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Fandom Star Wars: Old Republic Era


Innocent Little Cannibal
A ship and her crew are searching the far outer rim for a mysterious energy source they believe could end the war. They will discover new worlds, forgotten worlds, find strange creatures and people, and have adventure.

Ship Name: The Vigilance.

Class: Corsair

Crew: Mix-Matched crew of sith, jedi, and non-force users.

Heres the other pages for easy access.

this one is the Character Sheets:

This one is the RP:

This one is the OOC:

#3MermaidShireen, Yesterday at 2:15 PM
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It's calling to us. A power, leading those who can hear it, to here. Sulon.
At the small barely even functional port on the Sullust moon, Sulon, We start our story.
Our adventurers will meet at at the Vigilance, meet the rest of their crew, and Introductions will be made. Then they will take off, journeying further into the uncharted territory towards the end of the war and possibly ultimate power.
May the Force be with Us.
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(Alright, First post)

Norava frowned as she brought her X-70B phantom to the surface of the moon. Could this be the right place? How could my visions possibly bring me here? Nothing looks here looks powerful enough to even damage my ship, let alone give the power to end the war. More than just slightly confused, she threw out her senses, calling upon the force to guid her. Her only answer was the feeling to land just outside the small barely, even functional port on the Sullust moon, Sulon. Fine, I'll land, and wait just inside for... whatever the hell I'm waiting for.
Throwing the hood of her obsidian black cloak over her face, she stepped onto the landing, and made a disgusted face at the smell and noise of the moon. Her hand rested easily on her lightsaber, her frown deepening as she stalked towards the port, slipping passed the gate man with hardly any effort. Doing a quick once over of the place, she found the cantina. That's a good place to start.

Three weeks ago, Norava had woken from her sleep at the Sith academy on her homeworld of Ryloth, feeling as if she had something she must do. Something she must hunt. Instinctively she reached out with the force towards the pull and sensed a deep, almost unending power before it was gone. Her need to hunt that power remained, and without a second thought she took her lightsabers and the credits she earned, removed the tracking beacon from her stealth ship, and left. The force guided her from her home, past planets and systems, to a hunk of rock, in the middle of nowhere, and then ditched her.
She swore at a pest and took a sip from the Gav in front of her.
Everyone Everyone
Zetra landed her craft on the pot of Sulon not long after the Sith and though she did not know what she felt, she could sense the Sith. A dark and uncomfortable feeling at the back of her mind she could not explain from the moment she landed. This was disquieting, she had several bad feelings in her lifetime and the were often omens to bad things happening. She had half a mind of just turning around and leaving but the reason she was here kept her in place.

