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Finished [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.


Hiruq made another 'hrrhwow' sound, as Soreiel told him he might get meat and started petting his head. Although he'd lean into the hand a bit, his eyes never left the juicy, bloody goodness that was in front of him. That said, as he sniffed the hands that pet him, he licked his lips. There were scents of the good stuff on those hands as well, after all.


Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Side-path in the direction of Sootspire
Speedpaint 59 Motley Grass by RHADS on DeviantArt

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

“Don't worry, you're temporarily relieved of your guard duty. You're needed here, right now.” She'd tell Gunhild. “That and growing to your full size when it's busy in the streets really isn't a good thing. Out here in the open, you can be as big as you want without issue.” She'd add, as she saw Gunhild shrink again and wondered if the girl would understand. “Think about it this way, if Gunhild has to worry about accidentally stepping on people all the time, Gunhild grew too big. If the place is nice and open and Gunhild doesn't have to worry about stepping onto someone or something, or about breaking the roads, Gunhild can be as big as she wants.”

“What...?” She was surprised at Gunhild's next comment. Almost a bit offended. “I have many friends of all races, not just tailed folk. There's Ryan and his girlfriend Aileen, my sister Aria, advisor Retili, advisor Amanda, Teuihua, Zeouli, Hera, mister Benjamin, Hestia, Finn...” She summed up some of the names of people that came to mind.

As for the very Finn in question, she was surprised. He seemed a lot more serious than she'd assumed from their latest correspondence. “I'm doing well enough, all things considered. Things are finally starting to look up in the barony.” She'd reply, before hearing him out further.

The sudden string of compliments surprised her. “Wow... I thanks...” She stammered. “As for your question... that's a tough one. I don't think me being a noble is what's making this place peaceful. At least not just that. It's the fact that many people help me to make and keep it so. This place wouldn't be anywhere without any of the people that helped build it, from my advisors to the guards to the average workers. I just managed to get in a position from where I could help and inspire them.”

She was thinking about Finn's situation for a moment. “Ever since that day in the forest, I kept having regular dreams about those fires, and I hoped nobody else would have to experience that. Sometimes I feel like I should be trying to do more, like going out to fight the bugs directly, going after the terrorist that got us, or just trying to slay some of the world's [Monsters], but I realised that I just can't keep up such a lifestyle. I need people to support me to rely upon to keep around me, which I found here. If that were to apply to you... I think you could become a noble knight that inspires many others to follow your cause, if you wanted. Yet I don't think it's nobility necessarily that you'd need. You'd need a stage from which to inspire others to join you.”

That was, hopefully, the best advise she could give him. That said, there was one more thing. “Although that does bring me to another thing... I realised I was slowly breaking down over things, mentally and physically, so I've decided to allow myself a few times of rest and comfort. I realised I couldn't do everything, all the time. Besides... I eh... well, you know, I found myself having an odd fascination in finding certain comforts, so if you wish to be a paladin of virtue and justice, you might not wish to follow my path.”

She turned to Koralia. “As one of those comforts seems to have be caught by the lady over there.” She chuckled. “Gauging' interest. I see.” If there was one thing she needed, it was better resistance against reflexively staring at interesting tails or a better way of dealing with the aftermath.

“It is indeed highly difficult, yes.” She'd admit. “Hmmm... So that's how it appears?” She was a bit surprised by that. “Is it the same for you, Gunhild?” She'd ask, knowing the girl should have some experience by now.

“Oh, the crowd? This is the only crowd I'd figure would understand and appreciate certain things in life. Perhaps even ask to join in.” She replied, confidently. “The question is, would you do me the honours of experiencing what stroking shark's tail is like?” She'd stare right back at the shark. “Now that we're away from prying eyes and skip to prying hands instead, I can guarantee you that even you might experience some new sensations from it.” She'd add, now going on the actual offensive with some [Baroness' Charm B].

Baroness' Charm B – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Energised B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula attempts to charm someone into being more agreeable. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Needlessly to say, should shark allow it, she'd show Finn to true secret to everlasting peace and stability; Petting tails.


Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Hmmm... when I just got him, he once challenged a large rock and knocked himself out trying to head-butt. Perhaps you remind him of that rock?” She'd suggest a possible reason for Cayde's behaviour.

“Well, I don't know her well, but I often see her working the fields whilst I'm herding sheep nearby, so we just wave at each-other regularly.” She'd answer, perhaps a bit less exciting than Teuihua might've hoped for.

“Far-away islands? That sounds exotic.” She'd reply, before answering the return question. “Nothing much, I met a few others along the way herding my sheep, but all's been the same. This fair is the biggest change of pace I've had in a long time.”




“Heat stroke? It's when you've ben out in the sun and your body doesn't have enough to cool itself, so it gets more heated than it can handle. You can feint, start to see things, get headaches, start slurring your words or even die if you're not careful.” She'd explain.

“She does seem like a dear just having some trouble grasping things.” She'd voice her opinion on Gunhild. “It seems my daughter's took her along... I wonder if there's any other mothers that see their daughters pick someone up in a Pocket Dimension to fly off with them.” She stated, silently wondering just how peculiar of a situation she'd found herself in.


Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Ezekiel Hayward

As he stared at the woman that arrived short after the nobelwoman, he instantly wondered. Was it speciesist to call a gnoll out for looking ready for a festival? He'd normally leave people like this to less senior guards, but he figured he'd check her personally, just to be safe. “Good morning madam.” He had no clue what she was suggesting, but didn't wish to ask. “Entrance is free.”

He sighed upon hearing her promise of being a gnoll. “Please place your hand upon the orb. We'll get you sorted.” He stated, figuring reading titles on this one wasn't going to be wasted efforts. (Should she comply: He did wonder. “Might I inquire as to whom the Whitehide Clan are?”
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo

Koralia listened as the baroness was giving some advice for Finneagan about bringing peace. The shark had her own way of thinking about those things, but she preferred to not butt-in into their talk. To her, anything could be solved with a strong sword-arm and slashing/piercing at the correct body parts. Might makes right, that being the beginning and the end of it.

There was a small sense of satisfaction across the shark's face when Regula admitted it was hard to keep appearances. In her eyes, the Republic was much the same, so was Continental Lake and other places she had visited so far. "Guess being true in the open is hard. People get scared. At least the West got that right, at least for those in power. No need to be tamed." Koralia commented in passing, possibly hinting at the uncensored displays she had seen at the country. Everything else from the place was pure bullshit.

But the political intricacies didn't matter at the moment, nor were they important. Something else was in Koralia's mind at that moment.
"Direct to the point... I like that." The aquatic creature practically growled, seeing the avian-humanoid's confident stare while feeling the use of some curious technique by Regula, at that point, being totally unnecessary. Still, from all her abilities, the only one which struck a chord with Koralia had been her [Seduction B], her position as [Baroness] adding to the entertainment slightly, while [Persuasion B] striking against an idea which had already been sold.

However, Koralia's mercenary motto flared at the back of her mind: an eye for an eye.

The shark removed the gloves she wore and revealing her four-fingered hands, before her tail poked out from the right side of her own body, the finned tip pointing at Regula. With the appendage extending towards the baroness, it moved around her waist to pull her body against Koralia's. "An eye for an eye: my tail, your wings. What do you think?" Tails, apparently, were not the only body part being brought to attention that day. And, with that, the offer was made: an equal exchange in the mercenary's eye.
Brandy, now seeing how Hiruq nosed Aedri and in result recieved the remainder of her burger, looked at Hiruq and then her leftovers.

"Just so you know, that trick wont work on me! so dont go gettin' any fun ideas hm?"

She kept munching down on her burger, happily finishing it and licking her fingers as Aedri spoke.

