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Fandom Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Lee Thauren

Location: Clak'dor: Separatist Blockade

Lee hesitated, in reply to the padawan inquiring about his work earlier. He was not used to talking about slicing in general; he tended to converse more on his piloting skills, especially in discussions with other people. This was probably just paranoia speaking, but he did not want word to go out that he was skilled in slicing, especially if people would end up linking him to his code name, which would spell all kinds of trouble for him, very much inclusive of public humiliation and jail time. And just after having gotten out of jail and it's subsequent traumas, he was not interested in repeating the experience again. It was best that people were simply aware that he was more of a pilot who did casual slicing from time to time, for his own safety.

Hence, he was extremely careful with his words as he replied to Kos'nora's query. "Well..." he said, going for a more casual flippancy. "My mission was to find out more information about the amount of Separatist troops on Clak'dor as well as the reasons behind the invasion. If your mission was to visit those coordinates, we can certainly land there. My mission does not require any specific location, all I need is a connection to the Separatist system, which I am sure we can find there." Of course, he did not mention the designing and spreading of a virus; that could come later, if they ended up working together indeed.

Even as he spoke, his fingers were already darting over various knobs and buttons on his control panel, readying for landing. It was going to be quite difficult for them to land, especially with a Separatist blockade to fly through. The Stargazer did have an incredibly strong cloaking device, mainly because he usually relied on stealth in order to get to the places he needed to slice. Yet he was not sure how strong the sensors on board the Separatist ships were in detecting cloaked ships. It was going to be quite risky, and no doubt if they were detected it was going to make his mission a hell of a whole lot harder.

He turned to Kos'nora. "Better warn you first though, it's going to be quite a bumpy ride. But we'll get through the blockade." And with that, the ship began gliding towards a gap within the Separatist blockade. He would have to pass through the dead center of the spaces between them if he wanted to minimize the chances of detection.

@Cooper @RIPSaidCone
Planet Of Iktotch - The Capital City Of Ankhela


As the Republic task force attempted to hold their position against the advancing Separatist army, General Koon remained to roam with an incredible speed through the high sky above the Iktotchi capital to keep the enemy anti-aircraft turrets aimed at him. The Clone Commander of the 104th Battalion, Wolffe, who was in charge of the operation turned to look at ARC Trooper Prowler and spoke plainly: "Well it's good to see you, Prowler. I've no specific orders for you, ARC. Just hold the line here with your comrades and keep us all alive as long as you can." As he said that the closest AT-TE blew up a Separatist Armored Assault Tank. "Like that.", the commander said as he suddenly looked into the sky with the hope to see the arrival of their starfighters but nothing appeared yet.


Back in space, the combined task force of both the Triumphant and the Judgement was heading for the planet's surface with an extremely high speed. Hundreds of heavily armored starfighters carried Proton torpedos and concussion missiles to make short work of the Separatist army that was advancing on the Republic ground forces. The naval task force consisted of a total of four hundred fifty-six starfighters. Senior Clone Commander Thorne watched the movements of the task force from the Triumphant's command bridge. "It wouldn't take long for them to arrive.", he thought as the starfighters reached the planet's atmosphere. Jedi General Plo Koon received the movements of the task force on his secured radar to track allied forces. After a few minutes of heavy fighting on Iktotch's planetary surface, the starfighters could suddenly be seen falling out of the sky above various sides above the battlefield. The capital's anti-aircraft quickly attempted to aim and shoot down the incoming enemy reinforcements, but they were ultimately too late. The Republic starfighters engaged the Separatist army with an immense speed as they started to release hundreds of Proton torpedos and concussion missiles. The enormous barrage of destruction was effectively unleashed upon the droids and their vehicles and artillery. Volleys of torpedos and missiles were fired as the Republic starfighters combined themselves with their ground forces and with the support of General Plo Koon who quickly joined the battle with his personal Jedi starfighter. The heavy anti-aircraft turrets of the capital attempted to fire down as many of the starfighters, but ultimately the Separatist army outside the capital was completely annihilated as the Republic task force led by Commander Wolffe advanced on the capital from all sides.