She stepped out of the ship and slowly made her way out of Sulon port and looked around. Sulon didn't look like much at first sight, just your average backwater agricultural world with more droids than people farming the land. True there was a charm to it not being a turning dark mass of industry like Couresant but the true value of the planet was underground. There a cooperation was testing weapons and biological agents and there were plenty of staff inside willing to sell these weapons in the black market for extra cash. The also played top credit for safe transportation of those weapons and she was happy to take their credits for that.
The ship doors opened and Willow step out of it then turned to look at the woman behind her. "You sure this the place?" Willow smiled at her. "Yep pretty sure." The woman smiled, "Well you be careful you hear? Got your sabers." Willow pointed to both of her big pockets. "Yep." "What about your gun?" Willow pointed to the pouch attached to her leg. "Right here." The woman nodded. "Good, now don't do anything I wouldn't do." Willow smiled. "I'll be fine now go on don't you have a bounty to catch?" The woman nodded. "Alright, be seeing you." The woman closed the doors to the ship and soon enough the ship left. Willow looked around to see a Port that was a little ways off. "........Looks like I'm heading there." She started her walk curious to what was waiting for her. It was like a rope pulling her in a certain direction, she couldn't help but get dragged. "Man I'm hungry probably grab some food while I'm there."
Azur Xenuek
With the slightest sound and sensation of a thud echoing across the metal of the ship once it had finally hit the surface of the planet of the planet, it hadn't taken long before a male who sat within the cargo hold had stood up from his meditated state just to stand up and turn his head from one direction to the next. Directing his gaze over towards the direction of where the crew of the ship he was stowed away on was gathering was, the hooded male overheard the words that the crew was stating that they had landed on the moon known as Sulon. Arching a brow at what the crew had decided to do landing on this moon was, whatever the reason was; the hooded male remained hidden for a while longer until the crew had decided to finally leave the ship to do whatever it was that they had planned to do before he had exited the cargo hold just to leave the old spaceport as well.
Once the cloaked male had finally found himself in the middle of an unknown place, he made sure to keep both of his arms hidden within his cloak while at the sametime keeping his head down to avoid allowing anyone to catch a glimpse of his face that had cloth wrapped all around his eyes. Traversing the exterior of the spaceport, the male had constantly taken glimpses of the people that were around him; honestly the place seemed more like it was somewhere people could come down from their travels to trade things as well as just an ordinary planet where people were just living their ordinary lives.
It wasn't until a sudden sensation of some sort of dark energy rushing through his mind did the male come to a halt in the middle of his walking, turning his gaze over in the direction he felt the dark presence; there was no doubt about it, although he had no longer followed the Jedi Order or their teachings, he still remembered his lessons; this was the energy of a Sith. Exhaling a deep breath at the sensation, normally enough if he had followed the Order; he would go right after the Sith just to attack them and rid the galaxy of the threat but in this case it wasn't like he was in any requirement to do so.
This male was known as Azur Xenuek, a Jedi exile; one of which was being practically hunted down by a few members of the Order due to his treason and refusal to take the punishment of being cut from the force, even if he was a Miraluka. Soon enough, a thought came to mind of what he could do to retreat from the Jedi even further; if he decided to follow this Sith, there would be no doubt that the Jedi would think that Azur would be around with the dark side of the force like this.
With this in mind, the hooded Jedi immediately began to head his way straight for the dark energy. "How is this going to work...I'm going to be negotiating with a Sith. Is this even going to work at all?" Questioning himself about to how to approach the threat, it was only a matter of time that his searching ended up bringing him to a nearby cantina and with his vision being used through the force as it was; it wasn't exactly difficult to pinpoint out where the Sith was sitting and end up finding out it was a female in the end. Exhaling yet another deep sigh of how he was going to get the Sith to agree to let him join her, for the time being he awaited for the female Sith to leave by standing in front of the cantina by the door.
Lexa was hanging upside down in her tank top in one of the service areas of the ship, her coat was thrown over a pipe a few meters away above the service hatch and thin metal rod was clenched between her teeth.She was using her tools as easily as if she was just standing on a perfectly stable platform as she worked quickly trying to fix this fuel pump. Without it the engines would function fine, a ship this size had backups, but it put unnecessary stress on the other ones. Although she could have easily taken the pump out of the loop and repaired it in her work shop she new this ship inside and out and doing so was way to much effort and much less fun for her. She was so absorbed in her work that she barely felt as the ship punched through the thin atmosphere she did however feel it as the ship landed, the landing wasn't massively hard but she was still in a slightly precarious position and added gravity of land always through off the space born mechanic. With the jolt of the landing her legs slipped off the pipe and it was only thanks to her position and her force ability that she managed to reach out and latch onto a service rung before she went crashing down.

Muttering under her breath about poxy captains and not warning her about landing Lexa climbed out the shaft and began rummaging through a tool box. "I'm sure I left it in here where's that damn thing gone" she was muttering to herself before she caught sight of her rogue communicator on top of a barrel a short distance away. Still grumbling she stood up and snatched the communicator before thumbing it to the captains frequency. "After last time I swear I told you to warn me the next time that we were on approach Zet. What are we doing here anyway." Lexa complained down the communicator before picking up several pips in the force. She quirked her head to one side at the same time as suppressing her own force signature to be nearly non-existent. 'What are two lightside signatures and a darkside one doing here' She wondered as she checked their location on the ships terminal nearby.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Norava could sense them coming closer. Who they were, she didn't know. But, they had to be the reason she was lead her. She knew they could sense her, she hadn't bothered to hide herself. There was no real point in hiding who she was anyways, if they were here for the power, she would use them. There ere two on different ships... wait, is there... someone is hiding from me, but I can't feel them. Clever of them, but I'll know soon enough. She smirked, reaching out with the force to get a better look at the newcomers. One was severely lacking in training and she assumed that the woman just wasn't found by the sith, or the jedi. Lucky her. Norava took another sip of her drink, and reached for the young girl, Hmmm, a young one, no master, definitely not a jedi... but she still was trained by them. She moved on, looking to the last one. One more by the door. He must be waiting for me. She could sense, anticipation? Yes, definitely waiting for me then. Norava smiled grimly and stood, tossing a couple credits on the table to pay for her drink.

