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Fantasy Steampunk Willie


Legendary(ish) Pokemon
It’s raining. Again. As you step outside the cafe from which you just picked up breakfast you see the usual pool of faces — unrecognizable, unfamiliar, and yet ever present. Another day at work has concluded, and you don’t have long before you need to catch the train back home. Thankfully, the crowd is moving fast — everyone moves fast these days, partially thanks to the MARA (Mechanical Augmentation Requirements Act). Everything has sped up pretty drastically, since most folks can’t afford to pay the exemption fee not to become a machine.

Still, it’s not all bad. There are some advantages to being upgraded — some even seem to embrace it — but it makes her stand out pretty sharply. A sparrow, not very tall, but nonetheless notable for her lack of artificial additions, seems to be reading the signs, as if looking for some place. She makes eye contact with you for a moment, then continues reading.

“Seventeen zero one….seventeen zero two…”
(Please note -- this thread is reserved. If you'd like to work on something similar, however, feel free to DM me! :) )
(Awsome entrance :O )

Jack looked at the sparrow for awhile something about her struck him strangely, probably just her naturality. He looked back down at his paper scanning for anything interesting, he had already finished the crossword in 5 minutes and sudoku wasn't worth the time. He was nothing spectacular his right eye had been replaced by a pair ocular glasses and his arm replaced as well but he payed extra for the natural look there.

He groaned to himself picking up his coffee and leaving the tip at the table. Walking out of the diner he trudged toward the bus stop waiting for his ride, hoping that something eventful would happen soon.
"Seventeen zero three...oh, there it is! Unit seventeen zero four -- Jack Foxx. Must be a pseudonym. Most recent check in location -- right across the street? I missed him!" She looks around frantically, then sighs, then begins scanning the sign as it mechanically turns letters and numbers both.

"Well...let's see now...current destination program is set at...oh, I see. Borough Twelve. Nice neighborhood. I'll catch the next train."

She starts towards the station, her pace brisk.


"Watch it, will you?" The voice comes from a cat with whom you collide while ascending the platform. He drops something, but hurries on apparently without noticing.
"Jerk" he mutters to himself tired of the world today as he was many days. he pates himself down to make sure his wallet didn't get stolen then picks up the object and pockets it not really caring to check what it is 'till he catches his bus. He finally got to the station and sat down at the bench waiting for the Bus to arrive. He taps his foot then remembers the object and decides to scan it.
*Contents: Mechanical -- component not recognized...material not recognized...checking for updates..."*

A flash of information as the wireless radio system contacts your brain, uploading data and downloading it as well.

*Component not recognized -- material not recognized -- please report to nearest Enforcement Station. This is required action. You must comply.*

It's been a while since an order was streamed like that -- but you know better than to disobey direct MCS system directives.


"He doesn't have unusual ratings, but I think he could be useful. I just need to pitch the idea -- what could go wrong?" She sounds more like she's trying to convince herself as she rides along. Then a device pings, and she pulls it out, then exclaims in despair.

"Redirected! Just my luck...now I have to turn around and find him all over again!"
"Huh, well ain't that something" He said a rather bored manner, though on the inside he was incredibly intrigued he knew not to show it however considering it was either experimental or illegal.

"Well work should be fun today" he said wryly as he stuck it back in his pocket, He looked up and saw his bus. He stood up and boarded, paying the driver and taking his normal seat then noted how sad it was that he had a "normal seat". One of these days i'll have a life.
*Do not proceed to work. The command issued is immediate. Proceed immediately to Enforcement Station. You will be compensated for lost work time. Proceed immediately to Enforcement Station.*

The command is urgent, demanding -- and nearly impossible to resist. This is easily your least favorite part of the Mental Communication System, but it's the world everyone was born into. It determines careers, addresses, mates...but the predictability has resulted in a peaceful society, so it may not be all bad. Nonetheless, this does throw off your plan for the day.


"You know what...I'll head to an Enforcement Station. I can contact him directly from there and maybe ask him to meet me."
He resisted the urge to swear and asked the bus driver to stop. He jumped off the bus, of course I forgot to bring my umbrella. He made his way towards the Enforcement Station hoping that the rain would stop, which of course it didn't. I wonder what the heck this thing is, it better be good to bring me through this rain. He walked briskly but didn't feel like running.
The Enforcement Station is a block away, so it doesn't take long, but you're still wet upon entry. Once inside, a mouse officer (why are they always mice?) greets you.

"Unit 1704. Thank you for complying with your order. Please enter room three and await decontamination. Bring the package with you."


"Here we are...the station. Okay, now then...which door is the front door? I know all the augmented individuals know, but I don't since I'm not connected. Darn...I really thought this would be easier."
"Yes sir." he says sarcastically obviously wishing he didn't have to. He went to the room he was assigned and sat down Why did I have to hope something would happen today, he thought wryly. Something always meant trouble and trouble meant more work, and more work included paperwork.
Two claws descend from the ceiling and remove all coverings, then two brushes begin rubbing you perfectly clean. Once you're perfectly cleaned, four other claws suddenly grab a hold of all four limbs.

"Subject restrained. Begin Drone conversion protocol."

Another claw emerges and begins opening the parcel you set down a moment ago.