As the Republic task force quickly advanced on the capital, the remaining forces of the Separatist army still had a reasonable amount of droids and attempted to hold their position despite the almost impossible odds. Jedi Master Plo Koon and the Republic starfighters made their way for the capital's center see if they could free any of the city's checkpoints to establish a rally zone for their ground forces. Their goal was to eliminate the enemy turrets without causing any civilian casualties, and it could now be done with the Separatist army entirely removed from the city. Back on the battlefield, Commander Wolffe had rallied with his Wolfpack as they ran up the field and advanced along with their troops on the capital. The Wolfpack successfully came in hot as they ran up to a large platoon of super battle droids, but they were ultimately nothing for the specialized elite Clone team as they shot the droids down one by one. They continued their advance on the capital, as the battle continued to commence.
The Padawan listened to what he had to say, and as she listened she buckled herself into her seat ready for landing. She thought she might be more prepared this time to deal with the ship bumping through the air as it came to land. As the pair drew in closer to landing on Clak'Dor, she felt a strong dark presence in the Force. It felt like a weight that was about to start crushing her. She turned her face to look at Lee; "do you feel that?" she asked him. She had no idea how much he was attuned to the Force, but surely a presence like that could not be entirely missed.

Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the light, and she felt the weight pass. "There is a strong presence here, Master." While what she felt was clouded, and she couldn't be sure but there was a very strong Dark Side wielder on Clak'Dor. She had sensed the anger and it had almost unnerved her calm, it was a good job she had cleared her mind through meditation just moments earlier. "Master, I think we ought to tread carefully... I sense something dark and powerful down there..."

As she thought on Master Lee's reasons for being here, she began to dwell on why she had been sent. The council knew she wasn't the best fighter, but they knew that she was strong with the Force. With such a strong disturbance clouding around Clak'Dor, it became clear to her. "I... I think I'm here to find something..." If there was a Dark Side wielder here, they were here for a reason, and Kos'nora wondered if perhaps she had been sent to intercept whatever it was they were doing.

@HuorSpinks @bobokapita
Clak'Dor VIII, north-west mountain regions

Lyana flicked a few switches in her spaceship.

A small portion of the barren land started to distort, like oil in water, and a spacecraft appeared where this strange phenomenon had just taken place. Lyana stepped out of it. She looked around, she was standing on a flat plane in what looked like an area filled with steep mountains, dying plants, and orange sand. He holocron murmured and hissed in a snake-like voice, it told Lyana she was in the right place. She was looking for an old cave, a tomb more specifically. It wasn't hard to find as it contrasted with the landscape quite a bit.

She stepped inside and pressed a button on her lightsaber, activating the end she was pointing upwards, and using it as a makeshift flashlight. She looked around as the light spread through the cave. She was standing in quite a large room with walls that joined up to create a square, it was about 10x10 meters in diameter. There were carvings of an ancient language on the walls, several small urns and wicker baskets aligned in rows near the walls, and a large stone coffin with a burner on a stone pillars on each side of it.

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Separatist Main Base, Clak'Dor VIII

Kaleli stood at the forefront of her command room. Dozens upon dozens of battle droids operating the computers and consoles around her as a Commander Droid stood just behind her, hands behind it's back in an at ease gesture. The occupation was going along smoothly, her master's bidding would soon be complete. That was until..She gritted her teeth, hands clenching. She could sense it..the light side. It was here. "Commander." She spoke, the Commander Droid nodding with a, "Yes ma'am?" In it's usual robotic voice. "Prepare your troops, the Jedi have arrived. Find them and kill them." With this the droid nodded once again. "Roger roger." It said, walking away and out of the command room. Kaleli closed her eyes, blocking out the surrounding noise of the room as she tried focusing her attention on the light side's presence, it was strong. Too strong to be far away, they were close. Their very presence angered the assassin.


Meanwhile outside the Separatist Base, the Commander Droid walked out to the main courtyard, where hundreds of B1 Battle Droids and B2's were all standing, already being on standby to deploy in the event of a Republic arrival. Dozens of Armored Assault Tanks also stood by, with a few squads of Droidekas rolling up towards the Commander Droid. The Droid activated the command for the small army to activate, this Droid; BD-2882 was not just any old B1 Commander Battle Droid. But Kaleli's right hand "man" one might say, programmed under her orders to be more intelligent than the usual B1's and definitively more helpful it was a worthy advisor and commander. Commander 2882 climbed onto one of the Armored Assault Tanks, yelling in it's robotic voice. "Move out!" As the small army begun moving in it's usual robotic line formations. In search for any possible Republic or even Jedi forces that may have landed on Clak'Dor.




North-West Mountain Regions, Clak'Dor VIII

A group of BX-Series Commando droids were swiftly moving across the mountain ranges of Clak'Dor. Being the droid equievelant of special forces meant that they had enhanced movement, greater agility, faster speeds and even being stronger. One of the defining features of the Commando droid was it's ability to engage in hand to hand combat, and win most of the time. Thus why they were chosen to act as recon for the approaching droid forces, a battalion of around 800 Battle Droids were sent to the Mountain Regions to locate the possible Sith Artifacts that had been reported by forward observation. The small squad of Commando droids approached the opening to the tomb like structure, switching on their flashlights as they entered. They heard movement from within and raised their E5 blaster rifles.