Approaching the exit, she sent the not-jedi a message through the force, {I know you're here for me. I can feel the tumble of emotions raging around in that head of yours.} Her words sounded like a seductive whisper but felt like sandpaper in his head while she sifted through his fears. Norava stepped through the door and spoke aloud, staring directly at the man, only a few years older than herself. But age meant nothing. "So what is it that you are looking for?" She tilted her head, her hood still obscuring most of her face, "Running from the jedi, all alone, and waiting for a sith." She gave a low chuckle.

Mentioned: Scavenger Scavenger animegirl20 animegirl20 ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Interacting with Nothingness Nothingness
It called to me, compelling me to hitch a ride on a freighter to this place and now I can't hone in on it. Stupid Matukai never taking time to learn sensory abilities. But he didn't need sensory abilities to feel the tensions filling the cantina as things seemed to get stranger and stranger with a few suspicious arrivals. The matukai hogged a booth all to himself and his two wan shen. He was pretty conspicuous but in an easily overlooked section so it worked out. Oberyn began to get a chilly feeling, even with their below average sensory abilities he knew the dark side when he felt it. It seemed he had taken too long trying to hone in on the power and he believed they have come to steal it right from under his nose. The power that can help him transcend the Matukai Order, shall not be so easily forfeited. Oberyn collected his wan shen and fled his booth, he elected to leave out the back exit as surreptitiously as possible but it's not like he knows how to suppress his force presence.
Spippey stepped out of his ship, taking in the fresh air of the planet that he'd landed on. Okay, so maybe it wasn't fresh to most people but when you were born and raised on Hutta, your perception of the cleanliness of planets was drastically different. The bounty hunter looked around the planet, looking for his target. He didn't really have a whole lot to go on. Just to remind himself, the cyborg twitched his eyes and brought up the heads up Display that had been installed. The rumors that he had heard and tracked to his planet began scrolling through his vision. There is a ship said to be heading out on a grand adventure. The details of what exactly they are looking for are unknown but it is generally accepted from all those who've heard the rumor that untold wealth and fame await.

The bounty hunter grinned at the thought of all the credits he could make. Growing up on Hutta had been rough but there was one thing he'd learned there that got him through most of his life. Credits are all that matters. Ever since Spippey could remember he'd been only concerned with credits. He did odd jobs for all the huttas and most often got screwed out of money. Soon enough he was the one screwing other people over. What had started off as odd jobs eventually moved to being a Bounty hunter, only because that was where the money lied. The man's moral compass didn't really come into it. As far as he concerned if you crossed someone badly enough to warrant an assassination, you probably deserved to die. The assassination life wasn't really the one he would choose if he had an option. In an ideal world if everything made the same amount of money he'd probably start a restaurant on some rural planet. Truth was, if the price was right he'd do just about anything.

With his mind back on the task at hand, Spippey decided to start at the cantina. If anyone knew anything about his target, they'd be there most likely. With a few more flicks of his eyes, a map of the planet had been downloaded and a arrow began directing him where to go. A few people cast glances in his direction. He knew enough about back alley places such as this to know that they were sizing him up. Seeing if he would be an easy hit. Spippey's response was subtle, moving his arms so that his dual blasters on either side of his hips were easily visible. The map in his vision was constantly updating with possible escape routes just in case. Once he was finally at the cantina, the map and gps arrow disappeared. What came up next was a list of information that the mercenary had acquired about the pilot of the ship. The list was pitifully short, all he really knew was that the pilot was a female and a Twi'lek. Well that certainly narrowed it down but not by much.

There were a few people standing outside of the cantina in the man's way. He pushed his way past them, not even offering a word of apology. Both the people he shoved past had been hooded which itself seemed silly to Spippey. When finally in the cantina the bounty hunter began asking anyone who would listen about information pertaining to the ship.

Shoved : MermaidShireen MermaidShireen , Nothingness Nothingness
Zetra groaned softly at the sound of her mechanic complaining in her ear. "I did, you just were to busy to listen. You do good work but that should l teach you to get out of that engine room from time to time." She said with a cheeky smile. "I told why we are here didnt I? I had a call for a potential smuggling job here. Standard weapon smuggling from one of the underground testing labs i suspect."

