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Strange Quest

The Prancing Cat Inn was the worst place Perilla had ever been in. It smelled vaguely of vomit, the space was too small for the amount of people in it and everyone was tall.

Tallness had become her highest pet-peeve since the first time left home. Where Perilla was from everything was the right height and no one looked down at her because all faries are the same height, that is: five feet tall or shorter. In the "real world" things were taller, bigger, sloppier- just a giant mess in her opinion. 

Since she had to stay at this hideous inn for at least a week, (so that she could sell her family's potions, remedies, and so-called "Fairy Dust" in the city), Perilla decided to spruce up the place. Inside her brown satchel that she kept on her at all times was a small but sharp knife, various small stolen items (Perilla prides herself on being an excellent thief) and most importantly many viols of potions and Fairy Dust. She took out a viol and made a mound of dust into her palm. It glittered like nothing else in the world but soon became invisible as she blew it across the room.

Each type of Fairy Dust has different effects. This particular one, when it touches an inanimate object it makes it appear pleasing to eye of the beholder. When it touches skin though, it burns like hell.

"Ahhh!" Screamed the wizard whose face had been the receiver of the Dust. 


((That's all I'm going to wright for now. I'll definitely wright again some time this week))
Kris was in the corner of the inn inspecting a dagger he took from a warrior. His eyes scanned the inn for potential targets. He spotted a wizard who seemed to have just gotten back from a adventure and a little fairy who seemed to be selling there goods. "Ok steal from the wizard then the fairy" he said silently to himself as he stood up. He thought to himself, "Steal, Lie, Deceive" and he headed over and sat down next to the wizard. He talked to the wizard as he did other one of his victims. After about 10 minutes of talking Kris finally got the wizard to put his money bag down and look away by asking if he could see what the wizard got from his last adventure. "Perfect." he thought to himself as he reached for the bag when the wizard suddenly yelled.

Apparently the fairy that he had seen on his way in had blown some sort of dust on the wizard and looked like it hurt. The wizard suddenly turned around to see kris holding his bag of money. Kris could see the anger (and pain) in his eyes.
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