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Realistic or Modern Strangest Place in the West: CS


ᴀʟʟ ᴏꜰ ʙᴀʙʏʟᴏɴ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Cantina Girl.jpg
Name: Marlene Hopkins
Aliases: Bridget (stage name), Midge, Brita (pronounced Breetuh), Mia (to those for whom English is a second language)
Age: 31
Weight: Slender
Height: 5'7"
Occupation: Saloon Mistress
Weapons: Garter Pistol, Boot Dagger

Personality: "Midge", as most of the saloon-goers prefer to call her, is the lady in charge when it comes to the saloon girls. Considered to be top class, her company comes with a high price. Those with deep pockets are sure to get an evening of her sweetest smiles and most solicitous attentions. When she's not entertaining, however, one rarely finds her smiling or laughing. Rather than the happy, sweet, devoted woman she appears to be in the company of the men who pay for her, she is a cold, hard, calculating business woman with a good eye for quality and potential and no patience for nonsense.

Background: Midge grew up in the saloon, the orphan of a lawman and his wife who were shot down when she was very young. She was raised as a saloon girl by the previous mistress from the time that she was old enough to show off, giving the men a nice show for their coin while being trained for more... attentive... work. Midge took over as Saloon Mistress when the previous mistress - her mentor - was charged with, and hung for, murder a few years ago. Since then, she has been managing the business expertly
The previous Saloon Mistress was innocent of any wrongdoing. It was, in fact, Midge who had committed the murder that her mistress had been accused of, and Midge herself had orchestrated the evidence in such a way as to frame her Mistress. It was her intent to get the previous mistress out of the way so that she could take her mentor's position.

Other: Midge's song voice is said to be one of the most soothing - and erotic - in the business, and while the other girls are working the floor, Midge is often working the stage.

"It's just business; don't take it personal."

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Name: Marlene Hopkins
Aliases: Bridget (stage name), Midge, Brita (pronounced Breetuh), Mia (to those for whom English is a second language)
Age: 31
Weight: Slender
Height: 5'7"
Occupation: Saloon Mistress
Weapons: Garter Pistol, Boot Dagger

Personality: "Midge", as most of the saloon-goers prefer to call her, is the lady in charge when it comes to the saloon girls. Considered to be top class, her company comes with a high price. Those with deep pockets are sure to get an evening of her sweetest smiles and most solicitous attentions. When she's not entertaining, however, one rarely finds her smiling or laughing. Rather than the happy, sweet, devoted woman she appears to be in the company of the men who pay for her, she is a cold, hard, calculating business woman with a good eye for quality and potential and no patience for nonsense.

Background: Midge grew up in the saloon, the orphan of a lawman and his wife who were shot down when she was very young. She was raised as a saloon girl by the previous mistress from the time that she was old enough to show off, giving the men a nice show for their coin while being trained for more... attentive... work. Midge took over as Saloon Mistress when the previous mistress - her mentor - was charged with, and hung for, murder a few years ago. Since then, she has been managing the business expertly
The previous Saloon Mistress was innocent of any wrongdoing. It was, in fact, Midge who had committed the murder that her mistress had been accused of, and Midge herself had orchestrated the evidence in such a way as to frame her Mistress. It was her intent to get the previous mistress out of the way so that she could take her mentor's position.

Other: Midge's song voice is said to be one of the most soothing - and erotic - in the business, and while the other girls are working the floor, Midge is often working the stage.

"It's just business; don't take it personal."
Love it! Accepted! Just read through the rules quickly, you're missing something :^)

Silas Milton Spurbeck



210 lbs




Weapons: [If any]
Six shooter revolver x2
Hunting knife


The Sheriff is an odd fella, more interested in drinking away what's left of his identity in the saloon rather than facing the light of day. Nevertheless, when someone calls upon his services, the officer is quick to sober up into a professional character. If only it weren't for the overhanging scent of whisky. A womaniser back in the day, and still one with a polite charm about him when he prefers to 'play nice'. Indicating that perhaps not all his morals have completely been shattered. Silas is often an offputting person in general, till you begin to know the brooding and generally sullen man more. Or those who knew him before the event that changed him. A sharp eye proves good with a gun, with a big frame and good strength. His skill in hand to hand has been known to start or finish bar fights, yet remains a patient figure. Rough and tough is the only way he rolls; yet fair whenever his use of law comes into play.

