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Fandom Star Wars: Path to Destruction {Character Sheets}

You didn't have to change your force power nor strategy, just your mastery and combat prowess. If you want, you can change it back to it's original level, if you want. But yeah, it looks superb Reylo Reylo
Yay! So I am accepted? And on my grand Admiral form, is it looking good so far?
Seth Kryze












153 Lbs

Eye Color:


Hair Color:



Typically Seth wears a black longsleeve jacket over a grey shirt, and on top of all that he has a green vest. He wear's sturdy brown pants with matching boots.




Chaotic Good



EF76 Nebulon-B escort Frigate (Vigilant) (Alliance Fleet)



Seth is known for acting brash, cocky, and hasty. Along with being headstrong and rebellious tendencies makes Seth a handful. While he may come off as a headstrong idiot (which most of the time he is) Seth is surprisingly clever and sly, he doesn't fight by a code of honor he fights to survive. Much like his grandfather Seth is wise beyond his years, mostly due to his life on Coruscant. He's highly observant, especially in combat. Seth tends to over-think a lot, which can cause trouble in situations where Seth doesn't have a lot of time to think. Unlike his grandfather Seth lacks patience, maybe it's youth but Seth would rather jump into action instead of formulating a plan. Though at heart he's steadfast and selfless, two traits that'll get him far in the Resistance.


Seth is the grandson of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi (Also known as Ben Kenobi) and Satine Kryze, Seth's father Ben Kryze was given his mother's surname for protection as having the last name Kenobi wasn't a good idea when Vader was around, and he was sent to live on Coruscant before the fall of Mandalor resulting in Ben having little recollection of his parents. Seth also grew up on Coruscant, mainly on Level 2685. Seth's mother passed away when he was young and his father was constantly in debt due to gambling. When Seth was 15 his father got in deep trouble with a gang and Seth volunteered to join the gang and pay off his father's debts, which with Seth's natural talents it didn't take very long. Seth learned a number of skills while working with the Gang, and he even stayed with them after he payed off the debts. Seth stayed with his gang, but he always felt that he was destined for more, so at 18 he set out to join the Resistance in hope of gaining fame and fortune.

Force User:

Yes, though he doesn't know it yet
Force Power:

Force Mastery:

Combat Prowess:
5 (blasters) 1 (Melee)


9 (Mostly "Negotiation")


Wealth and Influence:
0 (Wealth) 0 (Influence)


Resistance soldier (Potential Padawan)


Decent Pilot ~ While living on Coruscant Seth learn how to fly ships (and how to steal them), he can hold his own against most First Order fighters, but he still has a way to go.
Sharpshooter ~ Seth prides himself with being a good shot with a blaster, it's saved him plenty of times on Coruscant. On terms of skill Seth is more skilled then most Resistance and First Order soldiers (Basic soldiers, obviously he isn't better than a sniper or spec ops soldier).
"Negotiation" ~ Calling it Negotiation is a little narrow, stalling opponents and using wits to get the upper hand in battle is mostly Seth's skill here.

EL-16 Blaster Rifle

Force Applications{*}
Signature Force Ability:

Force visions

Force Abilities:


Lightsaber Appearance:


Kyber Crystal Color:


Practiced Forms:




If anyone wants their character to have any kind of Relationship prior to the Rp, then you can just ask me :P. Just remember that Seth recently joined the Resistance.
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Ben Solo

Basic Information
Age: 21 yrs.

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 189 lbs.

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Attire: Ben has forsaken the tradition Jedi robes for a collared white shirt and a rather plain black jacket, a style not unlike his father's.

Affiliation: Resistance

Alignment: Neutral Good

Homeworld: Nespis VIII

Residence: Millenium Falcon

Role: Ben Solo

Ben is hopelessly optimistic. He rarely gives up regardless of the situation and strives to keep hope alive in a galaxy that grows darker every day. He earnestly believes that, despite the growing power of the First Order, the Resistance will prevail. Ben also tries to see the best in everyone, especially his family. Though his opinion of Jacen has been slightly jaded by Han Solo's death, he dreams of a future where the three brothers no longer have to fight on opposite sides, a future where his younger brother has been redeemed.

Ben's biggest flaw is likely his stubbornness. Many a time has he deviated from his orders to do what he believes to be right, regardless of practicality. Sometimes it pays off, but his headstrong and unorthodox behavior often causes more problems than it solves.


Skills & Force Abilities
Force User: Yes.

Force Power: 5

Force Mastery: 7

Combat Prowess: 8

Strategy: 7

Fame: 3

Influence: 4

Wealth: 1

Silver Tongue - Ben is very charismatic, likely a trait he received from his smooth-talking smuggler of a father. He has talked himself out of exceedingly perilous situations, most frequently those involving the wrath of his mother, Leia.

