Steve Rogers


Akin to a Fool
Name: Steve Rogers

Aliases: Captain America

Age: 98, biologically 31


Species: Modified Human

Personality: Steve is selfless and caring. Knowing what it's like to be weak, he tries to protect everyone who can't defend themselves. Of course, this leads- ironically -to him having a bit of a superhero complex. He tries to save everyone and blames himself when he can't. Luckily for him, he is usually surrounded by friends who know his weakness and are always there for him. One of his few flaws is that he can be very naive. He always wants to trust those that he considers friends, even after they do something suspicious. However, he hates being lied to and believes that total honesty is the only way to have a real friendship. This can also lead to him revealing too many secrets to the wrong people. When something does hurt him, he tries to keep it to himself, so as to not inconvenience anyone else. 

Others: Currently Captured by Diamond.

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