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Fandom Starbound - The Erchius Chronicles

Should we RP the prologue, so I can make the quick recap more indepth?

  • Yes! We need the experience (prologue is railroaded with some world to interact with)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, you've got it covered! (skip tutorial)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Shamrock Shake
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
NOTICE! The Prologue (before the ship crash) is mildly railroaded! If your character is doing something that contradicts this (mildly spoilery) prologue summary, your post will be changed and you will be notified![media]

"Welcome aboard my ship!" the enthusiastic Avian captain announced, "I hope you all have an enjoyable trip, wherever you are headed." He stepped into the cockpit, the door gently sliding shut behind him. He typed in some coordinates, and exuberantly slammed on the "JUMP" button.

His S.A.I.L. announced, "Now departing Alpha Centauri II b..." The ship was sailing as well as could be hoped, before a piercing shriek rang down the halls, blaring red lights went on, signalling someone's tragic death.


"Come out, come out, wherever you sssilly peoplesss are!" sang a primal Floran, "I'm coming for you!"

Hushed whispers disperse over a group of people locked in a dormitory, at least the captain followed proper safety guidelines. Banging could be heard from the other side of the door, "Hello? Anyone in thisss room? I will cutsss you down~" The floran's raspy voice combined with their lisp only added to the horror-like atmosphere. Thankfully, however, the Floran became uninterested.

The danger was not over, however, as the Floran's next target was the noticeably weaker cockpit door. Gunshots could be heard before a small explosion marked the destruction of the door.

"No! Don't! Please!" The terrified Avian captain had no chance, as the Floran kept shooting, claiming the captain's life. The Floran became interested in the controls, re-plotting a course that sends the ship dangerously close to a lifeless husk of a planet.

The Floran continued its hunting spree for another few minutes, when the quickly expanding planet caught their eye, "Oh? Did Floran sssee a ssshiny object?" The Floran, suddenly overcome with curiosity, travelled back to the cockpit, their fate was sealed. Thankfully, the S.A.I.L. automatically disengaged the FTL jump, "FTL jump has been disabled, a large object has been detected." The S.A.I.L. quickly followed with, "Warning! Collision course detected! Abandon ship immediately! Disabling lockdown..." However, it was too late. The ship's cockpit was torn off by an approaching hill, effectively neutralizing the Floran threat, along with some of the momentum. The S.A.I.L. managed to open all doors before it, too, was demolished in the impact. The remaining people fled to the teleporter, beaming to relative safety one at a time.


In the distance, the ship tumbled for a few minutes before settling within walking distance. Someone also spotted the mostly-intact cockpit farther off. The only things around were hills and valleys, the various ship parts, and each other. Food was located deep within the ship, most likely completely unharmed. S.A.I.L.s were automatically downloaded into people's matter manipulators beforehand.

These are the Erchius Chronicles.

Ratchet Shadebite






special attack

Nicollas Kussen










special attack

Scrubs [reserved for @MoltenLightning 's return]






special attack

Matthias D'angelo






special attack
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(@FennikKun @gogojojo331 @MoltenLightning @WheedlingAyylien We might as well start now. Welp, here goes nothing!)

The Avian ship door slid open with a pneumatic hiss, revealing the expansive ferry. It wasn't the most legitimate, and there were some, questionable passengers, but otherwise the ship seemed all right! How would you all interact? (once everyone has posted, or after 96 hours, I will post another scene, progress along the plot a little bit, and update stats.)
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"Lieutenant, the doors are open, I'd suggest you begin paying Attention."

"Thanks for the info HAL." Matthias responded sarcastically to the AI. He had been looking to the sky, simply daydreaming, when the AI had alerted him to the situation. Sighing, Matthias stood from the bench he had been waiting on, the resting Scandroid joining him.

