Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

Elspeth Caraci

Goddess of Fandoms
Elspeth Caraci submitted a new role play:

Steampunk/ Sky pirates - The world is ending...

The world is ending... that is what the ancients thought when it first began. And, in a sense, they were right. The life they had known was destroyed, but a new better way of life was born. The land, destroyed by pollution and radiation, was uninhabitable for humans, the animals had some sort of immunity to the poision, but we were able to live on by taking to the skys in massive airships powered by a sourse that seemed to never run out, steam. As the human race evolved so did the technology,...
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Alexandria sat inside of the pub, her mechanical wings folded into a backpack. She didn’t drink, thanks to her age and how alcohol tasted. The only reason she was here was for the reason of her line of work. The nineteen year old was a weapons specialist or, as she liked to say, a pirate for hire. This pub was a hive of pirates and criminals who needed somebody who could fight and she needed a job so… here she was. ((Sorry for the length everyone, please know that one-liners are completely fine.))
Skie would land her air-machine next to the bar with a thunk, causing the entire airship to rattle. She would mutter something to herself before jumping out of it and walking into the bar. The bartender doesn't seem to recognize her as she sits on a stool. "Just a water, can't drive a broken piece of steam while drunk."
Four Eyes, was flying his ship looking for a place to rest, he could see many ships parked in the distance. "Must be a restaurant or something" Four Eyes muttered to himself as he started to land the ship. He got off and went into the bar sitting next to Skie. "I'll take a whisky." After it was served he quickly drank about a half of it. He'd look around seeing many other people who looked experienced on steam ships, maybe he could get them to be on his crew.
"Hey, anyone in here got a spare gyro? My machine's one is blown to cogs."

Skie asks the bar's residents rather loudly.
She looked up at the voice. "I might have a spare. I'm no good at mechanics so you're probably going to have to install it yourself." She said, walking over to her.
"That shouldn't be a problem, unless its more destroyed than I thought. Where's the spare at?"

Skie would get up and sets a couple coins on the counter for the bartender.
"It should be in my bag. Just give me a second." She rummaged through the green duffel she had at her side, searching for the spare. "Aha!" She said, finding the small mechanical piece. ((I sadly know little about mechanics for real so that probably was VERY inaccurate.)) 
((Also my wifi stop at nine for some stupid reason so I'm probably gonna be gone for the rest of the night.))
"Ahhh, Thanks!"

Skie would install the new gyro quickly and head back into the bar.
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Raven ran quickly down the alley way trying to loose the guards who were after her because she had stolen a diamond necklace just moments ago. While running Raven spotted a pub of some sort and thought she could hide from the guards. She entered the building, took a look around the crowded bar, and thought to herself "perfect, they will never find me here." Taking a seat next to some kid that looked around her age. The bartender came up to her and asked in an unpleasant tone "What do ya want, girl?" then Raven quickly replied "Vodka. Please and thank you" "Ya look pretty damn young to be drinking Vodka" the bartender replied, and then Raven sarcastically said "Under aged drinking is the least of my worries, now hurry up! I'm sure everybody here has places to be, sir." Surprised at her fierceness, the bartender quickly went to prepare her drink.
"Ey, Ms. Heavy Drinker, you look like you need to get somewhere fast. I got a ride right outside, if that's the case."
Raven whipped her head in the direction the voice came from. "Yeah, the thing is I don't exactly need to 'get somewhere' in particular, more like I need to get out of here fast." "Oh whoops, where are my manners? My name is Raven Romeo, but call me Raven. And you are...?" Raven outstretched a hand waiting for her to shake it. "Thats what most people do when they meet somebody, right?" Raven thought to herself.
Alex scanned the bar once more to see the girl she had given the gyro to shaking hands with a very nervous girl drinking a vodka that she was clearly too young to be having. She looks like she could use a hand, or at least a gun. She thought to herself. She walked over to them. "Hey there. You look like you need some help."
"My name is Skie, pilot of fast things. And if you need to get out fast, then I can make you disappear so quick they'd think you found a way to the moon."

She shakes the woman's hand, a curios glint in her eye.
She turned to the other girl, Skie. "Ah that reminds me. I never properly introduced myself to you, did I?" She held out her hand for her to shake. "The names Alex, I'm a weapons expert and a master of the martial arts. Basically I'm a pirate for hire. If you somehow didn't get away from the feds I could help you escape, I you like."
Skie would shake Alex's hand.

"Nice meeting ya. If you know how to use a mounted turret well, then I'd be glad to have ya come along, just in case we get some complications. Who knows how much trouble this lass is in."
"No problem!" She smiled. "Hey, haven't I seen you before? you look really familiar." She said, turning to the other girl, Raven she had called herself.
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Four eyes looked up from his Whisky looking at the girl next to him "You said you know how to use a turret well? I could use someone who can use one well, i got to much gunpowder and to many guns on my ship for me to use myself." He said this with a grin on his face, he liked to talk about his ship in a boasting way.
"Do you? Well then, I think I'll have to see this ship for myself. After all, I have already promised to help these two in their escape." She said, smirking at his boasts.
Four Eyes grinned "Well follow me Miss Alex i believe." Four eyes said as he paid for the drink. "You'll be quite surprised i think." He said as he walked outside.(Posted my ship in occ)
She looked up at the ship in awe for a moment, then composed herself into a look of fake neutrality. "Its... nice. I've seen better." She lied, picking at her nails.
"Oh really now?" Four Eyes said seeing the look of awe on her face. "Well if you don't like the outside let me show you the inside." Four Eyes stepped aboard his vessel, holding the small gate open for Alex. "Welcome to the Barrel of Gun Powder."
"Barrel of Gun Powder? Is that the ships name?" She said, stepping through the door. ((What does the interior look like?))
The part of the ship Four Eyes and Alex are on is flat with two guns on the sides and the steering wheel at the very back. "Down here." Four Eyes said as he walked down the stairs. The second floor would have some odd contraption under the guns and gun bullets and gun powder all around, at the other end is another gun quite large with many shells next to it, "This is the reloading area, down there is the artillery gun." Going down another floor, there would be small fire arms piled up against the wall mostly rifles, but if looked close enough two harpoon guns can be seen. Except for the firearms are beds and a small stove at the other end " As you can tell this is the beds and the place where i keep the weapons, and the last floor is my room." Going down to the last floor would be a small chamber and with a bed in the corner and a chair in the middle, a small desk and a intercom system with a record player next to it. The chair in the middle has many lever around it "This chair is special if i hit the right levers it lowers into a machine gun which i operate when i need to." ( Be mindful that the many floors have barley enough room to stand in them) "And that is the main tour." Four Eyes said after showing off all the floors to Alex.

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