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Fantasy Strangers Characters


Aggressive lesbian
 here's where the characters for strangers go.




Time of origin:








Mellody Sky Kalloway Stagiost








Time of origin:




Can control water and when angry metal



An axe, some throwing knives, stealthy and good at hand to hand combat



Is straight forward and doesn't mess around. But she can be bubbly, kind and enthusiastic too. She is loud but can be quite when need be and is very stealth like. If made angry, she will go psycho and kill things (to do with what happened to her).



Mother: Stay at home mum with anger issues

Farther: Rich business owner

When she was 3 her mother died from a heart attack and when she was 7 her farther died in a car crash. In between her years of 3 and 7 she made friends and had a happy life. She had no worries and she was liked by everyone. But when her farther died, her grandma blamed her for both her mum and farthers death. She was hated at the new school because of the way she was. People thought she was weird because she was really good at sport and could slip in and out of class unnoticed by anybody. She was also hated because of the way she could play any instrument made without thinking. People hated her because of just about anything she did really. She eventually became emotionless. So when she was 14 she ran away from home and no one noticed and no one called the police but her grandma was happy she didn't have to look after her at all. Then after living on her own for a year she was found by some trouble makers from the nearby village. They locked her up and she became their slave. She had to do the most descusting things imaginable including having to eat a dead guys arm. But when she was 17 she managed to escape the chains and ran away. She then continued to live by herself until it was her 19th birthday and she was greeted by a flood which killed her. She then woke up to realize she had become a time traveler which she thought was good because no one would have to remember her troubling existence. But she hated that not even her good friends that she had made before her farther died would forget her forever. Her eyes then turned from the nice green eyes to white as snow (just like her hair). She then (because of the boys that kidnapped and tortured her) became a little psycho when made angry.
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Jason Gillion 








Time of origin:




Able to control lightning (will explain)



nothing more than his small amount of fighting skills in hand to hand combat and his power.



quiet, easy going, protective, can also tend to be naive and childish at times, quick thinker, a bit energetic



Shortly after giving birth his mother had passed away forcing Jason's dad to raise him in there small town alone. He lived a simple life growing up, he didn't really care too much about friends as there weren't that many kids in his part of town and he lived rather far from the school he attended. His father was a small grocery shop owner that did fairly well in life and kept them stable but everyday his father came home tired and grumpy so he tried his best to do good and school and stay out of the way. Even as a kid Jason caught onto things quickly and around the age of eight his father couldn't hide his mothers death from him anymore. After hearing the stories about her from his grandparents he was happy that she was his mother and was sad she couldn't see how her son has grown to be. Around the age of 14 his father would began to be on Jason's case more as crime went up in the nearby cities surrounding the town and at this age Jason was more outgoing and didn't really care too much. He would stay out until well passed midnight with his dog Nova just wondering around the town making conversation with the woman who worked in the small diners around town. After Jason had outgrown the beatings that his father use to use to straighten him out he was forced to moved across town with his grandparents, he always hated the place they lived but he tried to stay out of trouble while he was there he even met a girl and they eventually started dating, life seemed to fall back into place for him. Then one day as they all went out for a picnic Jason his grandpa and the girls the sky was partly cloudy but it nothing that kept the sun from shining its rays down on them this spring morning. As they were finishing setting up the perfect place the wind became slightly stronger the clouds slowly began clumping up in the distance and small specs of rain began to fall naturally the family decided to try another day. As they packed everything up and went home for a simple game night with each other Jason had forgotten his favorite jacket laying on the table. His girlfriend Julia tried to stop him from leaving to go get it along with his grandparents but it was a jacket made by his mother originally for his father passed onto him he couldn't just let it be forgotten. He rushed out the door and eventually made it to the park only to be stuck under a small roofing with benches that luckily his jacket was stuck blowing against. He leaned against a pole near the center of the roofing and decided to just wait the storm out as it was too bad until suddenly lightning struck down from the roofing being made out of mostly metal as that was the best material in his state striking Jason throughout his body leaving him shaking for a few moments before slowly diving into death, His mind and soul rejected dying here and fought back for his life but as he woke up that next morning he found that he was still here but he now had sky blue eyes compared to his normal brown and was no longer the Jason Gillion who had grown up in a small town in Ohio.


Name: Harley West


Age: 21


Gender: female


Time of Origin: 1939


Power: control over wind


Gear: pocket knife, compass, military skills


History: Harley grew up in Mobile, Alabama, in a big ranch house filled with a happy family surrounded by other big ranch houses filled with other happy families. From the day she was born, Harley had an easy life, and it drove her insane. She'd always had a free spirit, going so far as to get lost in the woods behind their neighborhood for almost a whole day, once at the young age of 7, and making her way home with a smile on her face as her family cried that she was ok. She hadn't been scared by the woods, and had loved how free she'd felt. Harley decided then and there that she would explore the whole world, and later would go to school to become a fighter pilot for the US military. At the age of 17, Harley was a hardworking honor student, graduated early, and was on her way to her first year of Air Force training. At 21, her dreams were finally coming true, she'd gotten her first mission, and was flying out a team of spies that would jump into Germany as spies to look for the trouble that they'd been hearing about. Everything was going smoothly, until it wasn't. Turbulence, then, harsh winds, Harley did her best to get the plane out of there, to keep them all safe, but when the tornado started, there was nothing she could do. It'd started too close, and there was no hope of getting away. She spoke into the microphone to tell the others goodbye, and that she was sorry, so so sorry. Tears of anger streamed down her face, and as she attempted once more to pull the plane away from the tornado, the plane was ripped apart, and a bit a debris, that had been flying through the air with the force of the tornado, broke through the glass of her cabin window, and pierced through her heart. The last thing she remembered before dying was one thought.


And the next thing she knew, she'd woken up standing in a train station. 
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