It didn't take long for them to see the girl up ahead, with a lightsaber no doubt. The Commando droids immediately opened fire on her with their blasters. Spreading around the room quickly as to attack from multiple spots at once, with the intention of overwhelming her in the fighting. They were programmed for close quarters combat. The leader of the Commandos put out an alert for the Droid Command, tracing the location of the alert to the tomb was helpful to the nearby droid battalion. Which quickly begun moving in the tomb's direction, armed with 10 Armored Assault tanks as well, along with numerous droidekas. The Commander Droid of this battalion radioed into the main Separatist Base..

Separatist Main Base, Clak'Dor VIII


"Uh, ma'am. I think you should come and see this." A battle droid called out as it worked over it's monitor. A tranmission seemingly coming through. Kaleli looked over to the droid angrily, it had disrupted her meditation. Her search for the light side. She stormed over to the droid who appeared to cower away in fear of punishment. "This had better be worth my time you useless dro--" She was interupted suddenly by the sound of the transmission from the incoming Commander Droid of the battalion in the mountains. />"Ma'am. This is BD-9210 reporting in. Our Commando droids have put in an alert for activity at the tomb."</ Kaleli instantly stopped, almost freezing in place as her head slowly turned to the console. The rest of the room went quiet, knowing that she required silence.

"Go on." She ordered. BD-9210 continued over the console adding on. />"They're saying there is a Jedi in the tomb that they found. The one you wanted us to loot, ma'am."</ That must've been the light side she detected! Wait..No, it couldn't have been. The mountains were too far away for her to solidly sense that presence, the one she'd sensed was much, much closer. There couldn't have been multiple Jedi surely, unless there was something on this rock that the Republic wanted? No that couldn't have been it either, they would have sent clones and ships if that were true. />"What should we do, ma'am?"</ BD-9210 asked, disrupting Kaleli's chain of thought as she focused back onto the droid's voice. "Kill the Jedi and bring me the artifacts." She commanded. />"Yes ma'am."</ BD-9210 responded swiftly with, before the communications were closed.

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Sarah tapped the side of the control panel in her craft, the boredom of waiting inside a small cockpit getting to her. For the past few hours she had been waiting for the ship to finally come out of the state of faster than light. Sarah regretted that she had to do a randomly calculated jump. An alerting beeping brought her out of her boredom induced daze.


Sarah readied herself as the short few seconds to arrival passed by. It was very likely that she'd just arrive in the middle of nowhere, and that she would be preparing for nothing. "Better safe than sorry " She mumbled to herself. The ship lurched slightly as it pulled out of hyperspace. Suddenly, very much to Sarah's surprise, a planet was in front of her ship. Instinctively, she turned the fighter sharply in a 90 degree turn to the starboard side of the fighter. This revealed a large fleet protecting the planet. The different types of ship were very alien to Sarah, being used to the thick bulky ships of her own nation or the very organic like ships of the enemy that had nearly destroyed her nation. Sarah knew running would not be an option. The primitive hyperdrive in her fighter would take hours to charge up, and it is highly likely they would have already detected her. There was no way she could fend off a fleet, no matter how good she was.

Knowing this, Sarah realized she had only one true option. "Hello, this is the pilot of the fighter you may or may not have just detected on your sensors. I do not mean any harm and i am entirely here on accident, but i can not leave until my power core recharges." She recorded that message, before playing it on all frequencies she had available to her. Hopefully, one of the many ships will get her message. She powered her energy weapons up, prepping them in the event that the aliens wouldn't take kindly to her accidental intrusion. She begin circling around where she was, waiting for the response.
Lee Thauren - Clak'dor, Separatist Blocade

Lee frowned. "I don't..." He began to state, but then paused. And sure enough, he sensed something not quite right, a disturbance in the Force, as one attuned would say. If it were not for Kos'nora pointing it out, Lee probably would not even have noticed it. Truth be told, Lee had one of the lowest midichlorian counts in the Temple. Not the lowest of course, but then, who would admit to having the lowest midichlorian count in the entire Temple, as if that was something to be proud of? Lee would not even have known it if it were for him accidentally overhearing his master discussing this matter with another master, but it did explain why his connection to the Force was not that strong. Not that it had mattered by that time. He had been close to being knighted then, and by then had his slicing and piloting skills to be content with. he was rather resigned to it by then. One could not have their cake and eat it too.

