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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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STATE ZERO | Hired Guns

"Flacko, Clark, determine how that one is armed. Mauro, draw a bead on the new contact, be ready to shoot."

Bento is troubled by the news of how well armed the targets are, looking himself at the guns in their hands.

"Everyone remain hidden. Observe what these guys do. Don't get seen or else this will turn into a bloodbath real quickly; remember, we don't want to kill anyone on this mission if we don't have to. Set up angles on these guys, be ready to pounce on them when I give the word," Bento ordered, he himself remaining concealed.

"Squad 2, leave positions around Sarcoxie and join Squads 1 and 4 in the field. Maintain a low profile, acquire targets and prepare for an attack order."

"Bierman, Grant, fall back to Sarcoxie. Flank wide around the field as to not alert the enemies within. Reinforce Squad 3's positions around Sarcoxie."

(Please add Daniel Mauro, Benjamin Partin, and Frank Cooper to the field map.)
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Flacko moves in front of the new entrant and then buzzes over comms, "This one is armed with a nine millimeter pistol and a baseball bat modified to have nails sticking out of it."

Squad 2 leaves their positions and enters the field. They report another bogey behind Matthew Yu.

Bento decides it's time to strike.

Bento, Yu, Tusing, Hansen, and William will jump the two enemies with the pump shotgun and combat shotgun, following the rules of engagement previously stated on the road to Sarcoxie.

"You two, get on the ground or you will be fucking slaughtered!" Jacob loudly commands of the two marauders, aiming his rifle at the head of the man with the Combat Rifle as he and the other soldiers that had descended upon this pair of targets begin to slowly move in on the two of them.

Simultaneously, Mauro, Partin, and Cooper will engage and try to apprehend the newly acquired target closest to the stables. Michael, Clark, and Gonzales will do the same to the enemy with the baseball bat and 9mm handgun.
"Oh fuck!" one of the boys shouts, throwing his hands in the air so fast that his shotgun flies into the air. His partner looks at him, shakes his head, and then places his gun down and raises his hands. Because of the lack of fire, you assume it went smoothly with the other two contacts as well, which is soon confirmed by radio reports.
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"Back away from the weapons! Get on the ground or you WILL be shot!" Bento calls, before telling Yu and William to go forward and confiscate the weapons of the subjects do indeed obey orders and get on the ground, including a frisk to make sure they have nothing else concealed on them.

Jacob then gets on the radio, questioning whether the other troops have binds to tie up the teenagers with. He makes sure he clarifies to his men that the suspects should be immediately disarmed of their weapons, but he figured they knew that already.

He then looks over to Tusing, his gun still raised toward the two teenagers. "See if you can't find a way to the rooftop of the barn with that scope," he says, before turning his attention to the captives.

Bento surges forward, meanwhile slinging his rifle over his shoulder and pulling out the duo of his knuckleduster and pistol. He walks right up to the weaker looking of the two boys, the one who surrendered first, and kneels down on his back with one knee, pinning him to the ground (assuming he had gotten down like he was told.) He continues to place the barrel of his pistol directly against the base of his skull, his other hand with the brass knuckles on being balled up in a fist in the dirt next to the boy's face, to show off the vicious bludgeoning weapon.

"I'll ask you once, and ONLY once. I caught you two queers, and another two of your buddies. I know there are at least two more of you fuckers. Where are the others?" Bento questions with a growl.

"Answer wrong, and I'll break both of your arms and punch your teeth down your throat."
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You kick away the weapons of the teenagers and order them on the ground, which they do diligently. They lay flat on their stomachs with their arms stretched out. Your frisk finds no concealed weapons. When contacting your other operatives in the field, they say they have zip ties or lengths of rope that would serve appropriately.

As you order Tusing to the top of the barn, he nods, provides a quick salute, and then moves dutifully to towards the barn.

You take your position on the back of the teenager, pushing his body into the dirt. When you pose your question, he responds with, "You'll find out soon, pal." And almost as if it was planned, Keith Atnip's voice comes over the radio, "Sir, six bogey vehicles identified. Each carrying three or more bogies. All are armed. Please advise."

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Bento grunts. "Too bad all your buddies are gonna have to die tonight. You're one of the lucky ones; we caught you instead of having to murder your ass," Jacob declared, before pulling the teenager up to his feet and shoving him toward William, grabbing the other and shoving him toward Yu.