Force Applications
Signature Force Ability:

Force Abilities:


Kyber Crystal Color: Green

Practiced Forms: Form I: Shii-Cho, Form II: Makashi |Highly Practiced|, Form V: Shien

Equipment: His robes and lightsaber.


Extra: Ben's hilt is fairly worn due to constant use.

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Admiral Tarsus Valorum
Nickname{*}: The Prodigy (Within the Republic High Command)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality: Gay

6' 1"
Weight: 170lb
Eye Color: Brindle
Hair Color: Brown with white streaks
Attire: The uniform of a Republic Admiral, mainly colours of House Valorum in private
Affiliation: The New Republic
Alignment{*}: Neutral Good
Homeworld: Coruscant
Residence{*}: When not on his flagship The Star of Coruscant he stays on his family estate on Coruscant



For an Admiral with a high position of power you would normally expect a cautious figure who respects authority but that is certainly not the case for Tarsus. Being born to a wealthy albeit tarnished family had its effects and it helped shape Tarsus into who he is today, a brilliant minded but young man who always goes into a situation with a cheesy grin and no plan other than to go with the flow.

Although he grew up in high society he has never gloated about this fact, he is cocky for sure but rubbing privilege into other people's faces has never been his style and he actively goes out of his way to help those (especially in the military) to get further in life by buying a soldier a new state of the art gun or, as in one case, a servant a brand new home. This he inherited from his grandfather the penultimate Supreme Chancellor who knew more than most what is was to fall on hard times and be branded a failure in life. This attitude does have one side effect though, if he himself fails at even the most minor of things he will berate himself and put all blame on himself for any consequences for said act even if he had no chance to change the event in question.

While he does not always stick with the New Republic in everything hating its bureaucracy he is loyal to the core, the Republic has shaped his entire life and he would sacrifice his own life in a heartbeat if it served to bolster the strength and power of the Republic. Many simply misjudged his disdain for aspects of the Republic as outright hatred but he wouldn't point out these flaws if he didn't love it. Whilst the bureaucracy of the Republic is beyond him he can't escape the politcs around it and is surprisingly adept at it, not really a surprise coming from the decendent of 4 Supreme Chancellors but even still he has surprised himself by outmanouvering Senators in debates and even swaying Republic policy on some matters. If he wasn't already in a high military position he probably could become a Senator in a heartbeat and eventually follow distinguished members of his house and be the 5th to assume the highest positon democracy can give.

In military matters he is considered reckless but he likes to use the phrase "reasonable recklessness" by which if a battle affords said opportunity with a reasonable chance of success then why not take it? One thing he will not do is sacrifice good men for a bit of fleeting glory, if a battle is lost he will categorically refuse even if ordered by the Fleet Admiral to send any more souls to an inevitable death. Having this reputation might be bad for the High Command but has earnt him the loyalty of his fleet 100% who appreciate having a leader who doesn't just see them as statistics but as people.

Tarsus was born on Coruscant to perhaps the wealthiest family on the planet, the Valorums who have been prominent in the Republic during its darkest moments to its greatest. The family who consisted of 3 members including Tarsus when he born was still reeling from the fallout of Supreme Chancellor Finis who served as Chancellor prior to Palpatine and the Empire but the days of the Empire had made Finis's time as Chancellor seem like a memory of a sweet time when the biggest problem the Republic faced was a monetary dispute with a trade union.

The birth of Tarsus was problematic and his mother died giving birth to him which broke his father beyond repair, in those early years it was up to Finis nearing a hundred years of age to guide the young man and instill him with the values that made the Republic of old great. These years had the greatest effect on him and he was eager to improve where his grandfather had failed and so put his mind to work reading every book he could get his hands on and studying the great battles in history from the destruction of the Jedi Temple to the Battle of Geonosis and of course the rebellion and Endor. To say Luke Skywalker became a personal hero was an understatement. While he was being groomed to enter the Senate this ended at a young age when Finis died and his father still broken could not handle raising a son and so sent him to a prestigious Officers Academy.

His early years at the Academy were anything but smooth and he never quite fit in, he avoided social interaction and did nothing but studied. His physical state was also rather dismal and it was obvious from the start that the navy was his destination. Eventually however he grew more and more confident leading teams in mock simulations and becoming friends with the oldest and most stubborn instructors to the newest of cadets missing home, he was a friend of all and enemy of no one. He couldn't be the only prodigy though and another student named Cody Quinn transferred to the Academy and was almost like Tarsus in every single way, naturally they became rivals trying to outdo each other at every turn in order to impress their superiors. This competition had several good effects however and it pushed them to the apex of their capability and it also pushed them closer together, eventually it was Quinn who broke the rivalry and asked Tarsus out on a date to which he agreed almost subconsciously. Ever since they were close and would remain with one and other until Hosnian Prime.

