne, and then the blade flashed out and slashed both Nightmares clean through. The blade's cut left shining white residue, like holy poison, dripping out of their wounds. They tumbled to the ground, dazed and hurt, but stood and continued their assault.

"COME ON!" Royce yelled, gritting his teeth and brandishing the Radiant Edge.
Lyra felt the horrid sensation, she recognized it from other times, times she had always chalked up to paranoia or something simple. She shivered as the beings drew closer, though she knew not what they were. When Royce said something about getting under a table, she just kind of stood there, frozen in shock. Then things seemed to pause, and he mentioned something about being in a different dimension. Her mind reeled, trying to comprehend what was going on, her eyes widening in terror as she spotted the first of the two beings. Something in her mind finally jolted her back to the reality, and she was able to move, an image of an eagle flashing through her minds eye.

She dropped to the ground, and rolled under the nearest table, throwing her arms around her head. "This can't be real. I have to be dreaming again." she said softly to herself, her voice shaking as the fright gripped her chest and began to constrict her breathing. It only seemed to be amplified by the fact that something in her mind told her that this wasn't just a dream. That this really was real, and that these creatures were real and very dangerous. She gagged slightly as the stench of it's breath finally reached her, and she felt her stomach flip, the muffin from earlier threatening to expel itself from her stomach.

She shifted slightly to turn, seeing the second creature's appearance and she had to slap a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. This was not normal. Never had she thought this was normal, and that sent a chill to her core she had never expected before. She stared as the sword of light burst forth from seemingly nowhere, and the fight ensuing. This was clearly not normal. How was this happening, and why was it happening to her? Was this man's story real? Aside from the fear that now gripped her, there was an equally powerful curiosity about this man, Royce, these creatures she assumed were the nightmares from his story, and why he thought she had some sort of part to play in all of this. She would have to ask more questions once these creatures were gone though.
Royce fought with great ferocity, but the two of them were crafty and managed to work together to pin him to the ground. The weight of the first Nightmare held him down, gripping Royce with its many limbs. He could barely breathe from the horrible stench of its breath, and could only watch as the second Nightmare approached, baring its wicked claws and looming over him. Hope seemed lost...that is, until his Ring of Light finally refreshed.

Of course. There was only one combination that would get rid of vile, putrid Nightmares such as these. He hadn't used it in a long time, but today it would save the lives of both him and Lyra.

Light + Heat + Soul = Cleansing Flame


The sword vanished, and pure white fire bloomed from his chest and enveloped the two beasts. It was a powerful combination that Royce seldom used, but was perfectly suited to dispatch especially corrupt and filthy things such as these foes. He stood and pointed his palms towards them, and the fire blasted out of his hands and vaporized the creatures until all that was left was a thin layer of ash on the ground.

Wait...NO. A THIRD!?

There was a hidden third Nightmare that had sat in the shadows, waiting for Royce to become occupied so that it could take on the inexperienced Lyra alone. It was an alien thing, with scything claws as long as spears, and it floated above the ground on writhing tentacles. It hovered above Lyra, slowly closing in as it savored the moment.


"LYRA! RUN!" cried Royce, exhausted from the energy he exerted to defeat the other two enemies. All he could do was watch as the thing tore her into pieces...

(Mkay your turn to do something wicked awesome! :D )
Lyra stared in horror as the two creatures seemed to overpower Royce, but there was something tugging at her mind. A great screech tore through her mind, and she yelped as pain seared her ears and she looked up, expecting to see the eagle from her dreams, only to be faced with a third of the horrid creatures that had attacked her and Royce. She screamed again, and rolled for open space, mostly trying to keep out from under this third creature, it's writhing tentacles oddly reminiscent of spiders, or an octopus. She shivered, feeling sick for a moment when her vision flashed, an image of the eagle from her dreams coming to her again. Trust me, Youngling. A voice whispered to her, and she blinked.

"Alright. I'll trust you." she sighed, taking a deep, slow breath as she closed her eyes and focused on the eagle. When her eyes snapped open again, they were golden in color and her hair became feathers. Her body seemed to morph, and become more avian than human, and wings sprouted from her back. She blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting, and without a thought she was in the air. The rest of her finished changing, her feet now clawed. She screeched like the eagle, and dove at the nightmare, all fear wiped from her mind as she focused solely on the bird who had come to her dreams.