"All men in the field, grab your prisoners, secure their weapons and anything else on their person, and get them into Sarcoxie. Kneel them down in the center of town, the Sheriff's deputies will take care of them from there," Bento orders, before his men and him begin to move as quickly as they can toward Sarcoxie with the captives in tow. "If they don't cooperate, just execute them and move on."

"Grant, get ready with your launcher. Target one vehicle once it is close enough for you to accurately hit ththe thing; if you don't hit it the first time, try again."

"Atnip, retrieve three plastic explosives and their detonator and get ready with those for when they park, hit three vehicles separate from the one Grant is targeting."

"The rest of Squad 3, and Ira Tusing on the barn, aim for drivers and tires once they get real close; do not stop shooting once you start, people. Drop these shitheads before they can dismount."

"Tusing, if you're having trouble getting a clear shot, move up to join the rest of us," Jacob orders with quick words, sounding similar to an auctioneer. His speech was staggered by the fact that he was jogging toward the town limits.

After Squads 1, 2 and 4 drop off their captives to the Sarcoxie lawmen, they will move double time to join Squad 3 on the frontline, aiming for drivers and tires until the vehicles stop moving; then it's weapons free on any of the fucks.

Bento encourages the men to either stay concealed in shrubbery or use nearby structures for cover.
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When you and the rest of your mercenaries arrive back in the center of Sarcoxie, the raiders have dismounted and are pressing an attack on the walls. Your mercenaries caused some of the bandits to dismount early and led to many of them proceeding on foot. The sheriff and his deputies are at the wall with your other operators trying to fend off the attack. Between houses, panicked settlers are scrambling. Some of them arm themselves and rush towards the gate while others cower or look for their children.

Other than Rob Yount, who's at the front gate with six other Sarcoxie inhabitants, your operators have remained disguised in the shrubbery along the wall. Walter Grant, after his attack on a Crimm jeep, move towards Keith Atnip's position on the left side of the wall. Paul Harris has moved closer to the entrance of the town from his position on the right side of the wall.

[Paul Harris] misses his first shot, which explodes harmlessly in the field, but the second land in the passenger seat of another, killing all four bandits inside (+56 exp).

Sarcoxie civilians and law enforcement are in purple.
You and your mercenaries are in green.
The Crimm raiders are in red, their vehicles are larger than their individual blips.

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"Spread out! Leave no sightline unattended to! Kill the engine blocks on the cars, catch 'em on fire!" Bento orders his men, before sprinting up toward the wall, standing next to the Sarcoxie Sheriff and leaning over it, taking aim and firing at the first Crimm he sees.

"Squad 4, move those prisoners up to the wall and use 'em as meatshields! They wanna hit us, instead they can kill their own!" Bento shouts, continuing to fire semi-automatically at the raiders whom get too close and come out into the open, before changing his tactic to lighting up the engine of one of the Crimm vehicles, in an effort to spark it aflame.

"Flacko, take Atnip's tasks; go get three explosives from the convoy, come back and blow these dickheads up!" Jacob shouted into his radio over the sound of incessant gunfire.

"Tusing, new assignment; keep an eye over the field and the flanks of the town, make sure nobody sneaks up on us."
[Paul Harris] let's off multiple rounds from his Mini Uzi, having used all of his grenades, towards the group closest to him, prioritizing the front of the jeep. He injures one of the Crimm marauders, his bullet puncturing his backside, but not harming any vital organs. There's minor blood loss. [Paul Harris] gains [+3 exp].

[George Clark] and [the Hidgon Brothers] move the prisoners you captured in the field and pushes them up to the gate, using them as human body shields. The Crimm relentlessly fire into their bodies despite their pleading screams. One of the Marauders is operating with a FMJ bullets, and one of them completely penetrates [William Hidgon]'s stomach.

[Flacko Gonzales] sprints to the convoy and grabs three of the Semtex Plastic Explosives and the Detonator. He arrives back at the front near the gates and asks you what he should do with the explosives he now possesses.