"No probs, I'll join ya! not gonna have you run off on me like that."
she paused and winked "wont get rid-o-me that easily behe!"

Mention: Moonberry Moonberry
Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

"I see..." Finn stood stark still, taking in Regula's words... he breathed in, breathed out... Allies... Friends... he... made quite a few... Perhaps... Perhaps persueing nobility isn't his desire but... To...


Eliza no doubt would be a suitable line of inquiry... A group of like minded folks, traveling the world righting wrongs and doing whats right... Paladins.. Knights... All reaching for that Unreachable Star of Peace... The dream within a dream, the mirage, but one they had to strive for ever more... Yes... yes this was it...

He nodded sagely, as a hand stretched over to Gunhild's head and began to ruffle her fluffy hair. ( Femboy Femboy get petted nerd)

The blue locks jostled and tossed, but... the knight wasn't really done... Yea...

He couldn't help it. both hands went for her head and gave her a bunch of scratches, his face turned from seriousness to... contained if breaking through joy. Kind of like how one might have when petting a very friendly dog. "And what a cute friend you have here! Big AND small, at a whim, how cute!" he... he was breaking... he... Wait this... This energy!!

She... Gunhild had MIMI ENERGY!!

Small wonder he couldn't help himself!!

Gods above, he had to escape.. but...


Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Orikanyo Orikanyo
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild perked her head up at the offering of the bloody meat by Koralia, listening intently to the shark lady's words as she wasn't sure how eating it in one bite was some 'beastkin way'. It seemed like everyone had or could eat. She had even just found out earlier that Teuihua was able to eat in a way and the construct didn't have a mouth or stomach, at least as far as she knew or understood. Though, eating the meat in one go was something that was easier said than done. Even without changing herself to a larger form to accommodate, Gunhild made sure to state the obvious in response to Koralia's introduction as her claws reached for the offered meat.

"Gunhild is Gunhild. Is food. Gunhild food. Gunhild do a shork eat. Gunhild food do a shork eat the food" Gunhild said as she clasped onto it, gaping her Smolhild mouth open as she nonchalantly started shoving the entirety of the meat into her mouth like it was naught. With her [Devour (F)] and [Feature: Enhanced Digestion], she would have no problem eating it as much as Koralia could and eating it raw would prove no trouble. Though, not caring for eating bone she clamped her mouth around said bone after shoving it as far as she could and slowly pulled it out to strip the entirety of the meat off. Now with just a cleaned bone in hand, Gunhild cheerfully sat on the floor and chewed a large mouthful as she wagged her tail and looked up at the shark lady who had so kindly given her such food. Not paying much attention to the conversation that was going on while she finished what she stuck in her mouth, she only waved the bone at Finn in greeting when he greeted them all in return before going back to calmly sitting and eating as a peaceful Gunhild would.

There was a lot, and seriously a lot of talking going on that Gunhild didn't care to pay attention to since a lot of it was about some fancy-schmancy politics or nobility stuff or more nonsense between Prettybirdie and the shark they had just met. It was probably about tails or whatever. Holding onto her newfound bone granted by the shark, she began thinking to herself as she sat and scooted along the floor pushing and pulling herself with her clawed feet and shoving the bone into the dirt to draw pointless lines. Considering Regula had said it would be a much better idea for her to go big when she wanted away from town, maybe she should spend some time doing it way more often. She could sleep out in the open all big and like, and nothing would come and mess with her, maybe she'd even meet nice random people that way.

Thinking about it as she continued scooting herself around and drawing in the dirt with her bone, she picked up on Regula's question if 'it' was really truly obvious. The lizard had been paying close to no attention at all, but had already known what the question was referring to. Stopping her scooting and drawing as she turned her head to give Regula the most unamused, deadpan stare she has ever given in her life, Gunhild made a brief but blatant statement.
"Yes. Very. Is why's Gunhild just do, is why's Gunhild just sayses. Is simply's. Gunhild is Gunhild. Gunhild is simply's. Do a Gunhild" she answered, casually going back to her random art project on the ground canvas with her bone to draw with deciding any other elaboration was not needed. Whatever fancy important stuff or serious talk going on amongst the three was too fancy and over-worded for Gunhild's tastes. Truly, spending time with Metalmans and Regula's mother was a lot simpler than this. Wondering if she should just go off and try digging a really big hole as Bighild for the time being, her scooting and drawing eventually suddenly ceased when she felt the sudden familiar touch of a hand to her head.

Grumbling small reptilian purrs with a smile, the lizard only assumed this was probably Regula since the sharkfolk was a random person they just met and the fancy knight guy seemed like he was too busy being fancy, and as Regula said, fancy people can't do that kinda stuff it's weird and makes people think they're weird or something. It made no sense, fancy nonsense was truly just nonsense. She leaned limp against the legs of her current petter, continuing her cheerful noises as she looked up only to find that it wasn't actually a Prettybirdie that she found herself being petted by, but was this Feeeeeeeeeeen person. Huh. Now it made sense. Regula wasn't friends with Finn because he had a tail (which was obvious), they were friends because they were both fancy people with weird enjoyments that they keep secrets. Ah, that must be the great mystery. Maybe it's a rule that all fancy noble people have some weird joy or secret, though she didn't even have to ask Finn. Maybe Finn just thought it was normal. Maybe Regula was easily embarrassed. Too much thinking was hurting Gunhild's brain, this wasn't the important thing at hand. What really mattered was that Finn was both petting and praising her, and she didn't even try to look for anything of the kind.

"Yesses, Gunhild best Gunhild. Feen Shinyman Shinyfeen smarts, knows Gunhild. PrettyBirdie do good friendses! PrettyBirdies has bestest friendses! Metalmans, now Shinymans!! Gunhild is's happy Gunhild" Gunhild chimed cheerfully, furiously sweeping her wagging tail against the floor as she laid leaning against Finn's legs for more of the petting whilst he was still here and able to do so. Man, if whatever convinced Regula to scoop her up into a pocket dimension didn't happen, this wouldn't have happened. Lucky day after all, this was now better than Guard Duty with best rock friend Teuihua.

1. Size Change (F) + Energized (F) to maintain small size (4'1")
2. Nom Nom Nom - Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (F), Erosion (F), Devour (F), Intimidation (F) Enhanced Digestion Feature, Energized (F) - Gunhild simply attempts to just eat the target completely, eating them all up and swallowing them. Nom nom nom. - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown (to eat the meat of course, om nom nom)
Mad Maw

Elvario Elvario
She couldn't deny a sense of pride that she so quickly drained this fellow of his wherewithal, or so she continued to believe. "A good morning indeed! Free is always good to hear, though with me, there is always a cost." She said offhandedly, quirking her head as she eyed the orb in question. "Exciting! Perhaps it will unveil my darkest secrets to you, perhaps it will unearth a new sexual desire!" She did as he asked, removing a glove, and placing her wiry hand on the peculiar object.

"They are...well. They are a clan of gnolls whom excel and excess on chaos, but never forget slights toward them. I...was once a member of their manic band" Mad Maw telling the truth, though failing to mention the circumstances that brought her there. She had only been alive here all of seven days, and only four of them were spent with The Wildhides.

"I left and they didn't quite agree to those terms. I simply don't share the same simplistic desires that most of my kin does. I find showmanship, awkward situations, and parmasan based discussions to be far more my style" She said, slanting truth and lie on a slippery scale she sets during every conversation. It wasn't for anyone to know why they disagreed, and she could hardly see those buffoons managing any sort of retribution.

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

As Gwenith spoke about the variety of plants she used, Eliza's interest grew. "It's fascinating that you've managed to cultivate such a wide array of plants here, especially those from far-off places like The See, the East Empire, Kuridan, and the Magic Duchy. That certainly speaks to your dedication and skill."

