Steel Pendragon


Would really like some sleep right about now...


Name:Steel Pendragon

Color: White

Team: SFRN


Motive/plans: Steel knows there’s a better way to obtain peace for everyone in Remnant. He believes it’s only the radical leaders of the White Fang that are the ones advocating for violence, and that a properly led rebellion could topple them and bring someone else into power. Steel hopes to someday overthrow the white fang and lead them in a more peaceful, and harmonious existence with the other kingdoms.

Romance? Straight


Weapon: Might and Valor: A sword and shield that date long before the great war. The weapons are said to be indestructible and were once used by a member of the Pendragon family to defeat a dragon Grimm. Steel also keeps a few vials of dust on him at all times. By simply smashing a vial of dust against one of his weapons they get coated with energy. His weapons absorb dust and use it's energy to bolster their effective range. While his weapons don't gain any elemental benefit they radiate the energy they store, Effectively increasing their effective range. The sword can grow as big as 20 ft long as it gets coated in an element, and the shield can grow to up to 10 ft across. These are the maximum effects, though, and cost an extreme amount of dust to maintain.

Semblance: Limit Break: Steel can unlock his true potential by supplementing his body with aura. Activating his semblance removes the natural limits of his body, increasing his speed, strength, and senses to a seemingly limitless degree. This also temporarily disables his ability to feel pain, allowing him to shrug off most attacks in the process.

This ability of course, comes with a few downsides. For starters, it costs aura to maintain and should he run out his semblance immediately deactivates. Upon deactivation, Steel feels the full effects of whatever happened to him during his semblance. In most fights this doesn’t amount to much besides a little fatigue and soreness, but should he need to keep it on for a long duration he’s liable to collapse or even pass out leaving him vulnerable for quite some time.

Fighting style: Steel’s fighting style is very calm and relax. He takes few risks and tries to think a few steps ahead of his opponent. He tries to honorably duel most opponents and would never resort to tricks just to gain an edge. This can leave him at a bit of a handicap against less than honorable opponents. With his sword and shield he’s a heavy hitter, and a large threat in melee range but his lack of mobility or ranged weaponry can leave him weak to ranged fighters.
However, his true potential is on a team, where his leadership skills truly shine. His shield and natural durability make him a perfect fit for the frontlines where he can easily protect his teammates and create openings for them.
His semblance is amazing at keeping him alive in fights, but if and when his aura finally runs out his lack of maneuverability can make him an easy target for most enemies


Interviewer notes:
-He talks politely, but with purpose-
-He seems excited to explain even the dullest parts of his life, and adds enough flavor to them to make even the most trivial task seem grandiose-
-His body is toned but not overly muscular-
-He takes very relaxed breaths and doesn’t sweat talking about any topics I give him-
-He periodically tapped his sword and shield, it didn’t seem to be a threat. More like he was simply making sure they were always on him-
-I was shocked to find out his true age, he acts more mature than most adults I know-

What are the most important facts about yourself? “I’m not the first pendragon to do something heroic, and if everything goes right I won’t be the last. My family’s proven time and time again that times of great stress only make a true warrior stronger”

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? “Whenever I try to relax a horrible feeling comes over me, Like I’m failing my teammates or family each time… To put it bluntly, I just wish I could ‘cut loose’ every now and again”

Where do you come from; what's your family like?” My family is nomadic by nature, so there’s no particular location I would call my hometown but Vacuo is where I've spent most of my years at this point. My family’s tough and full of some of the greatest hunters this world’s known. They put a lot of pressure on me to live up to their standards. To most that might sound stressful, but I know it's only because of them that I'm alive today.”

Why did you decide to become a Hunter/Huntress? “My parents didn’t give me much choice, it was either become a hunter or a mercenary, and the latter didn’t sound very positive... More importantly, though, the White Fang are an evil scourge on Remnant and we need people to stand against them. I’ll gladly be one of those people”.”

How old are you? “20”


[Choose three "good" skills, two "great" skills, and one "super" skill for your character. "Good" skills add +1 to your total in situations that call for a roll, "great" skills add +2, and "super" skills add +3. More info is in the Mechanics section:

Dust, Brawl, Shoot, Melee Weapons, Semblance, Investigate, Stealth, Will, Provoke, Rapport, Vehicle, Security]

Good:Rapport, Provoke, Dust
Great: Semblance, Will

Super: Melee Weapons,

Additional Images

Steel's sword Might.







Player Info

How often can we expect you to post?
I should be able to post daily at least twice. I’m a night owl, so most of my posts are going to be towards the end of the day though.

What do you want to see in this RP?
Real character development mostly. I’m really excited to see our characters grow and change with the world around them. I’m also excited to see what the relation between both teams will be like.

What would you like to avoid?
I can’t really think of much, just don’t let this RP die and I’ll be happy
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