[Jacob Bento] lets off bullets from his Suppressed Bull Pup Rifle, hitting a [Marauder].
[William Hansen] focuses through the scope on his Automatic Rifle, but misses his shots.
[Matthew Yu] concentrates on killing the enemies in front of him, but misses his shots.
[Daniel Mauro] kneels to use his knee as support to make his aim straighter and manages to hit a [Marauder] in the stomach and the [Marauder] suffers from severe blood loss. [Daniel Mauro] gains [+4 exp].
[Benjamin Partin] shoots at the enemy with his shotgun, but seeing as he's using shells instead of slugs, he's out of Operational Range and he misses his shots.
[Frank Cooper] let's off controlled bursts from his rifle but fails to hit any of his shots.
[Tony Bierman] sprays wildly with his Uzi and misses all of his shots.
[Keith Atnip] does his best to control his spray, but misses all of his shots completely.
[Rob Yount]'s pellets make it further than [Benjamin Partin]'s, but he still remains out of Operational Range, and misses all of the shots, despite being closer.
[Walter Grant] misses all of his shots from his SMG.

♂ William Higdon | Recruit | Combat Rifle [10/10], Revolver [5/5] | [19/40 HP]


[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] lands a serious shot against [Tony Bierman], hitting him in the lung, puncturing it. It begins to fill up with blood.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] misses.
[Marauder] let's off a burst of bullets from her Uzi, landing in [Tony Bierman]'s torso multiple times.
[Marauder] shoots [Michael Hidgon] with an Assault Rifle, the bullet deciding to bury itself right between his eyes.
[Marauder] misses.

Tony Bierman | Mercenary | [-19/50 HP]
†♂ Michael Higdon
| Recruit
Bento watches as Michael slumps to the ground, and Bierman begins to cry out in pain the best he can, before keeling over and succumbing to his fatal wounds. Quickly identifying that William had been shot in the midsection, he points it out to the Sheriff. "You gotta doctor?" He asks as he continues to let off shots at the Crimm vehicle he was trying to ignite into flames, ducking his head as far down as he could underneath cover.

Assuming that Sarcoxie did indeed have one, Bento orders for Frank Cooper to fall back with William Hidgon for emergency treatment, telling them to retrieve medicine from the convoy if they need.

"Keep up the fire! Kill 'em all!"

Bento looks sideways at Flacko, almost appalled by his stupidity. "Fuck do you mean what do I want you to do with them? Blow up some fuckin' raiders! Aim for the ones near their jeeps!" Bento orders, taking one of the explosives himself and throwing them out toward the largest conglomeration of raiders near one of the vehicles, hopefully causing a big enough explosion to massacre them all.
The sheriff nods and motions his hand to one of his deputies, who then carries William Hidgon away. Frank Cooper retreats from the front lines to provide the Sarcoxian medic with medicine that was probably higher quality then what they had in storage.

[Jacob Bento] flings one of the Semtex Plastic Explosives towards one of the Marauder Jeeps, but misses. It lands to the left of the jeep, closer to the main road than a marauder.
[William Hansen] shoots one of the [Crimm Marauder]s in the leg, straight through his knee, which causes the [Crimm Marauder] to crumple over. [William Hansen] decides to use this to advantage and attempts to double-tap the [Crimm Marauder], but misses his second burst of shots.
[Matthew Yu] instantly kills one of the [Crimm Marauder]s with a bullet that goes straight through the marauder's heart.
[Daniel Mauro] misses. Although, the [Crimm Marauder] he shot previously has died. [+10 exp].
[Benjamin Partin] switches to his Revolver, seeing as his Pump Shotgun isn't doing any work from his range, but still misses.
[Keith Atnip] shoots one of the [Crimm Marauder]s in the right breast. [Keith Atnip] gains [+3 exp].
[Rob Yount] has also switched to his sidearm, a Magnum, but also misses any of his targets.
[Paul Harris] sprays with his Mini-Uzi once more and lands multiple shots on a [Crimm Marauder]. [Paul Harris] gains [+4 exp].
[Walter Grant] a devastating blow to a [Crimm Marauder], the bullet piercing the marauder's spine, instantaneously crippling him. [Walter Grant] takes this into his hands and shoots the [Crimm Marauder] again, killing him. [Walter Grant] gains [+16 exp].
[Flacko Gonzales] throws the remaining two Semtex Plastic Explosives towards the nearest Marauder Jeeps. Both of them miss and end up either too far from the target or too close.
[George Clark] delivers two bullets to a [Crimm Marauder]'s midsection, who then doubles over, clutching his stomach. [George Clark] shoots again for the kill, but he misses terribly.