Eventually graduation day came and in a rare surprise the Republic ever in need of good officers offered a position in the Admiralty to a single student that had to win a tournament which involved every academy in Republic space. After being selected to represent the Academy he won in every round and made it to the final where he faced a formidable foe, the objective of the game was rather simple, both sides had the same amount of ships and transports and you had to destroy the enemy fleet and capture the opposing sides planet. Tarsus rejected conventional tactics and placed all his transports in the centre open to the enemy to attack whilst making it look like his fleet was retreating, the enemy took the bait and advanced on the transports blowing them into a million pieces only to discover they were empty. Tarsus had in fact evacuated all troops and left the ships behind, now he had the enemy fleet right where he wanted it and caught it in pincer movement destroying it before moving to blockade the enemy planet. The foe he was up against cried foul stating the planet had not been taken but Tarsus rightly pointed out it was only a matter of time, a planet under blockade and constant bombing would capitulate in due course. The adminitrators accepted this and the Admiral commission was his, he was handed the ship The Star of Coruscant and given the command of the 3rd Fleet. His boyfriend graduated as a Captain and served in the 1st fleet.

As an Admiral he earned the loyalty of his men and Captains by treating them with simply decency and respect, soldiers who simply asked him for a new weapon got one, Commanders got that ship improvement they had been eyeing up and Cadets always had permission to return to their family's for a birthday. Whilst the High Command disliked this closeness with his men he did not care in the slightest what they thought and continued with it. The biggest upset of his career came when he attacked a First Order Fleet breaking all treaties and ignoring orders, the Republic was forced to publicly reprimand him and he was posted to Coruscant as a guard fleet for the foreseeable future. This proved his saving grace as when Starkiller base open fired he and his fleet were far from Hosnian Prime, this mattered little to Tarsus as it affected him personally all the same. His boyfriend serving in the first fleet was killed, his father having returned to the Senate and in happy spirits was killed, his academy friends were killed, he was left with no one but his family fortune and control of a rather lucky fleet. After the incident and ever since some changes have occurred in him and vengeace is very much in his mind, to him the First Order must be crushed absolutely at all costs.

Force User: No
Power Scale: N/A

Force Power: N/A

Force Mastery: N/A

Combat Prowess: 2 (He just might be able to hit a Star Destroyer with his blaster if it was 2 feet away)

Strategy: 9

Fame: 4 (Simply for fact he is one of the few high ranking officer the Republic has)

Wealth and Influence: 10 (Rich beyond belief and whisper in a Senators ear from a Valorum can go a long way)
Role: Admiral of the Republic
Skills: Speaks multiple languages, is knowledgeable on the Galaxy and the cultures of planets, a brilliant strategist, a rather charismatic leader and not a bad shot although don't place him in personal combat, it wont end well.
Equipment: His impeccably clean uniform and a custom WESTAR-34 blaster pistol


Commands the 3rd Fleet, whilst liked by the people he is rather sidelined in the Republic High Command for his unconventional tactics.
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Nickname: Sam, "Blue-8"
Age: 17 years
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
Height: 5'7
Weight: 115
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Attire: Exclude the gun and add a brown cloak.
(Minus Poe's helmet and Poe himself, of course.)
Affiliation: Resistance
Alignment{*}: Neutral Good
None. He was born on a CR90 Corvette (Tantive IV). Though the first planet he visited was Tatooine, so I guess that counts, right?
EF76 Nebulon-B escort Frigate with the Resistance [Vigilant]


Conflicted on his purpose, Samuel can be very..dazed. He often times looks at simple things in harder ways and expresses himself poorly to others. Sam's ultimate motivation is to find an answer to himself. What he was sent here for, and his supposed "mission" in life is.
For all 17 years of his life so far, Samuel has yet to find his purpose. A couple of years back, he was shown to be force sensitive, so he joined the Padawans and trained under Grand Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, though he didn't receive any spiritual guidance from the training. Through the attack on the new Jedi Temple and the "sparing" of Luke, Solo's children, and the other Padawans; Samuel felt he could've done more if he hadn't focused so much on who he was and tried to fight back.
Now beside the Resistance, Samuel trains harder, most times by himself; hoping to avenge the dead Padawans and hopefully continue the Jedi Order as it once was and could've been.
Force User: Yes
Role: Padawan, Resistance Fighter Pilot ("Blue-8" of Blue Squadron)
He's pretty average with lightsabers and melee. Though that's it.
A Glie-44 Blaster Pistol, handed to him from the Resistance; a X-Wing Pilot helmet, and a one-strap backpack underneath his cloak.
Power Scale [scale of 0 - 10: 10 being highest, 0 being lowest]
Force Power: 2
Force Mastery: 1
Combat Prowess: 7
Strategy: 6
Fame: 1 (As in, "'ey, you're one of 'ose Jedi kids, right?" and nothing else.)
Wealth and Influence: 0
Force Applications
Signature Force Ability:

