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Star wars

If the Jedi commander got any emotion, any movement or even... anything out of the rigid clone before her, it was not noticed, and the Jedi would sense nothing. It was like command had replaced Commander Fox with a droid, barely able to be classified as organic. Once the smile returned to the Jedi's face, and the question was asked... only then did she get a response from the otherwise impassive Clone. It gave a subtle, and slight shift of it's head, the visor glinting black, and only silence greeted the Jedi. Several figures walked past the two during their silence, and just as it was about to seem as though the clone would give no response at all, it spoke in a low tone. 

"A name such as Talena? My name... is ATC-8302. I do not have another Commander."

8302 continued to stand in that rigid position. It indeed knew of it's duties, backwards and forwards, and also knew how to most efficiently carry them out... it would rigorously train the new trooper recruits, and command the best out of them to be captains to further encourage their growth as soldiers. However, 8302 did everything by the book, in fact, 'breaking the rules' was a concept that had been conveniently left out of 8302's training, so where any other trooper might have directed to conversation elsewhere, or been a little less socially impaired, 8302 could only sit there, do as its Jedi commander asked, and wait for orders. 
Interesting. Well, we have an interesting day ahead of us....hm....I'll call you Arc for now. Anyway, we have a long day ahead of us. I'll be talking you down to the barracks to meet the rest of the 401st. After that, I have to head down to CSF and report on what occurred yesterday

She activated her comlink, calling ahead to the clones managing the Temple Hanger

Get an LAAT ready for me. Bound for the 401st barracks near by

Copy that. It will be ready shortly

Talena smiled, then began walking off in a direction and gestured "Arc" to follow her

If you want Arc, you can remove your helmet. 

Talena led Arc through many hallways and in the process, the clone was able to witness some training. Some younglings were packed into the archives, reading up on what seemed to be Twi'leks. There were Younglings building their sabers in the Forge and others practicing the Force. 

Eventually, the pair reached the hangers were the transport was waiting. Upon climbing on board, Talena reached up and held onto the handle as the transport flew out. It banked off to the left and went a few miles down before landing again. Down at the landing pad, two 401st troopers were standing guard. They walked up to approach the transport, saluting as they saw their Jedi Commander. Talena gave them a nod and they lowered their hands. One of them spoke up

What brings you here Commander?

Its time I introduce all of you to someone. Get everyone to the Rally area. They're all excused from their daily exercises 


The two guards ran ahead and into the compoound. As Talena and Arc walked towards the Rally area, Arc could see the many rooms and arenas present. From quarters to a Battle Simulation area, the place was like a miniature Kamino. 

Talena and Arc arrived at the Rally area and the climbed up to the large stage like podium. Down below, the ENTIRE 401st legion was present, organized by division and rank. As Talena stepped forward, they all saluted simultaneously. Talena whispered to Arc

Let me do the talking for now

She then addressed the Legion, speaking in a loud voice so that all could hear

At Ease!!

The hands fell and the helmets were removed. Talena took a breath before continuing

I want to commemorate you all for the successful defense yesterday. However, we did suffer a great loss. Commander Fox was a well decorated solider. 

The 401st troopers nodded their heads, holding their heads low. Talena did the same for a moment, then raised it up as she gestured to Arc

This is the new Commander everyone. Her serial numbers is ATC-8302....but I like calling her Arc

The Clone could only offer a nod in response to its commanders words, storing away the information she had learned into her own personal mental filing cabinet. By the time the Jedi went to move, leading the Clone through the halls, she might have realized that besides a head movement or two, the Clone had not moved once, utterly rigid and at attention nearly every second of their conversation. However when she gestured, the Clone was quick to follow, taking a defensive point along the Commanders right side to allow clear range of fire if need be, and close enough to dive in front of the commander should the situation arise. The Clone noticed the Jedi in their studies, both training and learning, but not out of any genuine interest. The rooms were dark, perfect for snipers or an assassin, therefore, they had to be checked, and checked again. It also helped to familiarize herself with the temple and it's inhabitants. The sound of the Jedi's question, turned more like an order in its mind, triggered an immediate response. 8302 reached upwards and slowly slid the helmet from the feminine face, revealing that the Jedi had not been wrong about seeing a lack of emotion... the Clone known as 8302 had a face of stone, blond hair which fell in a ponytail down her back, and eyes of striking blue and silver. The Clone had a beautiful face, yet it was colder than anything the jedi had ever seen.

