
Clear Water

That Boy's Got My Heart In A Silver Cage



Welcome to my roleplay!

Here are a few rules I'd like to make a point of before you get started~

1. Please make your character as creative as you would like! No one enjoys roleplaying with a Mary-Sues. Also, don't base your character off of other people's characters. Seeing the same kinds of people in roleplays is kinda boring. So if I see that your character has a striking resemblance to another person's character, I'll ask you to make a few changes.

2. God-modding isn't allowed here, unless there are circumstances in which a person's character needs to be controlled by someone else. You made your character for a reason, so there is no need to control someone else's!

3. This is an "all swearing welcome" zone. Go crazy. I personally like swearing, so if you do too, we'll get along just fine. If you have a problem with swearing, sorry, but this may not be the roleplay for you.

4. Of course romance is allowed! Lost of things are allowed here, except for *wiggles eyebrows* vicious love-making. Being passionate and romantic is great, but as soon as pants go flying, try to keep the details to a minimum, fade to black, take it to PM, or whatever you need to do.

5. Keep the gender ratio equal please! I like the idea of symmetry, and it's no fun to be drowned out by the other gender in an RP.

6. If you've read these rules, then incorporate a few lyrics from your favorite song in to your skelly! Make sure to put a "~" sign after so I know it's the password.

Ex: "I think I've found myself a cheerleader!~"

(Obviously you don't need to use that lyric. Just an example!)

7. I have a predetermined plot, meaning that I have an idea for this roleplay already. Of course, the point of a roleplay is for everyone to add to it, but the climax is something I have figured out.


You'll know you have been accepted when I like your post.



1~ Vivian Alexander, taken by @BubbleDiamondz



{'I'll love you forever if you make your CS look pretty :3 }


{picture/gif of your character, anime please!}




Sexual orientation



{a small paragraph or so, just something so I can understand your character}



{optional. If theres something from your past you want to incorporate in to the RP, feel free, otherwise this is completely optional.}




My character:



Hunter Merrit//18//Male




Hunter's personality can be best described best as a four-year-old whilst on a sugar high; Happy, excited, hyper, and probably in need of more sugar. Coming from a family of scientists, Hunter often finds pleasure in experimenting and explaining the unexplainable. He thinks logically and has an advanced mindset, but has no social intelligence whatsoever. Although he isn't awkward and quiet, he doesn't understand regular social behaviors. For instance, someone might say "hello" to Hunter, and he may retaliate with a statement that completely contradicts the legibility of Einstien's Theory of Relativity, which he will then ramble about until someone forcibly removes him from the situation. Like what was mentioned earlier, Hunter has no regard for regular and expected social norms. He finds comfort in people who can hold an intelligent conversation with him, or people that can put up a fight against his beliefs.




Hunter thoroughly enjoys drinking,

paradoxes, and intelligent conversation.

Hunter is afraid of vacuum cleaners and the dark.



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Vivian Alexander//19//Female




Vivian is eccentric. She seems to able to draw people to her without really trying. She often rambles or talks to much. She also will generally disregard her own safety in dangerous situations and she extremely fond of her hair, sometimes taking so much as two hours to 'preen'. Vivian has no problem lying, manipulating or deceiving others to get what she wants or for amusement.



Vivian is addicted to caffeine and although she believes it is what stunted her growth (she is 5'2) she can not stop drinking it. She also loves the song "I Love It When You Cry" by Steve Aoki. Her favorite line is ~I love it when you cry~



"Well, occasionally I prefer to go by that hot stranger you will most definitely know later, but you can call me Kaede."

Kaede Milano

"I don't want to make it all about me but I mean it was my birthday recently so if you're not going to get wasted with me, take a hike."


"Just show me what that mouth do and we'll be set."



"Is this a questionnaire? If so I'm a Mexican Eskimo who enjoys smoking pot and worships Wiz Khalifa religiously."

Kaede tends to almost never be serious, especially when needed to be. He's extremely laid-back and upon first meeting him can be seen as pretentious. He prefers using his over-confident, cocky attitude to fuel his humor. He brings the party with him wherever he wanders and is most definitely not a morning person.He is simply infatuated with sarcasm, and is often comments on how it's his native language. He is naturally flirty, and will not hold back. What Kaede does have is a nasty temper when irritated.

"Your wife's in the backseat of my brand new foreign car~"

Kaede has a tattoo of three waves on the inside of his right wrist.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images.jpg.71f161577c474961e5fa4b5b6ccd5882.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55658" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images.jpg.71f161577c474961e5fa4b5b6ccd5882.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Age: 19


Gender: Female


Sexuality: Heterosexual


Biography: Van is from a rich influentual family, but she is attention deprived. Her father, a rather succesful CEO, was never home and her mother was never much of a mother. Van's mother did come into her room everynight to give her a kiss, but it was obviously a chore for her. Van's real sense of affection was from her nanny Bertha, who died of lukemia three years prior and her Uncle who was more friendly than he should have been.


Personality: Vanity is popular. Well, was popular in highschool and was accepted into the most prestigious sorority in Berlam University for Outstanding Women. She's nice, but keeps people at arms length due to her belief that everyone will hurt her and she has a raging temper. (Generic, but accurate). She's funny and wears a happy face. She suffers, however, from severe depressiona and anxiety. She also is a heavy drinker.


"This is gospel for the fallen ones, locked away in permanent slumber..." ~Panic! At The Disco



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Marnie Price






Marnie is very naive and selfless. She is willing to put her life on the line for others, which leads her to being used most of the time. Because she is so tiny, and adorable, most people find her funny when she is trying to come off as serious or protective. She is often looked down on for her awkward ways, and has terrible social anxiety.