In an instant she felt flesh in her talons, and she squeezed her feet together, as if gripping whatever she had grasped. Into the air she went again, taking the nightmare with her. Another image flashed through her mind, an eagle bashing a squirming fish against a rock. She looked down toward the ground, but there wasn't really anything in terms of a rock, save for the tables, but she wasn't sure how effective they would be. She sighed, and figured the ground would have to do. She screeched again and dove, shoving her feet and the writhing Nightmare out before her just moments before collision, and lifting into the air again. The creature lay dazed in her talons. Another image in her mind's eye.

She landed, practically sitting atop this creature and bent her head down, the beak she hadn't noticed before ripping into flesh as she tore the creature to shreds. When she was sure the thing was dead, or at least seriously hoped it was, she took off again, landing a few feet away as her body returned to it's normal state. She swayed, dizzy and unsure of her footing. "What... what just happened?" she asked just as her eyes closed and she lost consciousness.

((How's that? I was thinking kind of like this: The Eagle))
Royce couldn't believe it. Not an ounce of experience in battle...yet the spirit of the eagle easily made short work of such a powerful Nightmare. She must have given over near-complete control, which explained her lack of consciousness. Even the potentially most powerful Conduit ever would never be able to handle that kind of exertion the first time, or even the second or third.

He focused for a moment to sense for any other Nightmares. Better safe then sorry. Sensing none, he knelt down and lifted Lyra in his arms. She was truly beautiful, her face serene and peaceful, her muscles stiff but slowly relaxing from her first fight. Her scarlet hair flowed from her head like crystal water down a mountainside, the locks draped over Royce's bicep. He closed his eyes and focused again, and soon they were gone.


A gentle breeze flowed through Royce's home, billowing in the patterned curtains and whipping through the solemn hallways. The girl rested on a luxurious settee in the center of the room, a tall arched ceiling looming over them and the afternoon sun glowing orange through the paper screen that was half-open to reveal the garden and courtyard outside. The smell of alluring incense permeated the chamber, burning on a small disc by the door. Royce sat on a small rug on the floor, eyes closed in meditation and rest. There was much work and training to be done, and he had to be ready to teach her everything that she needed to know.

He inhaled slowly, and exhaled even more slowly, waiting patiently for her to awake.

(I was picturing something a little more even on the human-to-eagle ratio, like a harpy. Still awesome though. I couldn't help but chuckle at "Trust me, Youngling." xP)
((Well, we can adjust it ^-^ Maybe as she learns control over the shifting she retains more of the human aspect? Learning not to let the spirits take full possession as it expends more energy than needed))

Lyra slept fairly peacefully, her dreams empty except the vast forest she was accustomed to dreaming about. Her nose twitched as the scent of something permeated into her dream world, and slowly she pulled back to reality. When her eyes fluttered open, she blinked at the ceiling above her, thinking she was dreaming again. This wasn't her apartment back home. Her brows knitted together as she tried to make sense of what she could remember.

She took a slow, deep breath, the scent of the incense meeting her rather pleasantly. She shifted, groaning softly and pushed herself into a seated position. She glanced around, and winced as she put a hand to her forehead. A slight pounding made her head swim for a moment, but cleared away quickly. "Sat up to fast." She mumbled before lowering her hand to peer at the room. Her fingers passed over the soft fabric of the settee she was laying on. "Where am I?" She mused softly, her voice sounding louder than it was which made her jump slightly.
Royce opened his eyes.

"We are in my home, in a small pocket dimension on a distant, remote corner of the Multiverse. No Nightmare can venture here, it is outside of the normal flow of time and space, while still existing in the plane of reality. Here we will rest, and train, until the day comes when you fully master your abilities and lead us in fending off the dark forces of chaos."

He stood and retrieved a paper bag from the corner of the room, setting it down next to the settee and seating himself by Lyra.

"I wasn't sure what sort of diet you adhere to, so I just grabbed some of your world's local cuisine on our way here."

In the bag were two cheeseburgers, fries, and two colas.

"I have yet to sample this 'fast food' that is so popular on Earth. Will this suffice for a meal? I hear many people consider it to be unhealthy and cheap, so if you'd rather not, I can procure something more tasteful..." Royce muttered, scratching the back of his head. It had been countless ages since he'd hosted guests, especially attractive, entrancing, captivating...er, especially such critical and important guests in his home, and the last thing he wanted was to disappoint.
Lyra blinked at him, letting her mind focus on what was going exactly. A remote pocket, dimension, what? She gave Royce a quizzical look, and she shook her head. "Okay, I'm just going to stop trying to make all this rational. It's just giving me a headache." she sighed, groaning softly. She took the bag, peering at it's contents, and smiled. "Cheeseburgers. Yum." she said, and looked up as Royce mentioned having never tried it before. Which, of course, was really hard to believe, but then again, so was the rest of all this.