Matthias had rarely ever laid eyes upon an Avian ship, but here he was about to board one. He had normally traveled on cargo ships working for the ride, or simply hitching a ride with a ship that would be going in the direction he desired, but never before had he traveled on a ferry. The captain looked fairly friendly, and Matthias payed him the cheap amount of pixels for travel. He had payed no attention to the other passengers and their staring eyes, as he took no care in hiding his rifle or the fact the Trailblazer armor had U.S.C.M largely printed on the back, the rifle resting there as well. Searching for some place to sit or preferably lie down, Matthias decided upon a dormitory, one that was away from other passengers and most importantly, quiet. He soon sat down on one of the bunks, the Scandroid resting in his lap.​
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Starburst looked around at all the people on the ship, wearing a big robe that covered his face and his shine. his guitar was strapped to his back, decorated with stickers from all over the place. He checked his pockets to see if he still had the item he needed for the deal. Check. Sparky followed behind, his little legs pitter-pattering along as he tried to keep up. He gave Star a little 'yip' of concern but . "S.A.L.L.Y..." He whispered to his phone, "How long didja say this flight was? An' where in tarnation are we goin' again?"

"Hon..." S.A.L.L.Y responded in a low whisper, "How long do I have to tell you? We are going to Tantalus IV in the Omega star system. An' why do ya even care about how long it take? We are trying to get far away, and this is one of the few ships in the total galaxy that don' check ID" Starburst sighed "Cause there are a bunch of criminals on thus ship jus like me." He looked to his left and his right. S.A.L.L.Y knew this as well. This was a ship full of deserters, conmen, lowlifes, serial killers, and the occasional cheapskate, but hey, at least there was no Florans...? "I know hon." She did her best to emit the A.I version of a sigh. "Just hang in there."
Nicollas had his hood on as he woke up inside the ship, a holograph emitter next to his head, and his sword leaned against the wall.

A voice came from the device.

"Oh dear lord ! Are you okay ? How are you feeling ?" Her voice sounded like that of a mother's, or atleast what Nicollas guessed it sounded like.

Nicollas replied:

"I'm fine."

His voice was distracted by a hooded figure with a guitar on it's back.

"I wonder what he did to be here." Nicollas asked, waiting for a response, but he was surprised as the holograph dissapeared and a "Recharging" screen was on.

He let out a small chuckle, imagining if the S.A.I.L was on all night watching him sleep.
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(Imma just post for shits and giggles, because why not)

Ratchet Thorn Shadebite stood up from his spot on a bench, stretched, and hurried to avoid attracting the wrong type of attention. He went behind a back alley, and fit on his snow infantry gear, closing the visor and zipping up the jacket. Now nobody would be able to tell he was even a Floran, let alone the businessman from the Shadebite camp.

He walked up to a robed figure, and attempted some small talk, "Hey, what'sss your ssstory?" he almost visibly cringed at his lisp, hoping the robed figure wouldn't notice. (@gogojojo331 )
"Not much." He looked at the masked figure, and turned his guitar around and strummed it a bit. "By the way, fella, is there something must be wrong with yer mask there? Makes yah sound like a Floran." He kept strumming. If this figure was a Floran, he'd know by the next sentence the guy spoke. "Yah have any song preferences 'fore I play?"
Behind his thick, fogged up mask, Shadebite bit his lip. This robed stranger has trapped him unless he can think fast. He had to respond without using S's... After a moment of careful thought, he responded, "Yeah, the headgear will get clogged. It can be a roadblock." He stepped onto the ship, "I am trying to find sssome fuel for my ssship. I have ran out on my coloniesss."
"I see." The heat touch of cold steel hit the Florans back. "Listen here varmint..." He whispered in his ear. "I'm an outlaw myself, so I can't do nothing crazy or else I go to jail, and my employer wouldn't like that, ya get me?" He pressed his gun deeper "Now I've heard of you Florans and your space craziness...So rest assured, if I see you actin' up, I won't hesitate to put a blast through your face."
Heh, so this is what it feels to have your life on the line. Surpisingly, Ratchet hadn't experienced this before. Being a Floran, however, the exhilarating experience was rather addicting. He composed himself, and responded, "I am not here to causse trouble, ssir" He said slowly, calming his lisp, "I only wish to refuel my ship to avoid any encountersss with any less civilized Floransss." He pulled off his helmet, revealing a well-kept head of leaves, with a exotic-looking red flower offset to the right, where the leaves seem to originate. Ratchet stowed the helmet in his inventory, ready to equip a personal dagger if necessary, "I must warn you that I will defend myssself if the need arisssesss, ssso don't sssay I didn't warn you."
"Shure 'nuff I will." He said and put his weapon back in his holster. He looked around and got on the ship with him. He had heard that Florans were addicted to violence and the feel of the kill. Probably why they were such kill-crazy maniacs. Some sort of drug in their brain...One time, his old group went to raid a Floran encampment. 10 went in there. 4 returned, badly injured.
( @MoltenLightning has some irl stuff going on, and is dropping out. However, I am reserving their character for when their irl stuff has boiled over)

