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Fandom Star Wars: The Sith Academy


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A droid said, it begins to show a holocom message before the droid takes you some where private. A slender woman appears on the holocom. "Greetings, you're probably wondering who I am- I take that back. You already know if you've been in touch with the Empire. I am Darth Rellai, here you will address as 'Lord'," She says in a high imperial accent. She continues to put her hands behind her back and holding an up right position. "You have been located in order to come to the Sith Academy to prove your worth and join the Empire," Darth Rellai beings to speak, her eyes gaze down as if they were looking at you. She then continues to speak, making her grip tighter. "You will have only one chance at this, make it count. A shuttle will be where you're located shortly and take you to Korriban. Once you are there, you will be directed for your next trial from your overseer," She says before the holocom flicks off. The droid continues to stay beside you as it sends you a message: "<You // Go to:: Korriban. = Sith>" The slender droid says before zooming off to god knows where.

Sith Academy:



[Welcome to the Sith Academy!

Before you start posing, make your way over to character creation. From there you will post your character and wait to be accepted. Another reminder, you should be some what familiar with the Old Republic lore before choosing to role play

A Note to Remember:

- Because I want to make this RP fun, disregard part of the lore under Academy Entries. Any race that is listed may attend the academy.


1. Do not break the lore. If you need a reminder on it, you can find it here.

2. Do not god mode.

3. Keep your characters original.

4. No canon characters, if we find that you're using one or spin-off of one, you will not be able to participate.

5. All RPNation rules apply.

6. No one liners, posts must be at least a paragraph long.

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Rellai stepped out of her office as she took a deep breath in, smelling the dust and the hot sun that was Korriban. The day had been hot and dry, basically like every other one. However, this day was special, for new recruits and even Sith facing their final trials. Of course, this would mean she would no longer have anything to do until the next batch of 'unworthy acolytes' came. "These Sith-- or soon to become Sith, may be my last hope," The slender women said with a distressed face. She continued to walk down the cracked steps, waiting for the recruiters to bring in the acolytes. She stood at the edge of the stone pillars, watching as Sith slowly came over. Her grey cloak was adjusted just enough so that those with possible fear, could see her silver padded lightsaber.
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"Get off, scum!"

The closest guard stabbed a finger down the loading ramp onto the desert planet, the sun glaring brightly off of the Sith trooper's armor. Among several other acolytes, Riánon Darkfire strode down the ramp, smiling and waving at the guard as she did. A ways off she could see a row of ancient broken pillars towering against the sky. Just ahead the lead recruiter, a Sith pure blood in thin black robes, beckoned the acolytes forward.

"Acolytes! You are here for a reason, though Force knows why. Ahead, at the base of those pillars of stone, is Overseer Rellai. You WILL pay her respect, or you will die. I can put it no plainer.

"Now follow."

He stepped off toward his destination, not bothering to see if he was followed. Riánon smiled and cracked her knuckles.

"Okay! Let's go kick some butt, you guys!"

The rocks crunched beneath her boots as she stepped off behind the recruiter.

An hour later the group came to a halt at the pillars. Fifty feet before them stood Rellai herself, and Riánon gasped excitedly as the Overseer's lightsaber flashed briefly into sight before Rellai's jacket covered it again. She nudged a nearby acolyte but was greeted with a glare. Riánon shrugged, pushing down the anger she felt at the brush off.

"Suite yourself."
Elrin walked with a number of other Sith acolytes to the stone pillars off in the distance, briefly taking in his surroundings before fixing his gaze ahead of him. This is what Melkar had been preparing him for; what he'd spent years in training for. There couldn't be any error here, for even the slightest mistake could lead to failure for any of them here. And Elrin couldn't afford that; he'd invested so much time into becoming an acolyte... These were his last trials. The ones that would decide if he was truly worthy of becoming a Sith warrior.

He could not let himself make a mistake. Or it would be the end for him.

When they all stood in front of the pillars, Elrin looked up from beneath his hood to see Darth Rellai standing in front of all the acolytes, recognizing her as an Overseer of the Academy. He briefly noticed a nearby acolyte nudging another in what appeared to be an unusually friendly act, but he thought nothing of it and turned his attention back to the Overseer in front of them. He stood there quietly, watching Rellai and waiting to see what would follow.

He was sure that it wouldn't be long, now.
Glaring towards Riánon and the other acolyte in frustration. Rellai used a swift move of her hand, a stone from the ground flew through air, using force as it's guidance. The small stone shot towards the two acolytes, but did not hit them. "You'll have time for social recreation later," Rellai said in an angered tone. She felt as if she had to rub her hand across her own face because of these acolytes. She waited to see one more arrive and glanced over Elrin. "Acolyte, over here," She said towards the acolyte that was now facing his final trial.
The rock whizzed by Riánon's head. Feeling her face flush with rage, she slapped a smile on instead and gave a salute.

"Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!"

Her neighbor from before glanced at her with concern on his face and took a step away from her. He'd been singled out more than he wanted to be as it was. But Riánon dropped the salute and kept smiling.

That is, until the Overseer called forward one particular acolyte. And since it wasn't in a threatening manner, she could only assume is was for no bad reason. The cyborg's smile flipped to a frown. What was so special about that guy?
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Lannos arrived aboard a vessel belonging to his family, a sleek cruiser manned by a paid crew and a fair number of slaves, mostly Twi'leks and Humans. Once the bridge had cleared with port control and landed, he left the craft. A riding beast, a lizard-like reptile, crept down the ramp with him, carrying what few possessions Lannos had brought with him on it's back. Six more slaves walked at it's flanks, each dressed lavishly and bearing a box of gifts for the Academy. The procession was more than just convenient to Lannos, it was a display of power.

The journey across the sands of Korriban was swift, due to the port being fairly close to the Academy. Once on the grounds, he looked around for any others he presumed to be acolytes. A few were gathered by the stone pillars ahead, standing in front of a Sith. He dismounted smoothly, his feet silently hitting the stone floor and kicking up a tiny ring of dust. A wave to his procession sent them to their destination, and he walked the rest of the forty or so meters between himself and the gathering place.

He stood a few feet to the side of the others, giving the Sith woman a curt nod and a slight bow. "The Del-Thek family sends their best regards, Lord." He stated plainly, then slightly tilted his head towards the ground in deference.
Elrin looked on silently as Rellai scolded the two acolytes, followed by the female one responding with a rather cheerful attitude. He couldn't quite understand how she could act like that and not take this moment seriously enough to keep herself in check. However, his attention was once again directed away from the strangely outgoing acolyte when he was called up by the Overseer herself. Looking up at her and nodding once, he made his approach and moved past several other acolytes, ignoring the attention he seemed to be receiving from most of them. Once he stood in front of Darth Rellai, he looked into her eyes for a moment before lowering his head and bowing on one knee, fixing his gaze on the ground beneath them both.

"What is your wish, my Lord?"
A gust of wind blew bits of dust over the Sith as Rellai looked over at Riánon with frustration. She gazed over to see Lannos, an acolyte just arriving. Darth Rellai nodded her head towards Lannos, "I'm pleased to see someone of that family joining the Empire," She said, a spark shining through her eye. She looked down to see the kneeling acolyte and motioned for him to stand up. "As I've been told, you're here on your final trial, correct?" Darth Rellai asked him. She looked at all the other acolytes, counting silently in her head as she saw that some were missing.

It was in the middle of the day, still hot. Still dry. However, Rellai had just found a bit of hope from these acolytes. She wanted to see them succeed their trials, for her own good. As she was talking to Elrin, Rellai focused for a brief moment on the others-- Making sure they were paying attention.
As Elrin rose, he slowly met the Overseer's gaze from beneath his hood, nodding once as he made sure to show the most respect he could offer to her. "Yes, my Lord," he answered in response to her question. He said nothing more than that, listening patiently for what Darth Rellai had to say to him next. He didn't need words to try and convince her of how he'd gotten here.

As tense as he felt, he forced himself to stay relaxed and pay attention. He spent many years, and many hardships training with Darth Melkar to get to this point, and he wouldn't let it all be in vain. He would do whatever he needed to in order to finally prove himself of being worthy of becoming a Sith warrior.
Ugh. Privileged bantha dung.

Riánon held the self-proclaimed Del-Thek acolyte in an icy stare. He had probably never had to work for anything he'd owned, including Academy attendance. Her master had often spoken mockingly of that family, and the cyborg acolyte could see why. Sneering, she turned to look at the favored acolyte. He was bowing and giving deference, and she found it more than sickening.

But that was the way of things, so she'd play along. Stifling her inner fire, Riánon put her hands behind her back at attention and pasted a cheerful expression on her face, determined to see this through and escape her miserable life.
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"Hm, I want you all to see how Elrin will face his final trial. Find his weakness- if any. Find his strengths, don't think any of you are privileged in any way because the fact is, you're all the same. You want power, you want to prove your selves. And that's why I am here," Rellai spoke. She shifted her cape behind herself, now fully exposing her belt contains her silver light saber.

The Sith Lord glanced at the acolytes, she pointed for Elrin to step back with the other acolytes as a scowl surveyed her face. Pointing at Elrin and Lannos, Rellai began to speak once more. "Why don't we first see some of our strengths and weaknesses? Lannos, Elrin... I want you two to 'fight each other'. This does not mean kill or brutally injured," Rellai explained, she drew two training blades from a near by rack with the dark force and dropped them at Elrin and Lannos' feet. She turned to look at the other acolyte and motioned for them to watch. "Riánon, you will be 'fighting' against the one who shows the most passion at the end of the other two acolytes. Start!" Rellai yelled, her accent had began to become stronger every time she yelled at the Sith. She looked at the others, now waiting for them to start.

