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Realistic or Modern ☠ STING ☠ - Organizations




The Bulok Luya islands are the biggest hives for crime in the entire world and is managed by the most dominant, notable factions. Each one have considerable power and influence; as such, conflicts between any of them is often avoided but in the event that such a thing happens. Total war is declared. Often leaving the main lands decimated and scarred, but this is the only place they can all congregate so It isn't too common. Many if not all people are armed with some sort of weaponry, but the big fish are the real predators.

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Leader: Zhèng Yī Sǎo

Activities: Piracy

Base of Operations: Meilon Port

Member Numbers: 10,000

Allies: Saints & Yakuza

Enemies: NPA

The Salt Dragons are the biggest faction on the Islands and among the most numerous, with many other branches of their organisation performing activities within the islands. They boast a large number of ballistic weapons and uniquely their own navy force that they use to attack ships internationally. The reason for their large numbers is a result of the cracking down of crime in China and recently Hong Kong, forcing the bulk of the organisation on the Islands. As a result of their navy force, they are the most influential faction and being on their bad side can be quite crippling.

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Leader: Yoshiu Matsumae

Activities: Human Trafficking & Racketeering

Base of Operations: Lonely Hearts Club

Member Numbers: 9,200

Allies: Salt Dragons

Enemies: Saints & NPA

A large, yet one of the more minor Yakuza clans their main business is the trafficking of other humans; especially women. Often selling them to the highest bidder. They often operate many of the bars & nightclubs, however, their main base in the most popular nightclub. Many of the "Legitimate" businessmen and lawyers within the city also have strong ties to the Yakuza, which makes them one of the most high earning groups on the island.




Leader: St Clair

Activities: Drug & Arms Trafficking

Base of Operations: The Coral Church

Member Numbers: 7,600

Allies: Salt Dragons

Enemies: NPA & Yakuza

The Saints are a unique faction among the island mainly because they are nearly entirely comprised of women with a Christian background. This, however, does not make them any more merciful that the rest of the big fish. On the contrary, behind the NPA they are the most well armed on the island. Many of their bases are the local religious establishments on the island and causing problems in the church can attract quite a bit of trouble. A majority of the women within the faction itself were also previous victims of the Yakuza's human trafficking operations; which is the reason for their incredibly sour relationship.




Leader: Manuel Sese

Activities: The Spread of Communism

Base of Operations: The Underground

Member Numbers: 2,500

Allies: N/A

Enemies: All other Factions

Despite being the smallest major faction on the Islands, they are the most dangerous. What they lack in numbers, they make up for in pure military training and full access to an arsenal of modern weaponry. This means that unlike the other factions who sparingly use such resources even if they had access to it, they can quite easily deploy a number of tanks and heavy artillery which the other factions do not have access to. They are also among the most disciplined and entrenched, which makes any attack on them incredibly foolish. However, because of this, they are also the only faction to lack any allies; the others are more than willing to occasionally make their squads team up if they encounter a platoon of NPA causing problems for them.


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Activities: {??? ?????C?????L????A?????S????S?????I???F????I?????E????D????? ?????}?????

Base of Operations: {?? ?????C??L???A?S?S????I????F?????I??E??D?

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