She entered the cantina and looked around, taking in the much loved musky smell and warmth of what was esentially her second home. She walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. "Why dont you come here and have a drink? Ship repairs can wait." She asked Lexa through her com. "Learn a little about the busness in the process." She still retained the bad feeling she had as she walked but this time it was worse like the danger was right here. She tried to ignore it but it still knawed at her.
"Should have spoken louder then" Lexa muttered under her breath, at Zetra's proposal an exasperated look took over her face "Oh no, we are not having this discussion again, You know that I dislike planets on the best day and you want me to come onto a MOON, plus I have a bad feeling about this port so I am not leaving the ship unattended.". Lexa picked up the communicator and walked back over to the service hatch a slight smirk growing on her face, this wasn't a new argument. "Since you have decided that we need to be planetside and get a new cargo you might want to see if you can find some new crew. After that last bounty hunter left its basically just you and me left and need I remind you that I can't fix holes and man turrets at the same time.". Climbing back down Lexa tapped on her left wrist bringing up a small display before lowering the ships gravity. Jumping off the ladder she grabbed onto a pipe swinging around it so that she was hanging upside down where she was before. Magnetising the communicator to the pipe next to her she reached out with her tools and began to put the pump back together so that it could go back into operation, a concerned look flitted across her face when she felt a dark and light side presence meeting each other " Stay safe Zet" she murmured mostly to herself.

Interacting with: ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Finally making it to the port the first thing she did was find a place to eat. "Good thing they let me have the pay from the last bounty. "This should last me a good bit." She happened to spot a place and quickly started to make her way towards it but stopped when she felt something. "....." She turned to the place next to the restaurant which happen to be a cantina. She slowly walked closer but stopped. She noticed that it was dark energy and right there she spotted to hooded figures. "Sith?" She mumbled to herself. Part of her debated if she should walk closer. She guessed which one was the Sith but who was that person next to her? She stood there debating what to do. At that moment she noticed another person push past the two not even bothering to apologize.
Lurker Lurker - mentions
MermaidShireen MermaidShireen - watching
Nothingness Nothingness - watching
Zetra grimaced at Lexa's decline of he offer. She like her mechanic a lot despite their occasional pickering and the banter between them, she wanted to bomd with her further. Still thought she knew full well an attachment one could have for a ship but to lock one away in a ship and not walk on dry land was strange. She wondered where that compulsion to stay came from. "Well at least see what you can do about our unclaimed cargo. Maybe the droid could be useful." She said back to Lexa finally. "Offer to come her for a drink still stands."
Scavenger Scavenger
She waited for a while for he contact, drinking a couple of the local alcohol. She began to frown figuring the trip here was a dud. "She cursed softly running her hand through her tentacle hair before looking around for an other opportunity. She heard of a man looking for transport and waived him over."are in need of a ship."
Lurker Lurker
Lexa heard as Zetera put her communicator away and sighed loudly before muttering to herself in a not half bad imitation of Zetera "Yea, just go have a look at the brutal looking droid Lexa, You'll be fine, despite being the only person on the ship". As she spoke Lexa just finished the casing back onto the, now repaired, fuel pump, opening a few valves she nodded in satisfaction as the pump hummed back into life showing none of the instability that it had shown earlier, pulling herself out of the hatch she rolled the metal rod over to the other side of her mouth while throwing the slightly scattered tools into the tool box. Grabbing her jacket and the toolbox she walked out of the compartment not bothering to seal up the service hatch behind her, it wasn't like anyone else really came down to the engineering decks.

After a bit of walking and down a ladder she arrived in the main cargo hold at the moment it was sparsely packed with only a few crates here and there, heading over the the corner Lexa arrived at the Droid that Zetera had mentioned. The droid was made of a black metal and was structured into what was obviously armour plating, a sword was at its side, they had tried to remove it but it was locked into the sheath, The face plate and head unit was odd but seemed styled after the metal armour that the warriors of more primitive cultures often wore. Placing the toolbox and chucking her jacket over the nearest crate Lexa moved behind the droid and tapped into a small amount of the force, small enough to likely avoid detection but limited at the same time by her use of force camoflage. She felt her hands move instinctively slowly going over and identifying core systems like the main processor, personality unit and memory unit. Eventually she found what she was looking for and grabbed a bundle of wires before clamping a metal ring around them, the ring was obviously not standard with wires poking out and small bits of tape visible holding it together, the ring would suppress all signals going from to the main motors, she had couldn't tell if it had secondary systems but she hoped that they might be slower and help her get out of the way quicker if it was immediatly hostile, she also fitted an inactive restraining bolt too it's chest plate. Satisfied that she might now be able to get away she prepared to send a small spark to restart the power core, it wouldn't last long but enough time to judge its hostility, she reached in before hesitating then with a shake of her head she connected an extra power cell to its power core "Lets see what you got then".

