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Fantasy START!


Sage In the Making
When Sierra woke up there was a nurse holding a huge box at the foot of her bed. She seemed to be looking at her with the same questioning expression she held on her own face.

"This box came for you..." The woman said bringing the box to my side and placing it on the chair there. "What is it?" Sierra said pushing the button that raised her up to a sitting position so she could get a better view of it's contents. Opening the box the nurse pulled out a large block of Styrofoam and then raised an eyebrow curiously as she pulled out a helmet, a thick booklet, a black box and many wires wrapped up neatly and wrapped in plastic. The nurse handed Sierra the booklet as she emptied the box and searched for information on the outside.

After reading it over and looking at the things in the box she had a better idea of WHAT it was but no idea of WHY it was there. It was a video game, it seemed like the helmet was a controller of sorts. It was difficult to understand the technical text but it seemed like it implied so much more than that. She asked the nurse to hook the various cords up and sat holding the helmet in her hands. It seemed to be glowing softly from the inside. The instructions stated how one needed to lie completely still for two whole minutes when 'diving' as they called it. They also stated how someone could pull you from the dive forcibly by entering a passcode and they could page you from within by pressing a button on the black box. It warned it would take two minutes for full mobility to return and Sierra had laughed at that particular warning.

With nothing much to lose she pulled the helmet down over her head and laid back to experience the strange game that came from apparently nowhere.

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