((OOC: If we need to, we will end up using /roll which is built in here.))
Darth Hyperious was in his personal star destroyer above Dromund Kass, when one of his guards walked through the door. "My lord, you've received a message from lord rellai" said the guard.

"Darth rellai? Who is that?" Hyperious said.

"She is one of the best Overseers on Koriban, my lord!" The guard said.

"Carry on! Spit out the message already!" Hyperious said, angrily.

"Y. Yes, my lord." The guard said, getting scared. The guard pulled out a holo tape and handed it to Hyperious, before exiting the room.

Hyperious played the holo tape and Darth rellai said "Lord Hyperious, I wish to speak with you on Koriban about urgent matters."

Hyperious thought "fine I'll go, but if this is a waste of time, Lord Rellai and all her acolytes will be sorry."

Hyperious took a shuttle to Koriban. when he arrived he felt the Darkside energy in the air, it wasn't that as strong as the Darkside forces on Dromund kass, but it still was a pretty powerful sensation. It was most likely from the ancient Sith Lords that were once here, not from these pathetic acolytes. He found Rellai with her students, he could feel her strong Darkside energy and she seemed to be worthy of her title. He barely felt anything from the acolytes. One in particular named "Lannos" had potential. He had an aurora of hate surrounding him, similar to Hyperious's own when he was an acolyte. Hyperious didn't say anything, he just walked up to rellai, observing her, with his face hidden beneath his hood. He figured she'd recognize him. She would be able to feel his power, because it is much stronger then any her acolytes.
The acolyte started.

"I - what?!"

Her calm demeanor fell instantly.

"This Elrin is finishing his time here, and since this pampered brat you've set him against will certainly die, I'm expected to-"

Her blue eyes were now nearly white, as cold an emotionless as her voice. But a blow to her mouth cut her words short. Now white hot in barely concealed rage, Riánon stood quickly up under the recruiter's judgmental gaze as he released his fist. His voice was harsh.

"What did I tell you, you insolent whelp?! The only reason I don't end you here is that you have been given a duty. And you will do it! Am I clear?"

Not trusting herself, she merely plastered indifference on her face and stood back at attention, waiting for her turn.
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Y walked off the dropship with the other acolytes. He followed Rellai's orders to the tee and when the acolytes were ordered to duel Y began reciting meditation chants in his head. Occasionally his thought were punctuated by excitement. I wonder who these acolytes are, they seem skilled, maybe even a challenge. Y knew none of them could best his blaster skills, though. Maybe not even one of the lords.
As Erlin and Lannos fought, Rellai looked over at the flushed acolyte, "Riánon, you will get your chance. In the mean time, let our late comer know what has been happening. Then maybe you two can spar," Rellai insisted. She felt an anchor of the dark force hit her as she saw a cloaked Sith standing from a far.

She walked carefully over, still observing the other acolytes to make sure no one kills each other. "Darth Hyperious, I presume," She spoke, her Imprial accent shining through her voice box. She flicked her torn cape back around her waist as Hyperious' force sense surrounded Rellai in an uncomfortable manner.

"I see you got my message?" She asked, already knowing the answer.
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"Yes. Let us speak in private." Hyperious said. He was already liking Lord Rellai. She spoke firmly and bravely, and did not fear him. He observed her acolytes. "Why do you tell them not to kill each other, if you want to make a new generation of dark lords of the sith you must get rid of the weaklings quickly." Hyperious said to rellai, testing her. He was curios on how she would respond. would she stay brave and explain her reasoning of why the acolytes cannot kill each other? or would she break down and let her fear out and do as Hyperious said? This would prove to him that her message was worthy of his time. He had one more question, to truly test her. "Why are you just a mere overseer?" He asked.
With a growl, Elrin lifted his blade in the air above his head and turned it sideways in his hand, spinning it clockwise before swinging it at Lannos and having both blades meet. The battle was a flurry of strikes and parries, and he fought to make sure that he was the one who was being more aggressive. However, he was willing to admit that his opponent was powerful, making the two of them almost equally matched. Nonetheless, he focused on the movement of their two swords, striking a few times before defending against several of Lannos' attacks.

Striking overhead, their blades met in a stalemate for a moment and Elrin took a moment to gaze into the eyes of his opponent. There was a definite fury, a fire in that look of his. He could see just how much hate he harbored inside of him. Feeling a sudden surge of energy within himself, Elrin moved his blade back only to strike again, delivering a series of attacks while being careful not to get reckless. He knew he had to be more fierce so that his skill would not fall below Del-Thek's.