In addition, it was a disturbance that he knew all too well. The dark side of the Force. He himself had felt it many times, whispering at the back of his mind, telling him to give in to this anger, strike back against those that mistreated him, take vengeance against them, let them be on the receiving end of all the pain, starvation and humiliation, and see how they liked it. He shook his head rather vigorously to clear his thoughts. "I sense it too," he said quietly. "You are very right. We will certainly need to be on our guard.

And then, a sudden spike of energy within the Dark Side of the Force that even he felt. "I think that whatever it is, it is now aware of our presence. We will have to be doubly careful now, and fast. Get in, and get out as soon as we've completed our mission. Otherwise... we'd be... well... screwed." He took a steadying breath, before releasing it slowly, forcing himself to remain calm. No sense in panicking and causing jerking when precision was what was really needed to get them onto the planet. Already, they were halfway through the blockade. A few more ships, and they would be in Clak'dor space. As of yet, none of the ships had noticed them. He only hoped that would give them enough time to clear the blockade.

@Cooper @RIPSaidCone @WheatThins47
Kos'nora watched the scene unravel as they travelled through the space in the Stargazer, making their way through the blockade. As they were gliding through, and coming closer to Clak'Dor, she began to see it's surface in more detail. It was a beautiful little planet that from afar looked almost the same colour as her own skin. As they grew nearer, however, she had noticed it wasn't pink at all, and was made up of glowing swamps, and then areas that were arid and harsh looking. She had read about the warfare that had happened on Clak'Dor, but nothing could compare to seeing it. Her eyes widened in wonder, and a quiet "wow..." escaped her lips.

She could tell by the way that the ship suddenly felt different - as if it had changed gear - that they had broken the atmosphere and were through the blockade and now they only had to find a place to land safely. She could pick out the smaller details of the surface now; like the fact it was crawling with the droids used by the separatists. Instinctively, her fingers hovered restlessly over her Lightsaber, she pushed her robe aside so that she could touch the cold metal - as if to reassure herself that it was there and she had not forgotten it.

"Master, I do have to wonder just why there is someone... very adept in the dark side of the Force here?" He had been right, whoever it was also knew that they were here, and that didn't make her feel anymore at ease than she did just moments ago. Before she had time to do much else, she found her attention grabbed by a flashing red light on the cockpit terminal;"Errrm, I'm no experts of ships, so please forgive me if I'm wrong... but it appears by the flashing light that we've picked up a signal of some kind." Kos'nora hoped that her pointing out such a thing wouldn't irk Lee. She really didn't know him all that well, and while she wasn't too convinced he was as gruff as he appeared, he still might not appreciate her pointing out the obvious like that.

@HuorSpinks @RIPSaidCone @WheatThins47
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Lyana walked up to the large coffin, she felt the power of some artefacts radiating from within. Just as she was about to open it a dozen of commando droids burst in through the small entrance, all shooting at her. As she heard the shots, she instinctively turned around, pressed another button on the hilt of her lightsaber, which activated her second blade, and spun it around, deflecting the blaster bolts. Taking the droids by surprise, she ran up towards the one deepest in the tomb on the right side and, using her momentum, stabbed her blade through the droid's chest and moved the end of the hilt to face upwards, cutting the it's head in half.

Her holocron hissed. "Channel your rage and fear, unleash it upon your opponents."

For a moment everything felt as if it was in slow-motion, Lyana lifted her left arm and pointed it towards the next droid. She dropped her lightsaber, while closing it, and put her right hand on her holocron. What went down next all happened very quickly. The holocron emmited a red pulse of light and a blue, formless mass of crackling energy was released from the tip of Lyana's fingers, hitting her target and, to her surprise, continuing to travel through it towards the next droid. The energy did this with the other nine aswell, it was almost like a chain of lightning. There was a moment of silence, everything was still, and then the droids dropped to the ground, a thin smoke escaping from their maintainance hatches. Lyana knew there were more on the way, so she picked up her lightsaber and ran towards the coffin, bumping into it. She stepped back, attached her lightsaber to her belt and, acting as if she was lifting something heavy, removed the lid of the coffin using the force. There was no body inside, only a lightsaber, a holocron similar to her's, and an old parchment, written in the same language as the carvings on the walls. She picked them all up and hastily stuffed them into a small backpack she was wearing and ran outside, towards her ship. She jumped in the open cockpit, pressed some buttons, flicked some switches, and the ship's transparisteel window closed, sealing the cockpit. She took off, turned her stealth on, and started circling the plane, waiting for the reinforcements to show up. She was going to get revenge on the droids' leader, she just needed to find out where they were.