They arrived at the port and 8302... Arc, immediatly looked over the Clones near them, checking their movements for any hostile actions. 8302 did not share the trust and comradery that the original clones shared, 8302 did not look like them, act like them, or talk like them... they might as well have been conscripts or civilians. The Clone slid aboard the transport, taking position near the entrance, in front of Talena for protection purposes, and it's eyes never stopped moving over the sky and ground the entire time they were in the air. 

The Clone disembarked before the commander, eying the Clones with those shockingly empty eyes, before diverting them forwards as Arc followed the Jedi up to the staging area where the 401st, 8302's first command, we're waiting for the Jedi to address them. For the first time since the jedi had met Arc, the trooper finally showed it's first bit of emotion as it beheld the massive array of soldiers and weapons before them... an entire legion, and Arcs face showed it surprise and shock briefly glanced over before being repressed, only staring quietly ahead until her name was called. Stepping forwards, 8302 simply Stoddard there silently, the face of a woman in a clones armor, taller and stronger than any of them, and a face that could have been chiseled. Arc gave no words, unaware that she was supposed to do anything, and the commander had specifically said not to speak...
If you wanna say anything in regards to introducing yourself, now would be the time

In the brief moment Arc had felt slight emotion, Talena sensed it and smiled. She stepped back, giving the floor to Arc. Throughout there small journey to the barracks, Talena had noticed how rigid she was, only doing what she was told. She was clearly not like any other clone. To herself, she thought

"What did CSF send me, a droid?"

She just sighed. Talena knew Arc was human. It was just that something was restraining her. Talena placed her hands behind her back.

The clones down below were a bit surprised to see a female in clone armor. Some of them murmured to themselves, inaudible to Arc, but audible to Talena

"When did they start making female clones?"

"Is like, a new line of clones?"

"What will happen to us?"

The murmurs eventually stopped with all the clones realizing that whatever this is, they would just have to go along with it . If their Jedi Commander could work with it, so could they.

They all stood at attention, waiting to see if Arc would say anything

Arc stood before the multitudes of clones before it, like 8302, yet... different in the most obvious of ways. They had gone through what it had, similar, albeit easier toils and training under the cloners. Yet despite this weak similarity between them... Arc felt no connection to these male versions of it. They shared no bond. It was alone. Yet Arc did not mind, it did not have any knowledge of what a connection or bond felt like in the first place, 8302, little more than a robot with a serial number, knew nothing other than combat. It had no particular desire to address the Clones, yet also, felt no nervous nature as any other might when speaking to a crowd of thousands. So when the Jedi commander asked Arc to address... it was taken as an order. Arc came to a crisp salute before the soldier, and spoke in a feminine, yet deep voice.

 "Clones of the 401st legion, I am your new assigned commander under Jedi General Talena. You are to address me by serial number, or by rank, and I will do the same for you. I have specific orders from command detailing the training regiment for new recruits and senior officers alike. We are to begin tomorrow, any Clone that does not meet the standard... is to be replaced by a more capable officer. Each lieutenant is to meet with me each week and give report on the progress being made. This evening will be the first report." 

Completed with what Arc had to say, and without any further words, it stepped back behind the Jedi. Arc stared straight ahead, unflinching, completly unaware of any issues or resentment the words might have caused, and completly oblivious to how harsh they may have been. Social grace was most certainly not Arcs thing...
Some on the clones were muttering to themselves, again, inaudible to Arc, but audible to Talena

The hell...Reports?

So what, just for a small slip up, we'll be replaced?

What the fuck was the Republic thinking sending us this?

Talena bit her lip slightly. She could sense the immense uneasiness from the male clones. She took a step forward, speaking to the 401st

You are all dismissed. Return to your daily exercises.

The legion chorused with a "Yes Commander" and departed. Soon, the Rally Area was empty except the Jedi and Arc. Talena turned to look at Arc

Was it your own idea to have Lieutenants report to you?