"Okay...that must be the front door. I mean, it has a green arrow next to it. Okay, now how am I saying this... 'Hello, Mr. Foxx. I'm Clarisa and I'd like to ask for your assistance with the Beacon Protocol. It's experimental and...' Now I'm psyching myself out. Let's just get this over with.
"What the Heck!" he exclaimed (Hehe cant use the double hockey sticks XD) he tried to fight the arms to no avail. And now im gonna be turned into a robot just fantastic. He still fought but had resigned to the fact that nit much could be done. C'mon your not that easily defeated. He used his robotic arm to try to hack the arms it probably wouldn't work but it was something.
"Unit resistance detected. Initiating COM override."

And just like that, you blank. No more thoughts in your head -- a counter frequency has negated all independent thought and now you're passively awaiting conversion. The package is unwrapped, showing a strange glowing collar, which is lifted up over your head, unlatched, and is lowered to your neck. The process is going smoothly. Until she shows up.

"Hello, Mr. Foxx? I-- good heavens, what is happening here?" She darts a glance around the room and sees a steam engine in the corner -- it's huge, and no wonder -- it has to power the whole station. She dashes to it and throws a few switches, bringing down the pressure significantly, which weakens the arms. Next, she dashes to the radio transmitter.

"Counter frequency 1401....deactivate!" she cries, throwing a switch and twisting a knob.

And like that, you're like yourself again...but an alarm is going off now.

"No time to explain!" she shouts. "We have to run, NOW!"
Jack knew enough to just comply with the strange Sparrow and sprinted towards the exit scanning the environment for danger

"So who the heck are you? he asked the strange bird still running for dear life.
"Not here," she replies, breathlessly, taking off from the ground and ascending just a few feet into the air. We need to get to a Research Station. In fact --"

She pushes a button on her strange box and suddenly the location of said station appears in your optics.

"I've just input an address. You lead, I'll follow. Whatever you do, don't stop running until we're there."

The advice is spoken like a command...like a voice you recognize from everyday, and it makes it easier to obey -- not to mention self-preservation instinct telling you she just saved you from becoming a total machine.
He complied, not stopping for any for any witty banter he ran as hard as his legs would let him to the location though his brain wasn't dead during the process Who in the world is this chic? she's obviously powerful or at least got access to powerful tech, mind she saved my life but what does she want with me? Jack wasn't one to take freebies without some doubt.
You both arrive at the Research Station. She presses her wing against a metal plate, and the door slides open. Then she pulls you inside.

"Okay...whew. I was hoping to introduce myself on calmer and more peaceful terms, but it looks like you wanted to get in trouble first. I'm Clarisa. You're Unit 1401 -- or Jack Foxx, for casual -- a beta unit classified under Borough Twelve. And I could be wrong, but I think I just saved your life -- so how about telling me about what led you into trouble? Or, if you prefer, you can ask me questions first."

Now you recognize the voice -- it's the same one the CMS uses to issue commands and suggestions -- just less mechanical sounding.
"Well I'd tell you how I got in trouble if I knew but i picked up a strange object and was ordered to go there then I was being attacked" He said rather rudely considering he was just saved.

He caught himself and looked apologetic "Sorry for my abruptness but im rather flustered at the moment and I've been rather ruffled up the wrong way" he say looking at her.
"I recognize your voice I assume your not here by coincidence?"
"I understand. I don't blame you for being anxious or frightened. You had a narrow escape just now, for sure. I did happen by by coincidence, actually. I meant to ask you to participate in a research project with me, called Beacon. I looked up your operation history and based on your augmentation and relatively middling rank, I believed you might be interested. It seems that now you've been flagged by the CMS for drone conversion, though, which is usually only assigned to criminals or traitors. You have no idea what triggered this?"

She looks around.

"Where's the object in question?"
"They took it when they tried to convert me" he rubbed his sore muscles "Apparently it was made out of materials my eye couldn't recognize," he thought about it. "So I suppose i'll live on the run now huh?"
"Hm...I don't know about that. I may be able to prevent you from being pursued further, though I'll need to pull a few strings. I can't do that until I know more about you, though, so I'm going to have to download a memory crash from your brain. While I'm doing that, why don't you think of any questions you have for me, hm? Being assigned to the Gamma range for no reason must have inspired some questions."

While speaking, she pulls out another radio and places two antennae on your head. As she does, your mind is racing. Who is this? Why does she have these skills? Is she one of those rumored Admins? Why did she rescue you specifically?

"Okay, download in progress. Now talk to me."
"Who are you and why did you rescue me?" he said rather bluntly he couldn't seem to stop himself from asking these questions. Ugh shes doing something to my head first she save me and now she messes with me. It very well could've been his years of investigative work coming into play but he didn't feel like being optimistic right now.
"I'm Clarisa. I'm an AA. I'm doing the same thing the CMS does to you everyday -- downloading a memory crash. Although, instead of removing any of those memories, I'm simply making a copy. I see you've been designated an investigation unit. Must be thanks to that nose of yours. Makes it all the stranger that the system would try to convert you from Beta to Gamma with no warning or trial. Perhaps it was a glitch."

She pauses as the download completes.

"Or...maybe...you found out something you weren't supposed to investigate. Do you know what this collar is?" She asks, sketching a quick outline of it and showing it to you.

"Oh...and would you like a change of clothes?"
"Looks like the collar they just tried to put on me" Jack said gruffly "And if you have a change of clothes that would fit me that would be appreciated Ma'am" he didn't want to overuse her hospitality, but he also didn't want to be soaking wet.

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