And so that he could also surpass it.
"Because Darth Hyperious, I have my reasons, you have yours. I wouldn't question my thoughts or techniques any further," She said in reply. Knowing little about Darth Hyperious, she scowled at him. "I'm an overseer because that's what I do. Now, I would like to continue with the acolytes training for a moment, however, I will be meetong you in my chambers if you choose to," Darth Rellai said as she began to walk back to the new Sith. She was indeed curious about some of them and wanted to see how they would do...

"Good, Elrin. Do not get sloppy, use your rage to swing and hit precisely!" Rellai roared at the two acolytes, noticing every move they made. "Del-Thek! Your passion is great! Focus on it, surpass Elrin!" She spoke to Del-Thak, her voice was now strained as she took in a deep breath.
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"Was that a threat?" He said calmly. He wasn't even mad about that, it made him respect her since she wouldn't be broken so easily. He wondered if she knew he was testing her. "Yes, whenever you're done babysitting these children, we can meet in your chamber." Hyperious answered. He didn't want to go to the chamber quite yet either, he wanted to see these acolytes fight. They seemed to be equal in skill, and none of them were using any force based attacks. "This is a waste of time! They aren't even using saber stances. They are just swinging their sabers at each other like fools!" Hyperious said. "I don't have time for this, lead the way to your chamber." He ordered.
Lannos' blade clashed on his opponent's in a flurry of parrying blows. He was taking the defensive, toying with the other Acolyte. Saber dueling had been the focus of his training, as melee combat was often the deciding factor of such battles. His mentor's words rattled ceaselessly in his head. Aggression is the way to kill, but not necessarily the way to victory. Be on watch. Find the gap. Then strike, with all the anger of a hundred betrayed souls.

The Zabrakian mentor had been among the more talented trainers he had been educated by. Block, and block, and block. The clatter of blades was as a symphony to his ears. The other, Elrin, was being wary, careful of leaving himself available to a well-timed counter strike. Lannos was growing weary of this show, and losing interest quickly. A key aspect of virtually every combat style he had learned was that one must focus on the blade of the opponent. But this was a summary that fell victim to, quite frankly, cheating.

Lannos waited for the next time blades clashed, metal grinding on metal angrily. Then, he abruptly dropped to the ground, balancing on one hand as he rotated in one smooth motion. His feet lashed out at Elrin's knees, seeking to either send him to the floor or knock him off balance. The spin-kick was fluid, a well-practiced maneuver he had done countless times. If it worked, he'd have a significant advantage. If it failed, he would rise in a defensive stance, ready to deal with whatever came next.
Riánon watched with a practiced eye. Forms and style were great and everything; she herself was very well versed in two of them. But sticking rigidly to form was a great way to get killed.

And the rich kid seemed to know it. Riánon raised her eyebrows, impressed. Perhaps she underestimated him. She began rocking on her feet, impatient to fight. The Darth standing beside the Overseer was intimidating, to be sure, but she paid him no mind. He was one of countless other dark lords who were around, and he was nothing special.
"Darth Hyperious! I've invited you here to discuss something of utter importance. You will not question what these acolytes are doing. Most are new, now, if you will shut your mouth and watch for a brief moment we will soon talk," Darth Rellai said as she stomped her foot down. Her eyes now red in pure frustration she looked at the acolytes sparring. "And while you're respecting me, I will not take commands from someone who was probably a descendant from a Nurf Herder," Rellai spoke again as she continued to watch the others, her hand clenching.
Hyperious felt Lord Rellai's rage building. "You dare challenge a dark lord of the sith?" Hyperious said, in a tone trying to put her down. Now his own rage was building. Who was this mere overseer to talk about his ancestors? He put his lightsaber hilt In his hands and lit the crimson blade. He looked her in the eyes. Everyone quieted down and was looking at them now. The only noise was the light hum of his saber. He wouldn't kill her, yet at least because he still needed to hear this "urgent message."
"Pathetic!" Lannos bellowed, still staring his opponent in the eyes as he rose to his feet, parrying once again. His voice, however, was directed elsewhere. The supposed Dark Lord conversing with the Overseer was an embarrassment to their name. Petty, easily frustrated, a child in a man's body. Pathetic, miserable, and just waiting to be killed by someone with more ambition. If Lannos wasn't busy at this very moment, he would have plunged a vibro-dagger into the man's chest just to watch the life drain from his eyes. He smiled, a sick, cruel grin plastering itself across his scarred and burnt face.

But he was busy. The idea of it would have to sate him for now, and he redoubled his assault on Elrin, thoughts of a proper kill fresh in his mind.

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