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Kaerri's Man. =)
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Being an unwilling lackey to a fellow like Bilal the Rich isn't all fun and games, especially when the jerk has a very distinct advantage over someone you love. There are many things a person will do for themselves, but when it comes to compassionate people, the list grows longer when it applies to someone they care about. Such is the case with poor Stewart. Deprived of his dignity and forced to serve a man that captures and showcases rare creatures for his own personal fortune and fame, Stewart is the kind of advisor and butler that does his utmost to uphold his own high standards of service. And therefore, Bilal the Rich is served well when Stewart tells him of the half-elf in your party. Yet it does the old fellow's heart little good to learn of Bilal's plans for Otiorin. And so, Stewart comes to a hard decision. Does he continue to serve Bilal the Rich? Or does he betray the fiend on the road to what is right? Especially when the fate of his dear Beatrice, whomever she may be, lies in the balance. </p>

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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p> <img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://www.digital-images.net/Images/GettyMuseum/Paintings/Rembrandt_OldMan_inMilitaryCostume_HS9371.jpg&key=02a2e529b37916b439cb23e267f78695fc6f0a02c88f30999b8162e9c8a9cf05" class="ipsImage" alt="Rembrandt_OldMan_inMilitaryCostume_HS937" /><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5189/5554706270_28ae428297.jpg&key=acade9441391e3c53ca058fa71a378d35fe8bbfa14e5944d895936e9a9f8bb48" class="ipsImage" alt="5554706270_28ae428297.jpg" /></p></div>



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