Her tone was soft and nothing negative and full of curiousity

@FabulousTrash (Hey, no worries, I didn't respond for two days! ^^)

The Clone had excellent hearing, due courtesy of Arc's genetic and technological 'improvements', but if Arc heard any of the mutterings of the clone's... it made no movement, or any sounded that hinted that it did. Perhaps it didn't affect Arc in the slightest, or Arc simply didn't hear. Or it was simply very good at hiding what it felt, even from a Jedi. 

Arc watched as the... it's troops filed from the field. It had been a productive day, and if Arc was to meet with all the squad commanders before the Jedi slept, Arc would have to move quickly. The clone immediately started walking away from the platform, only to be stopped a moment later as the Jedi's voice called out to Arc. The Clone froze, hands motionlessly at it's side, almost as if considering her words. When Arc finally spoke, it was quiet. 

"Yes. I saw the number of soldiers, and knew I would not be able to study them all properly. I would need individual commanders to give reports based on the efficiency of the troopers under their command. In turn, I would judge the lieutenants for their worth. If I have your permission commander."

The last part was delayed a little, almost a second thought as if Arc had not even considered asking for permission from its Jedi commander.
Of course Arc. Just let me know what your plan is before executing it.

Talena knew it would take a while to get used to the new type of clone, but she trusted that in time, it will happen. She glanced down at her time-keeping device, sighing lightly and looked back at Arc

I must depart to give my report to CSF about yesterday. I trust you will lead the 401st well.

Talena walked out of the Rally Area and back towards the landing platform where the transport was waiting. As she got on, she made contact with the CTF Admiral from yesterday

Admiral, our briefing is to be occurring soon. Currently, I am making my way to Command. I hope you had an enjoyable time with your daughter yesterday.

Talena smiled lightly. She was just glad Command had delayed the report. When they asked why, Talena had told them that she had to assist cleanup and had to report to the Jedi Council first. A small lie. 
@JaydenMancino Thank you for asking about it, but the RP is atm closed unfortunately, just forgot to change in the title.


The Clone commander gave a nod of its head, falling into salute upon hearing that the Jedi had to leave.

"Apologies General, I will notify you before hand next time. I will begin some routine exercises with the troops until you return."

The Clone stood still until the Jedi had completely departed, standing rigid and watching as she boarded the gunship, and watched as it flew away out of its view and behind the Senate building. From there, Clone Commander Arc made its way down the rally field, and eventually made it to the barracks. Arc looked around, eyeing the area and getting accustomed to its layout. After a moment, Arc made way for the mess hall where most of the soldiers were likely having dinner. Stepping within the confines, the Clone waited patiently at the entrance until the eating Clones quieted down, and if they did not...

"401st! In 0100 hours, report to the rally fields for training exercise. Once completed, Lieutenants and Captains will report to me immediately. This will be a routine from now on. Return to your meals." 

Arc turned and crisply walked up to the food dispenser, helmet still on, as she retrieved a tray and sat down at a table where no one else sat. She would remove her helmet revealing the stony, yet attractive face, and begin eating methodically, and alone, until finished. If no one approached her, Arc would then leave, and not be seen until the training.

The Admiral would respond, and for a moment, all the Jedi would hear might be the screams and yells of... happy children. Soon enough, the sounds faded out, and a woman's worn out but amused voice came on. 

"Apologies, some of the little ones decided to stay over... I will be there shortly. And... yes, it was nice, very much so. Thank you again for what you did."
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The transport took Talena to the Command building. She was greeted by a few guards at the door, leading her into the CSF building. She eventually found herself before Command. Talena gave a nod of acknowledgement 

Your report?

Right. I just want to mention that the Admiral will be here shortly. 

Talena cleared her throat slightly before continuing

I was contacted by General Obi-Wan Kenobi. He had asked for the assistance of my legion and I. At the time, the 501st were already deployed but spread thin. I was also informed General Plo-Koon was en route to assist the CSF Navy. Upon dispatch, I was located at the Senate Spaceport, where the bounty hunters eventually turned up. They had some form of an anti-air cannon and used it to wipe out a good amount of men before actually appearing. During this time, General Skywalker had regrouped the 501st an was on the way to reinforce us. However, my Riot Troopers were able to take down and apprehend the bounty hunters while the 501st ran into the famed criminal who was hiding just a few miles away. The casualty count was great, and I assume you are all aware of Commander Fox's death. 