When Gwenith mentioned the lavender tea, Eliza’s smile brightened. "Lavender tea sounds delightful. I'd love to try a sample," she said. "I've always found lavender to have such a soothing aroma. It must make for a wonderfully calming tea."

Observing the selection on display as she awaited the tea, Eliza hummed to herself happily, her guards watching her back as she blissfully indulged herself in a carefree shopping experience. Completely oblivious to the beast woman that had grown in size and placed her guards on high alert before vanishing."So Gwenith, Could you tell me about how it is you came to grow these exotic tea plants here in the rocky fields of the Barony? What's your secret? I can't imagine teas from such differing biomes would happily grow in this habitat, you must have worked hard to accommodate or cross-breed them no?". Eliza's questions were delivered as she closely inspected the dried leaves on display.

"You must have been approached by many a merchant about such methods no?"

Elvario Elvario
View attachment 1162234
Brandy, now seeing how Hiruq nosed Aedri and in result recieved the remainder of her burger, looked at Hiruq and then her leftovers.

"Just so you know, that trick wont work on me! so dont go gettin' any fun ideas hm?"

She kept munching down on her burger, happily finishing it and licking her fingers as Aedri spoke.

"No probs, I'll join ya! not gonna have you run off on me like that." she paused and winked "wont get rid-o-me that easily behe!"

Mention: Moonberry Moonberry
(Jobless reincarnation)

Soreiel heard the car girl that had arrived with Aedrianna, she looked at Hiruq that was still eyeing the meat. “She’s a bit of an aggressive accuser isn’t she?” She asked loud enough for Brandy to hear before eyeing her cautiously and continuing to pet Hiruq

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”

Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Teuihua was intrigued by Janja’s hypothesis. “Challenging a rock to a duel?, if that is the case I am impressed by his capability and memory all things considered.”

He nodded at Janja’s response. “Ah I understand nevertheless I am pleased to hear that you are not on negative terms, it cannot be the easiest for Zeouli coming from a different time and place, so to hear she has others she is getting along with is reassuring.”

“Yes I will say the island was rather unique, large powerful reptiles and interesting locals, some of the new faces in the Barony are a result of said expedition, a successful rescue taking place.”

“Sometimes not much news is welcome news, means that nothing problematic is going on, I agree that the fair is a rather exciting event, I am pleased to hear it sounds like you have been doing well regardless.”

Teuihua nodded when Rosalia mentioned Heat stroke. “What an interesting concept, now that you are describing it, that has not changed from my time, but we have different terminology for it. Organics experience it differently, I suppose in a way it might be like if my kind were to overheat to the point where operations were impaired. Thank you for the clarification.”

Teuihua chuckled a bit in a way when he heard Rosalia describe the next part.

“Lady Caelias’ abilities really are amazing in that way, I cannot imagine there are many mothers who can say they witnessed their daughters do all the things which she is capable of, flight, large pocket dimensions, and impressive displays of forging, as well as other talents in uniting the people and leadership as well as others which I am probably not thinking of..indeed to think she’s’ come so far, it’s inspiring.” Teuihua decided.
Aedrianna Belmonte
Aedrianna glided through the fair, her hair a vibrant tapestry of colors shimmering under the sun, weaving through crowds and past bustling stalls with an irrepressible joy. Every step she took was a dance, every breath filled with the rich, intoxicating aromas of roasting meats and sweet herbs that hung thick in the air. With a heart singing a tune only she could hear, she pointed out curiosities to Brandy, sharing bursts of excitement as they explored the fair's wonders. When Hiruq had finally led them to Sorieiel, she let out an excited sound, waving the kitsune down. Her hand came out to stroke Hiruqs head as he looked expectantly at her. Giggling slightly.

The banter beween Brandy and Sorieiel earner another giggle. Her laughter soft and light, like the chime of a bell. She drew nearer, her smile blossoming as she reached out to envelop both Sorieiel’s and Brandy's hands in her own. "I'm so glad we're friends," she spoke, her voice threading through the din of the crowd. Her grip tightened briefly, a tender squeeze that spoke volumes before she let go, stepping back with a twirl of her skirts.

Turning towards the butcher, Aedrianna's hand dipped into her coin purse, the soft jingle of Ryken coins accompanying her movements. She approached with a graceful tilt of her head, her voice carrying a melodic lilt. "Excuse me, could I buy a few treats for my furry friend? Or maybe a bone? Also, would you perhaps know where I could find a vendor interested in herbs and alchemical concoctions?" Her inquiry was as much for Hiruq as it was for her own curiosity.

As she handed over the coins, her gaze drifted, momentarily caught by the array of goods at a nearby stall. "Or maybe even some stationery? I need to write a letter to a friend." she added, more to herself than anyone else, her mind already weaving the words she would write.


Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Yep. Crashed himself right into it. Although if his memory was truly great, he'd have remembered the outcome and realised he shouldn't try again.” She sighed. “Well, his offspring is strong and has good wool, so I can't complain about anything else.”

“A different time and place?” She asked. She wasn't really in the loop with where Teuihua or Zeouli were from, spending most of her time in herding sheep in the boonies. “I guess I'll give her an extra friendly wave next time around, in that case.”

She'd nod at some of his lines, but did react to one thing. “Yeah, you're right. I'm still worried about those bugs that are talked about sometimes. They say some even made it into the bits just south of here, in Highgrove barony. They'd shred me and my flock to pieces, I fear.”




“Heatstroke is as dangerous as it is interesting dear. Although I would imagine you might've seen people faint on the fields or on patrol, from heatstroke, as I can't imagine people in the past were any more resistant to it.” She was a bit surprised. “Somehow I never thought of you overheating. That must be difficult, or do you have a way to cool yourself, like humans do when they sweat?”

She chuckled at Teuihua's praise for her daughter, as it brought up a bit of the proud mother in here. “That she did, although I think finding the right friends is what she's done best.”


Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


Gwenith smiled widely at the compliments she received from Eliza. “It is truly wonderful to find someone who appreciates the time and effort that goes into it~” She'd reply with a cheerful smile. She'd slowly and carefully pour the boiling water through the lavender, along with some other herbs, letting it sift through and sit for just the right amount to get maximum flavour with minimal bitterness. “There you go. Do careful, it's hot.” She'd state, upon handing over the cup. To someone like Eliza, it would immediately be clear that Gwenith had no knowledge of etiquette whatsoever.

“Oh, I'm surprised you know about cross-breeding! Not a lot of people do, but yes, that's exactly what I've been doing for most of them. I combined them with similar plants from this environment to make them grow here, without loosing too much of their original properties. Only of few of them did surprisingly well on their own. Some do grow without cross-breeding, but need a lot of attention, like more water, fertiliser, those things. All in all, cross-breeding is definitely the most sustainable way to go about it.”

However, upon the final statements, she gave a bit of an awkward chuckle. “Well, I did sell some varieties of apples in Ryke at one point, but... well, I'm more of a research than a business woman. I can't grow the amounts they'd want as 'sample size' or figure out if they're trying to make me agree to a bad deal or not. So I'm just content with testing things out here. At least there's some people here that seem to appreciate my work a lot.”


Brandy Kikimura Kikimura – No specific goals given.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.
Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – Find stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration


Hiruq looked at Brandy as he slowly titled his head. Was this what caused the never-ending war between cats and dogs? An unwilling to share by the feline incarnations of greed and selfishness? Well, the dog likely didn't really have such thoughts. He was more invested by watching the meats up on the butcher's place they were at right now.

