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One x One strawberries and photographs cs


forever tilted
Im Tae Jin

About Me
Male | Twenty two
25 July | Leo
South Korean

coded by myfanwy myfanwy

Born on a hot July day, Taejin was just an average newborn. He cried, sure, but he wasn't too quite nor was he to loud. Just average. A solid seven pounds and six ounces, he grew up quite normally, had the same number of scrapes and bruises anyone his age would have.

It wasn't until middle school that he started to break away from the "average" category. He grew taller and lankier, his face started to fill out and reveal a gorgeous facial structure, and he finally grew into his lips.

When he reached high school, girls started to become more interested in him without fully knowing him. That could have been the cause for him to withdraw and only speak to a few of his friends, however, he was more unsure of how to act. The sudden attention brought high standards- standards he couldn't live up to. This led people to become disappointed and cut off contact.

Taejin, even from a young age, valued friendships and hated to see any break, no matter how new it was.

He was recruited by an agency shortly after he graduated high school and trained for a few years before becoming a big hit within the modelling world. He didn't fit the beauty standard but he was uniquely handsome, something that made him fit almost any brand. His control over his expressions and posture also helped, as he could play anyone from an arrogant CEO to a nerdy, awkward teen.


From a young age, Taejin often confused his parents to his seemingly different personalities. He was very talkative with them and with his friends, yet when it came to strangers, he was silent. Mute, practically. Yet, when he got to know said stranger, he would be just as outgoing and personable. They just chalked it up to him being shy.​

Perhaps due to his profession, Taejin is a rather calm and laid back individual. He's not someone to get easily angry or to resent anyone for telling him what to do. It's not that he wants to please others, more so he'd rather avoid an argument if the option was readily available. When he play fights with his friends he never raises his voice, just in case he actually gets heated or embarrassed.​

Taejin is often careful with his words for fear of offending anyone. He usually thinks about what he's going to say a few minutes beforehand often enough that people thought he was slow when he was still in school. They eventually came to learn that he didn't have trouble thinking of the words, but rather how he was going to phrase it.​

A romantic at heart, Taejin loves daydreaming about different love stories between complete strangers he sees. He likes to imagine how they would meet, how they would get along at first, and their lives after. It helps keep his mind busy when he's waiting in between shots. If he were naturally gifted with words he would have much rather become a writer instead. ×
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Ha Min Soo
south korean

Overview | Creative, Procrastinator, Impulsive, Stubborn, Skeptical, Compassionate, Awkward, Warm |

|Creative| Since he was a child he's been aesthetically inclined. As you'd assume, photography quickly became his main focus once he'd entered high school. It allowed his creative juices to flow. His creativity also lead him to experiment with his hair color and style in general. Although he's settled with a particular clothing style, his hair color still often changes.
|Procrastinator| Of course, like most people, he procrastinates on small things like laundry or waking up. But he has a bigger problem with delaying. When it comes to confronting someone, Min tends to put it off until the last minute. It's a terrible habit to have considering the issues haunt him until he faces them.
|Impulsive| He neglects to think before he acts/speaks. His impulsiveness can lead to many awkward moments. Many times he's confessed to crushes only to face embarrassment moments later. Unfortunately, he can't hide his embarrassment; he mumbles incoherent words as his face burns.
|Stubborn| The photographer can never accept when he's wrong. In arguments, he gets butthurt to find out he was incorrect. For fear of sounding ignorant, he tries to explain why he thought his idea. ya don't know how to explain it. he's stubborn.
|Compassionate| Min Soo goes out of his way to care for people. He's easily persuaded by someone when they involve a pitiful story. It's not hard to get him to do something for you if you gain his sympathy. worse one i've written. :[ .

Min Soo was raised by his grandparents for most of his childhood, due to his absent father and his mother's work ethic. His grandfather was one of the only reasons photography became his main passion. When he was a child, he and his grandfather would go out to the beach to take photos. Most of the time it was his grandpa taking the photos, but every so often the young male would get the chance. The fond memories prompted him to pick up the hobby when he reached high school. Saving up all his money to buy an expensive camera.

The passing of his grandfather left him a somber mess. At the same time, he was struggling with his sexual identity. He could only watch as his grades started to drop and his once thriving passion for photography diminished. Not only did his academics and hobbies hurt, friendships started to as well. Eventually, he received a lengthy speech from his grandmother that put him on the right track.

His passion for photography led him to become a professional photographer. Although he's not big amongst other photographers, his indie business finally seems to be getting recognition than to his social media accounts.

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