She reached into the bag and pulled out the sandwiches, handing one over to Royce. "Ah, who cares if it's not good for you. Everything utterly amazing isn't good for you." she laughed, as she unwrapped her own burger. "Damn, I feel like I haven't eaten all day." she sighed, taking a bite of the burger and chewing quietly. She reached into the bag and pulled out the fries, the burger still in her other hand. After swallowing, she smiled at Royce, "So, you said something about training my abilities? What are you talking about?" she asked curiously as pulled a fry from the card stock pod. She popped it into her mouth, and scooted back on the sette until her back was against the arm and she was facing Royce. One leg pulled up and bent so she could sit comfortably yet keep her feet off the exquisite fabric. She set into eating her meal of burger and fries while she waited for the explanation.
"Yes, well, it's like I said in my story. You have a great power within you, Lyra, the power of the spirits. You gave into it earlier, with the Nightmares, and the spirits took near full-control, which is why you passed out. With training, discipline, and time, you will learn to control the power of the spirits to better conserve energy and retain your sense of self, without falling unconscious in battle or wearing yourself out too quickly. The spirits are extremely formidable, but their energy can easily exhaust, or even kill anything that it flows through if the host is not careful."

Royce chewed the remains of his cheeseburger and then had some fries and finished off his drink.

"I must say, this is rather satisfying. Salty, but...tasty still, somehow."

Royce stood and cracked his neck to both sides. The chamber was dark now, as night had fallen while they ate.

"Well, it's been an exciting evening, almost dying and all, but we should take a few days to rest. Your training will begin next week, once your body is refreshed and your mind focused. You may sleep anywhere you like. The settee you awoke on is very nice, I have used it many times myself. There are other options, though. There are a couple of guest chambers you could indulge in, or I suppose if you really wanted..."

No, that's not an option. Snap out of it.

"Hmm, nevermind. Anyhow, I can accommodate whatever preferences you may have."

Heat = Heat

The leftover food wrappers went up in flames, and the breeze carried the ashes out the window and into the night.
Lyra sighed as she finished off her meal and drink, glancing over at Royce as he talked about the cheeseburger. "They're awesome, but not something to eat regularly. There was a documentary on it once. Guy ate burgers and fries for every meal for a whole month." she shuddered, "Made me not want to eat burgers for a week!" she laughed, shaking her head. She stood as well, stretching her arms over head. She turned this way and that, her spine making popping noises each time. She paused when he mentioned sleeping, and blinked, "Wait, I'm not going...?" she started, but shook her head and shrugged.

"Never mind. I guess it'd be best to stay here if this is the only place those creepy things can't get." she said, sighing, "Guess I can't complain. My apartment was meager at best." she sighed. "So, guest chambers? If I'm staying here, I might as well have a room." she shrugged, and another pause. "Wait. What about my clothes? You better not expect me to wear the same thing the entire time I'm here." she stated, glancing down at herself. "And a shower would be nice. I still feel rather gross after that confrontation with those things... nightmares or whatever they were." she said with another shudder.
Royce smirked.

"Of course not. There are garments of all types and sizes, and from all differ in the wardrobe in the guest chambers. Just...don't lean too far in when dressing. They each contain a pocket dimension of their own to accommodate all of the clothes, so don't fall in or I'll have to come get you, and who knows how long that'll take? But they each contain countless outfits and styles from countless worlds and realms, so take your time to find something stylish that fits.

"And as for bathing, there is a bathhouse by the springs at the bottom of the hill that you may use in the morning, or right now if you really urgently feel the need for cleanliness. As for me, I think I will retire for the night. Is there anything else you need, Lyra?"

He stood by the doorway, looking calmly at her. She did look tired, and perhaps a bit like she could use a bath and some new clothes, but otherwise still radiant somehow. Either the spirits' energy ran through her more than he thought, or maybe...maybe it was something else. As he gazed upon her, he found himself smirking. His heart beat in his chest.
Lyra blinked, "I prefer sliding into clean sheet with clean skin, thanks." she laughed, letting her arms fall back to her sides. "And guest rooms... Should I just pick a door?" she asked, looking around the area. She didn't want to go poking around this guy's house, even if her curiosity was itching to run this place from top to bottom. He said it was a different dimension, and she was itching to see just how different it was. It was like a child in a candy shop who was told she could only pick one item. She looked around, "I guess I can find my way around. You did save me from whatever those things were, so I won't keep you up." she said, and picked a direction to start her exploration.