He did, however, make a 'hrwhow' sound as if it confirm what Soreiel was saying. Enjoying the attention he was being given by the fellow canine. His tail wagged even happier when Aedrianna rewarded him for his tracking efforts as well. That said, the best prize of all was when it seemed that Aedrianna would make a purchase here. A bit of drool escaped his mouth, as he seemed to understand what interaction might be at play here and what the result of that would be.

Erkan Flann

The butcher looked at Aedrianna for a bit. “Are you sure you won't try some for yourself? My meats are good. Your friend over there can attest to it.” He'd nod in Soreiels direction. “If you buy a full bag, I'll throw in a free bone for the dog. How's that sound?”

The next question made him wonder. “Saffron sells some potions, but she closed up shop to enjoy the fair. I don't think anyone else does... though herbs... Gwenith knows a lot about them. She's currently put up a tea stand, on the other side of town. That direction.” He'd point them vaguely in the direction of Gwenith's tea stand.

(As for stationary, Aedrianna would be able to buy some from a random unnamed NPC along the way.)


Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Ezekiel Hayward

The guard stared at Mad Maw with a fair share of confusion and scepticism. “Always a cost... are you planning to cause trouble?” He didn't like that bit of a comment.

“A new.. what...” He hadn't dealt with many beings like this one before, which showed. That said, her titles were clean enough, other than the [Wanted] title. Upon explaining her chaotic origins, the story seemed incomplete, but otherwise not too problematic.

He sighed. “Well, please make sure you won't have to spent a night in jail here, so that I won't regret letting you in.” He'd say, then gesturing. “You may enter.” He hoped she'd, at worse, provide some harmless entertainment.


Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Finneagan Orikanyo Orikanyo – Meet Regula. \ Catch up with Regula. \ Pet Tail?
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia. \ Satisfy Regula?

Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Side-path in the direction of Sootspire
Speedpaint 59 Motley Grass by RHADS on DeviantArt

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

“The west.. Hmm.” She stated, she wasn't too familiar with how things went there. Something about a strong caste with beasts on top, from what she recalled. She decided not to comment on it any further, not eager for a political debate.

That said, for better or worse, her [Prideful] nature acted up. An equal exchange? Were her wings equal to that of a random person's shark tail? Not just that... Being a [Boundary Setter], she knew that showing Gunhild she'd allow her wings to be petted by someone so easily could set off a really dangerous precedent. She might have to risk having to chase off the girl from wanting to do the same on the daily. “No.” She'd end up saying.

That said, if this girl was truly sensing some predatory nature in her, perhaps they should resolve it in a predatory manner as well. “Normally, I'd offer some of my craft. Weapons, armour. However... Hmm... I am curious how well you can wield that weapon of yours. I haven't seen a weapon with teeth in action before. Considering we've got two others here who could serve as judges and considering my cloak would be able to heal any possible injury should things go wrong, I would be willing to have a duel to see whether I'd surrender my wings, or you your tail.”

However, before she could settle on the deal, she saw Finn had fallen for the Gunhildian charm. She couldn't help but laugh a bit at the sight. “I knew you two would make quick friends.”

Considering she'd already stated her terms to the Shark woman, despite still being interested, she felt it better to gain some distance. Which was a good excuse to get up to Gunhild as well. “So it's that obvious... hmm...” She'd reply to Gunhild, as she'd catch the wagging tail in its path. “Why don't you show Finn the trick you do with your tail, to make it all fluffy?” She asked, as she'd somewhat firmly hold the tail, stroking it up and down a bit as she did, gently pressing her fingers into it. It wasn't a good as Normal-Hild or perhaps Big-Hild tail, but this size was definitely easier to manage. Besides, considering Gunhild's head was already targetted, they had to divide and conquer. Who knows, either the Shark got embarrassed enough to withdraw, jealous enough to forfeit the duel, or intrigued enough to push through with it.
Last edited:


Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Maxxob Maxxob
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Right now there was clearly something significant going on between Koralia and Regula, of which Gunhild was rather enjoying the petting more than anything else. The only thing she perked up at was the audible request of the shork asking if she could touch the PrettyBirdie wings, though it appeared to be denied so it didn't seem like it was becoming a normal acceptable thing in private anytime soon. Quietly grumbling her reptilian purrs away as she laid and leaned against Finn's legs with her head up in hopes of receiving more petting, she looked to Regula when she mentioned about them making quick friends. It wasn't hard to not want to be friends if someone was so willing to give such pets. Nodding aggressively, Gunhild answered.

"Shinyfeen bestest Shinyfeen, is Gunhild friend. Is do, yesses. Gunhild likeses Shinyfeen, is goodest Shinyfeen" Gunhild pointed out as she waited on further appreciation from Finn, since the big Shark appeared rather busy with an interest in bartering tail for wings, the lizard would probably go seek attention or fun from the shark after she had gotten all that she could from Finn before he left elsewhere. Feeling her tail grabbed and caringly touched, it only made her attempt to wag her tail even harder than before as she stopped leaning on Finn and gently shuffled a little away from him so her abrupt change in size wouldn't shove him in any way or anything.

Relinquishing her control over her shrunken size to return back to a nice and well-balanced 16', she slowly slumped forward to lie on her front so that she had a ton more surface area for petting capabilities now that she was getting double the affection from two fancy-schmancy types.
"Gunhild do a do! Gunhild do's a big floofy-do!!" Gunhild insisted, concentrating real hard into making herself turn into a Floofhild. With a brief moment, dark grey floofiness would sprout and poof along her body and the entirety of her tail turning her into a big floofball of a Floofhild for the enjoyment of herself and others.
"Gunhild is a floof. Floofhild best floof. Is big floof. Gunhild no needs bed. Gunhild is bed. Friendses can sleeps on Gunhild. Is a Gunhild good do" Gunhild grumbled with a small joyful smile, simply enjoying the time she had been suddenly brought into as she moved her tail closer to Regula and making the motion as if gently moving to coil it around her. Though, she didn't actually do it since Regula was a bit iffy the last time that Gunhild grabbed her, though that was because it got a lot closer and huggier in a much more public situation. Her head rested on the floor as she enjoyed her time, though she gently leaned her head against Finn's foot as if hoping that his petting wasn't going to stop. There was clearly all the space and time if Koralia also wanted to pet the Gunhild, this was clearly the superior and optimal Gunhild petting experience for all to enjoy. Gently rolling over careful not to hurt or hit anything, she allowed herself to enjoy the comfort of her back floofiness as she kept herself open for all petting, hugging, or simply desire to climb onto her, for it was simply the mood she was feeling right now.

1. Feature: Fur Growth - Can control growing and losing fluffy fur. (Gunhild is a big floofy now!)
(Not an action, but for reference: Gunhild is back to 16' now)

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

As Gwenith handed her the cup of freshly brewed lavender tea, Eliza accepted it gracefully, being mindful of its heat. She admired the careful process Gwenith had undertaken to create the perfect brew, recognizing the expertise involved despite the lack of formal etiquette.

Eliza took a careful sip, savoring the aromatic and soothing flavor of the lavender blend. “This is truly delightful, Gwenith. Your skill and dedication are evident in every sip,” she said warmly, smiling at the young woman's enthusiasm.

Listening to Gwenith’s explanation about cross-breeding, Eliza’s interest deepened. “Your work with cross-breeding is impressive. I'm told it takes a keen understanding of both the plants and their environments to achieve such results. I admire your commitment to sustainability. I quite frankly know nothing about the art of cross-breeding aside from what little I was once told when inquiring about a peculiar colored rose bush”

When Gwenith mentioned her challenges with the business side of things, Eliza gave a sympathetic nod. “I can understand the difficulties of balancing research and business. It's not easy to scale up production while maintaining quality, especially when you’re also dealing with negotiations and market demands.”

