Stray Justice


CS Skeleton




Appearance: (realistic)

Bio: (explain why they want to kill Fyodor Ivak, personal life)

Personality: (3 good, 3 bad)

Equipment: (max of 4)

Other: (not compulsory, only put anything that wouldn't fit anywhere else)


Maria Darling






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Short-brown-straight-hair.jpg.06d0eb612b6d860de223d4a421dca789.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43140" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Short-brown-straight-hair.jpg.06d0eb612b6d860de223d4a421dca789.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Maria is the granddaughter of a billionaire and the heir to his fortune. She is pursued by Fyodor Ivak who desire her inheritance. Her grandfather had her trained when she was young so she could protect herself.


Maria speaks of walking the "path of the sword" like a warrior mainly to escape from her failed traumatic attempt at love where she accidentally poisoned her crush with a home-cooked dinner. She is independent, stubborn, can be a lethal cook, not too bright and coarsely speaks her mind. Maira is also upbeat and positive. She is depicted as a good fighter and will violently attack anyone who offends her with a live blade if necessary.



throwing knives

wears black gloves one her hands for when she fights



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Name: Connor Soldati

Age: 24

Gender: Male​

Appearance: (realistic)

Bio: Connor was brought up in a moderately wealthy family, living a casual life. He spent most of time out of the city as he was away at college to uphold the family name by going into a respectful profession. Everything was going swell until his father got into shady business deals with Fyodar which in the end boiled up to man killing Connor's father and his lover. Connor as now returned from college with only one thing in mind, to kill the man that murdered the people he cared about. Revenge being his driving force.


Connor is a logical driven person, using only facts and data to live his life by. It is due to this that makes him a clever and cunning person; however, it also makes quite stubborn when it comes to accepting other people's ideas and opinions on subject matters. He has been known to give in a few times if he deems them reasonable, but again, that happens rarely. Connor is an independent person who has only turned sour due to his circumstances involving Fyodar. He isn't good at confrontation which is why he sticks to pulling schemes behind the scenes with minimal exposure.


  • A single pistol that he carries with him at all time.
  • A dagger
  • Poison, specifically arsenic based ones
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When did these get here?! For some reason I never got notified. Anyway, @animegirl20 I feel like 18 is a bit young to be joining a gang of criminals and going out to kill a mob boss, so could you make her a bit older. In fact, @Tempesta and @WaywardSon I feel like even 21 is a tad young. How about 23-25 as the minimum? Again, sorry I didn't notice these were up. My CS will be up soom :)

Name: Cain Wilson

Age: 37

Gender: Male



Bio: Cain used to be part of Fyodor's gang; he was in charge of all third party business ventures, such as casinos, bars and black market selling. He used to go into rivsl businesses and 'settle' things. The best part was how he used to siphon huge amounts of money into his own bank account. Life was particularly good for Cain back then. Until a colleague ratted him out to Fyodor. Fyodor sent a mob enforcer after him, but Cain managed to kill him. When Cain went to withdraw some money he noticed that most of it was gone; he was left with only 1000 dollars. Ever since then Cain has been in hiding, fearing for his life. But he sick of it; Cain is going to kill Fyodor Ivak.






-Power hungry


Equipment: Sawed off shotgun, handgun, switchblade, ski mask.

Other: None

Oh yeah, @animegirl20 I hate to be a bother but could perhaps get rid of the sword for a more practical weapon? I mean, I don't think a sword would do all that good against an army of criminals shooting at her. Thanks :)


Nina Azarov








Orphan at a young age, there's not much to tell about Nina's past. To her, her life started at the age of 14 when she was taking in by a man who told her that he would give her a meaning in society. Pleasing older man, gaining money by using her body, that was her way of life. she eventually was taken by an intimidating, dangerous man. Becoming his "new escort", or as his bodyguard addressed her his "new toy", she eventually found out that a life of abuse, both physical and mentally awaited her, as she had nothing, no one left. Years passed and her master eventually grew tired of her, sending one of his men to make her disappear. Fortunately, he took pity on the young soon to be woman and let her free.

But Nina would not forget such a life that easily.

She would not let such a man live to torture more people like her.

Who was that man?