Silas is both an old gang member and widower. His years of running against the law gave him an idea of what to look for in others who defy it. The murder of a lawless country gave him enough blood on his hands it'd forever taint his skin and enough sin that no amount of Sunday mass would wash it away. As a poor son of a carpenter, it was the only way to go, making easy money and easier brotherhood bonds. But all good things come to an end. No rest for the wicked, as they say. Dragged out to the desert, Spurbeck was shot for being framed for stealing from the gang. Nevertheless, found by a group of Native Indians, and left unscalped he managed to escape their hold after being shown as less than hospitable by caring for a white man. The first settlement he came across was Blackwater. He'd made plans to leave, and yet became held up over a woman. However, the bad luck didn't stop there. She died after their marriage and his acception into law enforcement; giving birth to a stillborn son.

Spurbeck was never quite the same man. Sleeping around, drinking, and tight-lipped about both his wife and origins of how he arrived in Blackwater.


- His horse, a chestnut stallion of the name Hunt.

"The devil was a liar. And I understood hell was better than here."

Name: Jericho Lowe
Aliases: Jerry, Mr. Lowe, Pappa Lowe
Age: 53
Weight: 70kg
Height: 5”10
Occupation: Doctor
Weapons: Colt peacemaker revolver, double barrel shotgun.
Personality: enjoys a good argument, knowledgeable, quick thinker, charismatic in some sense, very argumentative, insensitive, intolerant, likes to fix problems, puts cash before anything, gets increasingly dangerous when pissed off by someone, gets bored easily, hates men with no backbone.
Background: Jericho was brought up on a ranch, always having to keep the cattle from wandering off. He had always wanted to travel the world however. This lust got the better of him and he signed up for the military. Lowe didn’t particularly want to fight, mainly because he valued his life too much. Therefore he became a doctor, seeing the world whilst getting paid without fighting. However, Jericho hated having to help whimpering and spineless men. This usually lead to Jericho causing more pain that was necessary whilst patching them back up again. After years of service to the military, Lowe decided to retire to some extent. He no longer works for the military, but rather a doctor for hire for those going on the road.
Other: “Nothing in life is better than hard cold cash with a drink on the side.”

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Elizabeth Booker


Annie, Dolly, Chastity (all stage names/performing names)

Lizzy (to those who know her personally)










A slim dagger that she keeps in her dresser.


Lizzy is a very naive, starry eyed girl who dreams of a life on cloud of happiness, with a man who loves her and a big house and a few kids. She doesn't realize that that's not how life works. Lizzy has hopes of romance and dreams of love. She is stupidly open to seeing good in everyone, even murderers and evil doers. She is a very helpful girl, and goes above and beyond in her line of work; always wanting to put on a show and help around the saloon. She's got an infectious laugh that seems to endear everyone near. She acts very young and youthful, and that's what draws people in. Although she's seen her fair share of violence, she's still shocked to the core at the sight of blood.

Lizzy always seems like she needs to be protected, and she does, in a way. She could never fight her way out of a situation, but she can use her words and reason to get herself away from danger. Lizzy can be a little selfish when she doesn't get what she wants, but she is quick to realize her mistakes. She has a kind heart that is taken too easily by men and not easily given back once she's been scorned. She hates to see people get hurt and she always does whatever she can to make things right.


Lizzy was born on a small farm just outside of town. She was the youngest of four children and her older brothers were constantly trying to shelter her from the world. She grew up with a Father who was kind and encouraging and a Mother who was willing to teach and show her the ways of the world. She had it very easy, that was, until her Father died. When she was seventeen, he passed away, and her Mother became too sad to even move. The farm was looked after by the boys, but it became harder and harder to pay for the upkeep of the livestock.

The day they slaughtered their last cow was a sad day. Their brothers all had to go and find work in the mines and Lizzy insisted she find a job herself, even though her brothers wanted to take care of her. So, she went into town and asked to help at the doctors and even at the tailors. But, she had to settle for a barmaid. However, she didn't realize that being a 'barmaid' actually meant being a prostitute, but over the next few months, she realized that it wouldn't be too bad. She met lots of new people and she had fun dancing and showing off. Before she knew it, she was making more money than her brothers. And if it meant that they could keep the farm, she'd keep doing it.