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The holocron

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The lightsaber




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Lee Thauren

Location: Clak'dor

Lee let out a breath that he had unconsciously been holding, and a relieved grin slowly spread across his face. Now he could relax slightly. They had made it past the blockade, and boy had it been an adrenaline rush. It had to be admitted that Lee tended to portray an individual who was extremely confident in his piloting skills yet he still tended to get nervous before a dangerous trip (which, hilariously enough, cased him to act even more confident, even cocky at times), and at times like this, his adrenaline was sky-high. But, they had made it, and he was very much relieved that this was so.

Soon, they dropped through the atmosphere, and now they could see what the planet actually looked like. It was stunningly beautiful, with shades of purple mist or clouds in the air. Everything seemed wild and new. This was the first time Lee was visiting Clak'dor and he was very much impressed. Yet he knew that despite how idyllic the planet looked, there was a disturbance in the Force, and that below them, a full fledged occupation was occurring. Plus, the Separatists were aware of their presence, and all the more danger loomed over them. He could not afford to allow their guard to relax.

Because Lee's guard was up, it as about the same time as Kos'nora pointing it out; the ship reading had just caught a signal. "Hm... time to take a closer look then," he said. He reached over with a few buttons pressed, adjusted the sensors to zoom in on those particular coordinates. "That's... not good," he said, sounding a little winded. Understatement of the century. He shook his head and let out a sigh. "Site of a massacre apparently. Dead bodies everywhere. There's a signal going off, so perhaps there could be some survivors... or some stragglers from the Separatists. It might be worth a look at any rate. If there's a signal, there's probably a connection somewhere..."

He was also bothered by the fact that someone strong in the Dark Side of the Force was present on Clak'dor, and as yet he had no idea why such a person would be interested in what appeared to be a backwater planet. "Well, that's what I'm here to find out," he said, going for nonchalance. "Why would a Darksider be interested in such a planet. I'm curious as well."

The Separatist Fleet - Clak'Dor Space


"Sir, there appears to be someone attempting to contact us." A battle droid called out to the T-Series Tactical droid that stood at the highest level of the bridge of the Lucrehulk-class destroyer, one of the main control ships of the fleet. One out of 3 to be exact but this one in-particular was in-command of the 11 Munificent frigates in this particular sector of the blockade. As the fleet was split into 3 battlegroups to be more efficient in movement and possible combat. Back on the bridge however. "Put it through." The tactical droid ordered as the battle droid nodded with a, "Roger, roger." Tapping a button as the message begun playing throughout the bridge, this was most unusual that much was for sure. The droids weren't exactly sure how to respond to an apparently "accidental" hyperspace jump. So they treated it with suspicion.

/>"Roger roger. This is the Lucrehulk-class destroyer, Malice. Of the Valessi Fleet of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Identify yourself and decrease your current speed to a moderate amount and allow our ships to scan your vessel. We will send interceptor aircraft to escort your ship. Any signs of hostility will be met with lethal force."</

That was the reply to the unknown pilot's message. As the scanners on-board the closest Munificent frigate begun scanning over the pilot's ship. Meanwhile 8 Vulture droids were deployed from the Malice destroyer and took their place flying beside, in-front of and behind the woman pilot's ship. The Vulture droids made sure that the unknown ship kept to a specific route as they begun escorting her down towards the planet of Clak'Dor, to a specific location however. The Tactical droid commander had recieved orders from Kaleli upon hearing of the seemingly accidental hyperspace jump to bring the ship down to the main Separatist base for inspection and interrogation. (Assuming that the pilot didn't resist) The unknown ship was escorted down to the planet, the escorting aircraft now signalling for the woman to land at the large Separatist base. Where a large force of battle droids were waiting.

North-West Mountain Regions, Clak'Dor VIII

Multiple Vulture droids were launched from the back of the droid battalion, all with orders to shoot down the Jedi starfighter, the droid forces had used their sensors to detect energy signals, so they didn't know where the starfighter was currently. But they knew it had launched. There were 6 in total as the droid battalion approached closer to the Sith tomb. The battle droids of the battlion had been ordered by their Commander to spread out in a loosely packed formation. As to make the chances of hitting and destroying many of them much lower, Kaleli Valessi had programmed her battle droid army in a different way to the standard Separatist armies of General Grevious and the other organic generals of the robot army. Her droid commanders had more independence to make them more efficient at instructing small armies and the droids themselves didn't line up to be shot down one after one. They were split up in various formations and squads to attack from multiple directions. This did however had a weakness, it meant that whenever she engaged a Republic force, the Jedi general in-charge would be able to tell who was in-command of the droid forces from their attacks and formations.