"Fyodor Ivak."


Once a naive and scared ????????? ??????? [1], Nina Azarov tries her best to not let her former self get in the way of her actions. Her social skills and well-educated, polite nature still remain intact, making it easy for her to charm others into getting what she wants, or even resorting into seduction. Under her cool, collected exterior, however, lies a tormented and unforgiving soul, both impulsive and violent. Prideful yet patient, Nina earns above all for peace and acceptance. And the way to achieve them is by killing the man who haunts her nightmares.


Poison Vials

Glock 30S

Butterfly Knife

Mini Camera

[1] little girl in Russian

Name: Dr. Coles

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Light_Variation_by_WASIOLKA.jpg.f771f31c631b4ab0c06862a38f485617.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Light_Variation_by_WASIOLKA.jpg.f771f31c631b4ab0c06862a38f485617.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/PMG9.jpg.d86d4507d7526829bed7c8baaa2291b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43518" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/PMG9.jpg.d86d4507d7526829bed7c8baaa2291b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Michelle was from a wealthy family until her father became too ill to provide for his family. She pursued medicine and began her life as a gold-digger in order to pay her family's growing debt. The woman married once... twice. Her first husband died from suicide and the second one died of old age. Before her studies were completed, she was suspended from school. While she was undergoing the procedures for divorce during her first marriage, she opened a clinic. She returned to school and this time, she aimed for a degree in pharmacology. Her clientele is restrictively criminals but that doesn't bother her; the money is pretty good. Her name is well known in illegal drug market and would aim to take the crown to monopolize it. There isn't a vindictive or personal reason as to why she wants Fyodor Ivak dead but he tends to get in the way with her business. She does like his power... and of course the money that comes with it. Conveniently, she isn't the only one who wants him dead.

Personality: +Level-headed






Equipment: Handgun, scalpels, and syringes. One can surely improvise. If anything, sending people to do the dirty seems like an easier idea.

Other: You can buy her loyalty.




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Name: Wendy Song

Age: 21

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/red_velvet____wendy_png_by_ykyeaaaah-d7uf8rn.png.614141f93555811713d085c85e2d2253.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/red_velvet____wendy_png_by_ykyeaaaah-d7uf8rn.png.614141f93555811713d085c85e2d2253.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Wendy was born into a Family of Korean Immigrants, coming from a fairly large family. Growing up, she had it all; Loving Parents, a Brother who looks after her, Extended Family who stays in contact with her. But one day, everything...Everything was taken from her. During a Family Reunion, her entire Family was slaughtered, including her boyfriend and Wendy herself was left to drown in her own sorrow. Why did it happen? Truth be told Wendy doesn't know, but now, her heart is filled with Hatred, her mind filled with Vengeance and overnight she went from Nice Girl to Vengeful Soul.

Personality: +Gentle, +Caring, +Sharp, -Ruthless, -Cold, -Cunning


-Father's Handgun

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/400px-CobrGold1.jpg.98459f85342207357744625e47ae875b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/400px-CobrGold1.jpg.98459f85342207357744625e47ae875b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Tactical Equipment (Knee Pads, Elbow Pads, Gloves)

-Combat Knife

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/recon-1.jpg.eecd428a2ed7b162dead833e1b3d06fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/recon-1.jpg.eecd428a2ed7b162dead833e1b3d06fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Besides her Vendetta against Fyodor Ivak, there is nothing else that you need to know.



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@Kawashima Thunder everything is good except the handgun seems a bit over the top, especially if her family was just a 'Korean immigrant family'. Although it's pretty f*cking cool, so I'm a tad undecided. So I'll just say accepted :)
Tripodric said:
@Kawashima Thunder everything is good except the handgun seems a bit over the top, especially if her family was just a 'Korean immigrant family'. Although it's pretty f*cking cool, so I'm a tad undecided. So I'll just say accepted :)
Do I get to keep the Handgun?
[QUOTE="Kawashima Thunder]Do I get to keep the Handgun?

I'm gonna say yes because it is your only weapon :)
Any chance you're still accepting? Please say yes. This is similar to another RP I joined here but it never really got off the ground; I've been craving something in the same genre ever since. (:'()

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