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Fantasy Still Waters, Trembling Hearts

Looking out of the carriage Valerie saw the fortress that was Mire Palace. The sound of her mother lecturing her about formalities and how to address the other royal families seemed to be drowned out by her looking at the view in awe. The carriage stopped directly at what she believed to be the entrance. She couldn't really tell because the palace's architecture seemed to make the place look so closed in but the same time very large. In her mind she likened it to a very luxurious prison only because this was in the location that would decide her future suitor, of which she was not too pleased about. Valerie was a young woman who yearned for adventure and a husband was not the ideal part of the future she envisioned herself in.

Her thoughts were interrupted by her father, "Well dear, we're here." Ronan looked at the face of his daughter and could faintly see the little girl he used know in it. He noticed that she was nervous, even though she has grown up so strong, he understood how nerve-wrecking this must be on her most of all. He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and she looked back at him as he spoke, "You have nothing to be scared about, go on."

He took his hand away and she just smiled at him, "Thank you." Valerie that opened the carriage door and stepped down almost tripping from the dress her mother, Evelyn and her compromised on.

The Dress

In all actuality her mother wanted her to wear something even more extravagant and poofy.

Valerie picked up her dress and continued down the pathway ahead of her parents curious to see what was inside. The large doors were already open for the coming visitation of the four royal families so she easily stepped inside. When she first stepped inside the only thing that she heard was the sound of her footsteps echo, bouncing off the walls.

@thegreathero @Cadenach @verifiedkat
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The forms of the three airships came rising from the other side of the hills (some would call them mountains) like the dark silhouettes of giant spiders or jellyfish. With large bulbous heads ringed with sailing decks, the biggest being at the base of the gas house, and long spindly metal legs moving disjointedly beneath, the Ferran ships resembled some misshapen monster from the depths of the ocean. As the ships came to anchor near the castle, a gondola detached from the largest ship and descended towards the drive in front of the old fortress.

Nashoni looked out over the side of the gondola and watched the small crowd of local staff gathering around. He was wearing a goldenrod yellow-dyed shirt of buckskin covered in blue, black, white, and red beadwork with a long-bead vest over the top and a polished bronze gorget. Light and dark blue starling and jay feathers hung from the ceremonial dress shirt along the seams every few inches and from the vest and gorget. While he had made the vest himself, the shirt was a gift from Mihra'ee's mother. After stepping off and putting the sled with his meager possessions on his back like a pack, he took tea with Sawske't Chu'an;Nkiko. The Captain of the airship that had brought him. He had wanted to arrive with much less fuss, but the council had been adamant about providing him with an escort for his personal safety (and to show the other nations that Ferra was not the poor nomadic nation everyone knew it for prior to the growth of the Floating Trade Cities and the Bank Cities he strongly suspected) and he had been unable to persuade them otherwise. Accepting the inconvenience, he had nonetheless pushed the Sawske't and his men to beat the others here in hopes that he could arrive in anonymity. So it was only polite to exchange respectful pleasantries at the conclusion of their business. After gifting the Sawske't a long-bead shirt that he had been making during the trip and accepting a beautiful iron hatchet etched with copper and silver in return, he bid the professional air-sailor goodbye and stood to watch the last airships of his people he would see for a long time to come slowly drift over the lip of hills that marked the horizon. Turning towards the large stonework before him, Nashoni shouldered him burden once more and made his way to claim a place in the castle for however long he was to be here.

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