TV & Film Stranger Things?


Freckle Faced Fidgeter

Sooooooo.... Has anyone else seen Stranger Things yet? It's a Netflix series that takes place in the eighties and it's a horror/paranormal show I guess, I'm not too good at categorizing things. I binged watched it over the course of four days, but I'm using the term binge loosely because it was only eight episodes. I'm scared to spoil anything, but there were so many scenes in the last episode that were totally epic. (Those who've seen it probably know what I'm talking about.) There's also a rumor that there will be a second season, which I really hope is true. I'd love to chat with anyone who has already seen it since it ended on such a cliffhanger.

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OMG I just started this! My folks were watching it the other day (the last ep so I spoiled myself...oops!) and I decided to get into it as well! I am a sucker for paranormal/SiFi horror stuff!
My mom watched it and she spoiled me the entire first episode, but it seems so great, I want to watch the entire show :D Can't seem to find motivation, though.
I love the living heck out of this show, I honestly do. We need more of this kind of stuff on tv and such, ghosty stuff is just getting tired now. But onto the show itself, I like Eleven as a character and the fact the children actually act like children.
RulerofPurple said:
OMG I just started this! My folks were watching it the other day (the last ep so I spoiled myself...oops!) and I decided to get into it as well! I am a sucker for paranormal/SiFi horror stuff!
It's so so so so so good! :3
saraswati said:
My mom watched it and she spoiled me the entire first episode, but it seems so great, I want to watch the entire show :D Can't seem to find motivation, though.
Aww, that sucks, the show is still fantastic, I felt like things really started to pick up in the third and fourth episode.
FluffyBuns said:
I love the living heck out of this show, I honestly do. We need more of this kind of stuff on tv and such, ghosty stuff is just getting tired now. But onto the show itself, I like Eleven as a character and the fact the children actually act like children.
I was glad to see a different kind of paranormal show that didn't try too hard to scare the audience and had interesting and lovable characters. Eleven was one of my favorite characters along with Nancy. My favorite scene in the entire series is when Nancy and Zac went monster hunting in Will's house. It was also nice to see that the children acted realistic, but still served as very important characters.
I've started watching it yesterday (just the first episode) and it looks like it has the potential to be really good.

I wonder how it will develop, but everyone that has seen it says that it's wonderful, so I'm really excited to continue watching.
I just finished watching the first season with my roommate. I wasn't sure about it at first, but I ended up loving it a lot!

It reminded me so much of an 80's horror movie.

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