Mentioned: ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Interacting with: Midnight Paragon Midnight Paragon
Azur Xenuek

Standing right outside of the cantina the entire time he had awaited for the female Sith to come out, Azur had made sure to take a glimpse of his surroundings just to be sure that if combat were to break out; there wouldn't be too many lives in the mix that would be caught. Without so much as a warning, when the sudden sounds of a female voice echoed through his head; Azur remained calm just to turn his head over his shoulders towards the direction of the cantina entrance, it was the Sith. Listening to her words, normally enough with younger Jedi or those who weren't as strong in the force; he could easily tell her voice would harm them severely, she was indeed powerful; luckily though, thanks to his own heritage of being a Miraluka and his life practically being dedicated to the force as his living to see, this was quite easy to manage through. {Sith, I have not come here to bring you trouble...I must simply speak with you..} Returning the message through the force.

Once the woman had finally exited the cantina just to approach him and speak out fully; he focused his attention fully onto her. From where he stood, the woman's body radiated off the clear sign that she was indeed Sith due to the deep red aura that surrounded her body from head to toe in his own eyes. As she stated her question, it was quite the shocked that she also knew that Azur was attempting to escape from the Jedi as well; at least this made things a little easier to speak and less for him to explain. "Sith, so you know that I run from the Jedi...All I ask of you is that, I would like to join you on whatever you are doing. I do not ask that you help support me in food or water or even a bed. All I ask is that I may join you on your travels upon your ship, if you require assistance in combat I will do so...although I am exiled from the Order...yes, I was Jedi, but no longer...I will not kill innocents for whatever your mission maybe." Explaining his situation as fully as he could to the female Sith before him, right after completing his words; without so much as a sudden warning, someone had ended up bumping into both of the fully hooded figures as Azur immediately directed his gaze towards the stranger who had done so without a word. Watching as it was a male who entered the cantina, for the time being; he only ignored it since it was of no real concern to the ex-Jedi.

Mentions: Lurker Lurker
Interacting: MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
As the spark of electricity spread itself into the body of the metal husk, immediately, the head of the droid shot up. For a few moments it stared straight ahead, until bright red lights from within the helmet activated, piercing through the tiny holes where the front of the helmet was, casting an eerie crimson glow throughout the semi lit cargo deck. A few beeps could be heard from the machine, and it turned it's head slowly, examining the place and passing over Lexa without pause. Then it stopped and looked down at it's chest, where the restraining bolt was latched onto. With seemingly little effort, the machine moved it's onyx arms upward with surprising speed and ripped the small bolt off, crushing it in its metallic hands and letting it drop to the floor. It's head swiveled to Lexa, and it began to take slow, menacing steps towards her, until it was right in front of her, staring down at her with bright red lights. After a few moments, the lights in the helmet dimmed, and it took a step back.
"My apologies if I frightened you. I am D3-AD M-3A-T, combat assault droid. You may call me D3. How may I be of service to you today?"
It spoke in a deep metallic rumble, but as it continued on it gave Lexa a curt bow, then stood up straight with its hands behind it's back.

Scavenger Scavenger
Norava's eyes followed the male figure that had so obviously not cared about whom or what he ran into, and took a mental note to make him truly regret his decision later, but for now she satisfied herself by sending the feeling of claws lightly clamping into his mind, just enough to give him pause and really think on his foolishness. Refocusing her attention on the ex-jedi in front of her, she listened to his request. He wished to travel with me? Fight with me? He intends to not kill 'innocence,' but thats what we all said.

She offered an ominous smile, "There is no innocence. It is naive of you to think otherwise." Then, with methodical slowness, Norava tilted her head back to allow her hood to slip from her head, revealing her long, red, tattooed, lekku and the burning orange eyes of the sith. Those same eyes that were now leveled at the man, cold calculation and a promise of violence the only thing behind them.
"What makes you think that your company would be of any worth to me?" She kept her voice silky and quiet, "What makes you think you are worth more than picking up a simple bounty hunter that will shoot when I order him to?" Norava turned her back on him, her cloak hiding the fact she brought her lightsaber to her hand, and wished he would take the bait.