The Vulture droids launched their heatseeker missiles in the general direction of the last known energy reading, the missiles automatically locking on to the source of heat from the starfighter, following the Jedi's spacecraft as the droids on the ground used the missiles' general direction to begin firing their own weapons up blindly into the air, with hopes of overwhelming or even hitting the enemy ship, the droid commander on the ground. BD-9210 put his holotransmitter on the top of his tank, allowing Kaleli to watch the engagement as it went on. The droids continued their firing and didn't stop, with strict orders from Kaleli to not stop attacking until the Jedi was dead or had retreated.

Separatist Main Base, Clak'Dor VIII

"Incoming transmission." A battle droid said from it's console, looking back to Kaleli as she stood at the highest point of the command room, allowing her to overlook the entire room and watch as her droids went about their routine. She had her hands behind her back as if she was expecting the transmission to come through, nodding at the droid as she said. "Put it through." The droid nodded in response with a, "Roger roger." Before activating the link between the two callers. A large hologram appeared in-front of Kaleli, it was the cyborg figure of General Grevious. Harshly coughing as he gave his usual look of distaste down to the assassin. "Ah, Mistress Valessi. What a pleasure it is to finally be talking again." He said, he was clearly smug about something.

"One could say that yes. But I would prefer not to." Kaleli responded, trying her best to keep a mutual expression up at the hologram as the General began speaking again in the commanding tone that he had on all the time seemingly. "Have you come crawling back to request my assistance, assassin." He asked, but in a way that put across that he felt as if he already knew the answer. Which he didn't, he'd even put emphasis on her title in a sense of anger. Kaleli shook her head. "No. I have come to inform you that the Republic has sent Jedi to Clak'Dor, presumably with the intent of finding out why we are here." The General took a break from his intentionally patronizing demeanor for a moment to actually think. "And why are you informing me of this and not our master?" He asked. "I require some IG-100's from your inventory. In-order to more successfully combat the Jedi, along with additional Droidekas." "And you think I will just give them to you?" He asked with a devious laugh, before breaking into another fit of coughing. "Yes, otherwise the Jedi may take the artifacts if they find them and our master will have you to blame for this for not giving me the resources I required." After a few long moments the General reluctantly nodded. "Fine, you win this round. Assassin. You will get your droids." Before the transmission cut out.

@bobokapita @WheatThins47

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She began to feel on edge sat in the chair, just waiting to land. As she listened to Lee surmise as to what they might discover down there. She felt that whatever was already there, wouldn't hurt them. Lee was probably right, just a bunch of bodies; "I don't think I've ever seen such a sight" began Kos'nora as she looked out of the window as they drew nearer "but I suppose I should get used to it, right? This war isn't going to end any time soon, and it feels to me like we're only at the start - not even reaching the thick of it yet. This is the surface of what is going to be" her voice was intense as she spoke. There was nothing that Kos'nora hated more than such evil in the galaxy. She had seen evil in many forms, some lesser than others, but no matter where it spread out to, and how small it seemed - it seemed to always have the same source. The Dark Side.

Having lived a small portion of her childhood on Ryloth, she had seen evil from a young age in the form of slavers who would come for her people to enslave them, and as she grew up, she learned that these slavers worked for bigger crime lords, who worked for even bigger fish, whose trail always seemed to end up to the Dark Side in the end. She had often been told that her view was naive, but she hadn't seen anything to disprove her own ideas and fantasies about evil. To Kos'nora, you were either good or bad, and there was very little grey area in the centre.

She could take it no longer, she unbuckled her seat and made her way into the large room before the door. If they were going to have a welcoming party of Separatists, they wouldn't be waiting patiently for the two of them to park neatly and get ready before coming out. She had to be ready now. As she stood holding onto a handrail as the Stargazer juttered down to the ground, she rolled her head from side to side, stretching out her free arm and her legs.

"I hope you're ready for whatever we're going to find, Master..." After she had spoken, the Padawan began to take several deep breaths, knowing that at some point on this mission she was bound to come face to face with whoever was pumping out toxic, Dark Side energies on Clak'Dor. She hoped that Master Lee was skilled in combat - that way she'd at least feel they stood a chance against the looming threat.