She pondered for a moment before offering a suggestion. “Perhaps there's a way to bridge the gap between your research and the market. Have you considered partnering with someone who has experience in the business side of things? They could help you navigate the negotiations and ensure you get fair deals, allowing you to focus on what you do best—your research and cultivation.”

Eliza took another sip of the tea, appreciating its warmth and flavor. “Your work has the potential to make a significant impact, both here and beyond. I believe that with the right support, you could bring your innovations and goods to a wider audience.”

She smiled again, a glimmer of genuine interest in her eyes. “If you’re ever interested, I’d be happy to help you find such a partner. My family has connections in various trade networks, and I’m sure we could find someone trustworthy to collaborate with you.”

Passing the cup back to the woman, having finished, Eliza moved a finger to her chin and pondered for a moment "I've actually been thinking about opening a business of my own, selling quality goods in the capital. If you weren't too against the idea I'd love to try growing your lavender tea on a larger scale. I can't speak to how effective or profitable it may be yet, but it'd be fun to try. Wouldn't you say so, no?"
Moving the hand from aside her face to her pocket, Eliza produced a number of gold coins. "That aside, I'll take two of every general variety of tea you have to go, please. I'm sure my sister would enjoy sharing them with me." [Wealth F]

Elvario Elvario
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo

Koralia was visible disappointed by Regula's straight 'no' to, what she saw, was an equal exchange. It felt like an insult to her pride, making her eyes narrow slightly and her thick tail quickly to move away the avian-human's back and possible grasp. The shark, however, did manage to contain the anger that was simmering right below the surface level, stepping back from where her serrated sword and stuck on the ground. As she began to put her gloves back on again, her hand moved to the hilt of the sword, when she heard the proposal being put back by the baroness.

There was skepticism all over her face from it: first the ludicrous idea that she would let her tail be petted by receiving either weapons and armor. The audacity! What would this tiny woman offer next? Rykes? A mercenary she was, yet only Koralia's sword arm, and hopefully teeth, were for hire. But just as the shark was about to say something, or bite, there was an alternative proposal. A good proposal. A worthy proposal: a duel for wings or tail. And, even though Koralia could be, at the times, as feral as a beastkin could be, she was no fool. This baroness was certainly not a simple pencil-pusher bureaucrat. That much she could tell. Something could be learned from it, regardless if Koralia wins or loses it.

As she was coming to a decision, she watched as Gunhild had grown in size. Her shark eyes widened quite a bit at the sight, the female lizard being the first and only creature she had seen before to sport such a wide-array of sizes. It looked like there was still much for her to see, she understood that much. And, as Koralia watched the now, large lizard, being petted by the two humans, there was a vibrant wish to join them in petting her. But alas, she wouldn't act on something she hadn't been invited to begin with. And also, there was something else that had to be decided, right at that very moment. With her fingers wrapping around the handle of the Zweihänder, and drawing the massive blade from the ground, she pointed its tip towards the baroness. "A duel it is, Regula Caelia." The answer came with a guttural tone, Koralia's whole body-stance shifting to a more primal-form.
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna stood at the butcher’s stall, her smile radiant as she responded to his offer. She could feel the butchers hands were calloused from years of labor, as he accepted the Ryken coins she handed him with a nod and a grin.

Aedrianna beamed up at him, her eyes sparkling like sunlit waters. "Oh sir, I believe your talents to be true. My friend does have good taste. I will take your offer and happily purchase some fine meats. And thank you for the words of guidance. I am truly grateful!" Her voice was sweet and cordial, a melodic lilt that floated on the breeze. She curtsied gracefully, her skirts swishing like the rustle of leaves in a gentle wind. With a flick of her wrist, she handed a bone to Hiruq.

Drawing out small meat snacks, Aedrianna offered one to Brandy and one to Sorieiel, though it seemed Sorieiel already had her own treat. Aedrianna tilted her head, her gaze warm and affectionate. "Sori, I wish you wouldn't be so stubborn about me letting you have some of my old clothes. But at least let me buy you something nice here at the fair. We can just call it a freedom gift, to celebrate your freedom!" Her grin was infectious, her spirit bright and buoyant.

Without waiting for a response, she turned and began moving in the direction the butcher had indicated, her steps light and playful. "I'd like to talk to a vendor and see if I can make any business deals," she called out, her voice carried by the lively hum of the crowd. She spun around, her laughter ringing out like a bell, and danced amidst the throng, her joy uncontainable. "Maybe we can find something for you to wear on the way to the tea stall!" she called over her shoulder to Sorieiel.

The fairground was a kaleidoscope of color and sound. Stalls lined the pathways, each one a treasure trove of wonders. Aedrianna paused frequently to inspect the wares, her curiosity insatiable. At one stall, she found exquisite stationery adorned with delicate feather designs. She giggled, holding it up for Brandy to see. "Griffin will like these. They almost look like the feathers on his wings. They're so pretty, Brandy!" Her laughter was light and musical, and she carefully tucked the stationery away, her mind already on the next discovery.

With a heart as light as a feather, Aedrianna continued her journey towards the tea stall, her spirit soaring amidst the enchanting atmosphere of the fairground. The world around her was alive with possibility, a place where dreams and reality danced together in joyous harmony.


Mentions: Elvario Elvario Kikimura Kikimura Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna stood at the butcher’s stall, her smile radiant as she responded to his offer. She could feel the butchers hands were calloused from years of labor, as he accepted the Ryken coins she handed him with a nod and a grin.

Aedrianna beamed up at him, her eyes sparkling like sunlit waters. "Oh sir, I believe your talents to be true. My friend does have good taste. I will take your offer and happily purchase some fine meats. And thank you for the words of guidance. I am truly grateful!" Her voice was sweet and cordial, a melodic lilt that floated on the breeze. She curtsied gracefully, her skirts swishing like the rustle of leaves in a gentle wind. With a flick of her wrist, she handed a bone to Hiruq.

Drawing out small meat snacks, Aedrianna offered one to Brandy and one to Sorieiel, though it seemed Sorieiel already had her own treat. Aedrianna tilted her head, her gaze warm and affectionate. "Sori, I wish you wouldn't be so stubborn about me letting you have some of my old clothes. But at least let me buy you something nice here at the fair. We can just call it a freedom gift, to celebrate your freedom!" Her grin was infectious, her spirit bright and buoyant.

Without waiting for a response, she turned and began moving in the direction the butcher had indicated, her steps light and playful. "I'd like to talk to a vendor and see if I can make any business deals," she called out, her voice carried by the lively hum of the crowd. She spun around, her laughter ringing out like a bell, and danced amidst the throng, her joy uncontainable. "Maybe we can find something for you to wear on the way to the tea stall!" she called over her shoulder to Sorieiel.

The fairground was a kaleidoscope of color and sound. Stalls lined the pathways, each one a treasure trove of wonders. Aedrianna paused frequently to inspect the wares, her curiosity insatiable. At one stall, she found exquisite stationery adorned with delicate feather designs. She giggled, holding it up for Brandy to see. "Griffin will like these. They almost look like the feathers on his wings. They're so pretty, Brandy!" Her laughter was light and musical, and she carefully tucked the stationery away, her mind already on the next discovery.

With a heart as light as a feather, Aedrianna continued her journey towards the tea stall, her spirit soaring amidst the enchanting atmosphere of the fairground. The world around her was alive with possibility, a place where dreams and reality danced together in joyous harmony.