"We all eat lies when out hearts are hungry."
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Name: Henrietta Nock

Nickname: Hattie

Age: 24

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 5'4"

Occupation: Daughter of renowned gunsmith; heiress; investor

Weapons: A flintlock pistol with a pepperbox construction. Hers has four barrels.

Background: Henrietta Nock was the only daughter of the King's favorite gunsmith. As such, her father, Henry, was on the wrong side of the American War for Independence. He made his fortune manufacturing guns for King George III's armies. Upon Henry's death in 1805, her mother, Margaret, emigrated to the United States, taking the company (and her young daughter) with her. She saw lots of potential for growth in the newly formed, unstable nation. Despite being a woman (and one with ties to the British military), Margaret was able to convince the US Navy to use her firearms in the War of 1812.
Henrietta's mother died a year ago. Tired of moping around in a house that reminded her terribly of her parents, she decided she had to do something productive. She would follow in the entrepreneurial spirit of her mother. She packed her bags and headed west (after the proper mourning period had passed, of course.)

Personality: Henrietta Nock is a nouveau-riche city girl with dreams of becoming a coal magnate. She's in love with idea of building something from the ground up, the way her mother and father did. She would love to go down in history as one of the great settlers who tamed the West. Her high ideals, however, are tempered by a practical mindset. Life in the frontier wouldn't be easy.

Although her desire to never marry and career choice are unusual for a woman, to say that she has no regard for society's expectations would be entirely inaccurate. On the contrary, fitting in with established rules of decorum have been instrumental in gaining others' trust. Out here, it looks like nice manners and knowing which fork to use won't be enough.

Other: I don't think I was completely historically accurate, but I gave it my best shot. Henrietta is (obviously) fictional, but her dad is based on a real person. Lots of poetic license was used.

"One mustn't wait for life to come to him. One must do and keep doing."

Also, toast.

Name: Jericho Lowe
Aliases: Jerry, Mr. Lowe, Pappa Lowe
Age: 53
Weight: 70kg
Height: 5”10
Occupation: Doctor
Weapons: Colt peacemaker revolver, double barrel shotgun.
Personality: enjoys a good argument, knowledgeable, quick thinker, charismatic in some sense, very argumentative, insensitive, intolerant, likes to fix problems, puts cash before anything, gets increasingly dangerous when pissed off by someone, gets bored easily, hates men with no backbone.
Background: Jericho was brought up on a ranch, always having to keep the cattle from wandering off. He had always wanted to travel the world however. This lust got the better of him and he signed up for the military. Lowe didn’t particularly want to fight, mainly because he valued his life too much. Therefore he became a doctor, seeing the world whilst getting paid without fighting. However, Jericho hated having to help whimpering and spineless men. This usually lead to Jericho causing more pain that was necessary whilst patching them back up again. After years of service to the military, Lowe decided to retire to some extent. He no longer works for the military, but rather a doctor for hire for those going on the road.
Other: “Nothing in life is better than hard cold cash with a drink on the side.”

View attachment 301269
Name: Henrietta Nock

Nickname: Hattie

Age: 24

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 5'4"

Occupation: Daughter of renowned gunsmith; heiress; investor

Weapons: A flintlock pistol with a pepperbox construction. Hers has four barrels.

Background: Henrietta Nock was the only daughter of the King's favorite gunsmith. As such, her father, Henry, was on the wrong side of the American War for Independence. He made his fortune manufacturing guns for King George III's armies. Upon Henry's death in 1805, her mother, Margaret, emigrated to the United States, taking the company (and her young daughter) with her. She saw lots of potential for growth in the newly formed, unstable nation. Despite being a woman (and one with ties to the British military), Margaret was able to convince the US Navy to use her firearms in the War of 1812.
Henrietta's mother died a year ago. Tired of moping around in a house that reminded her terribly of her parents, she decided she had to do something productive. She would follow in the entrepreneurial spirit of her mother. She packed her bags and headed west (after the proper mourning period had passed, of course.)

Personality: Henrietta Nock is a nouveau-riche city girl with dreams of becoming a coal magnate. She's in love with idea of building something from the ground up, the way her mother and father did. She would love to go down in history as one of the great settlers who tamed the West. Her high ideals, however, are tempered by a practical mindset. Life in the frontier wouldn't be easy.