Words mean nothing. Action will prove his worth.

Confronting: Nothingness Nothingness
Mentioned: Lurker Lurker
Azur Xenuek

Keeping his gaze fully focused upon the female Sith who stood before him, even once the woman had spoken once again about calling him naïve; he only returned her response with nothing more than continued silence until she had fully finished her speaking about how he'd be any worth to join her. Even once she had revealed her face by removing her hood of her cloak; Azur had kept his face hidden from all sight, it wasn't like he needed the sunlight to help him see anyway. 'So, she wishes to test my strength hm? How predictable for a Sith...' With those thoughts roaming through his head, even if he couldn't fully see her grip a hold of her own lightsaber underneath her cloak; he would reach for one of his own that had been holstered against his belt. Just as he had predicted about his planning of checking the surroundings for other people that might be caught into this battle, Azur made sure to plan ahead not to use his second lightsaber for this battle in case a single slip-up could cause the death of an unneeded person.
"Ah, so the Sith...do know how to think about their choices as well aside from just simply denying hm? Well, with my understanding of the Jedi; if your travels might bring you to Republic space for whatever reason, I can help you get into nearly anywhere with my title. The Republic do not know of my exile, only the Order does at the moment; now as for combat, if you wish to test me...come at me then." With his explanation to how he could be any assistance to the female Sith, the ex-Jedi could only stand there and await for the slightest movement she would make in case she were to attack him.

Interacting: MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
Spippey's search was quickly turning up no results. The only rumors he heard were ones that he'd already heard before. When he was questioning one person however, a warning signal came up on his HuD. The man cursed quietly, dismissing himself quickly from the table before he began to feel the effects of the force. The implants in his brain served to warn him when the force was being used against him. Knowing you were being manipulated was half the battle against force users. It was harder to be tricked if you knew they were trying. Even so, he could still feel the force squeezing his brain like a snake.

If there was anything the bounty hunter hated more than losing money, it was force users. They all rubbed him the wrong way, acting like they were better than those that didn't share the gift. Spippey glanced around at who could be using the force to get their point across but it seemed they just wished for their presence to be known. If he were in any actual danger he'd have to find the person and start shooting so they'd lose their concentration.

A voice brought him back to reality and he flicked an eye to dismiss the warning. The Nautolan that had talked to him was female, and was asking him if he needed a ship. This was the closest thing to a needle he'd found in this haystack of a cantina, so he rolled with it. He let an easy, charismatic grin come to his face as he spoke to the other. "I am, actually. I hear there's a ship bound for the outer rim. I want in on that deal. You know anything about that?"

Mentioned : MermaidShireen MermaidShireen
Talked to : ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Norava looked over her shoulder, just enough to look and him, and tilted her head just the slightest. [You think all I care about is your strength?] she hissed in his mind, sending him feelings of dread. [You have no idea who you just asked to join] She turned to face in once more, [I'm your nightmare] and unleashed the full power of the dark side.

No one other than other force users would know what she was even doing, and only she and the man would see his nightmare brought to life. Shadows blocked out the sun and left them in total darkness, not a sound could be hear until a faint roaring of a crowd sparked into life. At first it was distant, then, they were there. The heat in the arena on Nal Hutta washed over the two still figures, bringing with it the stench of the marches and bogs with it. the inhabitance of the arena came into focus and there, bleeding and fighting for their lives, was the family that Azur had cared so deeply for, and had lost so long ago. Great beasts circled the four people, snarling and roaring viciously, herding their prey into the corner. A Nexu pounced and ripped out the throat of the sister, flinging her body away from the others so the man could watch his sister bleed out with nothing obstructing his view while his brother screamed at him, begging for him to save them.

In the vision, Azur couldn't move, and Norava moved closer to him, caressing his hair and whispering, "listen to their screams, Azur." His mother screamed his brother's name, weeping when he two, was torn apart. "You couldn't save them..." Norava whispered again, "you couldn't save any of them."

