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Futuristic Strike Team Zeus

I would have no issue with @Quarantinetimer joining. The mission is still taking off, though im trying to move it to a faster pace now. I have an idea how he can come in pretty easily. Just have him land after everyone else and catch up with wherever @Beowulf wants him to head to. The mission wasnt designed for a hacker to be involved but mayhaps he can interface with Alice and control some aspects of the electrical/ electronic areas of the derrick. Be a little strained given the straightforward combat orient of the mission but if he can find a way in so be it.

If he wants in, lets bring to a vote seeing as the creator left us all in charge....
What do you mean by having me drop in after everyone else? My character can't just spontaneously appear on the jet. Or in the sky, for that matter. By the way, what is the post order? And what was the scale of the STZ planned to be?
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We were toward the beginning of the mission on the top deck of an oil derrick in the middle of a hurricane. Everyone landed on gliders from an airdrop, so having someone land late wouldn't be too unbelievable. The Creator of the thread stopped after one post and it was suggested i pick up and give it a shot. I'm used to tabletop where i can find ways of having new characters appear as random NPCs , prisoners, or in a case like this , an addition to the strike team that got off the plane later than the rest. I've never really done a post based Rp so I'm not sure of the formalities here.

I had merely stated i could make adjustments to the flow of the session, and had an opportunity to make sense of your entry, but Misha suggested waiting, so i asked the others to weigh in with their views. I'm only telling this part of the story, I never thought i was running the RP as a whole. I was under the impression we all were, seeing as the creator left. If you or anyone else wants to hold off that's fine, i can continue, if not i can work things around it.

While I'm not aware of any particular site based customs , i would like to leave the choice to you and the players you would be posting with. I can adjust but i don't want to be overbearing or speak for the others.

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