Talena concluded her report, waiting to see if CSF had any questions
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@FabulousTrash Don't worry, just messing :P)

The Admiral would appear in the senate building, having rushed over to Command in a public transport, only so she could give herself time to look semi presentable. She had just gotten the last of her daughters friends home, and rushed to put on her uniform, and put up her hair, applying what little makeup she usually did just to keep from looking too old, (if one could call late 30's old) in the public transport. Even so, she arrived just late after the Jedi, finishing tying her hair in her normal ponytail before stepping into the room. As it stood currently, the Admiral, Sasha, was just about the highest ranking commander here, making this report to 'command', semi awkward. The only person in the room who technically outranked her, were the two Jedi Generals. To them, she nodded, and to the rest, she gave a tilt of her head. When it came time for her to present, she stood up, took a breath to calm jitters she always seemed to get when speaking before a crowd, and clicked on the projector to give a broad overlay of both Coruscant, and the chase as it occurred, speaking.

"At 0300 hours yesterday afternoon, we spotted a known convict, and a group of bounty hunters attempting to make an escape via the prime Senate spaceport, through the blockade and into the major hyperspace lanes. The CSF fleet, under my command, was set to alert status orange, and we initiated a partial blockade and shutting down the hyperspace routes of the system. Several CSF cruisers and multiple fighter squadrons, along with a strike force of gunships, were deployed as military assets to aid the boots on the ground. We sustained some minor casualties, but nothing crippling, including a pair of gunships, and a fighter caught in the blast. In the end, the convict was caught and turned over to CSF security where he is being held under numerous charges. He is set for trial a week from today, and is likely to be transported to maximum security on Belsavis soon after. Mission was a success."

Sasha stepped down from the podium, returning to her chair as both Jedi generals and the others gave reports. There would be few questions after... most of the command structure was away, and as such, most of those in the room simply wanted to be done with this dark day and put it behind them, when perhaps methods might have been called into question any other herring. As such, it was only thirty minutes later that the meeting was wrapped up, and Sasha approached the Jedi Commander. 

"Commander... I must say I am glad to have this event over. We have been searching for this convict for months now."
Talena nodded in agreement, a soft smile on her face

Yes. Now, we can focus on now and leave what has happened yesterday behind. 

As Sasha and Talena walked out into a more private area, Talena spoke in a quiet voice

Did your daughter enjoy her birthday? Over comms, it seemed like they had a very fun time

Talena couldnt help but giggled a little bit at the thought of little children running around. She was a bit of a sucker for cute things, but she always kept the fact there was a war going on at the top of her head. Her hands were placed loosely behind her back in a more relaxed positioned as the Jedi conversed with the Admiral

Admiral Sasha would only give a stiff nod, following Talena out of the rather crowded command room, out of sight of the Generals and stuffy commanders, somewhere where every word and action would not be recorded. 

However, once in the room, the exact opposite happened with her, from the Jedi. She grew more nervous, and red in the face, tightly wound even as Talena relaxed. She could handle a crowd of people, relatively easily... but she did not have the social graces for this, especially with something so personal, and with someone she respected as a person, and commander.

"The party... it was enjoyable. She had a wonderful time, or so she told me, and got everything she wanted... well, mostly..."

At that, a slight frown came over her face. It wasn't very secret, especially to Talena about the wages for an admiral. When war times hit the economy hard, wages for military staff were one of the first things to go, and taxes, the first thing to heighten. She had been hit by both, and although she'd never admit it to anyone... she hadn't been able to do everything she had hoped for her daughter.

"Regardless... thank you for your aid in this, multifaceted as it was."
Talena could sense the Admrial's slight....uneasiness as well as her thoughts. The soft smile remained on the Jedi's face as she reached into her pocket. At the same time, she took one of the Admrial's hands, pulling it close to her


Talena opened the Admrial's hand, placing something cold and metallic in it and closed her fingers around the objects.

I think you'll make better use of these than I will

Talena had given the Admiral a surprising amount of credits. Almost one thousand to be exact. Who would be sane enough to carry that amount on hand? Talena placed her hands back behind her as she continued to smile

Unless there is more to be discussed Admiral, I must depart and supervise training of the 401st

@Warhawk (dafkldfklmlekgkfadklfmdmkfa)

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