[Crimm Marauder] hits [Matthew Yu] in the side of the stomach. Although, [Matthew Yu] shrugs it off and continues fighting.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] hits [William Hansen] in the left shoulder, who then stumbles back but quickly resumes his fighting.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] hits [Walter Grant] in the right arm in such a fashion that the bullet travels through his entire arm and exits out his shoulder, completely blowing out his right arm, but not causing him serious bodily harm.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] hits [Benjamin Partin] in the chest, who falls flat on his back, blood coming from his wounds.
[Crimm Marauder] hits [Benjamin Partin], carrying the momentum from his comrade, and hits [Benjamin Partin] in the side of the chest, with the bullet going through the left lung, that is now collapsing.
[Crimm Marauder] hits [George Clark], shooting him in the kidney, who screams in excruciating pain as he begins to bleed profusely.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] finishes off the miserable [George Clark] by shooting the crying man, entering in the jaw and exiting the back of his skull.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.

George Clark | Recruit
✚ ♂
Benjamin Partin | Mercenary | Pump Shotgun [6/6], Revolver [5/5], Swiss Knife | [12/50 HP]
Jacob tells Flacko to wait until targets get near the explosives, at which point he should detonate them. A minimum of three raiders must be in explosive ranges of any of the bombs for it to be worth detonating, he decides.

Bento shouts to Yu. "Grab Partin and get him to the doctor! Wrap yourself up and get back here if you feel up for it! Grant, you go too, get that bleeding on your arm stopped and get back here!" he demands.

Now with three mercenaries dead and four evacuated, Jacob looked around at his ten mercenaries and the Sarcoxians who were still standing. "They're outnumbered! If they want a war of attrition, they can have it; we'll fuckin' win eventually, no matter how many of us fall! Bleed 'em dry, boys, send 'em back to their drug dens!" Jacob screams, before popping back out of cover once again and with a fury in his trigger finger, unleashes yet another salvo of hot lead at the first fucker he spots.
[Flacko Gonzales] watches the battlefield intensely, waiting for three of the Crimm to walk by one of the Semtex Plastic Explosives. Every single time [Flacko Gonzales] thinks that they start to walk near one of the Semtex Plastic Explosives and he presses the button, he's detonated them too early. The other two explode and don't hit any other targets.

[Matthew Yu] desperately drags [Benjamin Partin] towards the field hospital that the deputies and Sarcoxian residents have set up.

[Jacob Bento] squeezes the trigger of his Suppressed Bull Pup Rifle and three 5.56 rounds enter the [Crimm Marauder]'s face, one under the nose, one in the middle of the forehead, and one in the jaw, instantly killing the [Crimm Marauder].
[William Hansen] misses horribly, shooting way over the head of a [Crimm Marauder].
[Daniel Mauro] misses.
[Keith Atnip] delivers a lethal shot that punctures the iliac artery in the [Crimm Marauder]'s lower abdomen and two more rounds that shred through the [Crimm Marauder]'s intestines, killing him. [Keith Atnip] gains [+10 exp].
[Rob Yount] hits one of the other [Crimm Marauder]'s that were previously injured, a mercy kill, if you will. [Rob Yount] gains [+10 exp].
[Paul Harris] sprays once more with his Mini-Uzi, but misses all of his shots.
[Walter Grant] misses.

The Sarcoxian law enforcement manage to kill one of the Crimm Marauders.


[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] hits [William Hansen] multiple times along the lower part of his left leg. [William Hansen] collapses to the ground.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] hits [Walter Grant] once in the stomach, but the bullet manages to avoid any vital organs.

♂ William Hansen | Mercenary Veteran | Scoped Automatic Rifle [30/30, 30/30], 9mm Pistol [12/12], Combat Knife | [44/70 HP]
♂ Walter Grant | Mercenary | SMG [32/32], 9mm [12/12], Baseball Bat | [23/50 HP]
As the fighting progresses, Jacob begins to grow more and more confident in their ability to win this fight.

"Will! You alright!?" Jacob shouts over the sound of the warring factions, looking over at Grant as well. "If either of you feel the need, get back and head to the field hospital! Get back here ASAP!"

Afterward, well, Bento does all he can continue doing. Killing motherfuckers.
[William Hansen] lifts [Walter Grant], supporting him with his shoulder, and they hobble off to the field hospital behind firing range.

[Jacob Bento] misses.
[Daniel Mauro] misses.
[Keith Atnip] misses.
[Rob Yount] misses.
[Paul Harris] misses.
[Flacko Gonzales] lands a better shot than the rest, shattering the clavicle of one of the [Crimm Marauder]s.