Although her desire to never marry and career choice are unusual for a woman, to say that she has no regard for society's expectations would be entirely inaccurate. On the contrary, fitting in with established rules of decorum have been instrumental in gaining others' trust. Out here, it looks like nice manners and knowing which fork to use won't be enough.

Other: I don't think I was completely historically accurate, but I gave it my best shot. Henrietta is (obviously) fictional, but her dad is based on a real person. Lots of poetic license was used.

"One mustn't wait for life to come to him. One must do and keep doing."

Also, toast.



Elizabeth Booker


Annie, Dolly, Chastity (all stage names/performing names)

Lizzy (to those who know her personally)










A slim dagger that she keeps in her dresser.


Lizzy is a very naive, starry eyed girl who dreams of a life on cloud of happiness, with a man who loves her and a big house and a few kids. She doesn't realize that that's not how life works. Lizzy has hopes of romance and dreams of love. She is stupidly open to seeing good in everyone, even murderers and evil doers. She is a very helpful girl, and goes above and beyond in her line of work; always wanting to put on a show and help around the saloon. She's got an infectious laugh that seems to endear everyone near. She acts very young and youthful, and that's what draws people in. Although she's seen her fair share of violence, she's still shocked to the core at the sight of blood.

Lizzy always seems like she needs to be protected, and she does, in a way. She could never fight her way out of a situation, but she can use her words and reason to get herself away from danger. Lizzy can be a little selfish when she doesn't get what she wants, but she is quick to realize her mistakes. She has a kind heart that is taken too easily by men and not easily given back once she's been scorned. She hates to see people get hurt and she always does whatever she can to make things right.


Lizzy was born on a small farm just outside of town. She was the youngest of four children and her older brothers were constantly trying to shelter her from the world. She grew up with a Father who was kind and encouraging and a Mother who was willing to teach and show her the ways of the world. She had it very easy, that was, until her Father died. When she was seventeen, he passed away, and her Mother became too sad to even move. The farm was looked after by the boys, but it became harder and harder to pay for the upkeep of the livestock.

The day they slaughtered their last cow was a sad day. Their brothers all had to go and find work in the mines and Lizzy insisted she find a job herself, even though her brothers wanted to take care of her. So, she went into town and asked to help at the doctors and even at the tailors. But, she had to settle for a barmaid. However, she didn't realize that being a 'barmaid' actually meant being a prostitute, but over the next few months, she realized that it wouldn't be too bad. She met lots of new people and she had fun dancing and showing off. Before she knew it, she was making more money than her brothers. And if it meant that they could keep the farm, she'd keep doing it.



"We all eat lies when out hearts are hungry."
All accepted! We'll start tomorrow!
Name: Thomas Murray
Aliases: N/A
Age: 34
Weight: 140 Pounds
Height: 5'5
Occupation: Musician and Bartender
Weapons: Springfield Model 1817 Pistol

Personality: Thomas is friendly and non-intimidating in his stance and appearance. He couples this friendly demeanor with a propensity to talk and annoy people. Despite being a bartender, he rarely drinks and is usually willing to bend over backwards to accomodate customers. Despite his demeanor, he is also an excellent poker player.

Background: Thomas was born in a backwoods town in East Tennessee, what was then part of North Carolina. As a boy, his family was considerably more wealthy than those around him, and they lived comfortably in a frontier town where Thomas learned to play music, hunt, and fish. By the time he had turned eighteen, the War of 1812 had broke out and Thomas enlisted in the US Army where he saw action at the Battle of New Orleans, the last major engagement of the War. After his service, he returned home briefly, but the girl he had intended to marry on his return died of fever. He left home and traveled West, eventually settling in Blackwater and becoming the bartender and musician for the local saloon---at least until he can raise enough money to finance a journey to California, he tells himself.

"Just about any feller can chord a guitar, but the clawhammer banjo is about skill. All about fingering. Hey, Jimmy, was that a whiskey or a rum?!"

(I know the picture is a civil war soldier, I didn't have time to find a new one. Also, toast.)
View attachment 301540
Name: Thomas Murray
Aliases: N/A
Age: 34
Weight: 140 Pounds
Height: 5'5
Occupation: Musician and Bartender
Weapons: Springfield Model 1817 Pistol

Personality: Thomas is friendly and non-intimidating in his stance and appearance. He couples this friendly demeanor with a propensity to talk and annoy people. Despite being a bartender, he rarely drinks and is usually willing to bend over backwards to accomodate customers. Despite his demeanor, he is also an excellent poker player.