@HuorSpinks @RIPSaidCone
Sarah gave a brief sigh of relief to the fact that they did not decide to attack her immediately. "My name is Sarah Richthofen, and I am an independent pilot." She replied to request of identification. As she said this, she decreased speed to allow for the escorts to come.

Sarah immediately noticed the sinister shape of the escorts, as well as the lack of a cockpit. "Drones....I wonder if this whole fleet is automated" She muttered to herself, thinking back to how to the replying voice sounded very robotic. She also noted the much lighter design of the drones compared to her own fighter. It was likely that they outmatched her in agility, but her craft was most likely tougher and better armed. As Sarah followed them on the clearly carefully plotted path, she ran through different scenarios in her head, in case they turned hostile. Very few, she decided, gave a good chance for her survival.

Soon, Sarah saw where she was being led to. A good sized military base, who's only visible occupants seemed to be droids. As her fighter approached, she began to copy all of the flight data and the basic A.I. of the fighter's computer system onto a separate data chip on her before deleting everything on her ship. The flight HUD disappeared briefly until the A.I. was reconnected with her. Now, since it was more directly connected to her, she could see her vital signs on the HUD created by the visor.

By the time she had finished this task, they were directly above the base and she was being directed to land. Sarah complied, switching her fighter to VTOL mode and slowly lowering it down. Once it had landed, Sarah opened the cockpit. The clear cover opened with a hiss as the cockpit decompressed. Sarah holstered her handgun and put her rifle's strap over her shoulder, keeping the weapon against her back. She then climbed out of the fighter, and looked around her immediate area.
Separatist Main Base, Clak'Dor VIII

Kaleli could sense them, the light side of the force was growing stronger in this area by the minute. And she hated every single second of it. She wasn't like any older, more experienced Sith where she felt smug or an oncoming sense of victory whenever the Jedi were near, she got angry, and irritable. That was being generous with the description as well. She was shaken from her thoughts as a battle droid had told her that the unknown spacecraft had landed just outside the base. If this truly was a pilot that had accidentally arrived in the system then there would surely be no problems. She left the command room, walking down the long steel corridors of the base with a battle droid on either side of her, she exited the base and walked out onto the large courtyard of said base. Where dozens upon dozens of battle droids were waiting, all in formation outside of the landed craft.

The craft had already opened and the woman who was piloting it exited from it, Kaleli let her eyes roam up and down the woman. She did not seem to be a Republic spy, and she definitely didn't give off anything that would consider her a threat, not from first impressions anyway. However she had the appearance of an outsider, she didn't spark any kind of reaction from Kaleli as to what planet she was from or what culture she belonged to. She looked strange. "I am Kaleli Valessi, supreme commander of Separatist forces on the planet of Clak'Dor." She introduced herself with, keeping a neutral expression as she continued to give the other woman a look all over, most odd indeed. Now this woman appeared to be passive enough and didn't seem to want to cause any trouble, but she couldn't count on it. There was one way that was almost certain to get a true answer without any of the interrogation. The Mind-Trick, an older Force trick than anyone can remember it definitely proved its worth time and time again. Kaleli raised her hand and waved it slowly over the woman's face, saying. "You will tell me why you arrived here." In a calm, levelheaded tone. Much unlike Kaleli she had to add.

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Sarah watched as the woman approached her. She was very surprised to see another human, rather than some sort of odd alien. She was wearing unusual clothing, especially for a military commander. She never heard a name like this person's either. Sarah, however, wasn't one to judge another person's culture, no matter how strange.

"I am Lieutenant Sarah Richthofen, of the former United Colonial Federation." Sarah replied to the woman's greeting. She watched as Kaleli raised her hand and waved it as she spoke. Sarah's face contorted in confusion as she felt an urge to answer the woman's question, despite the fact that she would've anyways. The basic A.I. now connected to her detected the brainwave and hormonal difference caused by the alteration, and administered a calming and focusing drug, which would typically only have been administered during a combat scenario.

Breathing out, Sarah calmly answered. "I did not intend to arrive here. I put in random coordinates into the computer, which it requires before allowing my ship to move beyond lightspeed. It is freak luck that I happened to arrive here"
Kaleli could sense the woman's curiousity and could only wonder why that was. Well apart from the fact that she had just encountered the Separatist droid army and their obviously Sith commander, but this was different. This woman was confused about the entire thing. Which surprised Kaleli a great deal, this woman was very clearly an outsider, from what her droids had told her. The pilot's name was Sarah, a rather strange name and something she most definitely hadn't heard before. United Colonial Federation? Wasn't a name she'd heard before, didn't sound like it was from the Republic either, must've been a neutral state. She was military as well, so a neutral military official had accidentally arrived at her occupied planet. How interesting, she was amused to see the look of confusion take hold of Sarah's face. She had a twisted sense of humor like that.