Mentions: Elvario Elvario Kikimura Kikimura Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

“It’s because it just doesn’t feel right, I’ve been a slave for too long and…” Soreiel looked up and saw Aedrianna once again skipping away down the road, her mind already on something new. “Never mind, guess I’ll tell her later” she replied with a sigh and followed after her. She kept an eye on her just as Hiruq does while she flirted about looking for her stationary. “Well isn’t that appropriate, a stationary with feathers for someone named griffin” Soreiel chuckled as she continued to follow Aedrianna. Soreiel did look around the stalls they pass, eyeing the products to see if anything was interesting enough to spark her interest, but nothing really did as her mind kept rolling back around o Brandy.

Soreiel was a bit weary of the cat girl that had followed Aedrianna from the tavern, she didn’t have any issue with the cat girl, but was rather disturbed that she would suggest that she or Hiruq would try to con her out of her food. Soreiel just wasn’t raised like that.
Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


“Thank, your words honour me.” She'd say with a smile, glad to have someone appreciate the tea-process from growing the herbs and plants to making the perfect tea out of them.

She laughed a bit awkwardly at the 'keen understanding part'. “Well, truthfully, I just tried and tried until something worked. I figured I might find some sort of mechanism to it, but I instead realised trying different options over and over is the only consistent way to success thus far.”

A tad hesitant, she replied to Eliza's proposal. “I have debated such a partnership, yes. I debated asking the mayor, or perhaps the baroness or one of her advisors. However, I honestly.... well, I don't think my research is at a stage where it should take up the time of anyone important. I'd much rather find something truly revolutionary first.”

To her surprise, it sounded like Eliza thought she was already on such a path. “You'd think so?” She asked, not entirely sure if this was just optimism or if there was realism to it.

Upon the offer, she perked up, but then slunk back down a bit. “Ah, well, of course I'd love some help. However, I do feel like I owe the baroness and her advisors at least the courtesy of telling them about this matter, as they've already helped me get set-up here.”

As for growing lavender on a large scale, she perked up again. “It would definitely be interesting.”

All in all, she was even more surprised by the sudden sale. “All of them...?” She'd ask, making sure she heard that correctly. “Right... right, of course!” She'd reply, as she noticed the amount of coins. That was surely an amount for all of them. “Do you like me to describe each variety?” She'd ask, as they might be there for a while if she did, but since she was selling more to this one person than she'd expected to sell during the entire day, Gwenith wouldn't mind.


Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – Find stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

“Here you go miss, have a nice day.” The butcher replied with a satisfied smile at having another customer appreciate his services. Today was going better than he thought it might, so he was in a good mood. “And here's your share, sir.” He'd joke, throwing Hiruq a bone.


Hiruq would gladly catch the treat, tail wagging up a storm. He'd carry around his bone as Aedrianna started to explore. Any time she'd stop at a stand, he'd lay down to munch on it, only to be forced to get up again as Aedrianna moved onwards to the next stop.

As they walked along, there were some stands that sold clothing, although finding something that'd fit without a fitting room might be a bit challenging. That said, there were options to just wing it and buy whatever seemed nice and correct.

Hiruq plopped down once more at the stand with stationery. Perhaps this time, he'd actually get to munch on the bone long enough to reach the flavoured bits.


Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Finneagan Orikanyo Orikanyo – Meet Regula. \ Catch up with Regula. \ Pet Tail?
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia. \ Satisfy Regula?

Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Side-path in the direction of Sootspire
Speedpaint 59 Motley Grass by RHADS on DeviantArt

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

Regula noticed the shark stare. “I'm fairly sure Gunhild wouldn't mind you joining in, would you now?” She'd speak to Gunhild and Koralia alike. On the topic of that, with Gunhild growing bigger and floofier meant she'd spent a tad more time here first. Regula didn't even need to hunt down the tail on the big floofhild. Deciding to pull out her favourite move, she'd step with one foot over the tail and allowed herself to fall forwards face-first into the fluff. “Yes... Gunhild do a good do.” Came the muffled voice of Regula, as she stretch her hands out to really dig into the fluff near the base of that taill, where it was biggest and thickest.

That said, all good things must come to an end. After giving Gunhild some attention, and herself some relief from the [Tail Freak] tendencies, it was time to get serious. Getting back up, getting her gear in place and brushing off some hairs, she straightened her back. “Well then, a duel it is indeed.”

She'd take out a [Spear B] from her Pocket Dimension and took on a duelling stance fitting her [Valkyrie – Polearm] fighting style. “I'll let you have the opening move. Show me what that blade can do!” She'd call out to the shark. (Battle was decided upon beforehand.)

Although the attack from Koralia was by no means weak, it was nothing Regula hadn't been trained to deal with. Using [Valkyrie Defence] she managed to reflect the force back at Koralia, which ended up breaking the sword. Almost at tad disappointed by how easily the interesting looking sword had been shattered, Regula was distracted enough to only notice the shark was far from beaten at the last possible second.

Rapidly moving the spear back around for a [Valkyrie Charge], she managed to intercept the incoming teeth from [It's Feeding Time!] and ended up knocking some teeth out in the process. Even so, in her mind, she could already see her hand being nommed off. Taking a deep breath upon realising she'd been fast enough to avoid such a fate, she had to admit. “That... that was close. Those were some real predatory instincts. I could already see my hand being bitten off.”

[Valkyrie Defence] – Fighting Style [Valkyrie] Polearm F, Range F, Reflect F, Energised F - Character uses their polearm to reflect an enemy's attack at full force. - Grade Fe – 1 Post Cooldown

[Valkyrie Charge] – Fighting Style [Valkyrie] Polearm D, Range F, Penetrating F, Energised D – Character uses their polearm to strike at an enemy at full force. - Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown

[It's Feeding Time!] - Enhanced Digestion (7) + Serrated Teeth F + Devour F - Koralia tries to take a nice chomping mouthful of a target, ripping the piece away because, well, she is hungry! - Grade F Cooldown 0
Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario

"Fluffy? Theres no need to change on my account, I think I will need to go in a moment, i'll be needed in a hour or so, so best I-"

The thought never finished, Fluffy Gunhild's appearance was akin to a lightning bolt striking him directly in the heart. So much, that he took two damage. (4/6 hp) and she was so LARGE! Gods there was so much he...

Propriety be damned.

HIs hands moving forwards he-

Its at this point the narrator instead decided to focus on a nearby bird, the small bird stood on the ground nearby, ignoring sounds that were occuring nearby. This bird was a Ryken Sparrow, a mottleing of browns, small parts grey and black that serve as camoflage against the trees it makes its nest in. This particular sparrow was a male, and it was looking for a meal. Tip tapping its feet on the ground with its bouncey movement, the sparrow was on the hunt for its most natural of prey, besides tree nuts and seeds.

A worm struggled and wriggled its way up from the earth, having been tricked by the taps of the capable hunter above. The moment it poked its head out speculatively, the sparrow leapt upon it, grasping with its beak it tugged fiercely at the worm, trying to pull it from its grounded dwelling. The worm, desperate to take leave of the sun and the predator, tried its best to escape the beak and dig away to safety. But, with a swift tug, the sparrow won the contest, plucking the worm. Glorified in it's triumph, the sparrow took wing, back to its tree so that it may enjoy it's feast undisturbed.

The narrator returned back to Finn, who was thoroughly finished, cleaning sweat and such from his face with a handkercheif.

"A pleasure doing business with you, Lady Gunhild. But I think its best I bid Stonewall adue. Please, don't be afraid to search me out for more..." petting, surely. Yes.

Anyways, the man looked over to Regula. "Have fun Regula! I'll call on you again in less busy days.

And do go easy on our sharp toothed friend hmm?" He gave a wave and disappeared like a man who had just comepleted a job well done... Or perhaps a hero walking off into the sunset.