In her excitement, she didn't exactly wait to let Royce answer her, merely moving quickly through the house as she looked around at the architecture and decor of the apparently massive building. She made sure to take mental note of her surroundings in hopes to navigate her way back through, but she would just have to wait and see how that would end up. "Wow, this place is huge." she mused to herself, her voice barely above a whisper as she turned yet another corner. She caught sight of a set of doors and glanced up and down the hall. Seeing she was alone, she set her hands on the knobs and pushed the doors open, peering into the room.

It looked well enough like bedroom, oddly reminiscent of a hotel room almost, if this Royce guy knew what a hotel room was. It was debatable since he hadn't ever had a cheeseburger before. She stepped into the room, looking around the decor and approached the bed, her hand running over the fabric of the blankets. "Wow. This is soft." she whispered, pressing her hand into the fabric. "A girl could get used to this. Might as well make the most of it in case this really is some elaborate dream." she smiled, and looked around the room once again.

She wandered over to the wardrobe, and pulled the doors open, and gaping at what she noticed held within. He hadn't been kidding. Clothes filled the space, and every time Lyra pushed a set aside, more would their place. "Hmm. I wonder." she mused, and began to peruse the clothing until she came across something that she liked. Once chosen, she pulled it from the wardrobe, and held it against herself, nodding. "Yep. Perfect." she smirked, and moved to set it on the bed. She went back to the wardrobe, looking curiously in case there was something else that caught her fancy more. Upon finding nothing, she stepped back and closed the wardrobe doors. She set her hands on her hips and looked around again, spotting the elaborate chest of drawers, and walked over to it. "Please have under clothes." she muttered and opened a drawer. To her surprise, and luck, she found what she wanted. "Wait. How? Okay, never mind. I said I wasn't going to question this place any more. Nope. Not gonna. I'm only going to confuse myself." she said, shaking her head.

Once she had a change of clothes in hand, she exited the room, and paused. "Ah!" she chirped, and pulled her hair ties from her hair. "I can use these." she smiled, and hung the small ribbons over the door handles. "There. Now I know which room to come back to." she said, nodding to herself as she trotted off to locate the exit to the large building. "He said it was at the bottom of the hill." she muttered to herself as she passed through another hall. Eventually, she located the front doors, and out she went off to locate the noted bath house. She smiled as she found it, and stepped in, looking around. Following any possible signs, she located an area to bathe, and quickly discarded her dirty clothing, piling into the warm bath and sighing softly.

"What a day. At least this is relaxing. Even if it's a dream." she said softly, exploring the small room with her eyes as she rested in the water. After locating the soaps, she dunked her head under to soak her hair, grinning as she came back up. "A girl could really get used to this." she laughed, and began to wash herself. Once she felt clean, and her hair was washed as well, she climbed from the bath, locating a towel for herself, as well as one for her mass of long hair. She bundled it up on top of her head, and finally dried herself. She sighed, and dressed, then made her way back to the large house, making her way back to the room she had claimed for herself, yawning. The hot water having made her tired and ready to fall into bed for some much needed rest.

((her chosen shirt, and the skirt to go with))
(Ooooh pretty :3)

Royce closed the master bedroom door behind him, walking past his collection of trophies and souvenirs from his travels. He passed his deck, at which he studied on the cultures of various worlds from time to time. The desk was located right in front of a huge bookcase, which raised and lowered like an elevator to present the user with exactly the book they needed. No pocket dimension for that, just a bit of spacial manipulation.

He made his way to what an Earth individual would identify as a king-sized bed, closing the curtains of the window that took up an entire wall of the room and diving into the copious folds of warm, inviting fabric. He flicked off the light, and thought about Lyra until his mind drifted to sleep.

~The Next Morning

Royce woke early, and was mulling around the kitchen as he tended to various frying pans and pots located on various burners and countertops. He whistled as he cooked; it was a chipper tune that seemed to praise peaceful times and had an echo of nostalgia in the melody.


Summons + Soul = Conjure Wisp

His rings flashed, and three small, floating bluish orbs appeared in front of him, slowly circling each other in a small halo. "Please go and very gently wake up Miss Lyra for me, please? Breakfast is almost ready. Oh and when you get back, could you set the table please? Thank you, that will be all," Royce said to the little spirits, dismissing them.

They acknowledged his request in small, synchronized voices, and then soared out into the hall and over to Lyra's chambers. The door opened by itself, and the wisps hovered over to the sleeping Lyra and circled above her head, chanting in unison in their little voices for Lyra to wake up.

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