Force push is all he's got.
Force Abilities:
Force push and "Jedi Mind trick", though he isn't good at either.
Lightsaber Appearance:
Kyber Crystal Color:
Practiced Forms: Form V; Djem So & Form I; Shii-Cho


Extra: T70 X-Wing Starfighter "Blue-8", and BB-3, a cocky BB unit. (And of course, just X-Wing posts.)
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  • Name: Zaeva Iturs

    Alias: Syn Ren

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Species: Mandalorian

    Affiliation: First order

    Alignment: lawful evil

    Role: His Majesty's Eyes

    Home world: Mandalor

    Residence: Snoke's flagship


- First Order Stormtrooper Executioner

  • Power Scale [scale of 0 - 10: 10 being highest, 0 being lowest]

    Force Power: 0

    Force Mastery: 0

    Combat Prowess: 6

    Strategy: 6

    Fame: 0

    Wealth and Influence: 0
    Name: RG-3808
    Nickname: (mockingly, and to her dismay) Renegade; 808
    Age: 29 years old
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Sexuality: Gay
    Weight: 145lb
    Eye Color: Pale blue
    Hair Color: Blonde
    First Order (waning)
    Alignment{*}: Lawful Neutral
    Homeworld: Unknown
    Residence: Constantly moving. Currently resides on Darth Ceadus' The Executor

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DescriptorsName: Requis Koribin (Reh - Kees) (Core - Ih - Ben)
Nickname{*}: ---
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality{*}: Heterosexual
Requis is 5'10, with a clearly skinny frame. Despite this, he is actually quite strong. His hair is brown, short, and somewhat spiky. It's angled backwards. His face seems to be in a permanent state of unamusement, but this is just his default face.
Height: 5'10
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown

Requis took a play on the Sith of the Sith Empire's play on a Sith Warrior's armor, but instead added a few touches to accommodate for the new technology of the age. It is made with better materials.
(A sound example of what it looks like, minus some additions.)
Affiliation: First Order
Alignment{*}: Neutral Evil
Homeworld: Taris
Residence{*}: Jacen's Flagship the "Executor" (currently)

Personality: Requis is one who strives to better himself and others, but, mainly himself. He is out for only himself most of the time, and does what's best for his well being. Although, if given the chance, he will show an unknown persistence to assist in the bettering of others. He has a very strong belief in self growth. Other than that, his disposition is usually neutral, and he hardly shows excitement about most things on the outside. At times, he's a natural leader who inspires both fear and undying loyalty among his allies, but only very rarely does he have these moments of leadership. He has a strong sense of self-discipline and honor. He generally hides an angry demeanor under neutrality.

On this, he is very loyal to the First Order, and will not hesitate to kill traitors on sight.


Requis was born on Taris, to non-force sensitive parents, and was expected to be just as his parents. Contrarily, he was sensitive to the Force, but it didn't show in his infant years. He was perceived to be normal child until he was around 4 years of age, where he began applying to Force to playing, often manipulating his toys with Telekinesis. His parents weren't very worried about it, as they knew that the Jedi were very scarce, and likely would not come for their child. Requis was hardly exposed to the criminal environment of Taris, and his personality and what he would come to be was left unmolded.

When Luke Skywalker came looking for students to join his new Jedi Order, Requis was found in the outer rim. Like many other Force Sensitives, he was taken to his Jedi Academy. There, he would be taught the ways of the Force, like any Jedi would be. He didn't form very many friendships there, and failed to see it was his own fault. He quietly felt as if he simply wasn't good enough to appeal to any of his other students, and from that, developed a strong drive to better himself constantly, which turned more into a habit and addiction over time.

This dedication to practice made him a great student, though he always felt he could be something more. Despite being warned otherwise, he began exploring both sides of the Force, and managed to maintain a imperfect balance between the light and dark for a short time, but due to his Jedi training, he mainly remained in the light. For a time, his lightsaber blade even became purple. This frightened Requis, and so he almost never ignited his lightsaber. He disguised this as a personal challenge to only practice with the Force, even during duels. Through this, he developed a good use of Tutaminis, being able to catch lightsaber blades with his bare hands on some occasions.

His small dip into the dark side only led to more small adventures into a different spectrum of Force abilities. He found that both sides of the Force had their practical applications, feeling that he shouldn't just be bound to one side, he began applying dark side abilities to his training.