Nearby, a sparrow ate its fill.
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Upon receiving word from the baroness that Gunhild wouldn't probably mind if she joined, Koralia kept that in mind. She would certainly do so after all the duel had finished, and the winner claimed its spoils. Getting ready for the duel against Regula, she smirked as the baroness had given her the first movement. "Commin'!" She bellowed, in animal like fashion, wielding the massive sword with a single hand and trying a downward, overhead slash, which more made it look like she was yielding a massive club.

Despite the strength which Koralia had, and the quality of her Zweihänder, it was simply no match against Regula's own strength, which was superior. In addition, the avian-humanoid had something which she didn't: technique. As the sword came down at full force, the spear's tip which Regula was holding managed, not only to block its attack, but the tip of it ended up hitting some, apparent, weak part at the base of the Zweihänder's handle. With the blade fully disconnecting to the handle, and falling on the ground, Koralia could only think of using the very next weapon she had: her serrated teeth.

Without giving a single second, the shark lunged against Regula with a gaping mouth, brandishing the extremely sharp teeth. However, as soon as she was about to get a nice chomping off Regula's hand, she felt the handle of the spear hitting against her face at full-force. The attack made Koralia stagger backwards, with her face turned upwards. A loud grunt of pain accompanied it, as she felt quite a few of her teeth become loose inside her mouth, as well as her own tongue tasting the blood from forceful removal. With blood trickling from the corner of her lips, she turned her head to she side and spit out the loose teeth. "Fuck... takes time for 'em to grow back..."

There was a brief moment of what could pass as vulnerability in her expression, before she shook her head from side-to-side, recovering from the impact. "Close? Hah! No need bein' modest, you are good! Best I've seen!" Koralia said, not appearing to have her pride hurt despite the defeat. She knew how to take it when someone bested her. "You win, can't afford losing the rest of me teeth. Now that..." Her gaze was directed towards broken sword, sighing in a moment, but chuckling in the next one. Wiping away the blood dripping from her lips with her sleeve, she approached Regula. The thick, flexible, finned tail came from Koralia's side towards her front, being presented to the winner like a prize. "Here is yer prize, Regula Caelia." The appendage and its smooth, slick texture now laid in front of the baroness. The shark's eyes shifted, from a moment, towards Regula's wings, almost as if making a silent promise, before going back to being fixed on her own gaze.

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

Eliza was pleased to see Gwenith’s interest in her proposal, though she respected her loyalty to the baroness and her advisors. “It’s admirable that you want to keep them informed. Perhaps once you’ve shared your progress with them, we can discuss potential partnerships further. I’m confident they’ll see the value in your work.”

Seeing Gwenith’s surprise at the bulk purchase, Eliza chuckled softly. “Yes, all of them. I’d love to learn more about each variety, but I understand you’re busy today. How about you write down the details when you have some spare time? I’ll collect the descriptions and the tea tomorrow before I depart.”

She handed over the payment with a graceful nod. “Thank you, Gwenith. I’m looking forward to enjoying these teas and learning more about your fascinating work. You’ve truly created something special here.”

With that, Eliza took her leave, ensuring her guards were mindful of the crowd as they continued their exploration of the fair. She felt a sense of satisfaction knowing she had made a meaningful connection and possibly opened a door to future collaboration. As she strolled through the bustling streets of Stonewall, Eliza’s mind buzzed with possibilities, eager to see what other discoveries awaited her in this vibrant barony.

(Open to interaction)

Elvario Elvario
Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Finneagan Orikanyo Orikanyo – Meet Regula. \ Catch up with Regula. \ Pet Tail?
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia. \ Satisfy Regula?

Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Side-path in the direction of Sootspire
Speedpaint 59 Motley Grass by RHADS on DeviantArt

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

Regula could only stare in silent awe, realising that even she had things left to learn by seeing what Finn was able to pull off. Upon Finn's leaving, she'd smile. “It's been great catching up, be sure to try visit again or write me!” She'd call out after Finn. That said, she did want to promise something to Gunhild. “I'm going to learn how to be even better than that.” She wasn't sure why she made that promise, but she sure did. Surely the [Tail Freak] couldn't be beaten this easily. Perhaps she should explore other petting potentials later as well. Anyhow and either way, after waving her an old friend goodbye, she turned to a new one.

“Hold up.” She'd say, activating her cloak's [Safe Zone B]. “It won't regrow teeth, but if you stick them back in, it should re-attach them to their roots.” She'd state. “In case you'll need them later... As for the sword, it seems it snapped cleanly, so it won't take me much work to reforge it for you, later. I used to be pretty active as a blacksmith.”

Safe Zone B – Magic B, Healing B, Energised B, Area of Effect D, Selective Magic D, Control Environment E, Magic Duration E - Character creates a safe zone; healing significant injuries and resurrecting the recently diseased, 500ft -152m radius around them, lifting bad environmental conditions, ignoring undesired targets, lasting 1 day - Grade B Energised – 3 Post Cooldown.

With that all said, there was one thing that took precedent. “Before all that, however, I would indeed like to claim my prize~” Somehow, even though the shark-tail wasn't nearly as fluffy as Floofhilds and even though it wasn't as big as Bighilds, she was looking pretty forwards to this. Perhaps it was due to being hard-earned.

She'd start by grabbing the finned bits, one end in each hand. The texture wasn't too much unlike the mermaid's, but a bit rougher. Yet also more slick, perhaps. She'd press her fingers into the tail a bit. She could feel the muscles in it, even at the tip. That made her wonder. Her hands trailed upwards, along the fin onto the bigger part of the tail. Gently, yet somewhat firmly, she'd squeeze her hands. She could feel the muscles there, clearly a tail used to help an entire creature move forwards through the water, rather than a tail with mostly aesthetic or communicative functions. There was something nice about.

Perhaps even nicer to stroke and pet such a warrior's tail after having beaten said warrior. Then again, that didn't mean she shouldn't play nice. Using her Insight (B) she'd try to figure out the responses from her touches. Where the shark seemed to enjoy it or how rough or gentle she seemed to enjoy it, after which she'd adjust her touches appropriately. After having felt like she'd explored most of the tail, she figured she'd be brave enough to claim the last bit of her prize. Moving her hands up to where the tail was thickest. It was close to another area, but she also wanted to know if this was where the muscles would be densest. From what she could feel, it likely was. Considering she'd been trying to feel out the muscles more often than not, it'd likely almost been like she'd been offering a deep-muscle massage.


Eliza Uasal Uasal – Enjoy the fair. \ Make some deals.

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


After another word of thanks, Gwenith had agreed to discuss things later. She also promised she'd write down a list of notes on all the varieties, watching Eliza take a leave after. (From where I'll leave it up to Moon to bump into to her with Aedrianna before I add more than needed.)

Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Maxxob Maxxob
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Huh, you know, nature is a pretty thing. Even down to the smallest details like the Ryken Sparrow that appeared to be nearby. While its actions were on such a small-scale and so innocent-seeming, this was a daily predatorial hunt that it took seriously. Such a marvel to all the little things that go on in the grand world around... huh, oh right, the Gunhild post. Where was that? I know I put it around here somewhere, I got distracted by the birds and the bee- worm. I clearly intended to say worm. Hmm, oh? Ah, there it is, it's weird how these things sometimes get away if you just turn your eyes off them for a moment.

