Star Wars [Inactive]

"I feel like he's not gonna just give up!" The ship constantly sent blast after blast. "We should look for am asteroid field! Maybe we can hide there!"
"Working on it!" Ayalla yelled. Why was it so hard to reach the darn switch? Was she really that short? She grumbled under her breath and reached as far as she could, and the power was back on. Then, she sprinted back to the cockpit and took the controls. She dodged the incoming blasts and realized she wouldn't be able to get the hyperdrive ready without sitting there and taking serious damage, so she did what Freed suggested. The plus side of having a small ship was its maneuverability, and luckily there were plenty of asteroid fields close by. She veered off her course to get into one as quickly as possible.
"What?" Ayalla asked, unable to translate his broken sentences. She swerved through the field, looking behind her often to find that other ship still on her tail. "I'm going to have to pull some stunts, kid, get in the co-pilot's seat before you fly out of the window and get us both killed."
Finally gaining footing, he ran to the co-pilots chair before she could pull another stunt and send him out of the ships window. "Is your life always like this?" He said to her.
Ayalla smiled. "Kid, you haven't even seen the half of it." She glanced at him and when his straps were secure, she pulled out her bag of tricks. She ducked and looped with little effort, spun around rocks dangerously close to their surface, and went through patches of the asteroids that not many other people would dare try to squeeze through. When all of that was done and she was sure they had lost the enemy ship, she continued to move through the belt, although with a little less finesse. She searched for an Asteroid with a possible crack in it that would make for easy hiding.
Ayalla chuckled at Freed's reaction. "For now, maybe." She put up the detection shields to eliminate the chance of being found by radar and then powered down the ship.

"We'll have to stay here and let the enemy ship pass before we sneak out behind them."
Smichal shivered. He didn't know what just happened. Last thing he remembered was sneaking aboard some fancy-looking star ship to hide from the temperature of the outside world. He must have fallen asleep (heaven forbid), but for how long? A whole day? Or maybe just a few hours? Minutes, even? Then, before he knew what was happening, he'd been woken up with a start and heard blaster fire. Had they found him!? Were the authorities closing in on him after hiding aboard some person's ship?! He started to hide, but suddenly they were twisting and turning all over the place, and he almost vomited all over the small space.. Suddenly, it stopped, and he took deep breaths. Where in the world was he now? What happened? Was he safe? Who was driving this thing anyway? Having no better options, he decided to sneak out from his hiding spot and investigate for himself, hesitantly and quietly, trying to to put too much pressure on his bad leg.
Ayalla stretched with a sigh before she stood and walked over to a small metal box built into the side of the ship. She opened it and pulled out a drink (yes, with alcohol) and took a swig. She thought about offering Freed some, but she figured that - being an all-perfect Jedi and all - he wouldn't be interested. So she closed the bottle and put it back in the ice box.

"I'm going to see what those nerf herders did to my ship," she informed Freed. Now would be the time she wished she had a droid to point out the damage, but she supposed she couldn't be too picky. She was alive, after all, and her ship was still well enough to fly. She began to whistle some tune she remembered from childhood as she moved to the back of her ship to check out the damage.
The boy heard footsteps nearing, and scrambled to find a hiding place where he could examine the stranger. He positioned himself behind a random crate and waited silently for them to approach.
Freed sensed another presence on the ship. "I'll go check something too." Getting out of the seat, he searched for the other life form. "Hello!?" He called.
When he heard a voice, he knew he was trapped. So they knew he was here...but they didn't know where. Right?! He scrambled back towards the first room, trying to crawl, and then positioned himself on the other side of the door, behind a stack of who-knows-what in an attempt to hide. Oh gosh. He felt himself breathing heavily. Whoever these people were, they just couldn't send him back! They just couldn't!
The boy cringed and backed away as quickly as his dumb leg would allow. He didn't dare speak. Maybe they wouldn't send him back. Maybe they would let him stay. He froze and watched the man carefully.

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