She nodded once as the other girl answered her question. Luck, of course. Kaleli didn't much appreciate the use of the word "luck" she didn't believe in it all that much, and for good reason. But she took the answer nonetheless. "Well then. It would be my honor to take care of you while you stay here." Kaleli said in an oddly charming tone, a typical decieving Sith. "Come along." She gestured for Sarah to follow, walking back into the base as the two security droids followed her.

Sarah looked around a moment before following Kaleli. She sped up a bit to catch up to her and asked "where exactly are we going?". Everything seemed to move almost sluggish to Sarah due to the drug her A.I. had injected into her. Her eyes darted to the location of every sound, as the drug gave her a temporary boost on awareness.

Sarah knew she would be like this for about another hour, though she wished the A.I. didn't inject it now, as the heightend focus and awareness was really unnecessary, and she now only had one more dose of it.
Lee Thauren

Location: Underground vehicle bunker

Lee nodded at the Padawan's words, a rather forlorn expression on his face, as he considered them. "War is war," he said finally, shaking his head. "Though I'm not so sure if attempting to end the war with more deaths is really helping to end it." Some exasperation entered his voice then, as he gazed at the images of the dead bodies on his control panel. No doubt this was the work of the Separatists, and for now, the important thing would be to go down there and find out more what had happened and how these people had been killed. No doubt it would shed some light on what they would be facing here.

Lee's attention jerked to Kos'nora as she made a sudden movement to unbuckle herself, for some reason. He watched as she left the cockpit, only to stand at the ship entrance, presumably to wait there until he landed. He shook his head for the second time in a row. Were youth always this impatient? "At least hold on to something while I land, if you're not going to wait here," he directed in her direction in a rather crossed tone, before turning back to the control panel. He had already told the padawan that his ship could be quite bumpy, so if any injuries occurred, he was was not going to be responsible for them.

It was stupid enough to land right in the open with all his belongings on his precious ship, so he circled the area once, looking out for a good spot that would allow him to land his ship unnoticed. Fortunately, he was able to find a bunker that was obviously used for the storage of vehicles. It was large enough to store his ship at least, though as he manuvered his ship in, he saw that the bunker was normally used for smaller vehicles. Well, not any more, as the vehicles were all more or less destroyed by the attack and he was pretty much landing in a sea of vehicle graveyards.

The ship shuddered a few times during the landing sequence, but soon enough, they were landed. Lee turned off the engines, unstrapped himself from his seat and stood up, He stretched once; staying still for long periods of time made his limbs ache, and anyway, he had enough of forced stillness. He would probably get to work the restlessness off because unfortunately for both of them, the bunker was at least two kilometers away from the scene of carnage so they had a long trek ahead of them. He headed out of the cockpit himself and approached Kos'nora. "Shall we?" he said, and pressed the button to open the ship door and lower the ramp.

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She felt agitated at herself for annoying Lee, he'd brought her all the way here and until this point she had thought she hadn't done anything to make him even more annoyed at the situation. She hoped he would understand that it was her nerves, and that she wasn't trying to be flighty on purpose. As she held onto the rail she felt him approach from behind when the ship had landed. She could feel the warmth of Clak'Dor already, it was a humid heat that felt thick and heavy around her.

She looked over her shoulder at Lee as he approached, unsure whether or not to apologise for her little bout of recklessness - she thought better of it. Now was not the time. She wasn't sure what she would see and experience along the trek to the bunker. The dark sider knew that they were here, and she knew that would mean they would most likely be met with resistance along their path. Attack droids did not phase her too much, though. They were practically glass cannons. Full of firepower (bad at aiming, too) but a single shot reflected back would soon have them disabled. She just hoped she wouldn't come across any real living people - they were far more unpredictable.

For some reason, she also began to wonder just how skilled Master Lee was in battle, and if he were the type to go for a full on offense or a strong defense. She wondered how they would work together to overcome anything.

As the door opened, she nodded at Lee and she walked down the platform first, she felt the sandy earth under her feet. It was hard - solid ground. As she looked out she saw bodies, smoke, and blood. She heard cries and explosions from far off in the distance. This was it. She was in a war zone now - with only a reclusive Master who was not her own to guide them.

"Well, this is it. Where do we go first?" she asked, not knowing what to do at all, waiting for instruction from him.


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