Background: Thomas was born in a backwoods town in East Tennessee, what was then part of North Carolina. As a boy, his family was considerably more wealthy than those around him, and they lived comfortably in a frontier town where Thomas learned to play music, hunt, and fish. By the time he had turned eighteen, the War of 1812 had broke out and Thomas enlisted in the US Army where he saw action at the Battle of New Orleans, the last major engagement of the War. After his service, he returned home briefly, but the girl he had intended to marry on his return died of fever. He left home and traveled West, eventually settling in Blackwater and becoming the bartender and musician for the local saloon---at least until he can raise enough money to finance a journey to California, he tells himself.

"Just about any feller can chord a guitar, but the clawhammer banjo is about skill. All about fingering. Hey, Jimmy, was that a whiskey or a rum?!"

(I know the picture is a civil war soldier, I didn't have time to find a new one. Also, toast.)
Completely fine, love the character, accepted!

Name: Nash (Nashashuk) Lasker

Alissis: Grotto One eye

Age: 21

Weight: 140

Height: 5’2

Occupation: Gunslinger (Phony/Imposter)

Weapon: Two revolvers. A native tomahawk and a knife.

Personality: Nash is a odd one indeed. He can be described as a rather stubborn man who follows his own ideas and is definitely not leader. The “Gunslinger” Can be rather cocky at times depending on the situation. Overall he is a rather friendly person when he is not in character of course. Nash can be rather lazy and that's coming from an imposter, he likes to think of it as an opportunity he is much of an opportunist. Nash always likes a good story, he always has to know what's going on, he is quite nosey.


Where to begin with the almighty Nash? I would assume the best place to start would be the beginning, so sit back and relax maybe grab some popcorn if you're up to it this might take a minute or two.

Nash was the son of Kaleb and Maria Lasker and brother too Kurt Lasker. His family were german immigrants looking for a better life. Nash wasn’t really sure why germany was so bad, in his mind it seemed much better than the wild west. A place where you could get shot on your own property and it would still be your fault. You can't forget about the Indians, the crazy erratic injens. It did occur to him perhaps they were looking for religious freedom but apparently they were to go so far as to seek this in a god forsaken province.

The family lived in a small house, it was quite secluded from the town two miles away. There was not much in that area, a couple of cacti and the occasional tumbleweed. Nash at the time was not a member of the family, he came about four of five years after Kurt. It might surprise you but Nash wasn’t germen in fact his background is questionable but there was really only one answer that added up.

One day old Kaleb came home with a small child. He was out hunting dinner when he stumbled upon a baby. It was no older than 5 months old he stated it was the most peculiar thing he had ever seen. This child was just laying about by itself, of course he couldn’t just leave it out there so he took it upon himself to take it and care for it

Nash got older he got along with everyone fairly well except for his brother Kurt and a feisty one he was. Kurt always seemed to hate Nash from the day he laid his eyes upon him. It was rather queer how much he showed a disliking to him. He always told Nash that he was the son of injuns and how he was a wild savage, “They should have killed you from the start” Nash took no liking to this but simply ignored it. He never felt like an indian he surely never felt savage.

Time went on and so did life. Kurt became somewhat of an outlaw. He became quite good at what he did he was involved in a couple of train robings and more than a couple of duels. Kurt became well known through the west as grotto one eye. The only known injury he has sustained in a duel was his left eye. After that day he never lost one duel, killing each opponent with one shot.

Of course Nash was begged to follow him, keep him out of trouble. He did what he was told and tried to keep him out of trouble. He was not able to do this though every time he met with Kurt he about got a bullet between the eyes and a good beating.

Kurt one day left town in a hurry. Being the curious person Nash was he followed his brother. To much shock he found his brother lying face down in the dirt with a tomahawk in his back. It was as if a spirit had come upon him and struck him down then *poof* vanished. Nash couldn’t feel any sympathy for the man. He kept the weapon that vanquished his brother.

Nash later took kurt's place as Grotto one eye. With this name he took power. He left town as quickly as he could with as much gold as he could muster. (All this gold belonged to his brother) He eventually ended up in a strange place known as Blackwater. It was a queer town indeed but people knew his name (His brothers name) well enough. It wasn’t very difficult to play the part, all he had to do was act tough and things were done for him. He had women at his side men under his feet.