Before Luke could take any action, Jacen's Sith army sacked his temple. Requis, as said, not having many friendships, didn't know Jacen very well, though he had heard the name many times. He was one of the few padawans he spared, for he threw down his weapon and refused to fight, for it would surely mean death if he attempted to fight Jacen and his army.

He realized the fact that he needed more tutelage, as many didn't progress as quickly on their own. With so many trained Sith, he only assume that there had to be some teacher who could aid him in his search for knowledge of the dark side. He, instead of retaining his Jedi philosophy, disregarded it, and joined the First Order as well. Over time, his extended use of the dark side only led to him falling out of balance, and using the dark side much more than the light. Despite this, he still recognized the useful applications of the light, and never neglected to use them when needed.

While Requis mainly trained his body and dueling prowess at any time he could, using any training exercises and drills that he could make up or was put through, he still maintained well-roundedness, and kept his abilities with the Force almost equally as sharp. His power was not refined. It was unstable, and powerful at that too. While his dueling prowess led him down a Sith Warrior path, he was equally as qualified to be an Inquisitor as well.

There were always questioned that intrigued him. The main one being why Jacen had decided to turn on the academy. He never actually found time to ask the question in person, and he's still zealously longing for the opportunity, so much so that he often returned to Jacen's flagship, the "Executor" whenever he wasn't out on his own agenda. He hardly ever saw the Exalted Ones, and that was given, as they were only 4 in an empire of thousands. This never discouraged him, and he still hasn't gotten the chance to ask.

When on his own agenda, he often visited ruins of previously existing Force Sensitive organizations, such as the ancient Sith, that existed during the time of The Old Republic and the Great Galactic War, where they were many more plentiful, as well as the Jedi of that time. He studied Mandalorians, mainly their culture in fighting and their tactics, more than their traditions. He was most intrigued by the Aing-Tii, where he learned about their views of the Force, and they saw saw it as a spectrum of colors, rather than just light and dark - black and white. He learned the art of Telepathy, and being able to transport himself instantaneously through the Force, much like how the Aing-Tii warrior monks did with their large and complex battleships.

He learned of the Voss, and how they were so adept into seeing future events with the Force, and how they used the Force to heal, and how they survived attacks for centuries from their homeworld's vicious natives just by relying on their instincts and visions. Through these studies, he boosted his own mastery of the Force, and exploited the power of very few relics that boosted his own power. But the majority of his power was still left unrefined and raw.

Requis often questions what he could've been, had he kept being a Jedi. But never debated with himself or whether or not he wanted to go back. That was a debate that was unneeded. He already knew the answer to that question.

He wasn't going back.

Force User: Y
Role: Sith Acolyte

Precise Movements: Out of a very small skill set that Requis has that doesn't involve the Force, his most notable one is his ability to work with fine motor skills and small motions is nearly unparalleled. This makes him very good with his extremities for making small and precise movements, as well as being able to differentiate between the smallest amounts of physical effort.

Dedicated Duelist: He is also very strong and quick, and his dedication to bettering himself constantly has grown and resulted into him being a disciplined and skilled duelist, leagues above most considered to be close to his rank in the Sith.

Unnatural Sensitivity: Requis is particularly stronger with the Force than most, but he has somewhat of a harder time using it than others. But again, due to his constant goal of bettering himself, he hasn't quite peaked, but he's better than most, and what he could've been had he not practiced.

Stoney Disposition: Requis is hard to unsettle. He often remains in a calm and analyzing mindset when confronted with a new scenario or problem.

Jack: Again, due to Requis' self growth addiction, he has pushed himself to be good at a wide array of skills. He's not good at everything, but most skills that can be practically applied to the current age (and his current occupation) is probably something he knows how to do.

A traditional Sith Warrior's armor was made of an unknown material, but least to say, it wasn't very protective against lightsabers or blasters, ironically. His armor has the appearance of an old Sith Warrior, but with a better material. The forearms, chest piece, and shins are made of a Phrik and Durasteel alloy, giving it some lightsaber resistant properties.

Force Applications{*}
Signature Force Ability: Tutaminis

Force Abilities:

Battle Precogition
Force Lightning
Force Resistance
Center of Being
Force Rage
Saber Throw
Telekinetic Saber Combat (unmastered, poorly refined)
Dun Möch
Force Drain

(Core Force abilities)
Force Stealth
Force Speed
Force Sight
Far Sight
Force Empathy
Force Leap
Force Push/Pull

Force Power: 8

Force Mastery: 5

Combat Prowess: 8.5

Strategy: 7

Fame: 2

Wealth and Influence: 4

Lightsaber Appearance:

(Lightsaber Sounds)
Note that Requis' lightsaber's blades are thicker than most lightsabers, and vibrate at a deeper tone than most.
Kyber Crystal Color: Purple
Practiced Forms:
Juyo and Soresu are his only practiced forms. But he has knowledge of core forms that every duelist should know like Forms I and II, Shii Cho and Makashi. Though he does employ many Lightsaber techniques, such as:

Flowing Water
Cho Mai

Cho Mok
Cho Sun
Faalo's Cadences (training exercise)

Faalo's Will
Sai Cha
Sai Tok
Sun Djem
Fast Style
Medium Style

Strong Style
At the same time, he uses his own "custom" form, which plays to advantages only he has, but also brings in elements of other forms, such as the footwork of Form II, the strong strikes and aggression of forms IV and V, and the unpredictable strikes of Juyo, combined with the weird attack angles that came with using a saber staff. He coupled this with his own strength and speed, both natural and enhanced through the Force to make a form that utilized unpredictable, strong, and quick strikes, as well as expert footwork to quickly overwhelm an opponent and leave them reeling after an assault of seemingly randomly and on the spot calculated strikes.


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DescriptorsName: Requis Koribin (Reh - Kees) (Core - Ih - Ben)
Nickname{*}: ---
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality{*}: Heterosexual
Requis is 5'10, with a clearly skinny frame. Despite this, he is actually quite strong. His hair is brown, short, and somewhat spiky. It's angled backwards. His face seems to be in a permanent state of unamusement, but this is just his default face.
Height: 5'10
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Attire: (See appearace.)
Affiliation: First Order
Alignment{*}: Neutral Evil
Homeworld: Ord Mantell
Residence{*}: Jacen's Flagship the "Executor"

Personality: Requis is one who strives to better himself and others, but, mainly himself. He is out for only himself most of the time, and does what's best for his well being. Although, if given the chance, he will show an unknown persistence to assist in the bettering of others. He has a very strong belief in self growth. Other than that, his disposition is usually neutral, and he hardly shows excitement about most things on the outside.

Requis was born a fisher on Ord Mantell, a planet in the mid-rim with a very expanse array of biomes. Requis was born in a city where it's major export was fish, and the most demanding job were fishers and trading incorporations. Requis was blissfully unaware with his Force Sensitivity, and had no quarrels with living his life on Ord Mantell as a fisher.

Though he had no issues remaining a fisher on Ord Mantell, he did want to become something more. He wanted to be a First Order soldier, but the enlistment process never allowed people to enlist on their own - they had to be specially selected in a forced draft that required the taking of infants. Because that was the case, Requis never seeked anything more than being a fisher, as it was only that, or being a soldier that was something he actually found a passion in doing. His life was, at its core, normal. He didn't know how to do anything else, as he didn't get a lot of schooling as a child.

During an accident where Requis was involved in a car accident, where he survived, but ultimately lost a lot of blood, at the hospital, a sample of his blood was analyzed to have an abnormally high amount of midichlorians within his blood. After he made his full recovery, he was taken by First Order stormtroopers to a transport that took him to a Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought, where he found that there were a few others who were concentrated on the same dreadnought as he. After they were all informed that they were Force Sensitive, and very lucky individuals in the Empire, they were subjected to numerous training drills that occasionally resulted in the death of a few. At this time, in a few weeks, he learned an entire school curriculum and more.

He never technically finished his training, as he's still an Acolyte of sorts. He's a Warrior who can somewhat move freely, but can't quite leave the "Executor" without special permission. He mainly follows around the Eyes, Reach, Hand, and Voice to see if he can learn something from them.

Force User: Y
Role: Sith Acolyte
Out of a very small skill set that Requis has that doesn't involve the Force, his most notable one is his ability to work with fine motor skills and small motions is nearly unparalleled. He's able to almost distinguish between the slightest difference during physical tasks extremely well. On top of this he is also very strong and quick. With this combination, it also makes Requis a fierce duelist who can often chain together power attacks quickly.

Requis doesn't wear a lot of armor, but under his robe is a layer of Songsteel body armor, as well gauntlets to protect his wrists and forearms. His lightsaber is kept magnetically attached to a magnetic plate just where his back meets his waist. This is a very secure spot, and the lightsaber will very rarely fall off of his body.

Force Applications{*}
Signature Force Ability: Tutaminis

Force Abilities:

Force Push/Pull
Force Speed
Force Breach
Battle Precogition
Drain Knowledge
Animal Friendship
Force Lightning
Force Resistance

Lightsaber Appearance:
Kyber Crystal Color: Dark Red
Practiced Forms:
Juyo and Soresu are his only practiced forms.