Music is her life, and she almost always has earbuds in. All Time Low is her favorite band, and she loves the song Lullabies. "Sing, me to sleep. I'll see you in my dreams~" She loves sweets and would probably do anything for a cake. Cute animals are also her weakness, as are adorable things in general.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.3eb3cce54dbf4caaf912466558f2b601.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.3eb3cce54dbf4caaf912466558f2b601.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Len kegamine







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.fc5724207d5718486967904d806a8196.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56106" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.fc5724207d5718486967904d806a8196.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Len is a very solitary person that loves to sing and write music but most of the time he's quiet and doesn't talk

And when he is around people most of the time he is very blunt or straight forward when he talks to people

Usually ignoring people emotions. And he can be sweet and that's if you get him to like you which is not that hard if your determined to make him your friend which people usually don't that often making him solitary. He's also a person that won't take you seriously unless you either give him a good reason or your his friend. He also speaks in a monotone like way but that changes when he's either around friends or sings his music.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.194df907a8614339b71f679c2c975a13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.194df907a8614339b71f679c2c975a13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Len was a musical idol that once he got on the stage he let it up and left everyone in awe all around the world but

Backed away from the from the stage for a little to write new music and take a break.

(Here's one of his songs)





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Jade Lockwood|17 | Female

"Don't you think that it's boring how people talk?~" -Lorde, Tennis Court





Ran has a stoic personality. Her face is usually expressionless. She finds it hard to smile and is not good at understanding jokes. If she thinks too much, she gets confused with what to say. She comes across as cold and blunt but behind that she is also very sensitive. She also has trouble expressing her concerns and doesn't like to express strong emotions

She appears to be violent but that is because she is unaware of the "proper" ways to approach and ask help from people. She has has trouble interacting and is selfless even with blunt and stoic behavior. If she cracks open, she smiles a lot more and speaks more as well. Ran is also has a problem with trusting people. She can trust anyone she meets even if that person is an alien. Though gaining her trust is a hard thing. She will torture you with the silent treatment and will probably resort to violence with you. She will probably forgive you, though... Though probably only a number of times before you run out of chances. She is dead silent when it comes to crowds and socializing.


Ran was never so much a social class person. She was raised by her grandparents and mother from her father running away and marrying another woman as a child. She was not neglected, but suffered from bulling because of her father running away. Her family wasn't the most rich either, with her mother as a Teacher and her grandfather as a retired architect. Ran also never really got to go out of the country because of the cost but still managed to have a decent life. She never really liked men because of her father which left a huge misunderstanding of men in her mind. When Ran started her last year of primary school, she met a boy whom she liked because of he treated her, with respect and care which loved about him very much. The boy soon after moved away which her with not too many people to interact with. Ran had a pretty normal childhood though.



*She likes ribbon.

*Ran likes electronica and dub step music.

*She is pretty tall and she sleeps a lot so she blames sleeping for not letting her be cute.

*She loves sweaters

*Her favorite song is Runaway (U & I) by Galantis

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EDIT: [ ah shit, posted this too late. if she isn't accepted due to gender issues, i could make a male character instead? ]






18 // Female // Heterosexual

? - ? - ?

"This is like gravity keeps pulling us back down~"

- "Mighty Long Fall" by ONE OK ROCK

? - ? - ?

Cap is quiet and reserved, preferring observation over participation, which of course means she notices what others might miss. She's your typical stoic character archetype, complete with philosophical inner monologues and apathetic stare. Despite her inclination to stay uninvolved in the lives around her, Cap isn't as aloof as she first appears. She's quickly irritated and assertive, even aggressive, when challenged. She's perfectly well-versed in social situations, if not rather terse. However, Cap becomes anxious and flighty whenever she gets too attached to another person, worrying about what they think of her and trying to impress them. It makes her feel foolish, and it's why she chose to isolate herself.

? - ? - ?

Cap's family is lower middle class. They could have never afforded a vacation to Italy, which is why she decided to accept her prize and go. Cap is more interested in learning about the culture and the history than she is in partying. She is unaccustomed to the luxury and doesn't quite trust it if she's honest, though that's just paranoia.

? - ? - ?

She has a low alcohol tolerance.

She likes to ponder philosophy, and would debate about it if she were more social.

She develops crushes on guys easily and combats this by turning into a tsundere whenever they talk to her.

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Alex Blanchard//19//Male

Sexual Orientation:



Alex is your typical gentle giant. Even though his heart is in the right place, his brain certainly isn't. Maybe it's because his brain is so up in the air as Alex stand at 6 feet 8 inches tall, or maybe it's simply because he doesn't like thinking too much. Alex isn't an idiot, but he just isn't a very smart guy and anyone can spot that a mile away. He hates anything related to learning and despises focusing on something important. When giving him a task there's always a great chance of him leaving it undone because he's very forgetful and clumsy.

However his kindness and big heart make up for his lack of intelligence. Alex is a very loyal friend and will be by your side in the time of need. He isn't afraid of risking his own life for a friend. People sometimes try to take advantage of him because of his kind personality and Alex hates it. He's somewhat childish and likes to throw around jokes, even when it's not the best occasion.



Alex doesn't like the taste alcoholic beverages and so he tends to keep away from them.

Alex adores sports. He's a very athletic person and some people consider him a sports addict.

He loves playing basketball and soccer.

"I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air~"

Will Smith – Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air


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