  • Nash is actually a mix between white and indian which explains why he was abandoned.

  • Nash has never shot a gun in his life and that probably won't change for a while.
  • He is quite good with his tomahawk and knife it came natural.
  • After a while in Blackwater he has used up a lot of his funds.
“No Quote"


(If I get accepted I might have some problems posting at first I am a bit busy at the moment so i'll try to keep posted as much as possible)
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Name: Nash (Nashashuk) Lasker

Alissis: Grotto One eye

Age: 21

Weight: 140

Height: 5’2

Occupation: Gunslinger (Phony/Imposter)

Weapon: Two revolvers. A native tomahawk and a knife.

Personality: Nash is a odd one indeed. He can be described as a rather stubborn man who follows his own ideas and is definitely not leader. The “Gunslinger” Can be rather cocky at times depending on the situation. Overall he is a rather friendly person when he is not in character of course. Nash can be rather lazy and that's coming from an imposter, he likes to think of it as an opportunity he is much of an opportunist. Nash always likes a good story, he always has to know what's going on, he is quite nosey.


Where to begin with the almighty Nash? I would assume the best place to start would be the beginning, so sit back and relax maybe grab some popcorn if you're up to it this might take a minute or two.

Nash was the son of Kaleb and Maria Lasker and brother too Kurt Lasker. His family were german immigrants looking for a better life. Nash wasn’t really sure why germany was so bad, in his mind it seemed much better than the wild west. A place where you could get shot on your own property and it would still be your fault. You can't forget about the Indians, the crazy erratic injens. It did occur to him perhaps they were looking for religious freedom but apparently they were to go so far as to seek this in a god forsaken province.

The family lived in a small house, it was quite secluded from the town two miles away. There was not much in that area, a couple of cacti and the occasional tumbleweed. Nash at the time was not a member of the family, he came about four of five years after Kurt. It might surprise you but Nash wasn’t germen in fact his background is questionable but there was really only one answer that added up.

One day old Kaleb came home with a small child. He was out hunting dinner when he stumbled upon a baby. It was no older than 5 months old he stated it was the most peculiar thing he had ever seen. This child was just laying about by itself, of course he couldn’t just leave it out there so he took it upon himself to take it and care for it

Nash got older he got along with everyone fairly well except for his brother Kurt and a feisty one he was. Kurt always seemed to hate Nash from the day he laid his eyes upon him. It was rather queer how much he showed a disliking to him. He always told Nash that he was the son of injuns and how he was a wild savage, “They should have killed you from the start” Nash took no liking to this but simply ignored it. He never felt like an indian he surely never felt savage.

Time went on and so did life. Kurt became somewhat of an outlaw. He became quite good at what he did he was involved in a couple of train robings and more than a couple of duels. Kurt became well known through the west as grotto one eye. The only known injury he has sustained in a duel was his left eye. After that day he never lost one duel, killing each opponent with one shot.

Of course Nash was begged to follow him, keep him out of trouble. He did what he was told and tried to keep him out of trouble. He was not able to do this though every time he met with Kurt he about got a bullet between the eyes and a good beating.

Kurt one day left town in a hurry. Being the curious person Nash was he followed his brother. To much shock he found his brother lying face down in the dirt with a tomahawk in his back. It was as if a spirit had come upon him and struck him down then *poof* vanished. Nash couldn’t feel any sympathy for the man. He kept the weapon that vanquished his brother.

Nash later took kurt's place as Grotto one eye. With this name he took power. He left town as quickly as he could with as much gold as he could muster. (All this gold belonged to his brother) He eventually ended up in a strange place known as Blackwater. It was a queer town indeed but people knew his name (His brothers name) well enough. It wasn’t very difficult to play the part, all he had to do was act tough and things were done for him. He had women at his side men under his feet.


  • Nash is actually a mix between white and indian which explains why he was abandoned.

  • Nash has never shot a gun in his life and that probably won't change for a while.
  • He is quite good with his tomahawk and knife it came natural.
  • After a while in Blackwater he has used up a lot of his funds.
“No Quote"


(If I get accepted I might have some problems posting at first I am a bit busy at the moment so i'll try to keep posted as much as possible)
Accepted ^^

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