As you and your mercenaries duck for cover to reload your weapons between the exchange volleys from the Sarcoxian lawmen and the Crimm Marauders, you hear excessive honking from behind you. You and the others look behind you to see a truck with a modified bed and camouflage netting hanging over the back slowly coming up to the gate in reverse. After a few awkward moments of silence as the Crimm Marauders and the defenders of Sarcoxie stare at the truck, two Sarcoxian deputies run up to it and hastily take off the netting, revealing another Sarcoxien deputy behind a .50 caliber machine gun.

Two of the marauders are killed by the .50 caliber machine gun and are stunned by the sudden heavy firepower. This allows you and the Sarcoxian lawmen to attack again without interference.

[Jacob Bento] shoots a [Crimm Marauder], the bullet grazing his neck.
[Daniel Mauro] misses.
[Keith Atnip] misses.
[Rob Yount] misses.
[Paul Harris] hits one of the [Crimm Marauder]s in the side. The blood loss causes the [Crimm Marauder] to pass out. [Paul Harris] takes this to double tap the [Crimm Marauder], which kills him. [Paul Harris] gains [+13 exp].
[Flacko Gonzales] misses.


[Crimm Marauder] hits [Flacko Gonzales], ripping through his calf muscle, causing the deputy to collapse.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] hits [Paul Harris] just under the clavicle. The bullet goes completely through [Paul Harris], though.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.
[Crimm Marauder] squeezes the trigger on her Automatic Rifle. After three loud pops, [Paul Harris] slumps to the ground.
[Crimm Marauder] misses.

Paul Harris | Mercenary

Because of the sudden reveal of the .50 caliber machine gun, the Crimm Marauders scramble back to their vehicles. The .50 caliber machine gun fires at the retreating vehicles but to no avail.

Paul Harris | Mercenary
Tony Bierman | Mercenary
Michael Hidgon | Recruit
†♂ George Clark
| Recruit

Total: 4
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder
Crimm Marauder | Marauder

Total: 12
Crimm Marauder
Crimm Marauder

Total: 2

(25) Rations
(54) Water
(201) Atlani Dollars


(2) Uzis
(2) Pump Shotguns
(1) 9mm Pistol
(1) Combat Rifle
(1) Modified Baseball Bat [nails]
(1) Assault Rifle
(2) Heavy Assault Rifles
(1) Magnum
(1) Machine Pistol
(1) Double Barrel Shotgun
(1) Assault Shotgun
(1) Revolver


(89) 5.56mm
(171) 9mm
(16) 12 Gauge Shells
(4) 12 Gauge Slugs
(14) .30
(29) 9mm Parabellum
(15) 7.62mm
(31) .45 Auto
Jacob hauls in a deep breath as he looks around the battlefield. Dead Crimms scattered around the field as gunsmoke lazily drifted toward the sky. The quad of bleeding carcasses of mercenaries strewn like Christmas lights around the wall, poor bastards.

"Search every asshole out there and get to their shit before the Sarcoxians do. Let the Sheriff and his dogs take care of the prisoners." Bento whispers to Flacko, before walking away from the wall and toward the field hospital, where his wounded were, to check on their conditions.

After getting a status update on the many wounded mercenaries, Jacob heads toward Morse's house for payment.

"There were a few fuckin' more of six of 'em. Y'know, I wouldn't expect a town with a fifty-caliber fucking machine gun would be hiring anyone for protection." Jacob stated as he walked into the building. "Four of my men are dead after that battle. Cough up the $40 and ninety bullets, will ya?"
Atnip and Gonzales haul the two remaining Crimm prisoners over to the sheriff, who shackles them and brings them over to wooden cages.

Benjamin Partin has succumbed to his wounds. The Sarcoxian doctor was not able to stabilize Benjamin Partin's pneumothorax (collapsed lung).
Matthew Yu is in stable condition.
William Hansen is in stable condition.
Walter Grant is in stable condition.
William Hidgon is still in critical condition and will need tending to for several days.

"I know nothing of a machine gun, and I'd like it if you watch your tongue," Morse says, reluctantly pulling out two $20 Atlani bills and handing over the burlap pouch with the remainder of 5.56 rounds.
"Yup. You stay safe, John," Jacob says with a chuckle, before walking out of the cabin with a smirk on his face. What a fucking dickwad.