( @WheedlingAyylien )

Walking through the ship corridors, several people give you strange and dirty looks. The halls look just barely within safety codes, there were so many little books and crannies for a monster to hide, and wait to strike. You eventually find a dormitory with a safe-looking airlock waiting to snap shut, and claim a bed as your own. It was an Apex standard issue bed, complete with a standard issue nightstand and lamp. With a white and a beep, your scandroid followed you into the dorm, and rested itself in your lap, the low him of an enigmatic engine from inside.

( @FennikKun )

You watch the unfolding scene with the robed figure and the snow infantryman. The robed figure pulled a gun and seemingly threatened the snow-geared figure. As it turns out, the snow infantry gear was to disguise this Floran's identity. After surrendering, the robed figure let up a little, and they both travelled inside the ship, paying their respective fees. However, the sketchy figures never seem to end, as a Glitch with an extraordinarily large suitcase struggles to lug it into the ship. How will you react to such a strange occurance?

( @gogojojo331 )

You and the Floran head into the ship, the Floran setting up a small shop near the end of the corridor. A sign signals the shop's purpose. "Ratchet's Home Services" seems like a home renovation side business, and the prices look cheap. Well, for a service provided by a Floran, that is. Another person, however, does pay the small price, and the two, one after another, teleport to the customer's home. After some time, they return, the customer smiling and thanking the Floran for their services.

Ratchet Shadebite






special attack

Nicollas Kussen










special attack

Scrubs [reserved for @MoltenLightning 's return]






special attack

Matthias D'angelo






special attack
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The dormitory was fairly quiet, only noise coming from the corridor outside. Matthias sighed, this trip would no doubt be longer than he had originally thought. He patted the Scandroid and left the dormitory, it shouldn't hurt to explore the ferry a bit. The corridor was loud, filled with some rather, untrustworthy characters. Again, there was odd and simply disgusted looks being passed to Matthias, but he paid no mind, having set his eyes on what seemed to be a stall in the far end of the corridor. "HAL, can you read that from here?"

"It says 'Ratchet's Home Services' Lieutenant, it's hard to make out but it looks as if a Floran might be operating the stall."

"A floran, odd, you'd think they'd own a spear shop or something similar."


At that Matthias made a bee line for the stall, it might be nice to meet a civilized floran for once. As opposed to the numerous floran he had, met, while in service with the U.S.C.M. After brushing past quite a few people, and quite a few profanities being tossed at him, he finally made it to the stall. He seemed to have made it there in just the right time, as the floran was finishing up with a customer. He waited patiently for them to finish up, and at the time it seemed best to talk to the floran Matthias tried his best to start the conversation."Hello, ratchet is it?"
Using his matter manipulator, Ratchet realigned the sign, and placed down a few more little gadgets and gizmos. He was rather glad this ferry wasn't under a shield's protection: otherwise he'd have to cause some chaos to be able to do anything. He looked up, and saw another person heading towards his workshop, "Oh? I've never been ssso popular before! Yesss, that'sss me." The Floran joked, using his matter manipulator to place a pixel printer next to the tabletop, "So, what'll it be?"
Nicollas starts to close his eyes and falling asleep.

His sleep was abruptly disturbed by a thud, as he opens his eyes and grabs his sword by the sheath he saw a glitch holding a suitcase.

He started to wonder what was inside, after all, it could have some good pixels in there. When he noticed he was already walking towards the robot, holding the sheath by it's end and on his shoulder, like an english guard.

He put the holograph on his pocket, and his hand over it trying to hide the light of the "Recharging" screen.

"Helloo.." He stopped, trying to analyze the robot's clothing to know it's gender, while also thinking of a way to make it talk, he wasn't the best talker. "Ma'am ?"

"May I know what's in that suitcase ?" DEFINITELY not a good talker.

He could feel vibrations coming from his pocket, as if E.M.M.A was laughing.

As he waited for an response, he thought if it was a good idea to leave his sword in plain sight.