Gunhild was greatly enjoying all the petting and affectionate attention she had been receiving for Finn, which would unfortunately come to an end as Finn parted from the large floofy Floofhild much to the lizard's disappointment. Looking up with curious bold eyes if he had any intent to continue, his moving away and his questionable sweatiness felt like he was already finished. Disappointed that was all it took to fully work him up and fulfilled on his part of the petting, Gunhild had a disappointed pout fall on her face as she blankly laid on the floor and stared up at the sky. Heavily snuffing through her nose, Gunhild was very disappointed that Finn wasn't able to hold out and have the stamina to fully meet her expectations and satisfaction. It would appear that even though she liked the knight, he indeed must have not been truly capable enough to fully satisfy her, though he had managed to make her work up a sweat from so much petting that clearly had skill behind it. Though maybe it was her floofiness which had heated her up, or her experience of being [Thoroughly Petted] that gave her such resilience into her fortitude. Though, perhaps she'd have to just finish off her enjoyment with the VERY CLEARLY, JUST BEING PET, FROM OTHER PEOPLE, AND NOTHING ELSE HAPPENED. Looking to Finn as he was ready to take his leave, Gunhild furiously swatted a clawed hand in his direction as if silently pleading for him to come back, though it appeared like he was off on his way.
"Shinyfeen pets and cuddles Gunhild AGAIN, Shinyfeen no forgetties a Gunhild!! Gunhild findses a Shinyfeen's" Gunhild called to him, though annoyed that he had now left.

Grumbling quietly to herself, she turned her now bored focus back to Regula and Koralia, cheering up a little when they were talking about petting the Gunhild. Although one appreciator had left the area, at least there were two more she could get some attention out of before the day was over. Gently nodding her head as she sweeped her tail back and forth, she continued to just lay on her back as she watched the duel and everything upside down. It didn't particularly interest her anyway, she was simply just staring and watching it because she didn't exactly have anything else to do. Though she only grew more tired and bored when Regula had won the duel and instead went to spend the time petting and touching the sharklady's tail instead, just no longer moving and blankly staring at nothing with the most bored expression as she visibly looked like her mind and mental was slowly slipping out of reality from focusing so much on nothing as well as doing nothing at the same time. Gunhild was doing a truly nothingest nothing of all nothings at the current nothing moment. Her zoned-out thoughtlessness made her occasionally readjust her tongue and jaw position, like she kept eating or licking at air every so often.

For Reference:
Gunhild is 16'. Gunhild is very floofed up and floofy and Floofhild right now.
Mad Maw

She couldn't help but chuckle; knowing full well he had ever right to be so suspicious. Mad Maw was anything but straightforward. "The cost is simply putting up with me, that's too steep for most folk's blood or patience you see" She said, swinging her arm with a rolling motion "Ill keep your reputation in mind; I usually get much harsher treatment so I appreciate it" She beamed. Her smile, at least, seemed genuine.

She waved him farewell, humming a wonky tune as she jaunted into the fair. Eyes of smoldering auburn bright with awe, baulking at stalls and people alike. She couldn't believe she was both alive, and in a completely different world than the one she knew. It was so exciting! The smell of meats, teas, and other aromas drawing her in various directions, but her intuition told her most of them were preoccupied or would otherwise be opposed to her presence...or was that he insecurity?

Madeline ending up at The Keg on a whim; curiously nosing past a few whom were leaving. A dog among them who she never trusted, they were spies and homunculi. Her eyes set on checking out a new venue where she could perhaps find something of interest.

Elvario Elvario
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna meandered through the vibrant marketplace, her eyes dancing over the array of dresses displayed at one of the stalls. The air was filled with the mingling scents of fresh flowers and baked goods, the symphony of merchants calling out their wares creating a lively backdrop. She glanced sideways at Sorieiel, her friend, who had turned her offer of a gift down. With a melodramatic sigh and a small “Harumph,” she cast a disgruntled look down at Hiruq, who was contentedly gnawing on his bone.

“She’s too stubborn.” Aedrianna’s lips formed a pout, cheeks puffing out in mock frustration. However, her displeasure was fleeting. A smile quickly blossomed on her face as she pointed to a pale blue dress adorned with gold accents.

“You’d look so cute in this one though...” she cooed, her tone a blend of admiration and persuasion.


When Sorieiel remained resolute in her refusal to let Aedrianna buy her anything, Aedrianna sighed again, her spirit undiminished. She continued her exploration, humming a lighthearted tune as she admired the colorful stalls on either side. She closed her eyes briefly, reveling in the warmth of the sun caressing her skin. As she reopened them, her gaze fell upon a young woman adorned in a stunning outfit that immediately caught her attention.

Unable to resist, Aedrianna moved toward the woman with a hint of excitement, her steps light and eager. The woman, Eliza, was surrounded by her guards, exuding an aura of grace and elegance. Aedrianna approached her with a warm smile, her movement fluid and graceful as she performed a polite curtsy.

“Forgive me for interrupting your day, miss, but I couldn’t help but notice how lovely your outfit is. You look splendid in it.” Her voice carried a friendly, curious lilt, her excitement at meeting such a lovely lady evident.

“My name is Aedrianna Belmonte. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance!” she added, her smile bright and sincere.
“If you don’t mind me being so forward—” She paused for a moment, pulling out a small jar containing a vibrantly colored powder of a deep blue shade. “I think a streak or two of blue in your lovely hair would really bring out your eye color! This is a pigment dye for hair, made from dried and crushed indigo and henna leaves. You just add a little water or lemon juice and paint it on. Let it sit for a little while and you're all set! The color can last for a few weeks, but it can wash out quickly as well with a proper solution.”

Aedrianna's voice was infused with enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with the excitement of trying to strike a deal. She mimicked her father's haggling and persuasive tone, hoping to impress the woman with her knowledge and sincerity. Then realizing that perhaps she was coming off a bit strong, she gave a nervous giggle, and reached up to touch her own hair. As you can see it works lovely, This color has been in for a week now and still as vibrant as ever."

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Uasal Uasal Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Kikimura Kikimura
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Koralia gratefully accepted the help provided by Regula when she activated her healing cloak. It helped her scoop down the few teeth which had been knocked out of her mouth and re-attach them to her gums. That would also make it easier for her to consume the delicious creatures she came across, than if she were missing them. And, the information that the baroness had been a craftsman at some point surprised her. She hasn't heard of too many nobles, outside the Republic, who weren't born in purple. In the shark's mind, all pointed to Regula being much different than the usual noble. "Thanks, can't be no mercenary without me sword." She said it briefly, before the prize began to be claimed.

As soon as Regula began touching the fins at the very tip of it, Koralia felt a jolt through her spine. As much as the appendage had practical uses for movement, and was internally muscular, it was still very sensitive. The feeling of fingertips touching the tail in an exploratory manner was bringing out subtle shifts in the shark's demeanor, her stance relaxing fully, while her arms were hanging by her sides. However, as she felt the squeezing for the thicker part of the tail, Koralia's clenched her jaw slightly. It wasn't because of discomfort, but more as in trying to suppress any gasp that would otherwise leave her mouth.

When the baroness continued the exploratory touch, thanks to her insight, she would learn that Koralia was responding better with greater pressure was being applied to it. Blood rushed to the shark's face, making her otherwise white-skin, near her gills, become tinted with a faint, crimson color. The ending of the tail swooshed slightly, from one side to the other, not as if tried to escape the grasp, but in clear enjoyment of it. And, when the touching reached the base of the tail, where the musculature was even greater than the rest of it, Koralia ended up letting a faint gasp and a growl escape her slightly parted jaws. The tail touching, which could be thought as a massage, had relaxed the shark quite a bit. "You... you sure know how to touch, huh?" She marked in a low, grave tone, never having turned her eyes away from the tail petting.

At one point, her eyes would dart towards the Gunhild who seemed extremely bored. So bored that she might become nothing and disappear from reality. With the ending of the tail, by then, brushing against Regula's leg while it moved left and right, purposefully, she asked. "Your friend seems quite bored... wouldn't be good to entertain her?" The shark asked, not really wanting the massage to end, but not wanting to leave the female lizard out of the possible fun. "Do you want pets, Gunhild?" She would ask, looking directly at her.

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