Nothingness Nothingness
(everyone else probably felt her lash out with the force too, so if anyone wants to check that out. Don't stop the fight, but observing is good)
Lexa quickly backpedalled as the droid ripped off the restraining bolt and began advancing towards her secondary motors obviously taking up the strain of movement in their stride. At the droid stepped back and introduced itself Lexa relaxed somewhat and a small grin crept onto her face "Well first lets have a little bit more space between us" as she said this she climbed onto a crate behind her. Now that she wasn't being pressed into a corner by the scary assault droid she took another look at it and decided that it was quite beutiful in a military way with the red lights glancing and reflecting off the body. "What is your skill set and current program loadout" she spoke up but it is still possible to hear the slight wavering of fear in her voice, Internally she was finishing her assessment of the new unit and dicided that combat assault droid was an apt title the movement wasn't as smooth as some of the assassin droids she had seen and neither was the body. Almost as an after thought she added to the end of her last question head quirked to the side and fear gone in the face of this new puzzle " Who is your manufacturer and when were you brought online."

Interacting with: Midnight Paragon Midnight Paragon
Azur Xenuek

Awaiting for a reaction in case the female Sith would decide to attack the ex-Jedi, without so much as a warning just as with the man who had bumped into him earlier; this time Azur's entire surroundings became pitch black for all of a few moments; it took little time after the shock had set in and taken it's affect that Azur had easily well figured out that he had let his guard down to fall into a mind trick that was putting him through illusions. Normally enough, simple illusions of monsters or things that would normally cause an ordinary knight or padowan to be terrified wouldn't have any affect on Azur; however this one was much different, appearing before a massive arena and eventually even having his entire family start to materialize before him in the center while they were surrounded by beasts of the arena. "No...not this..." Whispering his words to himself as he began to witness the death of his family before his own eyes even if he had already been told the gruesome details when he visited the Hutts during his time in the Order. Seeing as their innards were spilled across the ground and all that could be heard throughout the arena were cheers of all sorts of different alien species asking for more bloodshed, this sight only bringing back more memories of why he left the Order and how he practically murdered the Hutts that had done this to his kin.

Soon enough, as the female Sith approached him in the middle of his terrified sight, even if she had touched his hair that was underneath his hood; his cloak kept his face hidden enough to make sure that he wouldn't be revealed of what he was. The last thing he wanted too many people to find out was the fact that he was the last of very few Miraluka who were actually left still around, listening to her words; the terror and anger that built up deep down inside him for the Hutts only grew with each passing second as he began to build up his own force energy within himself until he would be ready to allow it explode out all at once into a full repulse. "Silence...You don't know...anything about me." With those few words, the once silent and normally passive ex-Jedi began to tighten his grip around his lightsaber as much as he possibly could; all the while attempting not to lose himself and end up exploding a massive wave of his force energy in the area, risking the possibility of harming multiple people in the area. "What...are you trying to accomplish by...showing me this...? You're in for a rude awakening if you continue this...there is a reason why I was exiled.." This time, as Azur spoke, he only lifted his head through the terror and restrain of the trick upon his mind to fully face the female Sith and show his own cloth that he had around his eyes.

Interacting: MermaidShireen MermaidShireen

The door watched her move up the crate without moving, keeping it's arms behind it's back. It took into account all possible ways to kill this woman if neccesary, as per usual, but the droid did not detect any ill will from this persons actions; mainly fear and curiosity, as most sentients exhibited when first meeting it. The droid stood up straighter when asked asked of his skills, in a proud manner.
"This unit is situated for any ground assault or solo reconnassiance mission available. This unit is proficient in hand to hand and melee combat. This unit is proud to report of all combat scenarios participated in, only one known account of defeat is known."
It watched her with its sensors fixed upon her face, and felt a pang of amusement as her faced turned from panic to curiosity. When she asked it of its manufacturer, it paused for a few seconds.
"Error. Data is restricted. Please contact Adminstrator for assistance."

Scavenger Scavenger
"What...are you trying to accomplish by...showing me this...? You're in for a rude awakening if you continue this...there is a reason why I was exiled.." With every passing moment in the nightmare, she could feel his control slipping, the darkside fueled by his emotion. Norava narrowed her eyes, pushing harder with the force. That's what she wanted to see. She wanted to see what he could do when he lost control and lashed out with full intent. The moment he lost it, he would prove himself to be a worth companion, and possible apprentice.

"Then show me!" She snarled, making the very air scream with the voices of his family.

Nothingness Nothingness

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