(Dont worry about responding soon, I can wait :D )
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"I'm not looking for anything in particular" Matthias looked the stall up and down, "I was just wondering what a floran would be doing owning a home service business, and not a perhaps a weapons business." The question was most likely offensive to the floran, but Matthias cared none, as this truly interested him.
FennikKun said:
Nicollas starts to close his eyes and falling asleep.
His sleep was abruptly disturbed by a thud, as he opens his eyes and grabs his sword by the sheath he saw a glitch holding a suitcase.

He started to wonder what was inside, after all, it could have some good pixels in there. When he noticed he was already walking towards the robot, holding the sheath by it's end and on his shoulder, like an english guard.

He put the holograph on his pocket, and his hand over it trying to hide the light of the "Recharging" screen.

"Helloo.." He stopped, trying to analyze the robot's clothing to know it's gender, while also thinking of a way to make it talk, he wasn't the best talker. "Ma'am ?"

"May I know what's in that suitcase ?" DEFINITELY not a good talker.

He could feel vibrations coming from his pocket, as if E.M.M.A was laughing.

As he waited for an response, he thought if it was a good idea to leave his sword in plain sight.


(Dont worry about responding soon, I can wait :D )
"Sarcastic. Like you would want to know what's in here. Inquiry. What's got someone like you stooping down to a criminal's level?" The glitch responded, "Warning. This place is going to be filled with crooks and the occasional Floran looking to get off-planet." She lugged her suitcase into a platform, it was automatically sorted with the rest of the luggage, "Exasperated. That job is taken care of." She seems to say, not quite to you, or anyone else in particular.

WheedlingAyylien said:
"I'm not looking for anything in particular" Matthias looked the stall up and down, "I was just wondering what a floran would be doing owning a home service business, and not a perhaps a weapons business." The question was most likely offensive to the floran, but Matthias cared none, as this truly interested him.
"Oh ha ha. Poking fun at the bloodthirsssty monssster," The Floran teased, "murder and ssstabbing thingsss got boring very fassst. More accomplissshed thisss way. I do sssell weaponsss too, if you want any of them. Mostly shotgunsss and pissstolsss and other, not suitable weaponsss. Hope you like my ssselection!" The Floran smiled, revealing a polished set of keratin-based, teeth-like structures normally used to slice through, and grind up meat. It looked more threatening than welcoming, but who knows with Florans these days?

(I'll see y'all again in 8-ish to 12-ish hours, once I get back from a two hour trip to Michigan. =])
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Nicollas watched his attempt at talking miserably failing.

"You are not good at this" E.M.M.A said from his pocket, trying her best to give a laughing tone.

"Hey, I tried." Nicollas responded, with a sad tone, pulling the small device out of his pocket.

He let the sheath slide to his hand, as he walked to a bench he sat down on a bench, quickly falling asleep.
( @WheedlingAyylien )

You and the Floran have a small chat, and they continue with their business. It's really rather informal: customer requests help, paying for one of a few options, customer and Floran beam to customer's home, supposedly fix and renovate home, and beam back. The long-range teleporter was useful for this, and seemed rather sturdy, reduction to short-range being caused by nothing less of a collision with a hefty planet. (hint hint nudge nudge)

( @FennikKun )

Getting some rest definitely seemed like the right choice, as when you are inevitably re-awoken by the sound of the Captain re-affirming that the ship is about to take off, you don't feel like a zombie for once in your probably sleep-deprived life. Who knows how much sleep you get? E.M.M.A. does, however weird that may be. Either way, the ship is about to embark, and you're not too sure you have all of your supplies...

(@gogojojo331 )

You didn't respond, and the automatic deadline hit! I'm going to assume your character boards the ship, otherwise you'd have been left behind :P

( @all players )

And then the Captain signals the ship's departure, "Final call! The ship is departing in 10 minutes!" The Avian captain innocently smiles to all of the shady passengers, a few return the smile, but otherwise ignore the Captain's gesture.

Ratchet Shadebite






special attack

Nicollas Kussen










special attack

Scrubs [reserved for @MoltenLightning 's return]






special attack

Matthias D'angelo






special attack
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Nicollas wakes up as he hears the avian captain.

He jumps up, taking his sword in the same movement and running to a fair set near the ship.

A small click is heard as he attaches the sword to a small locking mechanism on his hip and he runs into the store.

A strong wind sent some things flying away as Nicollas ran through the fair, ocasionally stopping to buy supplies and then running again to the ship.
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