Theme: (if your character were to walk into a room, what would play in the background?)
I feel that him following the exalted ones a problem as snoke sends them on missions that he can't go on
I feel that him following the exalted ones a problem as snoke sends them on missions that he can't go on

He only follows them where he can. He's doesn't stalk them and accompany them wherever they goes, but he moreso just stays in a certain proximity from them and interacting with them when he can.
Name: Prince Brody Wesson
Nickname{*}: Prince, Brody, Wesson, Prince Brody
Age: 18
Gender: male
Species: human
Sexuality{*}: straight
Appearance: 9CD4E54C-1306-4C8C-9AEA-86921C8964C5.jpeg
Height: 5’2
Weight: 129lb
Eye Color: baby blue
Hair Color: blonde
Attire: 792B33E5-374F-4CB7-9AC8-6623C3B14196.jpeg
Affiliation: Resistance
Alignment{*}: Good
Homeworld: Naboo
Residence{*}: hes traveling with other padawans to ach to.

Personality: “I’d say that...well...I’m a bit of an angel. I love being nice and sweet to everyone, as long as they treat my sister right. I’m even nice to that First Order guy who I saw a while back, who’s name is I think... “Taurus?”something like that. Sometimes I get really grumpy, too. Especially when I don’t have my rest, but normally father is there to make sure I get my “king’s supply of rest” he says.”
Biography: Oh...I remember it like it was yesterday. Me and my sister, before the whole ‘capture’ thing took place, which was that night, we were sitting on the couch watching a movie together, just me and her. I had on my white tank top, and she had on her black little dress on with her knee high white socks with black little bows at the high end of them. They were adorable. Halfway through the movie, we heard the sound of almost like bodies falling, and they were. I paused the movie and wrapped my arms around my sister.

I whispered in her ear ‘I think something’s wrong,’and then, when I was turning to leave and grab my lightsaber, she grabbed me, and hugged me. I knew I couldn’t leave her terrified like she was. So I wrapped an arm around her and I got my lightsaber. I walked over to the door and released her gently, and whispered for her to back up a little bit so they don’t see her. She backed up, and I opened the door. I had never seen Jacen so angry. Or...ever. He looked me straight in the eyes, and then pushed me aside harshly. I whipped my head around to face him, and he was looming over my sister, holding his saber to her neck. I lunges out to tell him to back off, when I felt something grab my arm.

It was General Hux. THE General Hux. I looked General Hux straight in the eyes like Jacen did to me, and I quickly and swiftly yanked my arm out from his and ran to my sister, who was on the ground in front of Jacen, crying. I immediately hugged her. I heard Jacen say to me from behind me ‘back off, boy. She’s mine.’ I had to think of something. So I did. I stood up, and grabbed my sister’s hand, and I looked jacen dead in the eyes, and I told him, ‘if you take her, you take me. We are family.’

I could hear a deep sigh from him and he took my arm as tight as I ever felt. General Hux took my sister’s hand.

What we experienced on his ship was unbearable. We were whipped...burned...electrified...and so many other things. I could hear my sister...begging and begging as they whipped her, begging for them to stop, and they didn’t. But, we got a cell together. It was days until someone finally rescued us. We lost ships and men that day. I just thank the Resistance for saving me and my sister.”
Force User: yes
Role: A padawan and prince of Naboo
Skills: “I can shoot well, since I am a good hunter. Father takes me out hunting, saying that he intends on improving my shooting skills. I can pilot a small ship, like a Naboo starfighter, really well, since when I wanna get off of the planet, father only lets me take one of those. I also know some good amounts of agility as well. Father hired me my own personal agility instructor a while back to help me with my agility.
Equipment: 42E39CD0-C074-41A2-97B8-E644E1006A83.jpeg3864A86F-9228-40DA-B9AD-6B1F916CBCD4.jpeg

Force Applications{*}
Signature Force Ability: He’s not that accomplished yet.
Force Abilities:
•Force push
•Force Leap
•Force Pull
•(that’s all he can do well as of right now)
Lightsaber Appearance: 7F84752E-FE6A-4CBA-9F8D-EBC176F73D0F.jpeg (type 8)
Kyber Crystal Color: white
Practiced Forms: Vorm VI, & VII

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Name: Drex'Dem Sclounst
Nickname{*}: Drex
Age: 330yrs
Gender: Male
Species: Kyrulian
Sexuality{*}: Asexual (biologically attracted to others of its kind.)
Height: 9ft 11in
Weight: 658lbs
Eye Color: Yellow & black
Hair Color: Hairless
Attire: Biosuit (a tailor made suit which helps drex Maintain his cool body temperature)
Affiliation: Resistance
Alignment{*}: good
Homeworld: Kyrule (Destroyed.)
Residence{*}: Hoth

Personality: Drex is a creature driven by curiosity and and an urge to study the world. He has seen much in his years and as a result is very humble. Choosing to remain alone for most of his life he is a creature of solitude but he is not particularly antisocial, he just acknowledges that most don't like being around giant reptile men.