After leaving the house he heads back to the field hospital and speaks with the doctor. "So, my man Hidgon is pretty fucked. I appreciate all the work you did for Benjamin, its unfortunate you lost your patient and I lost my soldier. Would you be willing to oversee William's recovery over the next few days, and we'll come back to collect him when he's all good? If you need payment, we can arrange that."
Dr. Patricia Martinez, the only medical professional in Sarcoxie is the woman you speak with. She was a veterinarian before the collapse of the Atlani government, tending to barnyard animals in the north. She has black, shaggy hair that covers a thin face with wide, emerald green eyes. Her frame is tall yet scrawny, and she moves with slow grace.

Dr. Martinez speaks with an silvery tone, "Well, yes. Hidgon has suffered damage to his intestines. The stomach acid and intestinal bacteria have contaminated the peritoneum, thus he's now suffering from peritonitis. Luckily enough, Mr. Hidgon's arteries are still all in tact and the bullet was stopped in his intestines. I've extracted the majority of the bullet but there are still fragments left inside of him. He will require surgery to remove the infected tissue and prevent the infection from spreading. He'll also need a blood transfusion, intravenous fluids, pain medication, and antibiotics. If you wish to leave him here, that's perfectly fine. I should have him in tip-top shape again in a few days. Although, he'll require expensive medication and we'll have to find the same blood as his. If you do want to leave him here in Sarcoxie, that'll be 150 Atlani dollars per day for residence and an additional 500 up front for the medication. Is that okay?"
Bento is flabbergasted by the significant price that the doctor demanded for Hidgon's treatment. "Doctor Martinez, surely you can be sympathetic that four of this man's brothers were killed in defense of your town. Perhaps instead of five hundred dollars in forward pay, I could exchange some weapons or medicine?" Jacob questions. While the mercenaries could manage to pay for this treatment of their man, but that would be a huge blow to their finances that he didn't want to suffer.
"The 500 is nonnegotiable. That's how much the medicine will cost. You say you have medicine, if you let me look over it I can deduct that medicine from what we'll need to treat Mr. Hidgon. And there's no way to change how much his residency will cost. He'll needed tending to almost around the clock."
Jacob sniffs a bit, getting impatient with the doctor fofor a moment before realizing thatthe life of one of his promising recruits' lives pretty much rested in this woman's hands, because he was gravely injured under him and Flacko's command. He was important; a survivor of the Battle of Sarcoxie, his fellow brother and friend dying beside one another, him pushed to the brink of death. From this experience, Jacob figured there were two outcomes; a battle-hardened soldier, or a PTSD-riddled victim. He was willing to bet on it being the former.

"No. It's fine. I will pay you the $500, and the $150s daily bill."

"Ma'am, you need to be armed; do you want a pistol? Despite the clear capabilities of the local law enforcement, you may be faced with a time where you'll need to get yourself out of a bad situation, it's just how life is, now."
"His residency will cost $450, three days of residence on top of the $500 for his medication, your total will be $950," Dr. Martinez says, ripping out a piece of paper with the numbers scribbled out and a radio frequency, "The frequency on that paper is a reserved line to the Sarcoxie Sheriff's Department. When Mr. Hidgon is rested and healed, they'll give you a call to come pick him up," the doctor says.

Dr. Martinez opens up her coat to reveal a nine millimeter pistol stashed inside one of her inside pockets, "I have the means to defend myself, sir, but thank you for your concern," she says, putting her coat back to cover her firearm.

Your inventory has been updated.
Jacob nods, taking out his wallet and putting a thousand dollars into her hand. "Would you break that extra fifty into smaller bills for me? All I had was hundreds on me," Jacob stated. He always carried ten one-hundred dollar bills on him, never normally making small purchases. The only time he ever changed this routine was when going into town; in that case, smaller bills were good for minor transactions like that with the barkeep who sold him that Gin Viper - he could still remember the burn.

After supposedly finishing his conversation with the Doctor and getting his change, Jacob heads out and finds one of his squad one members, informing the administrative squad to gather all the rest of the soldiers, fallen soldiers equipment, and double check that all of the opfor of the recent gunbattle had been searched and their weapons accounted for. Jacob wanted to be ever so sure that the Sarcoxians didn't get their hands on it. He also briefly informed them that Hidgon would remain in Sarcoxie for three days.

Afterward, he goes and has a chat with the wounded at the Field Hospital, apart from William Hidgon who would have an extended stay. He asks them to confirm that they are in condition to get back onto the road and into more contracts.

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