Biography: Drex and the Kyrulians once owned a lush world on the western quadrant of the galaxy near alderan. They were the apex predators there naturally equipped to be masters of the various environments of planet Kyrule. As such they never had a never had a need for developing technology. So when the empire descended upon their home they had trouble dealing with the vast technological gap. Yet the empire still had an uphill battle dealing with the vast physical superiority of the Kyrulians. During the early stages of the second death star Planet Kyrule was rendered barren by a low powered shot from an incomplete death star. Several Kyrulians survived through different methods. For Drex it was because he was taken by a smuggler to be a fighter in Jabba's gladiator pits. After nearly a decade of that life he found an opening and escaped being taken in by a bounty hunter named Gatzon. He learned alot about starfighters and blasters during his time with Gatzon and eventually the two joined the rebellion. However Gatzon died at the hands of the first order during the early days of their rise.
Force User: N
Role: Stealth Tank/Rebel hero
Very skilled close quarters
Immense physical might
Stealth skills
Technical Sabotage
Decent Marksmanship

Heavy Bolt Blaster Rifle- a collapsible blaster rifle which can fire through several men per shot. Made to be an anti vehicle rifle it excels against armored targets.

Force power: 0

Force mastery: 0

Combat prowess: 6 (blasters), 8 (starships), 10 (close quarters)

Strategy: 10

Fame 7 (mostly within the rebellion)

Wealth and influence: 4 (He is penniless but his word counts for something)

Strength- Kyrulians were a nightmare for the empire in the jungles of their home world. They are very strong able to lift 10-20 times their body weight. Drex fits on the upper end of this spectrum.

Speed- Weaving through rough terrain like a snake kyrulians can cover ground at between 30-45 mph. Drex is in the mid range here.

Extra Sensory- Kyrulians can "taste" the air like a snake detecting things like species and distance up to 300 yards away. Furthermore he has thermal vision and can detect the slightest change in temperature via his skin.

Regeneration- while they still possess vital organs like the heart and brain. Aside from those two targets nothing will put a kyrulian down. They can regrow limbs in a matter of days. Cuts and blaster wounds only take a few hours. And superficial wounds like scrapes and bruises will fade away before ones very eyes. They are also immune to disease.

Claws & fangs- a relatively primal race, kyrulians have retractable talons and fangs which are very hard. The latter secretes a deadly paralysing venom which only works on mammals.


Drex gon give it to ya.

Extra{*}: he talks with a cockney sounding accent and is quite scary when he wants to be.
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Name: Commander Johnny
Age: 93yrs
Gender: Male
Species: Clone Trooper
Sexuality{*}: Strait
Height: 8ft 15in
Weight: 125lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Green
Attire: Clone Trooper Suit Covered With Bullet Holes And Blood Without Helmet, Fake Arm, Eye Patch
Affiliation: Rebels
Alignment{*}: Neutral
Homeworld: Alderon (Destroyed.)
Residence{*}: Genosis

Personality: Sinse order 66 he has had multiple personality disorder. He was always a rebellious type and he burns or kills everything on genosis. He likes to use explosives.

Biography: Scar was always loyal to the jedi and always had a bad feeling about Papaltine so when he was give the portable projecter he blew it up. Someonelse got the order to kill the jedi so that clone gathered up the platoon and walked up to the jedi. Scar noticed this and got his bomb ready. The clones shot the jedi down, Scar threw his gernade, and one of the clones got a shot at him. The clone got a distress beacon out to the other clones and Scar had to kill all of his friends. He looked at one of the projectors to see what happened to the other clones. He tried his best to keep himself sane. He blew up all the ships and has been stranded on genosis ever since.
Jalan Farkas
Nickname{*}: Admiral Jalen Farkas, Jalan, Farkas, Admiral, Admiral Farkas
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality{*}: Heterosexual

5ft 6in
Weight: 133lb
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Attire: Minus the hat

Affiliation: First Order
Alignment{*}: Lawful Evil
Homeworld: Vardos
Residence{*}: Dromund Kaas and Farkas' Flagship

Personality: WIP
Biography: WIP
Force User:
Yes (Although not strong whatsoever and untrained)
Role: Grand Admiral
Skills: Highly intelligent and contains much knowledge of the core worlds and outer rim
Equipment: (armor, robes, weapons, etc.)

Force Applications{*}
Signature Force Ability: Force sense
Force Abilities: Force sense only
Lightsaber Appearance: N/A
Kyber Crystal Color: N/A
Practiced Forms: N/A


Extra{*}: (anything I missed? maybe you own a ship, have control over a fleet, have relationships with someone, etc.)

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